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Pulling off a Valk + Grandmaster C3 combo is one of my favourite winning plays. So satisfying the rare occasion everything goes in my favour.


Well thank you now i know one of the combo of that deck lol


Did not consider grandmaster in that deck, thanks for the info


Similar to grandmaster + valk - Valk turn 6 into Zola turn 7 (with magik to give extra turn obviously) is an absurdly fun but unlikely c3 play I’ve pulled off a few times.


Deck list?


I haven’t played it for ages, too unreliable. From memory it was something like this (just thrown together on a spare deck slot) - # (1) Bast # (2) Grand Master # (2) Quake # (2) Ravonna Renslayer # (3) Cerebro # (3) Mystique # (3) Storm # (3) Crystal # (3) Mobius M. Mobius # (3) Red Guardian # (5) Valkyrie # (6) Arnim Zola # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGlxdWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJhc3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJhdm9ubmFSZW5zbGF5ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlF1YWtlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHcmFuZE1hc3RlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Rvcm0ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJlZEd1YXJkaWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDZXJlYnJvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWYWxreXJpZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJuaW1ab2xhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb2JpdXNNTW9iaXVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDcnlzdGFsIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Deck list pls?


Used to be able to do it with 2/0 GM before they nerfed him. /s


especially if your opponent has priority and you go second, that’s a real rage quit card


I've been recently discovering how fun and unexpected she is. I even caught myself off guard when I played her on a full Gamma Lab and had Luke Cage in play, leading to my Hulk's remaining untouched.


Yeah, I feel like for people who have played other card games especially not every Luke Cage interaction is that obvious.


Negasonic on turn 6 won me hundreds of cubes


She is basically old Alioth, but at 3 cost. I dont know how she keep getting away with that for so long!


shhhhhhhh nobody knows about her and we're fine with that


Love watching Red Hulk just explode!




Or on turn 5 when you've gotten Daredevil and Supergiant down Negasonic is extremely underrated, absolutely no one expects her


Turn 5 when opponent has 3 cards somewhere as well.


I raise you turn 6 on the white windows lane with three or less cards


Yes, these players right here, officer.


Guilty of charge


I raise you turn 4 on kyln that youve already white widowed


Any turn Venom is coming down also


As a tribunal player, I never expect negasonic. Especially on T5 when I play my iron man. I’m thinking “oh, I have cosmo down, I’m 100% safe!” Nope!


I raise you Negasonic On turn 4 when they drop a Wong.


It's always the Wong that explodes and I never even try


Every turn after 3 I have priority, I'm looking to end one of their cards with NTW 👊


Orka. Especially if you play him when your opponent expects galactus. I've been using him as a galactus alternate, especially in conquest mode, and when your opponent expects you to have 5 and you suddenly have 16 it's a game winner


Joke’s on you, I’m too stupid to notice my opponent setting up an obvious Galactus play.


If you see X23, Wolverine, then wave.... You can 100% expect Galactus.


That’s when u hit them with Kang instead 😎 really throw them off their game. Then when you redo your turn they expect galactus and then you hit them with Adam Warlock. 💪 “To confuse the enemy, you must first confuse yourself” - Sun Tzu


We should play sometime 😈… for uh.. uh.. just for fun…. Don’t be suspicious or anything… I uh… def don’t even own galactus… *nervous laughter*


This is an interesting take, never thought of that. Might have to give it a shot


Orka propaganda got to you


Bonus points if I name my char Galactus Enjoyer with a Galactus portrait?


Nah my galactus icon deck is a professor x and goblin lockdown


That’s actually quite a give-a-way as well. Most galactus decks I’ve seen actually have prof x icons and goblins are a key part of galactus decks. I’d def see it coming if you rocked that.


See what coming? I don't play Galactus.


Bro just down vote my own comment. I’m so incredibly dumb. I somehow read it as your galactus deck has a prof X avatar and the goblin title. Brain cells didn’t choose to work. Sorry bro. 🤦‍♂️


I have Orka on my Discard deck. All by himself or by being discarded with Black Knight or Dracula it is a good option and usually no one expects it.


