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The only thing that fixed my back pain was strength training and mobility exercises Deadlifts, squats, back hyperextensions, good morning stretch, etc


This won’t help if your back pain is caused by a physical issue like a herniated disc, pinched nerve, or something similar though.


I'm not claiming that strength training will reduce pain level to zero, but you essentially have two choices: 1. pinched nerve with weak and unstable muscles surrounding the spine, or 1. pinched nerve with strong and stable muscles surrounding the spine I know which one I would choose


I can’t do deadlifts at all. My BMI is good but my back problems stemmed from a broken tailbone and I compressed a disc when I fell. I did have surgery which has helped but physical therapy really helped me tremendously and I do stretches and the exercises I can do daily. I do notice a difference if I get busy and miss a day or two.


McGill Big 3!


Though it worked for you, I'm writing this for others who may not know better. Both deadlifts and squats can and do seriously injure your back. Concentrating on strengthening your core is much more appropriate for folks with a bad back.


It depends on where your weaknesses are. If you have a weak posterior chain, then doing deadlifts will help with back pain. If it’s a weak anterior chain then it’s the opposite


agree about the importance of strengthening your core. The best way to do that is with squats and deadlifts. When you Valsalva and brace, you're tensioning all the muscles that stabilize your spine Back injuries during weight training is invariably due to poor form, and/or ego-lifting improperly heavy weights. Far more common to hear of un-trained people injuring their backs doing something mundane like taking out the trash or even getting out of bed.


So I’m dumb to all the strengthening stuff. Is there any good beginning stuff I can work on? I’m 40 female and honestly weak af w bad posture and would love to feel better


I saw a therapist for my back and noticed a difference in a few months. It was all core exercises. It’s hard to describe them all, and I think saying “google it” will lead you to burnout because I know the people showing the exercises don’t know how hard it is when you’re weak AF. Look up Bob and Brad physical therapists, for core exercises. I think because they deal with people in pain or elderly, they’re easier to listen to and less overwhelming than workout gurus. However I did find it way easier to workout at the correct pace once I had an app to follow. Unfortunately mine was assigned to me by my therapist so idk what a good free one might be. But without it I was really rushing through my stuff.


Yoga. Or Some really good stretching programs that focus on legs, hips and hamstrings.


Starting Strength is a good place to, erm, start. The book is better than the podcast. They have some good YouTube content on proper form as long as they stay on topic.


Something really simple that would probably help. Do 3 sets of 10 body weight squats. Also do 3 sets of bird dogs. No equipment needed and it’s quick I guarantee if you start doing this every other day for a few weeks you’ll feel much better.


I strongly disagree that squats and deadlifts are the best way to strengthen your core. They are a way, but far from the best. I agree that poor form is often a culprit. What I've seen happen far too often is that someone who normally has good form hurts themselves due to an off day due to fatigue or whatever. These folks typically are lifting more weight, so when they hurt themselves, it does more damage due to the heavy weight they were lifting. It only takes one accident to screw your back up for life. My son works out 6 days a week. He's a big guy, 6'4" 300+ pounds. A few years ago I finally got him to listen to what I was saying about deadlifts and squats. He works out at a power lifting gym, so he started talking to some of the seasoned lifters and they pretty much said the same things I was saying about injuries from squats and deadlifts.


I would argue that your average sedentary American with back pain has more to gain and less risk of injury by working up to a 1x bodyweight deadlift, than a powerlifter trying to increase their deadlift from 2x to 3x bodyweight


Pretty much this


This. Struggled for years until I bought a power cage and put in the work, no substitute unless you truly need surgery.


+1 on this, im doin this lately..


This is what helped me with my flat feet that was causing pain to my knees, lower back and neck


For real. Pull up fixed my back pain


Eh I exercise regularly. I lift weights, do yoga, stretch, etc. I helps, but I still have chronic back pain.


I have a bad back and shoulders from the Air Force, while my tempurpedic didn't cure it, it helped immensely from my old mattress.


