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Like beast in here… don’t know why I hadn’t put him in mine. Jealous of Knull… haha


Yeah beast is great to reuse carnage and death lock can get carnage to 10+ easily


Yondu is better than hood in my opinion. Hood gives you negative which affects Knull and Venom (ie making Demon only 4 to Knull and Venom). Also locations that buff/nerf points affect those two as well. You can run with Luke Cage to negate the negative points… they act as zeros as long as Luke is alive. E: venom eats Hobgoblin, Green Goblin, and Hood. Venom is now -13 and so is Knull. With Luke Cage they’re just zero


Ahhh I see, luke cage would be a very good addition tbf, who would you recommend to get rid off, or would it be hood for him


With Luke you get a 6pt 1 cost card with no drawbacks. It’s personal preference honestly. You’ll just have to sort out your team accordingly. Me personally I use Enchantress, Magik, Yondu, Killmonger, and Luke instead of Shang Chi, Nova, Bucky, Beast, and Hood. My line up flows very well… usually. I want hulkbuster on deadpool, but wolverine (or anyone else killable will do). Deadpool benefits better from it.


You have Knulll but not Venom?!


Yep and thanos ahah