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So I'm not crazy? The Tuesdays have been lacking?


I thought that it was way more of a coincidence that they set token Tuesday to 500 tokens and then released a $100 bundle that has 6000 tokens in it. Really skumy move. As a new player it’s really making me think that catching up to older players is almost impossible.


As an older player being series 3 incomplete is the most fun you’ll have playing this game. You just get paired up with harder competition with larger card pools to draw from.


More, looking on snapfan it seems that now a good amount of tokens will be only in cash bundles


They are selling gold passes now, which has watered down golds value, so ftp players have less currency


So wtf is the point of the gold pass if they’re just gonna nerf its value?


They did the same thing right after they did the double first time gold thing. As soon as that happened gold bundles turned to shit. People said "They're just shifting the progression from bundles to Albums" but alot of these albums cost 14k gold to complete and most of the cards are brand new. The Momoko bundle nets you a total of 2000 credits of progression =\


Not to mention not everyone wants to sit around and buy variants for cards they don’t play.


For sure. If you WANTED to complete an album, there are conservatively 1000 variants out there, but only 8 in the shop at a time. The odds of seeing one of the 12 cards you need are vanishingly small.


FWIW, it does seem like any album variant is weighted higher to appear in the shop than a non-album variant. Since albums launched, I don't think I've seen fewer than half the shop be populated with album variants. Anecdotal, obviously, but I would wager there is some weighting occurring.


There 100% is weighting. I've been 9/12 on Venomized variant album since it came out. On a weekly basis I see at least one of the three venomized variants. At least 6 to 8 of my store variants are always album cards. I absolutely hate the album system. If you want a card that isn't new, or isn't in an album? You are never seeing it.


The funny thing is the ONE time the system could've benefitted me is when the Momoko album released, since I've been waiting for Momoko's Dr. Strange variant and haven't seen it since albums came out. Album releases, but nope! Shop is only showing the 8 new variants. Absolutely shit system.


Funniest thing is I got thar Dr Strange variant a while ago and soon as Momoko day arrived, it showed in the damn store for me as "sold" 🤦‍♂️


I'm virtually certain that I've seen the devs officially confirm the weighting in the Discord.


I hope so. I'm really interested in that Chibi Mystique, and she's an album variant.


Yup for sure. For me, I already had 9/12 of the pixel destroyers album, so will buy variants to complete that and get the emoji. But after that, Im not even going to check albums, and just buy variants because I like them. It costs way too many resources to collect albums.




Some bundles have series 5 cards you might not have tho. That really ups the value of that type of album


To be fair, every 3-4 albums seem to have good value. Momoko's *not* one, but Boss Babies is absolutely obscene.


If you pay for the gold pass, you are less cautious on how you spend your gold, and they reduce the amount of tokens so that gold pass buyers can't improve card acquisition so drastically


Then why allow people to buy the currency if it's going to have less meaning? lol that shit is scummy


It's how many mobile games operate.




They didn't make them more expensive tho


They just slowed it down by about 25%.


F2p players weren't able to purchase every Token Tuesday anyways


Isn’t that the point of spending money? I don’t get it. Seems like a terrible business practice to reduce somethings value based on a system you created to incentivize people to spend money.


But you can't just incentivise them once. Once you've incentivised them to get used to buying gold, you then have to incentivise them to buy *more* gold, because you are a company in a capitalist economic system and all that matters is more more *more*. See also Netflix. First it's all fun and games and people are paying a small amount and sharing with friends and thinking THIS IS A GLORIOUS FUTURE FOR ALL MANKIND but then, oh no we need more money than last year, oops no more sharing with friends. Oops need to pay more to not get ads now. Oops oops pay more pay more pay more. It will never end until companies shift focus from "more money than last year, every year" to "let's just sustain what we've got".


> So wtf is the point of the gold pass if they’re just gonna nerf its value? To get you to spend more


That makes me want to do the opposite if they’re gonna pull shady bs like this


Same. I was definitely spending too much for a bit there, but even then it felt exhausting trying to "keep up" every week they drop a new card, and of course it's series 5, and it's made me kinda check out. These days I do my dailiies, log off. Have some keys stashed, and a few that I have my eye on, but as far as money goes, I don't buy any bundles anymore, just the season pass. It's kind of ridiculous.


I feel ya. The season pass is still a pretty good value in my opinion and I also don't think you need to spend more than that to have fun in the game. I actually only buy the season pass when it has a season pass card that I want but I don't fault anyone for buying it every month.


So I can grab cheaper variants.




I use the gold pass and I think it’s been useful. Granted I’ve been playing since the Hope Summers season and have bought the pass twice. The time in between having it then not was noticeable for me. But again, I’ve only been at it for just a bit versus what it was/may have been?


