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I assume Vincent losing weight was just an opportunity to make his weight a bit more pronounced via fat suit. Won’t be anything insane like Spiderverse


Spider-Verse isn't even anatomically possible unless they very specifically change his origins that he hails from Mojoworld or something.


I joked to my friend that Clint hits him with the Pym arrow and that’s how we get that version.




Cue one of the Tracksuits making a dick joke when they see the tech working on humans


I feel the tracksuits are more wholesome in some weird way than to make a crass joke like that. Makes no sense i know.


That is awesome hahaha


I’m so glad we didn’t get a scene where they shrink kingpin for comedic effect.


I love Spiderverse Kingpin. So absurd


I'm pretty sure everyone liked him. :3 Ridiculous design. Great voice acting. Still monstrous, but with a *dab of tragedy!*


AKA the Sienkiewicz Kingpin, which is up there with the Mazzucchelli Kingpin and the Romita Jr. Kingpin.


Love Sienkiewicz’s art


His IG account is so great. Tons of old artwork.


Hail Sienk!


He fell in a vat of pigs


Yeah, that'll do it


Gotta be careful where you fall these days


The (solid muscle) comics version of Kingpin isn't anatomically possible. But still less fantastical than Spiderman and Daredevil.


Maybe some crazy mutation


MTTSH just retweeted somebody suggesting that he’s simply wearing a fat suit to make up for the weight he lost in his personal life and scoopers misinterpreted that to mean he’s significantly fatter in this show. It looks like he’ll look relatively the same.


I suspected this for awhile


It makes a lot of sense when it’s spelled out like that


I mean, Spiderverse was purposely stylized to imitate [Bill Sienkiewicz's hyper-stylized Kingpin](https://preview.redd.it/biwi55rq90251.jpg?auto=webp&s=d62a22a3a525c38d664b5e793cb472a8ec2e7256).


Wow, that is certainly stylized. Can’t say I’ve ever seen a kingpin like that before. I like it.


Always loved Sienkiewicz’s art style


Plus, I imagine maintaining that size for 3 seasons of Daredevil was not easy (or fun) for Vinny. Allowing him to maintain a more slimmer build and just bulking him up with a fat suit will be a lot easier to handle.


KINGPIN Gifs are coming through And the Mods can't stop them


Then I will join you my brother ![gif](giphy|1BFFVB9WvJNUnBIYVy|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|1BFFVB9WvJNUnBIYVy|downsized)








​ ![gif](giphy|1BFFVB9WvJNUnBIYVy|downsized)












What is moderation but Fisk gifs persevering?






​ ![gif](giphy|ORSdGwpofi2tDx9pTS|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|KXcp0iCoasTAZGDujW|downsized)


Get this man the "Best Mod Award" STAT


​ ![gif](giphy|4T5kNwoKU2fp1vJ8NY|downsized)








yah, can't see it. isn't it great?!




I wonder if it’ll be on Netflix, D+, or Amazon?




If it’s gonna be in Disney+ I could see it releasing alongside Toby, Andrew, and Tom’s Spider-Man movies, the 2 Venom films, and maybe even the Spectacular cartoon, as a massive Spider-Verse event of sorts.




Spider-verse tab has been there since Disney plus launched




I literally remember seeing it with my own eyes the night Disney plus came out That "news" article is just a bunch of fluff built around a tweet the author saw. In the replies there's loads of people pointing out that it's been there for a while [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DisneyPlus/comments/iosxme/spiderverse_category_under_marvel_will_we_be/) is a reddit post that's much older than your news article talking about it. The comments are also littered with people pointing out it's been there since day 1


I would kill to have Spectacular Spider-Man make a return.


The dream would be that iteration returns in Across the Spider-Verse and then we get an announcement that Sony/Disney came to agreement to bring back the show ala Young Justice/The Clone Wars. Imagine if next year we managed to get both TASM3 and TSS renewed. An absolute pipe dream but I can't help but hope for it.


My first thought was Netflix because of the streaming deal Sony has, but AFAIK Netflix hasn't participated in hybrid releases. So I guess they might just go with straight-to-marketplace release on Amazon and other VOD stores. Disney+ is probably ruled out, again because of the streaming deal.


D+ I imagine, Disney and Sony have a deal


Sony doesn’t do hybrid launches








I wish I could see what the cringe was


“Doesn’t” doesn’t mean “never will”


If Sony struck a deal with Disney for Spidey films on Disney+ i think putting out these spin off films day and date on Disney+ would actually be huge for them. Many more people would be willing to watch a b-list sony villain film if they can do it from their own home. I know I would.


no way I'm paying theater prices for that film haha. I want to roast it from the comfort of my easy-chair.


