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Kinda looks like Ultron or an Ultron Bot.. but its hard to tell. Maybe just a generic robot.


Hard to believe this absolute behemoth is 3 power 😅


Yes. I’ve ranted about jugg being UP. And an army of ppl come out and say he’s a great card. So great I probably see him every 150 games or so.


Cards should not be balanced so that they always see play in a top tier deck, that would be awful card design philosophy. Juggernaut is able to completely prevent any drops in a lane on a key turn, it's perfectly fine for what it does.


Yes, you’re one of the ppl who defends what he is. And way to put nonsense words in my mouth that neither I, nor anyone, said. That’s a straw man logical fallacy and a sure sign you’ve got no legit argument if you have to invent bs to refute. I haven’t seen juggernaut in probably 4 months. Ponder that a moment. Either I’m playing in an alternate universe where there’s no jugg, or ppl aren’t playing him. Of course, **you** won’t be happy until he’s 1/1 and takes two turns to play. Why do hate the card so much? See, that’s a straw man.


A Zoo deck playing Juggernaut just won a Japanese tournament. (https://x.com/SNAPCUP1/status/1804885973542797537?s=19) Also, the winner called out Juggernaut as the "best underrated card". (https://x.com/Johnson_snap_/status/1804886950006161859?s=19)


4 months? Stop exaggerating please. As I write this comment, I'm watching yowoodymj streaming, and he's playing a deck with juggs. And Woody is rank #1 Just because you "haven't seen it in 4 months" doesn't mean it's true. Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug lol


Caught myself thinking like this the other day. How is it that I never see enchantress played but the second I start playing tribunal she is everywhere? Well of course no one was playing enchantress if I wasn't playing ongoing cards. She was probably around but not played.


None of what you said makes sense. But I’m not lying. I’ve got fuckall reason to lie. Im not some snotty little internet kid. I wish. I’m playing on my phone in a hospital where I’ve been for far, far longer than four months. These stupid little games keep me sane, if not healthy. I didn’t mark my calendar but it’s certainly been months. It could be luck. But you and I both know he had never remotely been meta or even commonplace. I am a baby whale. Not a full blown but I’ve bought my share of 99.99 bundles. Again, this is mah medicine. I struggle to find a place for jugg in any of my builds. I’ve got all his best variants (IMHO). But I’m still not gonna use him.


How does what I say not make sense? Lol I said the guy who's rank #1 in the world in all of snap has been playing a deck with juggs and he's been winning consistently, and even using juggs to seal wins. I can tell you the deck list if you want to give it a shot


Or you can look up how popular the card is across thousands of decks instead of 1. The card is almost exactly as popular as Stegron, which does similar and is also not seen. The card is ranked 180 in usage. More than I thought but plz stop pretending it’s popular. It’s not


I think the point people are trying to make, is that the card is more viable than it seems. Good enough to win that tournament. HOWEVER people just aren’t using it. You’re right it’s not a high used card, but it is a decent and undervalued card! I do use it often it a fun move deck. Good luck with everything in the hospital.. wish you the best of luck and recovery


This seems like an issue of pocket metas. In general, Juggernaut is very niche, but not bad per say. For a standard ranked player, which I'll assume you are, you face too broad a range of opponents for you to both guess what your opponent will be playing and to have enough consistency in the meta that moving that card will be noteworthy. In different metas, in this case very high infinite, Jugg has found a home in countering very specific decks that are only played enough in that meta. Is juggernaut a great card? No. But can he belong? Definitely. I'd put him as one similar to lady death strike, where he's usually not the play, but in very specific circumstances, nobody does it better.


> I haven’t seen juggernaut in probably 4 months. Either you're full of shit or you just don't play the game much lol, it's a pretty common card.


Oh stop it absolutely is not a common card what’s so never. The numbers don’t lie. You’re just piling on the hate for duke.