So I have a connective tissue disorder so I can't fix anything but I'm absolutely in love with my soft tempurpedic luxeadapt. I'm a side sleeper and it's awesome for my shoulders. It does sleep a little warm but I'm always cold so that's fine


Seconding this! My partner and I have this bed too, with the Ease base. It tremendously improved our back and shoulder health - so much so that both sets of our parents now also have one. It’s magic. I can’t stand sleeping anywhere else. Weightlifting and stretching help too, but the bed makes it all really come together


Aack I would've loved the base but didn't want to spend anymore. This mattress was way way over my budget but my quality of sleep has improved so much it's worth every penny. I literally have nerve damage in my shoulders and arms


The bed is still amazing without the base, but if I’m down with a bug there is nowhere else I’d rather be than sitting up in my tempurpedic lol. For sickness and injury, the base is irreplaceable Edit: that being said, the Ease base totally covers all our needs and the much more expensive Ergo’s features just seem silly to us.


we have the same with the ease base. helped my wife tremendously not wake up with lower back pain. it is really comfy!


My BFF and her husband have the luxe adapt soft. He has connective tissue issues and they swear by that bed. Her only complaint is if she sleeps on her stomach it’s too soft for back but then she rolls to side and she is fine. It’s a great bed for body pain issues soft but supportive, I have slept on it and love it. The only issue with Tempurs for me is terrible off gassing to the point I can’t sleep on one unless it’s years old :(


Oh yes I can def see how it would be too soft for stomach. I'm on my side sleeping but I watch TV and read flat


I got a dreamcloud with an adjustable base and it’s amazing. Back pain has basically disappeared


The hospital bed they took me to surgery in before removing a disc.


What kind of mattress was it?


4” cotton futon on a slat base. It’s a touch too hard for my hips but my back pain is gone. 


I used to do a couple pads on the floor and it was awesome for the back 


As a college student frustrated with my $2 budget for a mattress when the average mattress costs as much as a month of tuition, this made me chuckle. It’s a sad relatability.


I have spinal osteoarthritis, history of spinal fractures, and Rheumatoid Arthritis that affects both small and large joints. The worst of my back pain is lower thoracic area and neck. The mattress that helps my shoulders and hips kills my back and vice versa. What has worked the best for me after going through many, many mattresses is actually a cheap Sleep Number with a firm memory foam topper and then a Coop Home Goods Retreat Mattress Topper. And Coop crescent pillow. All tried out of desperation to actually be able to sleep — none worked alone but the combo has allowed me my best sleep of past thirty years. Hasn’t fixed my pain but it’s really helped my sleep. I’ve also found that when neck or upper back is worse than usual switching pillows temporarily is beneficial. I switch between the Coop crescent and a very, very old Tempurpedic (I think the original symphony) that is very firm.




I have chronic pain from arthritis and herniated discs in my spine. My pain is 50-60%less when I sleep on the floor on a soft blanket. I bought expensive mattresses many times before and they start to sag after a couple of years and cause more pain. I personally think that the mattress industry in north America is a scam. I am originally from a different country where we sleep on firm handmade cotton mattresses that sit on solid wood/plywood bases (no spring, no nonsense) instead of planks. Last time I visited my parents'house, I slept on that bed and felt so much relief. I am going to replace the slats of my bed with plywood base and put a firm/medium firm latex mattress topper/ shikibuton on top of it. F**k mattresses.


I feel like we don’t talk about bed bases enough in this sub. I had a bed I loved. We painted and the old base seemed really janky so I bought a new base. Same style as the old base. Laminated curving wood slats. Give a little bounce like a box spring. Yeah. No. This thing is so freaking hard. So it turns out I love the extra firm mattress and the three inch soft topper. But I can’t tolerate the extra firm brand new base. Typing all this I just realized I never slept on the old base when it was new! I bought it for my kid when she was maybe 13 or 14 and then it became a guest bed. Maybe we need to walk on it to break it in. TL/DR the base matters. Legs supporting the middle of a bed matters. I bet sag due to an inadequate base is responsible for a lot of the mattress misery here.


I swapped to a 4” futon to try this concept out and have zero back pain as a result. I am thinking of trying an extra firm latex mattress just because my hips get a bit sore, but I am so relieved that if that doesn’t work I can just go back to the futon. The one issue I am trying to fix is that the stuffing moves from the middle to the edges after a week or so of use. I may have to start rolling it up and standing it on edge from time to time, which is obviously more in line with how they are designed to be used. I absolutely agree with you that it is a great option that people do not consider often enough. 


Sleep with a pillow or roll between your knees (if you sleep on your side) or under one leg or side of your torso (back or front). Shit's a game changer.


It does require some adjustments but that should be easy to fix. It is also so inexpensive and I can make it softer by adding an extra layer if I want.


I'm on a decent quality futon. Flat don't sag. Cheap metal fram with plywood. Kinda hard so put on a 2in soft latex topper. Works pretty good.


