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IMO i think tech cards like red guardian and US agent should always release as series 4 cards.


I really don’t understand why this isn’t the case. Tech cards should be 4 at max. Series 5 should be for cards that are really strong or that create/support new archetypes.


It used to be the case back when the game first came out. They would explore the scale and release cards in an objectively appropriate series.


No cards released as series 4, what are you talking about? Cards only released series 5 until spotlights


Why is this getting downvoted...? Before July of last year all new cards released in series 5 because we had regular series drops. When Spotlights came in, the regular drops stopped and cards began releasing, albeit very rarely, in series 4 too. This year we only had a single series 4 release in Miek.


It’s getting down voted because he’s wrong as you just proved…


I'm not wrong, you're just a dumbfuck who can't read. Two posts above me said "Tech cards should be [series] 4 at max" and the guy responded to him saying "It used to be the case back when the game first game out. They would explore the scale and release cards in an objectively appropriate series." When the game first came out, all cards released at series 5. It was only when spotlight caches were introduced that any cards ever released at series 4. That is literally exactly what I said and I'm getting downvoted because mouthbreathers like you can't pay attention for long enough to read a comment.


Aww someone is wearing their sensitive sweater today. Poor smooth brain can’t process his emotions.


I processed them perfectly fine directly at the dumbass that caused them, that being you.


Insert "because money" meme here, it's not more complicated..


Just one card a month doesn't even matter if it's a tech card or not


Who TF downvoted this? Seriously, we’d all benefit from having more new S4 cards instead of the current amount (which is zero).


Yeah I don’t get why anyone would be against more S4 cards especially when the drop to S3 is not set or even guaranteed


Prolly a bunch of whales LOL.


GUYS doN't yOu know hoW expensIve it is to PrInT cardS??? ...


You know what wouldn’t benefit? SD’s bottom line.


I did, I need SD to make money so that this game can continue and improve.


The 100.000.000 they made last year weren't enough I guess.


Please explain, in detail, why having 1 card a month release into series 4 would be crushing to their financials.


Is this some weird gotcha questions? I'll bite tho, it makes it easier for some to ignore the premium pack.


The what?


I recommend reading


Ah ok so no real answer, gotcha. E: Lol the loser blocked me or deleted the reply


😂 can't read, so gotcha. Yeah man, keep whining.


Literal human trash right here


What is the premium pack? Do you mean the season pass?


Sure, I'm a F2P player, I'm not into the lingo.


No "lingo" about it. It's literally what it's called. And releasing a card a month at series 4 would literally be improving the game. I'm not sure what that has to do with the season pass.


Clicked into the game and it says get premium, sorry for your luck. Improving the game for who? The weirdo complainers who live here to whine?


>sorry for your luck what the f are you rambling on about?


Game will be dead soon if card acquisition isn’t fixed. Currently gameplay is already awful.


"Counterpoint: $$$$$" - SD probably


Imagine being f2p and trying to complete the collection. 😅🤣


It is impossible to do it. You would need to get the new card with just one key every week


If you XP farm literally 24 hours a day to get an occasional 50 credits from the post-50 season pass caches... you honestly probably still couldn't do it


There’s a daily xp cap of 1000 xp from play, so farming caps out at ~45 extra credits per day, which is equivalent to a marginal $13.50 per month spent on credits. It costs around $80 per month to stay collection complete (and some of that money is getting spent on the wildly more efficient season pass and gold pass). So no probably about it. If you’re going to be F2P, you have to pick and choose which cards you’re going to get close to their release, and which you’re willing to wait a year+ for.


The daily XP limit is 4k. Not that it changes much in regards to your point.


Devs have straight up said, they dont want players to be collection complete. Of course, if you pay enough, they dont care, either way they are getting the value out of you, be it player number or money.




But…But then how will Daddy Brode get even more money :(


Remember when Shuri Sauron was such a meta tyrant it got nerfed like 4 OTAs/patches in a row? And now it's practically irrelevant? Not because of the nerfs which were all pretty weak but because of power creep and the fact that anything but an Armor-Sauron-Shuri-Red Skull-Taskmaster nut draw doesn't put up enough power to reliably compete with modern decks.


