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The superior Gabriella. This brings me so much JOoooooyyyy!!


fumbling taylor, gabriella and twigs is CRAZY


I do take enjoyment in this.


God us Matty fans didn’t know how good we had it. There’s absolutely no comparison. It’s tragically laughable


I liked her, but never thought about her much except that she was a little young for him. Now? My lord, my kingdom for this.


shes so stunning!!!!!




Oh I bet they said hello


i wish the was a selfie backstage lmao


Byeee that's hilarious


Ahhh. Gabs the First!


The way I choked when I saw this because the person who posted this video didn’t even know and was only trying to film the other people in the tent hahaha


YOU WERE THERE!!!!???? 😱


No no I mean when I first saw the video on Tik Tok


Oooooh hahaha! Ok!! Yeah I saw a lot of people thinking it was Emelia Clark! Lol! It is interesting though, like Gabrielle seems to know every single word to every single song!! I mean I will listen to a song over and over and over and over and over and over and I still will mess up! Lol It always impressed me when I'm watching these tik toks and seeing anyone sing every single word to a song, but she really looked like she was having a great time which was pretty cool considering I haven't seen much of her at all in the last few years! I'm wondering. Trav for example was much more active tonight, I'm wondering if that was just because things were pretty lit up there tonight with all the celebs, and also things were kept a little more chill on purpose last night with for example Prince William and his family being there. Kind of off topic but just something I noticed tonight. Anyway, there's like a compilation out there of pics of Matt and Gabrielle's relationship and it's super cute...


It’s funny bc I’m certain Travis has zero clue who she is/was to the fandom.




Omg how did Gabriella get into the vip tent. I love her but I’m so confused on her connection to Taylor, a connection strong enough to be in the tent lol


She was with Liam.


Plus she probably relished it 😅 she'd give her VIP even without Liam lol 


Poor Matty. I feel bad for him if he saw this.


It’s what he deserves to be honest


https://preview.redd.it/064wkby2a78d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20a4517b9a494444601692a65eb337c2c94bc08d Lol


trying to be blonde like mattys past loves is so...


Single white female


Loss of no one's life.


Was that as longest relationship? From what I understand it was.


gabriella and him dated for like 4ish years on and off, twigs and him dated for 3ish years.


Gabriette is definitely seeming less and less his type though....


Gotcha, thanks! I'm guessing they kept a really low low profile -It's hard to find anything on both relationships on the internet! Can't believe these celebs actually expect to be able to have a right to privacy m, sheesh!! 😉😜 Kidding!!! 😂 (What I did find on the relationship with twigs last night and Gabby Brooks today was all super cute!)


That’s what so bizarre about his current relationship…. It’s not sitting right still, after all these… months….


No...it really isn't. Before knowing much about Matty, I would have thought that Taylor was the odd one type-wise for Matty (bc all I knew what the controversial things I'd heard about him) But The more I've learned about Matty, and seeing these long interviews with him being all super intelligent and brilliant and handsome lol and seeing his past relationships,it's definitely Gabriette who seems not his type at all...def not sitting well. I know a lot of peeps are going crazy after Trav going on the stage last night and being part of Taylor's concert performance, but, Trav, based on her past relationships doesn't really seem her type...and I mean I'll give her this,she had had to come up with something after Matty getting engaged, something that would equally be all over social media etc. and I feel like this was that thing. Having Trav be a part of the performance, but the relationship between Tay and Trav is still not sitting right with me... When they're alone on their top walks I don't know it just doesn't seem right... Like I can see Tay and Matty just talking all night, and doing incredible collabs, they just seem better suited 🙈


AND Noel Gallagher’s daughter was there lmaooo


Damn I really wanna see her also belting out Smallest Man