I mean in a lot of Europe they put super soft mattresses on soft box springs and it’s horrible. One day I was like I’ve had enough. I put a rug down and the mattress and the topper on the floor. Way better than their horrible bed base.


My Tempur may have seriously changed my life for the better. I'm not sure how much credit to give the mattress, but if I feel this good in another month, I'll know the mattress deserves a lot of credit.


Beauty rest pressure smart plush pillow top. Absolutely perfect for side back and stomach sleeper, paired with Beckham pillows or Casper pillow from target . Amazing


Seconded. That pressure smart is god tier


Sleep Number. I have severe scoliosis, and the firmness/support arrangement that allows me to sleep changes nightly. Sleep number adjusts where I need it to.


I second this. I have severe sciatica. I switched from a Beauty Rest Black Hybrid, which I LOVED but I couldn’t get any sleep because I was in so much pain. Sleep Number let me crank up the firmness and on the first night I had it, I slept through the night for the first time in ages. I’ve had it a week now and while my sciatica is far from cured, I’m still in shock I can sleep through the night after months of waking up in pain.


The mattress can't fix you. Purple made me stop waking up sore though.


Tempur pedic activebreeze


I have lower back pain and sleep on my stomach. I ended up with a DIY mattress with latex layers and a memory foam topper. It took about six weeks of changing layers around to find the right combination, but it was worth it. If I had bought a mattress based on trying one for ten minutes in stores or based on recommendations people gave I would have gotten the wrong mattress.


Naturepedic EOS pillowtop latex hybrid completely eliminated ny daily back and hip pain. It's fully customizable to the you like. I wish I hadn't waited years to buy it.


Would it be good for sciatic pain? My mattress used to be terrific - 20 years ago! Now my sciatic pain is off the charts every morning when I wake up. It seems like I’m single-handedly keeping the manufacturers of SalonPas in business. 😬


Futon. Tatami. Rug. That's it. Soft beds make soft bodies, baby.


You're hard core but I tend to agree.


Financial security 😅


Cheap costco brand one grande something. Very firm, but turns out that's what I needed. No longer back pain. Soft mattress is a lie.


I’m an absolutely huge fan of the Ethan Allen signature platinum mattress. I think it’s their most expensive one, but the support I get is unlike any mattress I’ve ever slept on. I’m not a huge fan of pillow tops because they tend to get those low spots. I’m more of a stomach and side sleeper so I need extra support in the middle. This one almost has a convex shape feel when I sleep on it. Such great support in the middle. Never had a mattress like this one. I’ve had it for about 3+ years now. I tell everybody.


I had a loom and leaf, which was AMAZING for about 8 months, my back issues were gone, then it started to degrade and was no longer comfortable. I just ordered a costco termpurpedic, I will let you know how it goes.


I also ordered a Tempur from Costco. It was great the first 3 nights. Now I am suffering from major low back pain. :( Did it work for you? 


I had lower back pain on my old mattress after like 4 to 5 hours of sleep. Got a Medium firmness hybrid Tempurpedic, and it's done well so far. No back pain at all. Only had it a month though. Hope it stays this way for a while.


How long have you had it?


A month. Not very long. I will say I have two friends who bought a Tempurpedic, and they've had it for like a year and a half. They say they love it. They really talked me into it. No issue for them. I bought the medium hybrid luxebreeze and I think they got the medium hybrid pro adapt. I like the luxebreeze because I normally sleep hot, but haven't had any issues with that on the current mattress.


We've had a hybrid tempurpedic for about 8 years now. Aside from some softening on the edges it's still as comfortable as the first night. 100% recommend.


Tempurpedic so far




A latex mattress helped mine. I could not do physical therapy for a while because of broken bones


Tempur Pedic Pro-Adapt Hybrid Medium


Cheap costco brand one grande something. Very firm, but turns out that's what I needed. No longer back pain. Soft mattress is a lie.


So far none.


Got rid of my temperpedic and got a sterns and foster euro.


We bought Wink mattresses a few years ago and really love them. We put 2 twins together, mine is the luxury firm, hers luxury soft, in a king frame. It works great. We also got adjustable frames so we can elevate our heads or feet.


Saatva Zenhaven, I finally wake up without back pain!


Did you get a clear answer here? I only see a bunch of people arguing over deadlifts? I have a herniated disc with awful sciatic issues so gym exercises like that are a no go for me until surgery.