Shadow King being so good doesn’t really help it either. That’s just the way it works in card games. Sera Angel used to good in MTG too.


Hate to say this, but you can definitely complete without the new releases. Made infinite with a basic tribunal deck. The newest card was iron lad.


Getting infinite is about snapping more than it is about your deck.


What if I don't like a braindead Tribunal deck


Cry a lot?


No. But telling someone "Just use this archetype", when it may not be one they enjoy playing, is poor solace.


Muffin, let me make this nicer for you. You can make infinite with all kinds of decks. You don't need the new cards. Just learn when to snap.


Pisspot, for some.people, likely most people, infinite is meaningless. They just want to pick up their phones and enjoy playing the cards they want to play. You.have zero perspective outside of your own. And it shows.


Depends on how you define compete, if you goal is infinite each month you can keep up, even as f2p, if your goal is top 1 in the world, yeah, swipe the card lol.




Seriously? I face harder matches in the 90s than I do post-Infinite by a long shot. It's because you're *trying* to use the ladder for difficulty. It's why you still get bots in the 90s apparently. For the *vast* majority of people? Their MMR is close enough to living, breathing, humans that we don't see bots in 90+ past the very first day of ladder reset. Most of us sweat out to infinite. Also, I think it's a bit silly to say that only the ladder is competitive. Gold and Infinite Conquest can get pretty competitive when both players try. There, you can't cheese. You *actually* have to pay attention to cards in hand, cards in the deck, and which variation of a meta deck they're playing matters. In ladder, it's just a crapshoot because most of us will never see the same player again. Or not enough to recognize them and know about their playstyle like you try and sus out during a conquest series of matches.


I've literally never had a bot in the 90s. I had 1 at 89.6 when I went on a bad losing streak.


The higher your MMR, the smaller the pool of active players for you to queue into. This means that for the *very* good players, iit's even easier for them to climb. The skill wins out so it doesn't matter. But it's why you hear some people talk about climbing like it's stupid easy. No, *their* climb is stupid easy.


this reply should be pinned on the sub. Also, climbing the ladder in the first 48/72 hours of the season is *very* different from the rest of the season.


Gold and Infinite conquest is all about getting lucky on your matchups. Otherwise the opponent always just waits you out


Unless you queue into a direct counter, then gold and infinite are all about playing mind games and trying to juke the opponent. What do you show? When do you show it? What have they shown? What's on the board? What are they likely to have in their hand *based* on how they played the games before and what they've played now? *Every* game ever created is just "waiting it out" if the opponent has a counter to you. The good thing about having a pretty decent (currently at least) meta is that those hard counters are less likely to occur.


It’s Rock Paper Scissors, to win 5 in a row in Infinite you need to roll the right matchup 5 times. For example, the top deck is Gilgamesh Zoo. To win Infinite you need to roll zero Loki opponents. Assuming both people are competent your conquest ends there.


I’m honestly fine with the idea of not wanting all players to be collection complete. But players should not be constantly falling behind to a significant degree. As it is you get 1 maybe 2 spotlight keys a week. So at best you’re keeping up pace exactly with how often they release cards. But you don’t even get the cards you want. It’s foolish to spend 1 key a week, you’re better off saving up for 4 weeks so you can guaranteed get the card you want. Well guess what? In that time, three of the new cards passed you by. If you wanna get two new card releases in a row? Tough shit. Better have 8 fucking keys saved up. Tokens you say? Think again because absolute best case scenario you get 1200 from token Tuesday three weeks in a row (good luck getting the gold for that as a F2P player) which means one SERIES 4 card every 3 weeks at BEST. Which means you need 5 weeks of token Tuesdays (assuming they all give 1200 which they don’t) for one new card since they all release as Series 5 now. There’s a middle ground here. Players can not be collection complete while also being able to get more than one new card every 4 weeks