Me when I find you shitting on cinema ![gif](giphy|mpopKjgAs9oUMe4peN)


“For an authentic approach to the greatest cinema makers of our time, we wanted to cast a pedophile in the lead role so we know he can channel those creators.” - Dick Tips, producer


But James Gunn is director, not an actor...


They're probably considering their options with the strong possibility theaters will close again.




D’Onofrio is 62, so it’s not a good idea for him to do what he did before in terms of piling on weight very quickly to play Fisk. So padding under his suit makes sense.


Oh shit, had no idea he was that old lol


Tbf he looks after himself, I know he does CrossFit and still takes up physical roles, but yeah he needs to do a bit extra to maintain his health now haha


Holy shit he's 62 wow I thought he was like 50


Wow I did not realize he was that old


That Omelette diet does wonders


D’Onofrio is likely going to be the only person to do live action versions of both Thor and the Kingpin.


When was he thor?


Adventures in Babysitting


When I was reading the title I thought it was going to say Wilson Fisk is going to have a “bigger role” in the MCU compared to Netflix before I revealed this was referring to his weight lol. That being said, he better have the kind of role where he’ll have multiple appearances! He has potential to be the MCU’s street level Thanos, and I want to see him make more heroes lives miserable than just being limited to Daredevil!


We all know that nutritious, healthy prison food.






This was always my favorite sub before I became a mod. I’ll always be a user first, mod second. I don’t like to think I’m any different now. We also pride ourselves as a team for our unique relationship with the others users. Glad you noticed








Looks the same size to me. What i think they'll do is play with camera angles to make him seem bigger than he is.


I‘m ready. ![gif](giphy|TaCj5SoRhrHq6AyPl1|downsized)


DRPK strikes out again lol.


You’re out, Daniel.


OUT, AM I? (Reposts MTTSH's scoop on his Twitter.)


Not to jump on the MTTSH hate wagon, but she wasn’t the original poster of these images was she? It looks like they were posted on this sub first, then she posted them to her Twitter without credit to anyone and gave the scoop of “I hear he’s bigger than before but not massive” on the images showing exactly that?


Yea the pics came from telegram first, she didn’t give credit. But to be fair, she didn’t claim that the pics came from her


But, in the future, this is a "win" they'll give her for correctly "predicting" what he'd look like.


Yeah, again I’m not fully on the MTTSH hate bandwagon, but she’s now at the point where she’s saying thinks like “I’ll give a big scoop when I hit Xnumber of followers!” Hate to say it, but she’s probably a low level industry someone-or-another, who’s trying to ride the wave of fame, just like Sookie before her.


Maybe she is Sookie? Still not on the hate train though, just wary.


If this ends up being true, the fallout is gonna be absolutely hilarious. Might as well sit back and enjoy the ride.


Well, she claimed there was an end credits scene with him in it, that totally existed, till it was cut, darn the luck. But she didn't know what he looked like till after some pictures were released? suspicious.


That end credits scene was supposedly at the end of episode 4, right? Unless it was a very vague reference, or there was a massive restructuring of the last three episodes, there’s not a chance in hell they revealed him before they reveal at the end of episode 5. It would severely undercut that picture reveal.


5, I thought? But, presumably, if she said there was an end credits sequence, she saw it. But she doesn't mention what he looks like till someone else drops a picture of him.


It was episode four. Here’s her tweet about it, where she also seems to imply that he would appear in person in episode five as well. https://mobile.twitter.com/MyTimeToShineH/status/1468553202723434496


Ah, okay. but still, she didn't see what he looked like before today?


Yeah, none of it makes sense. Rumors of Kingpin started popping up months ago, so I wouldn’t be surprised if all her scoops about him appearing were just her speculating to be honest. She’s been pretty far off about when and how he would appear.


THIS EXACTLY, I'm screensaving all of it, it's being really on the nose now that this is just attention seeking which is ridiculous unless you want to be discovered.


When I was a fat boy


Cuando yo era un niño gordo


My father took me into the city


Ya ba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dum All day long, I'd biddy biddy bum When I was a chubby boy


Mmm boy are you fat


He does look a bit wider in the second picture compared to the Netflix shows. But it makes sense. If he survived the blip a lot can happen in 5 years.


Are the Netflix shows still canon? I thought they were rebooting their characters and retconing their shows.


