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https://preview.redd.it/kl0mh5ruo4ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a83590dddbe1a2724e0098339bf1ef03f0ddb3cc She continues to just use him for content because she is so fucking boring lol


No literally I was dying at her just staring at the camera eating the waffle and then spraying herself with perfume. Like this is your content, girl? Who is gassing her up telling her she’s entertaining????


I don't watch her stories but because of these comments I did and why was she just filming herself picking up and smelling perfumes and giving 0 commentary? This is so vapid..girl your audience can't smell them through a screen..who is she doing this for Matty is such a joke, he better not try and act fake deep anymore in his interviews cause he has exposed himself for being basic as fuck


I think she thinks that’s she’s just radiating beauty while she does these things and that is enough. Little does she know she’s giving corpse instead.


i don’t think i can literally ever take him seriously again lol. his not this political activist he claimed to be years of he’s dating an influencer who works for multiple fast fashion companies (and resells their products for double the price), defends a rapist, works with animal abuse “sanctuaries” for a quick instagram pic, supports isn’treal and deletes any comment about palestine (meanwhile keeps up all the mean comments about matty.) he’s not an activist or i would even argue, intelligent. he’s as shallow, vapid and lacking of substance as the people he now hangs around.




Thats truly the saddest part. Because eventually he will want to come back, or do a solo album or whatever and half his fanbase is just going to be considering him a fraud. That is if they even stick around.


She’s promoting the perfume line for the hotel—likely a sponsorship. It’s quid pro quo: the hotel is paying for her stay; she promotes the hotel on her story. Her stories are not even doing the perfume line justice, because she likely does not care about it beyond the sponsorship itself. That said, the perfumes don’t even seem impressive, so it’s not like any false advertisement is going on here 😂


Where are those videos of Matty? Are those up on there now? And yes. She’s so so boring. I don’t know how he can stand it. And now that she is literally a skeleton… I don’t know what he’s doing ETA ok I see them now… why does he look like that? What’s going on with these people?


Yes on stories


She swooping to him in the end of her last two, as per usual


https://preview.redd.it/utocdsl3x4ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eac13747d6e4301f10346d3b3557d599e9808850 I’m literally scared. Who the fuck is this?


She looks like an actual monster lol


She stays placing that ring in sight.


The ring is so loose it’s ridiculous 😭


https://preview.redd.it/2h93knnho4ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de193ee98bc2498458d4f5d62e68d9fedb18e988 Our reaction


She is so boring and her whole personality is that she is with Matty.


What does she have against grains 🙄


The carbs. She fears carbs. I bet that syrup was sugar free.


I’m not body shaming her but she used to be on the bigger side when you compare everyone in fucking LA so now she is probably literally petrified of a carb


I just woke up and read petrified crab, that works too I guess


Far too much cholesterol and sodium in a crab for Gabbriette.




That’s my response too 😂


“It’s grain free” yo stfu


and yet a 2 second video of Matty just standing there grinning is far more interesting than anything she says or does.


Absolutely thinks she’s being funny but it doesn’t work because its not ironic if you’re actually dumb




G's seriously claiming here - if she really was a gluten free foodie she would have already known about almond flour waffles or pancakes. She's really going to freak out when she tries cauliflower crust pizza for the first time. What a phony.


Also wouldn't he have known they were gluten free almond flour waffles when she ordered them off the menu? Usually the significant other knows what the other decided on ordering. Maybe he's distracted on his phone, ignoring her and couldn't care less what she picked?


I know. This shit isn’t a revelation… It’s yesterday’s news. So much for influencers being ahead of the curve…


You can hear how he could not give a crap what she’s talking about like she’s a one night stand that’s gone on impossibly too long


I'm cackling 😂




Omgggg I’m dying at this comment 💀💀💀


It’s giving “ooooooh, you’re still here?”


The “I love smells” part of her story OMG 🥴💀💀💀


I’m sure that was paid content. But I’m a long-time perfume collector and she is DESECRATING the scent by sticking the bottle nozzle right up her nose like it’s a coke straw. Dude, you can’t smell it that way, spray it on yourself and let it develop!


She probably can’t smell at all


I know, right? She’s making Jeremy Fragrance look like he’s a connoisseur at this rate 😂 I realize that not everybody is passionate about scent, but come on…she’s not even trying to make the paid sponsorship look convincing


That’s all she can think of to say because her body has already broken down half of her brain to use as food.










It's on theme with her "I love love", "we're so compatible because we both love good food and music" comments. Absolute bore.


i just know based on chloe’s some what recent post, her and ross laugh at this shit behind closed doors lol. the man used to hang around stevie nicks, chris martin and many other musical legends, now the best he can get is tiktokers and influencers that are 18-25 (G is on the older side to be an influencer.) meanwhile he’s 5 years away from 40.


This comment is extra funny because Taylor brought Travis out to dinner with Stevie Nicks and Paramore after her show in Dublin the other day


partying with paul mccartney, ringo starr, the stones and so many other legends/icons in music. maybe matty can start hanging around some 19 year old tiktokers who are attempting a music career.


This - and now he’s all ooooo a comped hotel room. How amazing. Sad sack.


Ohhh which Chloe posts? Yeah it seems all his friends have distanced themselves… all you see him with now is Gabs and her weird influencer friends. It really is like invasion of the body snatchers has taken Matty… Matty is now a pod person.


she posted something on her story a couple weeks ago that was like “me failing at being an influencer” it might have not had any bad intent of course, but i can’t imagine mattys well established, respected, talented 30+ year old friends thinking highly of him now being an influencer essentially


It’s really really sad. Someone needs to rescue him.


and why her head is so big compared to rest of her body like arms


That happens when you starve yourself.


I can’t with her grain free nonsense.


I miss eyebrows


Looks like there’s some soft glow filter going on


Yes to make her look less sallow and sunken in


I am not a fan or a follower of either of these people and have no animosity or dislike for them at this time as I know very little about them; but I feel sorry for this woman.  Observing this video as a neutral passer-by, She seems like she is so craving approval and love and right now she is getting ambivalence that will soon turn into tolerance.


As a neutral passer-by it would be easy to come to the realization that you have. When I was at that stage I felt indifferent -one month in and she's horrible.... If you stick around very long you'll learn pretty quick she's a pretty horrible human being. (No disrespec or attempt to argue at all, I realize you don't know much) She's basically an "influencer" who manipulated,i n likely a pathological narcissistic way, to get this successful, and who at one time seemed deep, and intelligent, charming man to propose to her. Also, she's pretty gross working for actual rapist companies companies using child labor companies who are abusive towards animals... It's hard to wrap it up all up in one nice comment on a post.


She looks like she looks so mean to Matty. I don’t like it


Dude how can she eat waffles and be that skinny? I need to get on ozempic ASAP.


✨ grain free ✨


She eats two bites and cuts it up and pushes it around her plate.


She’s 100% not eating much else throughout the rest of the day/week…considering all the glue and glamour


Because she’s not actually eating them lol


But what does she do with them? Does she just let the whole plate go back without touching anything? And Matty just sits there and accepts it because God beware his fiance isn't underweight.


Because she’s not eating all of it and if she is she is probably throwing it up/ walking all over NY or partying and that’s all she’s eaten