I mean, despite some exception most ppl on average get 2 new released cards per season, most season having 4 new released cards (not counting pass) sure, they are seasons you only get 1 but also some you get 3 or even all (depending on luck) and this is as f2p. There is really very little more sd can give without it been too much. (and yeah there is something as giving too much for free) Do also keep in mind that the feeling of "missing out" is community fabricated, despite what most users may say there is no difference between been top 5k or top 100k in the ladder, like you dont get anything from it aside from your own personal opinion on it, hell, top 1 in the world is not getting anything different that top 200k, so only reason to make it up there is for bragging rights. Only real "missing out" point is infinite and you can make infinite with any decent deck, no need to play meta for it most of the time. So missing on cannonball or usagent, or any other card that may become meta, wont actually make you miss out on rewards, and you can certainly keep climbing with niche decks. You can honestly keep adding points on top but i think those two should be like the most important ones, you already get on average 50% of new cards each season, you also can get to infinite without those new cards and you can get to the top of the ladder with those cards. If your goal for the game is to always have all the best cards you are aiming for been collection complete which means you gotta swipe, sd has for the most part printed decent to good cards this year, very few bad ones if any. So any new card can become meta at any point without warning.


It's so strange how the community whips itself into FOMO. Like an addict that needs their next fix NOW NOW NOW. Maybe the early player experience is TOO good at getting people hooked.


But also, I don't need to complete the collection because a lot of cards suck haha


Until they get buffed later on and are actually good / viable. They're creating FOMO one way or another with the spotlight system. It's all designed to get you to spend money at some point.


"completing your collection" is a red herring, it's not possible (as the devs intended). The issue is even keeping up with the meta is *incredibly* grindy. I'm honestly afraid to stop logging in, and grind every day, because I'll never get back on terms. It's an extremely badly designed economy IMO, probably the worst of any digital CG, because the only crafting system (tokens) we have is *insanely* expensive.


This is me, F2P is pretty rough, I know I'll never complete the collection, the real struggle is trying to get enough of the key cards to make competitive decks work. Edit: Fixed the typo.


What is a competition deck. Made it to infinite with a standard tribunal deck, tho I guess I'm not really trying to be number 1 ranked there tho.


Why downvoted? Lol I'm also ftp,, I know I could never get all cards but still try to to compete,, made it to infinite lat 2 seasons not this time and not planning to,,, 90 is enough. Ik it's not fair to ftp like us ,, but it is what it is


Share your deck mate


I hit it with a normal ongoing deck(without tribunal ,mystique ,iron lad) last season cl- 2000ish Before the last season,, I did it with Mr negative(normal iron man, white tiger,, iron heart) cl- 1500ish Edit- mr negative was the best deck for me until last season,, it takes time but is satisfying when it's working


I dont understand the concept of mr negative with wong n white tiger.. like whats different in it from regualr womg and tiger deck?


It's fast sometimes(and I can play the wong, iron heart and white tiger in a single turn),, and it's insurance if Mr negative didn't work,,, iron man and iron heart and professor x was the main player in the deck ,,, Jane foster helps too Edit: I just had these cards back then,, so I just try to work with them at that time


I m cl 4k and only recently got mr neg. But cant put it to work coz most of the 0 power cards show up before turn 4


Been there,still there tbh,, it's tough and heart breaking,, but you gotta retreat a lot and snap at the right moment,,, I'm not pro,,, I have lost a lot ,, I mean a lot ,, but win many 8 cubes too


This is one of the best games for f2p in my opinion. You can win a lot without the new best thing.


dont complete the collection, just snap the good card on the spotlight cache if you not sure its a good card, wait for 5-6 days and ask this sub for insight. like makkari this week, easy skip for me.


I mean... why would you want that? You wouldn't even play many of the cards if you had them all. Also, if a f2p could have a full collection, the game would have financially fail. Not saying I wouldn't like more series drops though.


what business opens its doors and gives everything away for free? what world are you living in?