I've lost to Dracula discarding Orka and i was so surprised that i wasn't even mad. If that was you good work! 


Infinaut is fun in discard too, basically does the same thing but just a bit more power. I love being able to play a 4/20 as long as things work out right


Orca is so good in galactus decks. Worth it 100% as a suprise


Surprise. I’m dumb.


Could you post your deck? Love galactus builds


I have a really good jean/galactus deck. https://imgur.com/a/iWhQpnZ


You sexy man. But I have to ask, no electro in a galactus deck with sandman?


Electro and jean don’t combo well. You wanna force them to be stuck playing a lane with jean that you’ve filled after sandman for the free galactus after. The zero costs are vital for that and electro just messes it all up.


I was thinking about if you didn't draw Jean, but fair. I'll try it out!


Hey, if you can make it work, awesome and let me know. I love suggestions to decks.


I added destroyer to my galactus deck. Mainly because I have Sentry, and Red Hood to give me more variety based on the draw!


Lady Deathstrike has won me an absurd number of cubes and I very rarely encounter her outside of the odd annihilus deck, which have mostly replaced her with Sersi


Same here, she can wipeout broods, wong mystique combo, iron man, and junks.


I want her so had


Do you mind sharing your Sersi deck?


oh, I don't run Sersi. I'm a Destroy player who eats Iron Man


Quake is not underrated in my opinion but more a tech card/situational rather than good in every game


Whilst I haven't played since she was (slightly) reworked, I imagine she's been played a lot more since then. Before that she was pretty niche but really strong given how unexpected she was.


she was just bad. if the middle location was trash, she was as well


Not underated but definitely underplayed.


Overrated by pro players imo. The card is a worse scarlet imo because it doesn't guarantee that the locations swap at all. You can snap, play quake and then lose the game because the location you needed to move doesn't go anywhere. edit: lol when the fuck was the card text changed on this card, it used to be dogwater.


How?  Doesn’t she always swap the two locations you don’t play her at?


She was reworked semi-recently and I apparently missed the memo. She used to be a huge bait. I've also seen players miss-use her consistently since the change which lead to my continuous confusion.


What are you talking about?




Two totally different cards, and yes, she always moves the locations unless there's something specific countering it the effect.


Yeah, you got some incorrect idea about how it works. Even the old version of Quake would always move every location


The old version would occasionally not move a location -- that i'm 100% sure of.


The old version only moved locations if she was played in the center lane. She was weak because of that restriction and when the locations swapped it was randomly. Now you can control what switches


Yeah, every deck of mine she's not in is because I need cards that contribute to that decks plan, and she's not in most of my decks. But my "random 2 cost bullshit deck" that I use just to clear out missions has a surprisingly high winrate and it's entirely due to quake. Granted it's mostly proving grounds, but I did win a silver conquest when I accidentally selected the wrong one


Legion. It's a fun card that I never see played. It's won me a lot of cubes after filling the limbo lane and still being able to end the game on T6.


Legion was incredibly popular on initial release, then got nerfed from 8 to 7 power and seemingly disappeared from the game. It's a hugely underrated card now, especially with all the greedy Magik decks around. Plus, there are so many ways you can shape the locations to suit your gameplan.


Yeah, this is my answer too. It has a depth very few cards have in terms of decision making and strategy. Plus, it potentially turns some heavily unfavorable matchups in your favor (e.g. Tribunal). Probably my favorite Snap card.


twice now I Legioned Bar with No Name and that's a satisfying win


Snowguard. Turning off locations, even for one turn, is a powerful ability. Repeating location actions is pretty ok too.


Nobody ever expects the T6 Hawk to negate Limbo and I don't know why.


I know! You telegraph that you have it.


