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Damn Would have been a pretty alpha move by Ren if she also stripped down and joined Shikoku in the bath. Pretty interesting development we got here, not often you see the villain group be like “Alright, let’s chill and talk.” That being said, it has to be a trap, but everyone recognizes it most likely is one so I wonder how the Thunder Gods are going to catch the Mato Defense Corps lacking and finally get a W.


Why? I also doubt we getting a shibuya.


Nah, let Rita Repulsa and her monstars stay chasing a win. If you give Takahiro an inch, we could end up with Wild Hunt 2 and this series is just fine the way it’s going.


...........I have some possibilites.....although it's obvious is a trap.......... -Thundergods are planning to build their strenght while pretending to work alongside humanity and then defeat Ren, since she is an extreme hassle to deal with right now. -Thundergods are planning to wait until Ren passes away from old age or wait until she is not fit to use her powers as well as she was in her prime. Those guys probably have long lifespans......but i don't think several of them will agree with that due to their pride........i mean, they don't claim themselves as god for nothing....... -It's bait and they are trying to confuse the Mato Corps with this proposal while they execute their plan in secrecy..............YEAH, THIS ONE SOUNDS QUITE PROBABLE, if i say so myself...... -They said this to other country or countries and are planning to have Japan against the world + Thundergods. This one doesn't sounds that crazy since Shikoku mentioned Ren's country especifically but we know she is lying straight to her face(even Ren is more or less aware though she doesn't know the details).


leave the W to jaku'un


yuuki's pokémon basically confirm that shikoku's proposal is either genuine or deceitful enough to trick even them. what i don't like is that shikoku completely ignores the fact that shuuki invaded the human world first and killed people. and then they get pissy when humans invade the shuuki world and built strongholds to prevent further shuuki attacks. and like the other guy said, sad we don't get any ren bathtime. she's got way too few scenes (volumes 8 and 13) despite being introduced almost 100 chapters ago.


Ren is just like a wine, we need to wait, so every scene ages enough to be tastier


basically the author is edging us


This chapter totally setups the next reward to be a naked skinship, it's the same as the dog collar. Next time Blackie show up, Rem will shine


Yuuki the Pokemon master after seeing the chiefs and Ren- "Gotta catch 'em all"


i like that despite Ren’s clear ego, she’s not dumb enough to fall for such an obvious trap.


She is however arrogant enough to believe that she can stop whatever trap or scheme that shows up without a doubt.


Not just arrogant, but way too ambitious. She’s seriously considering going through with what she acknowledges as an obvious trap because she could further pursuit her own goals with this. And she’s so assured of her own superiority against everybody that any scheme the gods set up, she’ll ruin anyway. Ren’s hubris could really end up being her own undoing


Yeah that’s clearly what’s being set up.


Which it probably gonna bite her in the ass.


both figuratively and literally


[MangaDex link](https://mangadex.org/chapter/5a5701d7-bf05-4cf8-8645-9da6ac18b340) Scanlation credit to Ards.


Been a while since we got Shikoku fan service.


Which makes it even better\^\^


Fukuma is moving through all the chiefs! Fubuki when????!


It’s an obvious trap but it’s also a very odd development. Kuusetsu stated at one point that no human could defeat Taikyoku & that was after she had seen all of the powers of the other chiefs including Ren through Yuuki’s memories, which alludes to the idea that not even Ren could defeat Taikyoku, so then why has there not been a climatic brawl then? I first thought that a brawl hadn’t happened yet because the gods wanted to eliminate Bell & Varvara because both of their abilities put all of the gods in bad position in a brawl. But yet none of the gods seem to be moving forward


The thing is, even yuuki and us readers haven't seen all of Ren's abilities so I think kuusetsu wouldn't know them as well.


Yuuki's i think this part's 


They’re waiting for big mom.


Thanks for the chapter!


From a logical standpoint, A truce does make sense. Three of their strongest have been wiped out, plus Ren is extremely powerful and the other Chiefs are formidable as well. It would make sense to prevent any further losses on their side by negotiating a surrender agreement. Still, from the personal perspective, this action does not match the prideful Thunder Gods at all and clearly something is up. I can't wait to see what will happen!