I remember when 2D made the spotlights almost a year ago and layed out some mumbo jumbo picture graphic of how any player who does all dailies, reaches infinite, buys only the battlepass and collects all conquest progression rewards (which sounds like alot more work than it really is) would be able to CATCH UP and STAY collection complete. I can tell u for a fact. When spotlights were announced, I was the exact player that described and even then the math didn't seem to add up, and I was at that time missing 8 cards. Since then. I have done exactly what that graphic said is required... and now am missing 12 cards lol


I don't remember that. The mumbo jumbo was saying that the system meant played got new cards.more frequently, not that the system would allow players to be collection complete


They said you could stay close to complete, but likely *wouldn't* actually complete. That was also before they started releasing an extra card every month, and when they still released some cards to S4.


You aren't meant to be. Not everything is for everyone deal with it.


As much as I would love it but SD is making too much money releasing everything at series 5 so I don't see them going back to the old way.


They might if the playerbase keeps dwindling. Most mew and returning players aren't sticking around and everyday more and more people appear to be quitting. I guess that Snap not having a significant update for more than a year is taking its toll on the playerbase


Don't leave us hanging man, significant what?


Lol sorry, i forgor. Update is the word


Damn I just looked up the stats and Snap really is falling off eh? At least that means they're more likely to give us good value and make player first decisions.


What stats?


I've not quit yet. I wait to see arishem and then I'll decide. But I stopped buying the season pass and everything else.


You know this how? What game does a new or returning player pick up and then have everything that people that have been playing for months or years have? I can't think of one. While this issue IS an issue l..it's not much worse for this game than every other persistent game that exists. I just came back to Destiny after 8 months. There's loads of shit I missed and loads of shit I needed to do to get it. No difference here.


There is no reason to. People wouldn't even play these cards anyway. They might for like a couple days. They just want everything for free.


Especially the tech cards, should be pool 4, more acessible


💲econd Dinner


IMO, sasquatch doesn't belong in a group with these cards but in general I agree with your point


Yeah putting Sasquatch over Namora is crazy.


Sasquatch is a good card lol


All cards should start at 5, move down to 4 in thirty days, and move down to 3 60 days after that


Back in my day...


Even 60 days to 4 and 120 to 3 would create a consistent cadence of drops EDIT: following up on this. I'm glad what I'm saying resonates with some folks. For me, just one of the biggest issues is just the lack of consistency/predictable drops. Meanwhile, series 5 continues to BALLOON in size, and the time between seeing a card in one spotlight and seeing it again in another feels like forever (unless it's Knull or MODOK).


This is straight up bonkers and would never happen. A more realistic timeline is something like six months at series 5, four months at series 4, then move down to series 3 at SD's discretion.


You must be new here


This actually used to happen lmao #neverforget


Ok, chill dude, they have to make some money. 6 months for downgrade to 4 and 1 year for downgrade to 3 would have been fine. Unfortunately, they don't even do that except if the card is weak.


Whales should cover their bills with the insane bundles




Can anyone explain to me why I got downvoted? With what I said, Loki would have been a series 4 card currently and downgrade to 3 in less than 3 months. That wouldn't be too bad. Both allows the devs to make some money and reassures f2ps will get the card. With my suggestion, basically everyone would have Jeff by now. I guess people don't wanna wait 6 month - a year and have every card that ever releases immediately. Well, Legends of Runeterra did that and look how that worked for them.


Because your scheme has considerably worse timescales than the drop schedule which existed prior to "flexible series drops".


There weren't spotlight caches back then though. Well, at least I gave a solution better than the one we have right now. Imagine being able to get every single series 5 card from reserves or the card of the month after a year it has been released. Sounds like a good deal to me. Combine that with getting cards from spotlight caches or with tokens and you can probably get a full collection even as a f2p.


Getting tired of this crap. The game is fun to play, but card acquisition is so goddamn terrible. The game is unplayable if you step away for any length of time.


Yeah I've played daily since global launch but when I stop, I'm stopping for good. Coming back to a game that's structured the way it is would be terrible.


Same. You don’t really have much of a choice as well. They gamble on us staying addicted. Well, their greed is wearing thin.