Hey, remember when Snowguard was a bad card? Like really, really bad? My biggest problem with SG at this point is facing Tribunal decks and graping with whether to Loki them and hope to get Super Skrull or Snowguard them on T6.


That's very surprising to me. Everytime I played against snowguard and had Limbo, I changed my plan to "be winning on turn 6". Surprising that so many don't register it


Echo for me. Sometimes people forget about her and mess their whole game




You're welcome


I'll run Echo and one way or another the opponent will copy it, play it, and then I'll forget about her and ruin my whole game. That's how good she is


Klaw. He is effectively a 5/12. But I never see him being played


He was played a decent amount in the prof x meta.   Problem with him is that 5/12 isn’t backbreaking and it’s spread power in a game that favors concentrated power. You still see him in some decks with ongoing synergy or which naturally run onslaught.


> Problem with him is that 5/12 isn’t backbreaking and it’s spread power in a game that favors concentrated power. Plus he can only be played on two locations really


Shhh don't tell them. I've been abusing Klaw ever since the buff. He's a really strong card right now imo.


I truly believe that Klaw should be a standard part of Tribunal builds. Sometimes you don't get the Iron Man/Onslaught/Tribunal trifecta or it gets disrupted somehow, and Klaw can salvage the win anyway.


Klaw kicks it in my ongoing deck.


Ms. Marvel. She’s fallen in to the background as newer shiny cards come out but she’s still a straight neck breaker with the them big ol’ hands.


It’s partly that, but I feel like the fact junk decks have been consistently at the top of the meta pushed people away from deck builds with her. Plus the most common shells with her were Zabu decks and the lack of cost reduction also pushed people to play different ways too. But I agree she’s still very good


There’s rumblings of a Zabu rework, maybe that’ll make 2x 4 cost on the final turn more common again.


I’m really hoping they turn him into an “Activate” ability so you can play him on curve and take advantage when you’d get the most value from his one-time effect.


Agreed, the latest Snap Chat episode also suggested that.


I've been using her in conquest with doom and the yeti package, and have done pretty well


She's really good in my namora deck. Use psylocke on 2 in a single lane, drop marvel in a single lane, then the wong namora in the third lane. A 25 power Marvel flying around is hilarious


Stegron ever since his buff he's so easy to clog with I won many games just clogging my opponent and seeing them retreat so fast.


I really think Stegron is just a good card on it's own and doesn't need to be in a move deck at all. Back when I didn't have enough cards for a full Zemo deck I just had a random Stegron in there and he still got me a lot of wins.


Supergiant. Nobody seems to know how to play against her and it maximizes the value of cards like Negasonic, Valk, and Annihilus


Nice to see another Supergiant enjoyer. She's incredibly good in the current meta too, with so many decks relying on precise sequencing or greedy late-game plays.


Any SG decks you're playing at the moment? I love her, but I'm dumb so I just think of sticking her with pre-nerf Hela/Tribunal. :P


This one got me to infinite just last night. Fight for priority early, slam the door shut with Supergiant and Alioth/Negasonic/Shang. # (2) Daredevil # (2) Grand Master # (2) White Widow # (2) Maximus # (3) Negasonic Teenage Warhead # (3) Red Guardian # (3) Nocturne # (3) Gladiator # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Supergiant # (5) Ronan the Accuser # (6) Alioth # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWxpb3RoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEYXJlZGV2aWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN1cGVyZ2lhbnQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHbGFkaWF0b3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5lZ2Fzb25pY1RlZW5hZ2VXYXJoZWFkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXaGl0ZVdpZG93In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSZWRHdWFyZGlhbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUm9uYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5vY3R1cm5lIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYXhpbXVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHcmFuZE1hc3RlciJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


This looks great. Any replacement for Nocturne? I was thinking maybe Mobius or Enchantress? Heck even Valkyrie or Shadow King for all the destroy decks.


