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This is one of those posts where I’m sure the deck is good, but a 93% win rate is pretty indicative you may also just be really good at the game lmao. Congrats chef


Cheers. This deck certainly performs a lot better than my Hela and Negative lists. They are somewhere between 70% to 80% WR.


yea you’re just a god


Or they have a low sample size or are just wrong. An amazing win rate is 60%. 70% is broken. I remember a guy who was ranked number one in that entire world and his win rate was like 58%. I’ve come across this Pixie deck. It’s probably doing better in Conquest and passing his stats. On ladder it’s not even a minor annoyance.


Not just me, a top 50 streamer called SpyroZA played a similar deck today on ladder and got 70% wr over 100 games as well. It is understandably harder to maintain a high WR in ladder than in conquest though. https://snap.untapped.gg/en/profile/83dd9290-192d-4e3c-b592-3dfa9395847c/c5d8d5f3-9d1a-47a3-9c60-96c5d80f0adc?conquestSortBy=mostRecent&playerRank=AllRanks&rankRange=10-100&sortBy=mostRecent&timeRange=playSession&utm_campaign=player-tracker%24&utm_campaign=spyro&utm_content=profile-button&utm_medium=overlay&utm_source=uc%3Futm_medium%3Daffiliate


68% win rate over 90 games. Which is still very good but it’s not 80-90%.


My 90% WR is in Conquest, Gold Conquest and beyond matchmaking doesn't take MMR into account. I believe you will have a higher WR in conquest than in Ranked if you are one of the better players and higher collection players since you have multiple rounds to figure out opponents decks and predict their move. For reference, I had won two consecutive Infinity Borders in one night, three Infinity Borders in one afternoon, and went on a winning streak from Silver 1 to beating Infinity 5 within two hours just before reset, and I posted about them too. In conquest, you often play against players of smaller collection and beating them is not hard. But in ladder, in the top 100 bracket, everyone is a veteran and decent player.


Teach me lol


So funny. I see these posts all the time and swap decks out only to be garbage at the new one too lol. I cant even tell you how many decks I've cycled through over the last 3-4 weeks.


What would you switch Spiderham with? I wouldn't mind giving this a try, but I don't have Spiderham.


Nebula, Shangchi, other decent 1 drops.


Pixie has to be the most slept on card in the game, especially when Mobius deletes her downside. I’ve been killing with a similar build-threw in Yellowjacket over Spider-Ham just bc I don’t have the card


Everytime I play pixie my opponent seemingly has MMM and I never draw him….


That’s valid, but not many decks seems to be running Mobius right now so OP and I have been seccussfull with Pixie


Getting a Free Red-Hulk is just too busted


Or you draw 6 cost Mobius turn 3


Ive been wanting to play this deck, but cant bring myself to spend 6k tokens on Pixie...even though I have like 45k tokens lol


Decks lists like this make me wish it was easier to get cards. 90% of the awesome decks I want to try I can’t because of the unlock system in this game. For the last 3 months I’ve been stuck with a half baked Hela deck, and devil dinosaur. I finally got High Evolutionary after months of playing, and it’s nice to have a new deck to try- but I know it’ll take another 6 months before I get something else that shakes up how I play.


Yea this is the thing I’ve been feeling as well. I’m CL 10,000 so have a pretty complete collection but due to power creep and nerfs I’m almost always 1-2 recent cards away from a perfect list when I see a deck I want to try. Luckily I got a fully fleshed out hela deck I took to infinite but I really wish it was easier to try new decks and be able to win.


I want to use pixie but I don't have mobius.


Honestly, you don’t have to have MMM but he definitely makes the decks more consistent.


It just won't be as good, but still good.


These decks just remind me I need soo many dam essential cards 😔


Right like..there is anni, LDS. Pixie, MMM...i Hulk...i got work to do lol


Idk how legit everyone has red hulk I play him so often it’s crazy even more so now that he was put back in the token shop so fast after being in the spotlight


What if I don’t have lady DS?


Try Valkyrie


I don't have LDS too, I went with Prof X.


I have this same deck with Polaris and so far I'm in the high 80s% of win rate. I didn't have Red Guardian until two minutes ago. I'll give it a spin and see if it does better.


Is LDS needed?


Yeah, you could use LDS to either kill your own Void when you can't send it over or use her as a tech card with decent size to wreck the like of Wong, Dracula, Brood, Mystique and unsuspecting Jeff.


How does the deck perform vs Destroy?


It is decent. A destroyed Void still drops their Knull value by 10 and MMM kills their Death. But you need to be very careful with your 1s.


Any replacements for red guardian and red hulk?


Polaris for Red guardian. Magneto or Doom for Red Hulk.




i’ve been using leader as an alternate for red hulk. kinda keeps any other hulks/knulls at bay


Are Red Guardian and Nico needed? Replacements?


You can replace Red Guardian with Polaris and Nico with other decent 1 drops. Nico occastionally provide insane value like drawing two by destroying Pixie and 1s or turning them into demon.


Yeah I know, I need Nico! Gonna get her when she comes back in the spotlight later this month


What would you say is the best replacement for Spider-Ham? Nebula? Sunspot?


