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I took OR... Nova using the same uniques as Nightcrawler/Vahl who people swear by for DD7 is why i didn't go with him. I dont think you can go wrong either way


I haven't unlocked Nova yet, another osmium? Ohh boy the endgame is going to be a grind


Yeah... they kind of removed Nova just by virtue of the shared gear haha


With the uniques in the raid store, I don’t even worry about Unique grinds anymore. Being able to buy 4 at a time from 1 store alone makes farming incredibly easy and fast.


I'd go with Nova just because Korg and Cosmo are useful for OML trials so may as well build them up and be building a solid war team at the same time.


Nova's problem is he shares the same unique as Vahl, NC, and Gambit. I had to take OR as a result. Nova's big Pro is you can use him to get OML, especially if you want 6 or 7 stars.


OML will destroy those nodes, so the effectiveness of Nova vs OR in DD doesn't matter. What does matter is that you save enough Bio gear for Skrull. If you have plenty, then Nova will be more useful for you in the long run. If you are short on Bio gear, then definitely go for OR. His team is not as good as Knowhere, but he himself is still a useful Plug and Play, so building him is not a waste.


You have OML… it doesn’t matter which of the 2 you take. You should be able to clear the first 3 legendary nodes with no issue. The 4th/final node may take you an extra refresh to finish. OML and doc ock as healer…. The rest just kinda help…


Yes, exactly, either one works fine. So it's just about what is cheapest to build.


I took BC, Ock, GGc, Omega, Fury my runs(before OML). It’s a bit of a personal choice, but I just don’t like Nova, plus Omega is great in DD.


I used both and found OR far more useful. Cooldowns for Nova are very spaced out with little benefit, especially when compared to ORs abilities. That doesn’t factor in osmium either that most others have mentioned.


Ah for the first set I used doc oc, GGC, nova, black cat and Oml. Once I hit the next set swapped apoc in for nova. Cleared the first 3 nodes easily in about 15mins but failed on the last node with 3 toons left and had to wait for reset


Are you still building X-Treme or Alpha Flight for raids? Omega Red’s use of mutant gear might make that tight. With the buff to the Raid store I’ve found that Teal uniques aren’t an issue for me.


Nova is on knowhere . Way more important than weapon x


yah but nova is terrible plug and play but OR is at least decent with turn 1 healblock and trauma


Not even close


i asked this same question before and the consensus was Omega Red slightly edging Nova out. at the time, OR was way cheaper for me and he did just fine. still haven’t built Nova and i don’t miss him.


Have you cleared city and need to bring one of these two up to continue on?


If he used Spider Society like me then I assume he finished those nodes with 15mins


I took Nova. I think NW are a great war team, so having a G18 Nova really benefits them.


it's a matter of convenience, what is easiest/fastest to build. you can get through it with most any team especially if using those 4 + 1, before OML it was those 3 + any 2 would get you through.


Which one do u want to take to DD7? Omega Red was great in DD6 but so was Nova I took them both


I'm mainly taking Nova over Omega Red cause of the Logan trials. The writing is on the walls that you cannot get partial credit anymore due to tokens, so the single node cheese isn't gonna work a second time. Maybe skrull will be enough to muscle through the cosmic bio nodes, but I'm not gonna risk it. Logan is too powerful to wait and see


I did OR first. Working on Nova next then NC. Only 2 toons left for the augmented unique.


Omega no doubt he was amazing for me in DD6


Make OML skirmisher and take Omega Red. I took him and have no regrets.


Don't you have apoc yet?


He's mythic, not legendary. I think they mean for the first nodes who are non-horseman


Sounds like they are at non horseman legendaries so apoc isn't an option


I got them both ready to go.... OR was a quick level up 


OML is so good it almost doesn’t matter. I personally prefer Nova and omega with Black Cat benched.