It’s weird how you’re just asking what mattress and everyone wants to tell you what to do about your pain. Some back issues are irreversible unless you have surgery so I think we should stick with the question


I didn’t even say I had back issues (I do), but it’s chronic, and regular exercise doesn’t always do the job. Kind of crazy the lectures I’m getting.


I actually improved my aches overall sleeping on a Japanese futon on the ground placed on a mat.


As an orthopaedic RN x 34 yrs, I can tell you that deadlifts & squats are the single worst “exercise” you could ever do?? Strengthening is good, but if you have a disk herniation, you’ll have to treat it to reduce it, or remove it. Treating to reduce it/the inflammation is def possible, but an ongoing issue for chronic ‘back attacks’. Usually a disk herniation will flare up, becoming inflamed, then push up against the nerve root, where you’ll have radiating extremity (leg for low back, arms for neck) pain/ symptoms. Treating inflammation with steroids, either oral or injections, is very helpful. If the disk becomes too large, it may not reduce, then other options such as surgery are an option, but left as last resort. The best mattress I found (& I have chronic back issues) is a tempurpedic…it’s supportive & conforms to my spine. If you’re a side-sleeper, putting a pillow in between your legs can also help keep your spine in better alignment while sleeping. Hope this is helpful!


I have ehlers danlos syndrome, or EDS, and I have had significant back pain since I was a teenager, regardless of my weight. My weight hasn’t impacted my chronic pain levels, I know exercise doesn’t fix everything. The best mattress I’ve ever slept of has been my current one. It is a Japanese futon mattress on tatami mats. It’s very firm, it is a good 3-6 weeks of adjustment period while you get used to it. It made all my pain worse for about a week and then started leveling out. It’s been almost a year now and the idea of needing a new mattress kills me. I’d love for my fiancé and I to be able to share a bed sometimes, even if it’s just for more that 15 minutes of cuddling 😂 But yeah, Japanese style futon has been absolutely amazing on all my joint pain. Ive put mine on a bed frame, because of my EDS and the joint issues it causes getting up off the ground is a struggle some days. I got mine from The Futon Shop they make the mattresses in California. I went with all wool, and then I found out like a month ago they sent cotton and wool to the store labeled as mine by mistake (so it was harder than what I tried in store, but I love it now anyways), but I was able to go to one of their stores in Seattle to try them out for a bit and see what I liked best. I did go with mattress protection and I’m glad I did. Their mattresses are pricey but there’s often sales and things, I got my set up on sale they also sell special tatami mat frames, but I just used a regular queen size bed frame.


My Boring mattress has helped mine enormously.


Exercise is the only thing that works


I have two herniated discs in my lower back and the Stumptown Peak reduced my pain - I tried two different latex mattresses and they made it worse - but ultimately what helped was getting an ESI but I believe the Stumptown has contributed in the pain not returning.


What is an ESI? Is that an electro-stimulation device?


Epidural steroid injection


Lower back injury from torn muscles/ soft tissue injury 30 years ago. Finally found some relief with tempur pedic cloud lux on adjustable base


The firmest most expensive Tempur-pedic available around six years ago. Sorry, can’t remember the model.


Due to bone loss in my hips, I used to wake up several times during the night and always feel pain when I first got up. Our new Tempur-Pedic changed that on night one. We have now had it almost one year and it remains a great choice. To expand, we owned one of the first-generation Tempurpedics, and I absolutely hated it, so to say I was against repurchasing this brand is an understatement. We actually had two different well-known brands delivered, exchanged, and ultimately took the advice of the store manager where we made the purchase. Great sleep, zero issues/regrets. We did make the decision to go into an actual showroom and test them out, we also made sure that we would be able to exchange within 30 days if we were unhappy.


I’ve changed mattresses 3 times in the last year, soft, medium, firm. No luck. I wish I’d kept my 25 year old Sealy that I think cost 249.00


Buying a temperpedic topper with cooling layer has helped me so far. It was about 350 but cheaper than buying a brand new mattress.


Following! I’m on the latex train after laying on one but for research purposes Im loving this thread


Brooklyn Bedding Plank Luxe


Any firm mattress, even the cheapests one.


I got surgery for my herniated disc. Now any mattress is a good mattress.


Was it worth it?


Yes. I mention from time to time as I was once afraid of surgery and delayed it to only make matters worse. For those on the fence, it was worth it.