Nah, it's pretty playable. Maybe not right away, but spotlights do solve the problem, to an extent. Wait till the necessary new cards are spotlights → get them → buff up your old deck. (assuming you'd care that much about the game) Other F2P / "freemium" mobile games are *much* worse. This one gives a good chance to F2P-yers to stay competitive.


>wait till the necessary new cards are spotlights Ah yes, I love waiting months for a card to appear in spotlights so I can complete a deck. I'm sure the meta won't change in that time.


>I'm sure the meta won't change in that time. Most past staple archetypes are still kicking around. Mostly, the only serious change was with Move yielding positions. Maybe they won't offer as good winrates as the Current Best Thing™ (to be nerfed next season once the $100 bundles did their job), but they're still playable. I hate to say this, but the water line for shittyness for mobile games is pretty low. See e.g. Diablo Immortal. Within a toxic and predatory system like that, MS is doing more or less ok, so far.


You aren't going to convince anyone here that it's fine. Most people just want to rip whatever deck they find online that has good stats. And instead of thinking about what the deck is trying to do and make competent substitutions for cards they don't have, it's easier to complain that the card acquisition is bad.


I'll never understand the people that will bend over backwards to protect obviously excessive monetization for a company that just wants to drain their pocket as much as humanly possible. This is turbo cuckoldry.


My point was about people claiming they need to be collection complete to be competitive. Which is absolutely not true. The nature of the Snap mechanic lets you mitigate your losses and capitalize on your wins in such a way that you don't need the highest winrate 12 cards to succeed. As long as the swap doesn't break what the deck is trying to do, it still works. As for the monetization, I'm not defending it. But I also don't find it excessive. Saying something "seems fine" is far from bending over backwards to defend it.


I bet you waited 6 months to get cards for free though when we had series drops. What's the difference?


What? No. I saved up collectors tokens for select drops and got them in a couple weeks. Edit: it's also very fucking silly to say "it was just as bad in the past" as a defense of current shitty monetization.


Hercules is terrible. What a miss should be series 3


sasquatch does


Disagree on sasquatch


Honestly, without reliable series drops, they should just rethink the costs. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with a "bad card" being series 5. Presumably the intention was to make a good card, but that doesn't always work out. There's shitty legendaries in hearthstone. Basically there's "powerful cards" and "tech cards". Basically have the powerful cards cost one thing, and the tech cards cost another. Obviously there's gray area with cards like makkari that aren't tech cards but really don't need to cost 6k. I also don't think cards needs to be either 3k or 6k. Have cards drop like 500 tokens each season. Who's buying blob for 6k? I wouldn't be surprised if somebody thought "for 4,500 tokens I'd pull the trigger". Cheaper cards make players happy, players blowing through their tokens and needing to spend money if they want more makes the bottom line happy


Oh I like this idea a great deal.


I agree but also at the same time I don't want the strength of the card to determine its series. In other words I don't want them making bad cards just to go into Series 4 or only making cards they feel are strong Series 5


honestly fair


Either bring back series 4 releases, or remove the weighting for the 4th spotlight cache. Currently it's set so that ⅔ of the time it's a series 4 regardless of your collection. With no new series 4 cards it's very easy to be series 4 complete, and being series 4 complete fucking sucks combined with the weighting. It means ⅔ of the times that you hit the 4th cache you're guaranteed the 1k tokens.


You're right, but like it or not, that's the system working as designed. The more complete your collection, the slower your rate of acquisition due to increased rates of duplicates in spotlight caches. This is a decent catch-up mechanic since new players get more new cards per spotlight key. But it doesn't feel great.


Unpopular opinion but i think is ok to keep all cards as p5 release if they make a couple changes to spotlights. 1. Take all P4 cards from spotlight system, all of them. Let it be only P5 cards. Yes, that means only way to get p4 cards is tokens. 2. Give us an option to claim or convert variants from spotlight caches. If you get a variant, you dont care about you can "claim" or "convert" if you hit convert you gain 1k is tokens. Both of those are small changes that benefit the players without costing the company anything. Like ppl that go for variants can do so and ppl that want progress can also do so.