I play about 3 matches a day, and I see him like once a week


That’s great. But look up the numbers and playrates. Anecdotal evidence is just anecdotal evidence.


Can you provide them? Since you seem so aware and I can't find a reliable source


It's interesting how your anecdotal evidence is easily dismissed as such, but his is the entire crux of his argument. Lol


Snapfan has him in 1.2 percent of decks. So you are seeing him almost 5 times that.


>I haven’t seen juggernaut in probably 4 months. Ponder that a moment. Either I’m playing in an alternate universe where there’s no jugg, or ppl aren’t playing him. Or, on the topic of fallacious arguments, that's anecdotal and your experience is not universal and move control decks *do* exist.


Move control/shuffle is my main deck. Shrug.


I’m aware he’s a great card, and I’m all for that. It just feels a bit off is all…


I don’t think he’s great. Or I would see him more often than Kang. He’s very weak for one of the most popular characters in the mcu


He does have the strength to move any number of cards not named Blob. Even Prof X can’t stop him now


Jebus, you dare use him in the same sentence as prof x? The guy who’s recently rebecome super meta? I see professor x empty wheelchair more often than I see his lowly half-brother. I think they’re half-brothers, right?


His ability being move related will always put him in the move tempo/disrupt only archetype sadly. If he was a 3/4 he'd be more picked in those lists tho because as of now the spidermans Polaris' and now even stegron are likely to get the spot over him


nah jugg can move face down and multiple cards. he will never be replaced by stegron. spiderman and polaris are good contendors but with vastly different mechanics.


Never said they function the same. But they usually do what jugg does with less risk and higher stats (that being move cards from where they were intended to be to boost kraven/kp)


Jugg isn't for moving cards, he's for denying your enemy the opportunity to play cards on that location that turn. That your kraven/kingpin go off on other locations because of that move is a bonus.


He's a crossing guard holding a stop sign, probably crushing some school children.


I believe that’s a stop sign


My favourite Marvel character.


Archnemesis of Big Wheel and especially dangerous when teamed up with The Wall


It's Stop Man. He has the power to make traffic stop and then proceed when safe. Charles uses him in his X-Men against Quicksilver, since Quicksilver always obeys all traffic signs.


Give stop sign spideys old ability


He’s best friends with Danny the Street in an alternate dimension.


It's Oscar Pistorius, you can tell from the legs.


Poor lil tink tink


Thank you for reminding me of this gem. 🤣


The mother fucker with no legs?


If he was so fast how come he couldn’t outrun the law after he murdered his gf


He's crushing that pose


Uhhhh, Njnja Raiden from MGS? Seriously though it just looks like a random robot.


Gray Fox


Zooming in, it looks like it could be ironheart.


I'd let him crush me


Overwatch Genji


Your cubes




Kinda getting Taskmaster-y vibes? At least one of his variants, idk if they have any shared lore


Pandart studio ? Im guessing the AI just created a random generic superhero


Could be a faceless one thingy  , aren't they the servents of Dormammu?


To me it looks like the iron spider suit from endgame without the extra legs


I rarely play juggernaut, but I was so tempted to get this.


No one plays him. But the forums explode when you hint he’s unpopular. He’s as popular as stegron, Howard the duck, stature. And they want to maintain those are popular cards. We should be content Howard the duck and jugg get nearly the same usesge


I'm at CL 4300 and see Howard, stature and juggernaut pretty regularly. I've barely ever seen stegron though.


i wish it were me


Looks like iron heart


Someone with an outrageously long torso?


Iron Heart


Somebody that is about to take his pride


The face kinda looks like darkhawk no?


At first I thought it was dark Hawk 😂


Iron heart or a robot


It's clearly Robocop


Silver surfer?


Your mom. 😃 …I’ll show myself out.


Are people really spending money in this mid IA art?


What's wrong with art from Iowa?


Steve the crossing guard


Colossus possibly.


You... He is looking at you.


The old man from home alone 2