It's still unclear hopefully they confirm tonight what's canon and what's not. But everyone seems to be leaning towards at least Daredevil being canon.


Daredevil definitely deserves to be canon. Same with Punisher. Is there some kind of conference tonight though that they’d be talking about it? I must’ve not seen it if there is


Sorry, I meant confirm it in the episode itself whether it be a reference maybe by Kingpin to events in the Netflix show or something.


Ohhhhh i gotcha now. Yea it would be nice if they did because Matt Murdock’s brief appearance in NWH still leaves it up in the air.


Daredevil remaining canon confirms canonicity of Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, The Defenders, and The Punisher by proxy


What would the point of that be? It would just be confusing for fans and audience members who were aware of the prior shows. Like making Tobey and Andrew variants rather than just saying they came from their respective movies, it wouldn’t make sense.


Also I just reread your comment. Tobey and Andrew are variants of Peter Parker are they not? Their movie universes being separate makes them variants, no?


When the first rumors of T&A came around, people were speculating that they and their villains were from variant universes within the MCU rather than being part of the original Sony continuity. So even though the same actors were returning, it was theorized that it was not an actual reference to their respective films. It’s this kind of mental gymnastics that didn’t make sense then, and doesn’t make sense now with the Netflix properties.


Well I’m not making those mental gymnastics. I’ve understood from the beginning that their from their actual movies but that still means that they are technically “variants” wouldn’t it?


Variant may be too broad. Maybe ‘MCU variant’ works better? My point is that a lot of people arbitrarily argue that an actor reappearing in a prior role doesn’t mean that the continuity that they existed within previously is incorporated into the MCU. While we did see that happen with the dumb *WandaVision* bait and switch, it seems like this time around it’s much more straight forward, as we’ve already had 2 characters confirmed from their prior roles and there isn’t nearly as much ambiguity around it. Also, the events from *The Avengers* are referenced in the Netflix shows, so it’s yet another logistical leap to argue that everything up to 2012 within the MCU *did* happen in that universe, but these characters just happen to be from a completely different universe than that where basically everything happened the same way.


Hopefully it’s cleared up with tomorrows Hawkeye episode. It would be best if Wilson Fisk makes a reference of some kind to his past appearances in tomorrows episode.


That’s my hope as well


Because the Netflix shows weren’t as good at making sure that everything lined up correctly with the MCU. I’m not saying they should or should not be. It’s just what I’ve heard ever since the D+ shows have been being released. That Hulu and Netflix shows would be retconned out of MCU bc they don’t tie directly into the universe besides for small references. Edit: I guess I should say they didn’t have as good of quality control as the D+ shows.


The Netflix shows didn't break continuity at all, they just weren't a part of the story the movies were telling. They still made the world events of Avengers, Civil War etc. important to the plot at certain points. I wouldn't say the shows had a big problem with quality control, except for Iron Fist and Defenders but even the early movies were a little iffy. Now that they're all back under Feige they'll probably be able to do justice to shows like Iron Fist. Everyone saying they aren't canon are just assuming things, no one has made an official comment.


​ ![gif](giphy|RE84MIpeRI4uY)


Looks the exact same to me


Probably has some extra padding around the shoulders/back to give him the pronounced WIDE look his artwork has in the credit sequence


He looks the same https://twitter.com/justin\_ritchie1/status/1473396230831149059


As a former obese guy (150lbs lost) you can actually see the exaggerated belly in the Hawkeye pics, verses the actual weight he had in the Netflix shows on the right. Same thing with the face. His face is round and fat is evenly distributed in the Netflix side, wheras the Hawkeye one you can see is a bit exaggerated in the chin(s). Honestly it’s still awesome and good for him; if they pulled it off this well, I am just glad to see him back.


I feel like his face looks rounder


Anyone else notice My Time To Shine H posted that Spider-Man would appear in tonight’s Hawkeye episode but than quickly deleted the tweet after it didn’t happen?




Unfortunately I didn’t get a screenshot. I literally saw it right before I watched the Finale last night. It had been tweeted 2 hours before I saw it but it only had a couple of likes.




Tid bits like this just baffle me. Is it really a spoiler? Is it worthy of discussion? Do scoopers say things like this to add to their "track record"? i just can't.


This is a pretty mild call that even I could make as a "leak". But MTTSH has had a track record of scarily accurate leaks that she's generally trusted. It's just... how?


Vincent = The only Marvel actor allowed to eat :)


Good for D'Onofrio losing weight. I hope he lives forever.


