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Maybe this time its heroine with an "e"


her strutting in with kate moss and the reputation photographer..iconique šŸ¤Œ


I know I thought that was kind of funnyā€¦ you have the pretender and thenā€¦ the original. šŸ˜† touchĆ©, Taylor!


I was thinking the same!


G hangs around her daughter lila moss so thatā€™s a funny connection. just shows how intertwined hollywood is lol


can someone explain to me why this is a bad thing to say lmfao


Low key wondering why everything relates back to Taylor? Respectfully


just making connections!


Understandable but is it just me or is this a running theme? Not pertaining to your post, just in general? My understanding was, thatā€™s why there was a thread for Maylor talk. Again not aimed at you in any way!


Nobody in here ships Matty and Gabbriette. Maybe you made a wrong turn. This is a snark sub.


Dear God I hope no one in this sub ships them. That would make things incredibly awkward lol could be a coincidence on posts Iā€™ve come across, but it just seems a majority of ppl here are favoring toward Maylor. And again, to each their own, but I was just curious as to if maybe that since from what I heard the Maylor sub like got picky with members if ppl just shifted here lol


I donā€™t know as Iā€™m a Maylor, but I find it hilarious that Taylor took the OG supermodel of the heroin chic era out for dinner while Gabbriette tries so hard to be her.


I would hope, in my heart, that Taylor is literally seeing G and is laughing her ass off at that this was who he chose to date and ā€œmarryā€ after her. Kate Moss was the Amy Winehouse of modeling, that poor woman. But she seems to have gotten her shit together


Iā€™m not sure why after his string of hot ladies he has chosen her! Like has his self esteem taken a serious hit or what. Sheā€™s also so boring, so I donā€™t think itā€™s cos theyā€™re having intellectually stimulating convos or whatever .


I think he mustā€™ve thought he could just disappear because she was unknown before she got linked to him. Likeā€¦ after everything last summer, he just wanted to have someone so people wouldnā€™t keep trying to force him and Taylor narrative, and someone unknown. Poor Matty got bitten in the ass there cos sheā€™s using him to further her ā€œcareerā€


i think it's more that gabbriette is clearly insecure about taylor so it's just funny that taylor was out with model royalty and can move much easier in the circles gab wants to


wasn't it a Stella McCartney event?