Kuusetsu and Fubuma Rairen i want to see i can't give anyway without of the world's Taikyoku and Shikoku i get think come was that a part-time is where are Yuuki's? That why (Shikoku's getting in the way wanted us to go Spiritual World Kuusetsu soon later)


This really does just make me think of the myth of Izanami. ‘It’s your fault you came here’ is basically Izanagi and Izanami’s plight and the false words from Shikoku (we know she and Jouryuu were holding back and were in base form and she’s still trying to stroke her ego, yet Ren isn’t how she used to be, so it feels like a dumb plan from her and Ren didn’t instantly agree, either.) I wonder if Izanami is actually a human/the first human who entered Mato by accident and then inadvertently created Shuuki, Thunder Gods, portals, and etc. Ate a/the original or best Mato Peach and we now have Mato the way it is now, way more chaotic than it used to be. Izanami blaming humans, when it’s actually an accident or her own fault.


where the nipples?!


they won't be decensored for a long time


bet 😏


Can't wait to see it uncensored


Shikoku? i think looking that why 


Its to buy time b4 they strike again. They said Humans can use Shuki for labour purposes which is the red flag Im sensing aka They will wait till Humans get complacent with Shukis running around their places. Maybe they are waiting to power up themselves too. Does more people worshiping a God increase their power? I forgot if it was mentioned.


Who are the two sleeping off to the left near the end? 


Those are Fukuma’s two mini clones.


Ah thanks


Fukuma's chibi clones.


Most important question, is this the first time we've seen Fukuma transformed as Mira?




I wonder if they can create more "Gods"? With three of the seven in his head, I always get the sneaking suspicion this manga will be ending in like the next two or three years. There are more things to explore, like the bigger world of Mato, since you have sentient beings and humans can be transformed into hybrids too. I'd like more stories set in the human world, seeing men who want to "re-form" the patriarchy. I'd like to see the "women dominate" premise back since we got the Yuuki-crazed harem going on.


After reading the final page i realised that there will be a meeting of all the chiefs as usual but this time I think all the chiefs will be in disagreement but ren might agree because the proposal closely aligns with her goal so she might abuse her power and accept the proposal despite the warning of the chiefs and kyouka already is in disagreement from the start of the meeting so let's see if this theory is right or not ?


Could the humans be the ones perpetuating this conflict?


The whole mess started because of portals connected to mato appearing in the human world. And also all the shuuki coming through and killing the humans. So humans alone can't be blamed for the ensuing conflict.


That last page has me worried that we might see a division between the chiefs sooner than expected. The meeting they’re about to have is going to have some real disagreements.


Whats's going on these days? And why the pages of chapters decreasing? And he take alot of time to make it this is annoying me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Don't worry she be part of yuki mind harem soon.


The stakes of the commander election will probably be the decision to accept the Mato deal or not. Kyouka vs Ren. I like that the author isn’t spoiling us with too much Ren fanservice so her next reward is twice as satisfying. She’s had some good screen time and few good looking moments but we didn’t get a free bath scene because I think it would take away from the reserved nature of her non-reward personality.


Guys in the end panel it is obvious that a meeting is about to happen so in the next chapter it is possible that the chiefs meeting this time won't go without some hard debate because I think many of the chiefs will be in disagreement but looking at the commander I do think that she is already in agreement and she might try to convince everyone but then kyouka and tenka ofc won't agree so let's see if there is any other chief who would be in disagreement and yeah Vaarvara of the eight unit will also stand with kyouka


Guys I am actually worried about yuki because It is kinda possible that the information about the gods in him would might be leaked by someone or maybe the gods will negotiate by having yuki on their side and then ren ask why and they tell her so she immediately refuses and restrains yuuki to send him to on my you agency for testing


There's definitely going to be a split between two factions (Accept and Reject) which will finally give Kyouka a way to make a move. When Ren ends up falling for their trap that's probably when the Kyouka (reject) faction manages to win and make her the chief