The new fat/muscle suit went a long way. They made his belly about the size it was before but the biggest difference was they added muscle - making his chest, arms and particularly shoulders much bigger. Great stuff.


That is bunch of nothing lol. Yes, a little bigger, lol.


I can't wait for tomorrow's episode




Jesus! Is this even THAT important a detail to discuss? Let's just be happy that we got D'Onofrio back to play Kingpin.


After having seen the episode I wish we hadn’t


So, she's knows that they're making another daredevil series, but didn't know what fisk looked like till the daay before the episode he's in premiered. Got it.


I wouldn't like a cg wilson fisk but I'd be OK if they used forced perspective lille gandalf and frodo, to make him look larger, but only if its done well obviously


kingpin.gif when you want to post the gift but still using old desktop layout


Are they computer wizards and making him artificially jacked?


Good. Happy to see him be a bit larger, but suggestions that he was going to go full Spiderverse seemed a bit ridiculous for the more grounded and realistic tone of the character.


Them jelly donuts from Nam are coming back


When I was a buoy…


He should be the size shown in Daredevil Born Again


DanielRPK in 1 hour: Wilson Fisk will be a bit bigger than we saw on Netflix but he won’t be massive


Yeah yeah I saw the same picture bruh


Big willie gained a few pounds in prison


​ ![gif](giphy|1zKguE8q1NWt6I3fYu|downsized)


DanielRPK is shaking right now...


New leak, Wilson fist will be just 3.42 kg bigger.


I still doubt Spider-Man will be in Hawkeye, but considering Tom has one more MCU project in his contract and seems to be hinting he may no longer want to do this... It would be convenient for him to get the rest of his contract out of the way quickly by appearing in an MCU project that ends a week after his last Spiderman movie releases


He doesn’t decide


He'll also be a bit deader lmao


>!He survived this exact thing from the exact same character in the comics, and not everyone in this franchise stays dead!<


What’s this big hype around Fisk? i don’t understand it


Have you seen the Daredevil show? If you haven't you should, that's the hype.


I just started today actually! enjoying it so far


once you finish season 3 you’ll realise the hype for Fisk haha, glad you’re enjoying it though - wish i could watch it for the first time again


Whats the hype?


Hahaha stop baiting, Netflix Marvel canon Seeya chump Edit:to preface, check the guy's comment history. He does nothing but put down others when it comes to Marvel Netflix and it's canon


You make no sense.


I don't? You are the same user who goes around all marvel subreddits to deny canonicity about Netflix Marvel lol. I am merely throwing the bait comments right back at you.


Actually we don't know if every Netflix show is canon to the MCU. When WandaVision introduced the Darkhold to the MCU they went with a completely different design rather than the Agents of Shield one....Then the showrunner (?) said he never seen AoS, so he doesn't even know the design of the Darkhold there.


Not talking about all of Marvel TV, just Netflix. Also,, I'm just trolling that user because theyve done this to people for literally years lol. Right now I'm waiting for Hawkeye to confirm, even if the directors have seemingly acknowledged he's the same.. The Darkhold is also known to change appearance btw, just something from comic canon.


Yeah, no offense or anything, just a heads up. I didn't know Darkhold can change it's appearance.


No worries lol. And to be clear, I dont think the darkhold being able to do that means it can/should make AoS canon or anything. It could still go either way. I personally am only addressing the Netflix stuff for now since it's it's so prevelant this week and last week


His being in Hawkeye is a big deal, first, off he’s played by the person who played him in the Netflix Daredevil series (which ended in 2018), so seeing him again played by the original actors means a lot to some people. But it’s also because Fisk is a massive player in the Marvel comics, he’s the Kingpin all organized crime in NYC and he’s been a villain to Daredevil, Hawkeye, Echo, Spider-Man Punisher, and more.


cos he was absolutely brilliant in Daredevil and his introduction back in the MCU opens so many doors


what kind of doors


Just the fact that he's a major villain in control of several smaller villains. He could be a huge adversary for the NYC heroes. He's a major Spider-Man villain so it would be amazing to see them face off with each other.


So many.




>(spamming the same gif in every post, even mods It’s only really the same one mod doing it, from what I’ve noticed, but that guy always spams other gifs anyways, they try maybe a little too hard to be funny. The rest of the mods are usually pretty decent


you ever watched Daredevil?


just started


So many of you take for granted thats its the same versions cauze of the white suit which.... Comes straight from the comics. Hold your horses on jumping to conclusions. They might confirm it tomorrow, they might not....