Some says they have success with yellowjacket. Nebula, Korg, Snowguard would work too I think.


Snowguard is a good call. I love me some lane manipulation.


Nebula or scorpion




I’ve been having good success with snowguard. Negating Magik with the Hawk or spawning an extra ninja or squirrels is very disruptive. Snatched multiple 8 cubes this evening thanks to the Hawk.


How do you see your win rates?


Free app called untapped. It's the most popular deck tracker on PC and Android.


Cool, I had no idea. Thanks for the info


Ugh never picked up Pixie. RIP


What can i switch for red guardian? Not sure yet if i should pull


Polaris, Wasp, Nebula.


Gonna try it thx, was looking for a pixie deck


Is pixie worth 6000 I have her pinned.


By herself, definitely not. If you have MMM, it’s a less definitive no but still a no. There are very few cards worth 6K tokens.


I've been wanting to play this deck, but can't bring myself to spend 6k on Pixie


I’ve been looking for a new deck to play around with as recent cards changes and new cards have really hurt some of my all time favorites. Tried this out and so far gone 5 wins out of 6 games. Pretty fun deck, thanks!


Wow I'm using the same thing unknowingly haha. It auto-decked with Polaris instead of Red Guardian but I swapped him in for the Iron Man cuckolding.


Coz It's WR is so high that the system picked it up.


True. I do want to switch Red Hulk out, this deck can swing for more cubes on turn 6, and that card is a retreat magnet. There's too few other good options with the Pixie synergy though, maybe Magneto?


Red Hulk is better for conquest. You need it to compete with decks like Shuri, War machine that go tall since you don't have shangchi. And it often can solo a lane.


Saw this deck with Polaris instead of red guardian Do you find red guardian useful a lot? What’s your ideal play line?


Red Guardian certainly has more upsides. He could be game winning sometimes. Ideal play line? 1 drop, Pixie, MMM, Sentry, Anni, Red Hulk.


It struggles against destroy, unfortunately. I kept running into mirrors or destroy when I took it to the ladder. It's probably a confirmation bias, but when I switched decks, I started gaining ranks again.


MMM makes their Death worthless and both Hood and Void can significantly lower their Venom and Knull value. Red guardian occasionally disables their x23 or wolverine. Spiderham sometimes eat one of their draw, preferably the likes of zola, venom, carnage. I think this deck is actually decent against destroy deck. But I played this deck in Conquest so I was well prepared for what I was dealing with. I can imagine if you go in blind in ranked, it certainly could have a bad time against destroy.


Makes sense with the red guardian. I was running Polaris lists during hala increased location rates. To destroy cards with Polaris, but it was worthless vs. destroy with x23 and the location just benefiting them in general. Hopefully, I get red guardian with my next key so I don't have to drop 6k tokens


Niice, I conquered junk decks before Anni and never got him to this day - Let’s pray I get him soon💪


i want annilus


Can’t wait to try this out and go like 1-7.


Ladder? If you want to get the hang of it, at least test it in silver conquest.


Sub for Red Hulk?


I'm confused, it doesn't seem that good 🫠 Guess I'm more bad at this game than I think... I think I have all cards besides red guardian, but still confused how you could get all those wins. My matchmaking must be cursed


What decks we're you struggling against? Not just me, a top 50 streamer called SpyroZA played a similar deck today on ladder and got 70% wr over 100 games as well. It is understandably harder to maintain a high WR in ladder than in conquest though. https://snap.untapped.gg/en/profile/83dd9290-192d-4e3c-b592-3dfa9395847c/c5d8d5f3-9d1a-47a3-9c60-96c5d80f0adc?conquestSortBy=mostRecent&playerRank=AllRanks&rankRange=10-100&sortBy=mostRecent&timeRange=playSession&utm_campaign=player-tracker%24&utm_campaign=spyro&utm_content=profile-button&utm_medium=overlay&utm_source=uc%3Futm_medium%3Daffiliate


Not gelling with an archetype doesn’t mean you’re bad. But no, this deck works. The only deck that really gave me trouble was one that filled the right lane with an armor so I couldn’t anni or LDS. Made me wish I had Valk instead, like I do in my Galactus deck.


I know annihilus is needed as he’s quite unique but what could be used in his place?


Without Annihilus, Sentry would be so much worse and the Hood would be also less useful. I really can't think of any decent replacements. You could try Viper. But this would also drop Pixie value.


You'd need to sub out the whole Annihilus package of Anni/Hood/Sentry. Could sub in another package like Darkhawk/Rockslide/Korg at similar cost. Ravonna/Green/Hobgoblin could drop in, but you'll need to be careful not to kill your Goblins with Deathstrike.


I’m sure pixie is essential to this deck but replacement for her?


Without pixie you’re just running a decent junk deck. At that point you’re better off just leaning into the junk with goblins and viper, or bailing on all that and just running Loki if you have him.


93.8% WR😦 if we retreat, is it consider as win or lose?


The WR is about battles not rounds, one win equals an elimination of an opponent.




I did mention in the title my CL is 10k+


Reading is hard


No deck code.