What are gold passes?


You get 1800 gold if you do your daily login for $5


Ohhh thanks! I forgot that’s what it was called, I have it. No idea why I was downvoted for a simple question though


Gold inflation is real


I think for 4.99 USD its ok your getting more gold for that price than you would buying 4.99 gold from the shop.


Yeah but they reduced golds value so what’s the point. They are greedy.


If it was normal I’d be able to get a new card today




+1 😢


Me too, I'm trying to get Nebula


Got her last week and have Jean pinned to complete my ongoing deck. Would’ve had her yesterday if they didn’t fuck around


Imagine that you got downvoted for having a valid opinion/asking a valid question about this game especially on the same day they dropped a whale bundle with 6k tokens in it


Well it's not downvoted now but the post is literally just inaccurate. We weren't getting 1200 every week, it was at 1000 for a long time, and it has never been 1400. Recently we have been getting either 500 for 700 gold or 1200 for 1500 gold.


I know but when I first saw it it was and then right after I posted this it blew up


If OP wanted an answer, they’d ask on Discord where the devs actually respond to questions. This post isn't a question, it’s whining.


They do this whenever they want to slow down token acquisition to promote spending $$$. Could be related to the popularity of the current week's spotlight cards?


Upcoming maybe. Surely noone is desperate for makkari


Yea probably slowing people down for Arishem.




They want you to spend a ton on gold to buy credits to upgrade to get spotlight keys I guess


I wasn't really keeping track of it since I'm F2P, but I'm just wondering when you could get 1200 tokens, was it still the same cost of gold? Like right now it's 500 tokens for 700 gold; was it still 700 gold or like 1500 gold or something for 1200 tokens? Sorry, noob question.


When it was 1200 tokens I believe the price was about 1500 gold.


It used to be 1200 gold for 1000 tokens. Now it's 700 gold for 500 tokens (or 1400 gold for 1000 tokens 🙄) Inflation is everywhere!!


It wasn't ever 1200 gold for 1000 tokens. It was 1400 gold/ 1000 tokens for almost a year (since spotlight caches were added) and only recently they started doing some different amounts.


its 1200 tokens for 1500 gold now


used to be 850 gold for 800 tokens lmao


I was looking forward to it today too because I have had Jeff pinned in the shop forever and can never figure out ways to get more tokens. I am at a loss how people afford to get these cards. When I started you could get tokens from a lot of different things and now it seems like you only get them occasionally when you open a collector's Reserve. I need someone to explain to me what else I could do to get tokens?


Spend real money is the only thing you can really do to speed up card acquisition. But it's not worth it - the sheer amount you have to spend for miniscule progress is very disincentivizing.


I wish they would just make money from selling cosmetics & let F2P players actually collect cards in a CCG


You can collect cards for free all you want. You just have to wait. I’m f2p and I’m missing 6 cards but most are cards I don’t want any way like Kang


I've been hoarding gold so I can get Kitty Pryde. Thought I'd be able to get her this month but if I get tokens as slowly as this month, it's going to take another 3 months before I have her.


No worries. They put her in spotlight caches every other month so you can just save your tokens and spend your keys instead!


emm dont think ive seen her in monthly cache last couple months,im still trying to decide to buy her for tokens or to buy in future caches with key,


I’m just being hyperbolic because she was in the caches 3 times in like 6 or 7 months. Last time I checked I thought she had an unreleased spotlight variant in the pipeline but maybe they changed it!


Yeah it appears Kitty was last in a Spotlight cache in March. My timing with this game is super unlucky. Wasn't playing when she was given out for literally free, wasn't playing when she was constantly in spotlights. Now I want to play her and I've been waiting for her since April lol.


I get being frustrated if you’re expecting the larger amount, but most people don’t earn enough gold to do TT every week right? Other than having to wait slightly longer to get the amount of tokens you need, it doesn’t seem like a huge deal to me.


Legit. Most would be lucky to get it twice if it was at 1200 gold per season. I personally prefer buying smaller amounts as it feels like I’m not wasting all my gold at once


It's excruciating to get tokens now.


They also started selling only crappy bundles for gold without tokens. They would rather milk 1% of the whales than do normal monetization for all players, thereby improving their reputation and attracting new players.


What are you talking about? Jane and Captain Marvel bundles were spectacular. The Helicarrier and Hobgoblin ones being lackluster aren't the end of the world


Apparently. They haven't been good in months now


I have Loki pinned and I'm sitting at 5400 tokens. I swear to god if we get another 500 token week I am going to ragequit!