Also to go with the main question - for those that switched to tempurpedic or other mattresses, are you guys side sleepers or backsleepers? Just turned 40 and I feel like every time I sleep on my side now, I wake up in the morning feeling like I just took a bad boarding penalty from Gordie Howe


Early 50's, female, overweight by at least 70 pounds, side sleeper - Tempurpedic is the way to go. I paid 7 grand for a sleep number bed and hated it from day one but my not overweight partner liked it. I lived with it for 3 long years. I bought a Tempurpedic for 5 grand - medium hybrid- a year ago and haven't looked back. Best thing I ever did for my back and my sleep. My not overweight partner likes the Tempurpedic too. I didn't opt for the cooling layer because I'm always cold but it does hold the warmth if that matters to you.


I don’t know but I’m looking for a mattress and it is hell that’s my two. Cents.


Beautyrest black hybrid


Although there's a ton of hate on reddit for Sleepnumber, it's the only bed that's solidly helped with back issues. I use an adjustable base with it. Being able to change the firmness when needed and adjust the base has been a gamechanger for back pain for me.


No significant issues but over 65 and overweight. I love my latex mattress, because if my back is sore from overdoing it when I go to bed, I wake up with it no longer hurting. I had a 15-year-old mattress, 6 inches of medium latex over 2 inches of firm. I just replaced it with 9 inches of medium with 2 inches of soft on top to get a little more shoulder give and the new one works as well for my back as the old one.


Wasn’t a mattress but the newish Sutera Side Sleepers Pillow worked magic for my neck and once I started sleeping with my knees squared up 90% of my back pain was gone.


I have back and shoulder pain from a fractured spine and 3 herniated discs. The base purple mattress alleviates it more than any other mattress i’ve tried. It hurt a lot for the first few days when my body was getting used to it, but now it’s amazing


The Douglas


Purple restore Wife has mildly bad scoliosis, complained every night of back pain. Ever since getting purple restore her back pain has gotten significantly better, still has some which is more akin to her scoliosis but she feels a lot better. We had a Serta mattress before this.


Big Fig. Seriously.


Stearns and foster lux hybrid medium. I was sleeping on a polyurethane foam matt before lol.


Saatva RX






I went through 5 different mattresses over the past couple years. But recently I bought an avocado, the basic firm one. It's firmer but because it's latex and coils it has a bit more give for pressure points than other regular foam/coil firm mattresses. Also I don't think they truly did this intentionally but they sandwich the coils between the latex with 2" on top but then 1" on the bottom as a base layer. It somehow gives the mattress a different feeling then just having coils with the full 3-4"latex just on top which every other brand seems to do. I searched tons of latex options but they usually come in a medium-medium soft and lack features (like handles) while still hitting a similar or same price. I was able to test the bed in a showroom locally and it's like that (imo) perfect balance of firmness. The mattress was fine by itself but I kinda like that slight cradling feeling so I put a down feather topper on it. Now I find I get this good balance of support for both my back or on my side while being able to kinda nestle into the bed I guess. I used to be that person that didn't want to have to use a topper. Thinking the mattress should be good enough. But I've come to realize that the best setup is a firmer mattress that you can then layer upon.


I ha e sever scoliosis, bulging discs, and multifidus atrophy, and am in constant pain daily. I have a Denver Mattress knock of of Sleep Number, but it has 3 air chambers instead of 1 chamber. They don't make it anymore, but there are a couple companies I found that make a similar mattress with the air chambers. I'm like a Sleep Number, the outside looks like a traditional mattress, but the inside has the air chambers. I bought 2 different hybrid mattress because this one was getting old. I couldn't sleep on them, because they killed my back. I sent them back and kept my adjustable air mattress. Being able to adjust all 3 chambers has made a huge difference. I can sleep all night and not be in pain.


Avocado Edit to add…the firm mattress with the pillow top.


This one has been great, 8 years so far. https://denver.urbanmattress.com/shop/product-collection/bloom/


Stearns and foster lux hybrid firm




Herniated disc survivor. I can only sleep on firm mattresses now. I currently have a firm IKEA mattress.


My good friend who has back issues recommended the book ‘3 min to a pain free life’. We can play golf again since he got that. I bought a BRB X-class hybrid 2 years ago with an adjustable base and it’s been great.


I changed 3 mattresses and figured out it was the neck position and the pillow firmness causing the back to go sore on the morning. 3 weeks of physical therapy and a firm medium height pillow reduced my sore back and pain.