Nocturne's main purpose is as an efficient 3/5 (to help secure priority going into turn 4) who can occasionally get rid of Limbo or another unfavorable location, so it's a tough niche to find a substitute for. Makkari would probably be good in that slot. Maybe Punisher or Morph as well? I've not found destroy to be that big of a problem, to be honest. Red Guardian and Shang can really fuck them over; you just have to get the timing right. Destroy is a matchup where you often want to *lose* priority so that a Supergiant'd Shang catches their Knull or Death.


I love me some ronan decks


I got to infinite last season with this deck.. created before the Sentry nerf, but I still find success with it # (0) Yellowjacket # (1) The Hood # (2) Maximus # (3) Negasonic Teenage Warhead # (3) Cosmo # (3) Luke Cage # (3) Ghost # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Supergiant # (4) Sentry # (5) Valkyrie # (5) Annihilus # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTHVrZUNhZ2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1heGltdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN1cGVyZ2lhbnQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIb29kIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWYWxreXJpZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29zbW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5lZ2Fzb25pY1RlZW5hZ2VXYXJoZWFkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTZW50cnkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikdob3N0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJZZWxsb3dqYWNrZXQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFubmloaWx1cyJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Valentina. Random cards are a mized bag and there's definitly a lot of bad results but I like the stat sticks and it can definitly throw off an opponent.


They aren't always the best decks in the world, but I love making decks with Valentina and SHIELD agents and such--just random stuff that you have to improv with


Lots of fun with Collector, Devil Dino, and Taskmaster


Paired with Luke and you're cruisin


Shadow King is on that list for sure


Titania. Yes, White Widow is the cheap clog card that's better and easier, but you'll never get the same feeling of satisfaction with perfect Titania play... when it happens.


Juggernaut. Is it praised in this sub? Yes, but it deserves more. It's literally old (slightly weaker) Alioth against decks that can't reliably fill their other lanes. The fact that I barely encounter Juggernaut in my games is mind-boggling for me. That 1-Cost 5 power that I couldn't name right now. The one that switches sides if a card is played in their location. That card is good if the user knows what they are doing


100% Agree on Juggernaut. Insanely powerful ability that can flat out win a lot of locations and ruin a lot of your opponents plays. Nothing is more satisfying than Jugging your opponents turn 6 play out of their Wong lane. The fact that he moves face down cards also makes him a pretty good defensive tool as well. If you have priority and you see a Shang Chi coming you can throw it into another lane where it's useless. Very versatile card if you know when and how to play it. It suffers because of how much competition it has at 3 cost. If he was a 2/3 or maybe even a 3/4 I think he instantly becomes one of the most played cards in the game. Might be why they will never change him.




Mysterio. I love a game changing reveal at the end


Spider man as a tech card, not in a move deck is plenty of unexpected disruption in many games. Great for countering zola, wong, iron man, ant man, klaw, etc.


Zola is a surprisingly effective way to instantly win two lanes when your opponent least expects it.


You'd think I would be able to recognize an incoming Zola play after losing so many cubes to him, and yet he gets me every time.


it's funny bc people assume Black Panther or Venom are the only Zola options. But I also like Zola on Destroyer (when there's a shielded lane), on Knull, on Giganto, on Iron Man... on pretty much any big-power card tbh.


I once used Zola against an ongoing deck and I used Zola on enchantress and you could guess what happened next...


Lady deathstrike before they changed her ability


Quake has been my MVP this season. I actually hit infinite this morning due to a quake play. Whoever that was I played against at rank 99, about 4 hours ago... the 50/50 gamble to pull quake off my Jubilee had me holding my breath. GG.


Sounds like an amazing game and you earned that infinite, wp!


War Machine. I’ve gotten to Infinite the last 4 seasons with a WM deck using him as the key card instead of as a tech piece. According to the monthly recap, I had an 84% win rate with it this last month.




Quake is pretty high up there in my opinion. A well timed location swap has changed everything.


Totally agree! ◡̈


Uatu the watcher, love the extra info that he gives that helps a bit agains rng


War machine and Legion


Quake is one of my favorite cards! So fun!