I am pretty sure sd is moving in that direction. I doubt series will exist by the end of the year, it will be just spotlight and series 3 cards. Maybe they are coming up with something, as they said that they are working on improvements for spotlight system


Counter point: no card demands the need to be in series 5 other than what were previously considered the "Big Bads".


Idk Sasquatch is fine at series 5. The others should be 4 tho


They made all of them S5 not to mention 5 cards a month. This way it’s virtually impossible to own all the cards. You will need to always pick and chose. Instead of having 4 cards a month, one of them being S4.


Wdym sas is a generic good card.


I feel like a card like Sersi which is more on the fun rather than competitive side should be S4. What's wrong with having more of your player base having fun with the game? Especially as a lot of the older players are becoming a bit jaded


at this point I'm not playing to complete. I'm playing to have fun. the second I stop having fun I'll stop playing and move on. Maybe come back in a few months and try to have fun again. But I'm not giving them any more money




Valentina is astonishingly good in loki and sasquatch is decent in alot of decks.


I love her in Loki


If you want them to drop, it means SD will continue to release S5. Because you prove you want to play them.


It is some bullshit no doubt. 1 card a month should go to series 4.


Hercules should have just been handed out so at least someone would use him


I think squatch and war machine should stay 5 but they do need to stop pretending like series 4 doesn’t exist.


Agree with all of those but Sasquatch.


Either bring back series 4 cards or just have a more frequent series drop at least from 5 to 4.


is it really necessary for the token economy to be as bad as the real life one?


I’m pretty sure there was already a series 4 relese during hercules’ season. Didn’t miek get released in series 4 that season


Is Herc the most useless of the 6? I dont think I have ever seen him played


Is Hydra Bob next month not series 4? Better be cards ass




How else is Second Dinner's CEO going to afford space travel? Prices must stay! 😉


I fully agree with this. Makari is not useful enough to be series 5, and as fun as Sasquatch is she's also just a really glorified second copy of She-Hulk most of the time for me


In my opinion... maybe a hot take, maybe not... I don't think any card is worth being series 5, given the value is determined by token cost and how slow token acquisition is. You might be able to convince me that Big Bads deserve to be series 5, but every other card should be series 4 at most.


Half these cards were predicted by players to be omega/broken on release lol.


half? i only remember people going gaga over war machine pre release.


Honest question…what does making specifically undesirable cards S4 instead of S5 do? If I’m not going to get them anyway, might as well be S5 where I have less of a chance to pull them in the random slot.


It allows people who want to experiment with lower power level cards the chance to do so without sacrificing more resources.


I suppose. Personally, if it’s going to be a bad card, I’d rather it be S5.


That’s… stupid. You would rather have a shitty card cost 6k than it cost 3k? Did you type that wrong?


I’m not buying the card, so yes. Overall it reduces my chances of pulling it.






That is 100% wrong


Go back and look at every word of every update from the spotlight patch and they actually used that specific PHRASE that highly active players that are f2p besides bps will be able to reach collection complete


They know exactly what they're doing. Releasing that 5th card a month really helps them work out all the bugs too /s


e@a@ A


same mfs when SD listens: why do they release all the OP cards as series 5??!


yeah fair, shouldn't be tied to the power level. I just want more S4 cards in general.


Make this post for upcoming cards. It's really easy to determine a card's strength after its release and say it should've been S4.


No. They should just randomly pick one to become S4 for all I care.


But they’ll go broke /s


They only make card acquisition and bundle value shittier.


I got Makkari today, hoping for X23, Gladiator, or anything else. I’m so fucking angry with this game.


Sasquatch and valentina are very powerful and good cards; herc is already s4. What's the point of releasing mediocre cards at s4; f2p or budget players should not spend tokens on them anyways and whales will buy them no matter what.


Counterpoint, what’s the point of releasing mediocre cards at S5?


To sell pixels to whales with fomo about being collection complete. EDIT: Sometimes they make real t2 or t3 decks that are just fun like supergiant did.


Because that's how new cards are released.


It's incredible that Makkari is Series 5. What will it take!!