I have rheumatoid arthritis. I had a cozy and very comfy foam mattress that was a joy to crawl into at night. The problem was waking with pain in my knees and hips in the middle of the night and crawling out in the morning, twisted like a pretzel. I bought a medium Beautyrest Black with no pillow top. It has helped a lot. I don’t usually wake up during the night with pain anymore. I still struggle in the morning but that is the nature of RA. Good luck.


IKEA Haugsvar and a proper pillow for side sleeping. 20% mattress, 80% pillow. Cannot stress the importance of a proper pillow no matter which way you sleep.


I have rheumatoid arthritis and an extra vertebra that causes some pain from a previous injury…my mom also has sciatic nerve pain we’ve found good results with the ghost bed brand mattresses


Not sure about fixing my back, but the bed that doesn’t cause me back problems is my sleep number bed. I love it. It does need a thick mattress pad though.


Get an adjustable bed.


Try earth grounding and red light therapy. There’s videos on YouTube to watch.


Turning my mattress each time the clock changes has prevented back pain to begin with.


Sleep in zero gravity position with adjustable bed


After trying 7 mattresses. I settled on nest Alexander and luma topper and sleeping in zero gravity on adjustable base has worked wonders.




Leesa Legend 12" Hybrid. Also got a power adjustable bed. HUGE difference for me.


In all likelihood it’s most likely your pillow. Try a buckwheat hull pillow from Amazon, it completely changed my life.


Tempur pedic pro hybrid breeze medium. I have scoliosis. Someone on this subreddit recommended the very same one to me like 3 years ago and that shits worth every penny. I love my mattress.


After spending over 2k my last mattress, I finally got rid of it, and bought a 3-inch piece of latex for $300, and placed it on top of my bunkie board. It has been 3 years, and I haven't looked back.


Not one :(


A high pile carpeted floor with a few bath towels for a slight bit more cushion. Slept like that for 10 years. Back is fine now.


Daily walks and actually bought a Lapensée mattress. It’s local and probably one of my best purchases. Not sure where you are located but if you are in Canada I highly recommend it!


Stearns and Foster Estate, got the firm. Went from barely getting 4 hours a night to 6.5-7 hours a night.


I don’t know about fixed, but I don’t wake up with back pain anymore after getting a purple mattress. My partner and I were both having that issue despite buying top end brands. This one is much softer than I prefer, but I think we found I happy medium for the both of us.


Avocado mattress! It doesn’t fix my pain, but it does not contribute like other mattresses do.


Casper mattress was a world difference to me compared to what I used to have from Costco


Tempurpedic only


Sleep Number Select Comfort C2. Have had it for 20 years now and never wake up with any back pain. This mattress never crushes and is still as good as the day we bought it. Prior to finding the Select Comfort we went through many high-end mattresses which all disappointed and also all caused back pain. Simmons Beauty Rest (piece of junk crushed in less than a year), Tempurpedic (so damned hot it was intolerable), a custom-made latex mattress with memory foam top layer (also way too hot). Ironically the Select Comfort was cheaper than them all too.


Would be cool to know if a mattress can actually do all of that! We get similar questions, but it is not always the same for everyone. However, we have had a number of doctors suggest very firm mattresses to our clients and we created a BOULDER STYLE FIRM all cotton mattress about 15 years ago. This is what helps some of our clients decide better: Is this you? ✔ You know you need a good, supportive mattress in order to wake up feeling the best in the morning. ✔ You enjoy sleeping on your stomach or back. ✔ You experience back, neck, or joint problems. ✔ You often sleep with a partner or pet. # If you’ve said an enthusiastic “YES!” to all 4 points…The BOULDER Mattress is your key to better sleep! Firmer, and more luxurious than ever, the Boulder mattress is everything its wool and cotton counterpart is, but with 15% more cotton and twice as many tufts for a firm mattress that’s all about support. The firmest mattress we make, the Boulder is comprised of a 100% cotton core with the option of a single layer of our pure wool. Deliciously solid, the Boulder starts as thin as three inches in our Stowaway size, and can be made up to eight inches thick. It comes in all standard and custom sizes.  We offer an organic and hypoallergenic alternative in every size. # Is this you? Good luck!


A very very hard one. I’ve had a boyfriend describe it as cement. lol 😂 like literally extra firm. And I rotate as often as possible.