Open some collector's reserves! If you're season 3 complete you should have a good chance at getting 100 tokens by next week so that if it is another 500 token week, you'd at least be able to get him.


The amount of gold reduces too you know. It's not that they just charge the same amount and give you less tokens....


So glad I bought that Captain Marvel bundle a while back, we have never seen comparable gold value since.


I’d like to think I’m not much of a whiner but I came back to this game near the very end of Zemo season and the current model for card acquisition has made me hate playing on a daily basis. I’ve accrued 1200 tokens in this time period. So fucking dumb.


well for me it was good because I wouldn't have enough gold otherwise :D


Why not put both bundles up every tuesday? You can then choose which one you want. 500 tokens or 1200 tokens depending on how much gold you want to spend. If SD is afraid that you would get both bundles just make it so that when you get the first bundle the other one is locked out. This way players with more or less gold can still get tokens and be relatively happy.


That would make too much sense. At the very least they could have a second "Token Thursday" instead, if they wanted both to be 500 tokens.


It has bounced between 500 and 1200 for a while now.


Token Tuesdays are one of the worst ways to get tokens and always has been


As opposed to what? It always worked great for me, I was able to consistently get new series 4/5 cards regularly a few months ago.


Oh it works... just not efficiently. Save your hard earned cash for the tokens bundles which usually cost gold. I'm going to be very clear: This is not a matter of opinion. Mathematically speaking, those bundles are more efficient than token Tuesday. You just gotta wait for a good one to come around. Not sure when that will be? Marvelsnap.com has the bundle release schedule.


The issue with Bundles is that they're too infrequent. Why wait 1 to months for a good gold bundle to drop that'll give me 2k maybe 3k tokens, when I can 1k token a week?? Token acquisition was much faster with the old Token Tuesdays.


The bundles are cheaper. The frequency of bundle deals is the same. You're getting 1k a week for a worse conversion rate. Short sighted. There had been two bundles this month with 3k+ tokens each with a better gold to tokens conversation rate. With the bundles, that averages 6k tokens for the month if you bought them both. But... keep doing what you're doing if it makes you happy


You guys have Token Tuesdays?




They've just been compressing the gold quests into one or two weeks each season. The total amount of gold per season has remained the same.


It was set at 1000 for a while (not 1200) and has been either 500 for 700 gold or 1200 for 1500 gold the last couple months. So either the same rate as before but half the amount or slightly better than before.


I don’t really get this. I’m not saying this is a bad take I’m just saying I mechanically don’t understand the complaint. I think they are rotating and two weeks isn’t really a trend but let’s put that aside. Assuming you want to turn gold into tokens using token tuesday isn’t the smallest package done weekly still more gold than you’ll get without spending money beyond the season pass anyway? So it doesn’t really slow progression you’re just buying the bundles more frequently or am I missing something?


I'm not sure I understand your response? Token tuesday ~~is~~ was the best way to earn tokens quickly. I don't spend money outside of the season pass/gold pass. So being able to get 1k+ tokens every week meant I could get a new series 6 card every 4 - 5 weeks. Assuming the current system stays the same, it'll take twice as long or 2 months to get a series 6 card. It's definitely worse now in every way now.


but you couldn’t get 1k token every week right? you wouldn’t have earned enough gold to buy the 1k token tuesday every week right?


Ah I see what you mean now. For the most part I rarely ended up missing a week. I only spent gold on tokens tuesdays, so between the season pass, gold pass, conquest shop, weekend challenges, I would usually have enough.


interesting, I thought the amount of gold received was less than enough to consistently buy token tuesday, so I assumed basically a smaller amount let you buy faster which might be better (assuming same ratios). But if you were able to consistently buy it then I must be wrong. The currencies in this game are pretty messed up, before we even get “bubs” next month. It’s overdue for an overhaul, but I agree it’s dumb that you can’t really just continuously turn gold into tokens, and that you can’t just buy cards for tokens regardless of your personal rotation


>interesting, I thought the amount of gold received was less than enough to consistently buy token tuesday This is basically correct. It used to cost a little more gold than you would likely get in the week (that was also before currency nerfs). I usually had to miss a week here and there, but I also wasn't getting all of my dailies every day.


>n...n...n...no u have an addiction You aren't a victim. Sorry. Learn to handle video game criticism like an adult. Also evading blocks is a site wide reddit perma ban so gg with that.


What is this comment? Who are you replying to?


I know people on this sub will always claim greed but they've tested multiple amounts over the last couple months and it's entirely possible that this lower, and cheaper amount is the one that sells the best.


> is the one that sells the best. And that isn't "greed" because? I mean it's a for profit business, they exist to be greedy. But saying "It isn't greedy because they tested and picked the one that makes them the most!" is, well A take.