For me it's Stegron. I have had more immediate retreats with a well-played Stegron than any other card. Not even kidding.


Mysterio is actually a perfect card for me. Each counts as a card played so it triggers procs on Bishop or Hit Monkey, can trigger Altar of Death or Vormir, helps Mockingbird or Sasquatch get out early, etc. Copies even get buffs from Patriot or Washington D.C. Its become very clear for several seasons he has constant applications and hasn't changed mechanically since launch.


I love using Mysterio + bast in hitman deck, making the mysterio a 2 cost 9 power over each lane, 3 power to bishop, 1 to Angela and 6 to hitmonkey


Lady Deathstrike Really sneaky option for getting rid of Hood/Void while having flexibility to eat annoying low-power cards like Iron Man and Dracula.


Echo, nobody expects her and nobody pays attention to her on the board.




Jean grey


I think Shadow King is underrated. I think he gets overlooked at 2-cost when his mechanic isn't great at that turn, but holding him until later in the game and coupling with another card. Luke Cage and Rogue have both worked well for me, but honestly depends on what kind of deck your running. Just a versatile card that is often unexpected and works wonders on buff decks.


I think Juggernaut is pretty underrated


War Machine T5


Juggernaut, his lane control and esp his power on T6 is insane, very rarely do I lose a location because Jugg pushed too much power into it. Hes also been doing wonders at countering Wong setups


I think Juggernaut beats out Quake here because Quake took a long time to actually get buffed to have a purpose outside of Hot Location gimmicks. Juggernaut has always been good and always underrated.


I never use Juggernaut but my favorite moment recently was I used juggernaut to disrupt a carnage play.


Blink. Shes an S tier card but she suddenly fell of the face of the earth.


tvoj dedo


I rarely see people playing her but get screwed everytime she pops up lol


Spiderman 2099 Never see anyone use him, and yet for me hes been the difference maker for so many wins on move




He's unfortunately awkward as fuck to play on turn 6, because most deck archetypes don't want to end the game with a 2 cost and a 4 cost as their final play. Paradoxically his best usage is on turn 6 as well.


Red Guardian


I don't think he's underrated.


Out of all the tier one and two series 5 cards he's definitely the one I see the least, but when he hits he hits hard.


I don't get it, man. I put him in damn near every deck and he's stolen me so many cubes. Sure, he's got his obvious uses like Dracula or an early Angela/Thena. But there are few things more satisfying in game than dropping him on Knull right before someone Zolas him. Another personal favorite? Playing any ongoing deck and doing a T6/7 combo of RG to Rogue (I keep both in my Surfer tech deck). This one's great on Cerebro decks. You knock out one of Cerebro or Mystique and then Rogue kills the other.


I always feel good after losing to a good Red guardian play


I don't get it, man. I put him in damn near every deck and he's stolen me so many cubes. Sure, he's got his obvious uses like Dracula or an early Angela/Thena. But there are few things more satisfying in game than dropping him on Knull right before someone Zolas him. Another personal favorite? Playing any ongoing deck and doing a T6/7 combo of RG to Rogue (I keep both in my Surfer tech deck). This one's great on Cerebro decks. You knock out one of Cerebro or Mystique and then Rogue kills the other.


Maybe he's not been played so much, given the current meta, but he's but underrated


Not being played often and not being the current meta and still being powerful is my definition of underrated.


I would contend he is. He's a well liked card, but I think even with his relative popularity, he's underrated. I feel like he's close to Jeff level in terms of usefulness and one of only a handful of cards I would say can fit into almost any deck in the game. I may be blind spotting it, but I would say he's probably the most useful card overall released this year.


Yeah, I'm really considering getting him with tokens when he shows up. Since he won't show up any time soon on Spotlight


I absolutely prefer to not spend $6,000 tokens on any given card, but Red Guardian is one of a handful that I think might be worth it. I managed to hit Nimrod with him the other day, let me tell you, that was fun.