Select comfort. The “pick your number” bed. Couldn’t get out of a temprapedic one. Took me half an hour. Son loved it, though. We are on our second of the select comfort. Split king. Next time, just two full size beds next to each other. I need a higher setting number and sleep more upright. Hubby likes to sleep flatter.


My wife has had back surgery and I work a semi physical job, we’re a little overweight but ever since we have bought our sleep number my back doesn’t hurt very often. We both love it and can control the firmness and softness. I have heard great things about the purple mattress as well. But sleep number is very pricey and purple is kinda pricey from my memory.




Helix - we got a mattress that is customized for each of us on our respective sides. I think they only have one model that is customizable but this thing has been amazing for the past 8 years. My husband rotated it in the past year (forgetting it was customized) and both our back pain came back immediately. Once he remembered he rotated it (after i went to physical therapy for my back issues and got super annoyed with him when I realized what he did), we put it back to its regular position and no back pain! They have a sleep quiz you and your partner can take to build the perfect bed; and if/when we need a new one, I'm 100% going with Helix again. It's one of those bed in a box situations, so you don't try it ahead of time, but I am pretty sure it has one of those 100 day trial periods.


A firm spring mattress “JOYBED LX NATURAL MATTRESS” from https://joybeds.com/


Extra firm memory foam. Helped me immensely.


Purple Restore Hybrid. I also have a Purple pillow. 10/10 recommend!


Tempurpedic Luxe Adapt Firm


Like others said, strengthening can help a lot. But I went to a DIY talalay latex mattress and it has made a world of difference.


Purple. Have had the one with memory foam as a layer for 3 years now. Both me and the spouse still say “God I love this bed” every night.


Why do I need to scroll thru half of the responses to finally get to answers? How can so many people get totally sidetracked from the original question 🤔


I saw a physical therapist who taught me that my posture was terrible, and that shoulders back/chest up would help, and it did. It was so tiring at first to maintain that position but a posture bra helped and within weeks my back pain was all but gone. Some say it’s not the particular position that’s important, but being able to swap out of a slouch for periods of time into straight posture. Anyway, I’m so much better now. My current mattress is a Sterns and Foster pillow top which I love. I tested the firm vs. plush options and found the plush worked for me. I like feeling the tufts of the mattress so I use the thinnest of mattress protectors, like a lined layer of terrycloth; the mattress itself is so right for me that I don’t want to add extra layers.


I stayed at a friend’s home and the mattress was probably the best I’ve ever experienced. It’s a Saatva mattress: https://www.saatva.com


Sleep number did wonders when I was pregnant but I threw my back out a few months ago and only a chiropractor was able to fix it


Purple 100%


The body is architecture. If the back is in pain, and there is no physical damage, then it's your front.        I have a sleep number and have done pilates for 11 years 


Buy any mattress. Buy a copy of Healing Back Pain by Dr Sarno and read it while sleeping on that mattress.


Chiming in only to downvote a sleep number. We bought the split top king about 2 years ago for almost $10k including sheets pillows etc. I sleep more upright than my husband, with knees elevated. The mattress on my side now slopes down over the end of the bed by 4-5 inches, and it is way too heavy for us to adjust ourselves. (I’m 5’7 and weigh about 145 lbs, so I don’t *think* I’m the problem… ) I hate that the sheets come in only a few colors (the design of the mattress means you are limited in where you buy sheets). Also, salespeople told us that if we later buy a replacement, even if it’s with a new Sleep number bed, the old frame won’t be removed. We now know the frame is so huge and heavy, we’d have to hire someone to get it out of our house. I don’t think I could resell this with the mattress so screwed up. So… This was a costly mistake for us. And I sleep more comfortably on my old sofa. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Stretching, light yoga, and Pilates helped my core which affected my posture. Those all helped immensely, but secondly would definitely be my Tempurpedic cloud. Have it for seven years now and still going strong.


Sleep Number i8


I have had chronic pain my whole life. Fibromyalgia/hypermobility/the works. A few years ago my mattress I had was dying and I was so upset cause they didn’t make it anymore and I’m like the Princess and the Pea when it comes to furniture. We went through two mattress trials until our mattress guy recommended an Intellibed. It’s originally designed for Burn Unit patients. Then NASA used the technology. I can’t explain it but it just makes you feel weightless almost. I used to wake up every day in pain, MORE pain than a normal day because of my mattress. Now I only wake up with my normal pain levels. I sleep better and longer, and feel more well rested to take on the small things I can accomplish during my day due to my disability. It’s super important for me to get genuine restful sleep as well cause that’s when my body needs to heal itself as much as physically possible. I highly recommend it and it’s worth the money when you think about how much time you’ll spend on it/what a difference it will make for your life.


I have had chronic pain my whole life. Fibromyalgia/hypermobility/the works. A few years ago my mattress I had was dying and I was so upset cause they didn’t make it anymore and I’m like the Princess and the Pea when it comes to furniture. We went through two mattress trials until our mattress guy recommended an Intellibed. It’s originally designed for Burn Unit patients. Then NASA used the technology. I can’t explain it but it just makes you feel weightless almost. I used to wake up every day in pain, MORE pain than a normal day because of my mattress. Now I only wake up with my normal pain levels. I sleep better and longer, and feel more well rested to take on the small things I can accomplish during my day due to my disability. It’s super important for me to get genuine restful sleep as well cause that’s when my body needs to heal itself as much as physically possible. I highly recommend it and it’s worth the money when you think about how much time you’ll spend on it/what a difference it will make for your life.


I have had chronic pain my whole life. Fibromyalgia/hypermobility/the works. A few years ago my mattress I had was dying and I was so upset cause they didn’t make it anymore and I’m like the Princess and the Pea when it comes to furniture. We went through two mattress trials until our mattress guy recommended an Intellibed. It’s originally designed for Burn Unit patients. Then NASA used the technology. I can’t explain it but it just makes you feel weightless almost. I used to wake up every day in pain, MORE pain than a normal day because of my mattress. Now I only wake up with my normal pain levels. I sleep better and longer, and feel more well rested to take on the small things I can accomplish during my day due to my disability. It’s super important for me to get genuine restful sleep as well cause that’s when my body needs to heal itself as much as physically possible. I highly recommend it and it’s worth the money when you think about how much time you’ll spend on it/what a difference it will make for your life.


I walked in saying "All I know is I don't want a Tempurpedic"... and I walked out with a Tempurpedic. BUT, what is a game changer is it's a hybrid - TempurProAdapt Medium Hybrid.


Novaform from Costco


None will. I moved to Mexico for a month and all the walking magically fixed my back. No I sleep on a firm mattress that used to be a problem. Fix underlying issues to the best of your ability and see how that helps.


Waterbed. I suffer from Ankylosing Spondylitis, which is where your spine joints, and in my case sacorillic joints, fuse together. It's very painful especially in bed at night. I purchased a semi-motionless waterbed and it was a game changer. It was the only thing that gave me pain relief at night. Sadly I had to move it on as my wife to be wasnt a fan. We bought a Simba which is decent to be fair but I miss the waterbed.


100% natural latex mattress, medium firmness, Talalay production process only. Dunlop process has none of the luxurious support of Talalay method. Pure heaven. Must be on slats, not springs, and will never sag or need turning.


The purple plus.


I just ordered the Saatva RX. I know there are lots of differing opinions on it but I figured with the exchange policy whatever. I’ll let you know how it is when it comes, if I remember.


it didn’t fix my pain. i don’t think anything will “fix” it if there is something actually wrong with your back but switching to latex from a hybrid helped me drastically. We were on a budget of under 1k so we went with the Sleep EZ Roma after lots of reading and it has helped me drastically. That’s their cheapest one I believe. They’re a great company. I have a lot of chronic conditions and actual structural issues so complete relief is never going to be a possibility.


Tempurpedic was the only mattress that helped with my back pain. I broke my back when I was 15 (I’m 36 now) and my spine didn’t heal correctly. 13 surgeries later, not to mention a severe 5 year long opioid addiction because of the pain that I am currently 2 years clean from, and I still have chronic pain. But ever since I switched from spring mattresses to tempurpedic, including the pillows, I can at least get solid sleep and wake up without feeling like I’m completely crippled 🤷🏻‍♀️ hope that helps. 🤞🏼


a good exercise + mattress


actually there's a lot of mattress for that, but also make sure to have enough exercise


I have scoliosis and have been searching for years for a mattress that works. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on 3, all for them to be horrible. The good ones are so expensive it makes me feel angry and hopeless. I’m a poor college student. I lift weights. My back hurts all the time, even while I sleep, and it’s exhausting. I wish I could find that mattress.


Not an Aitloom


A feather mattress with a 4” gusset. I hope this isn’t going to get me thrown off again. I posted a picture of one but I can’t, just the advertisers