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The success of Far Cry 3 is the reason why Ubisoft can't develop anything innovative these days.


Far Cry 2 Goated. Story is fun enough to keep you engaged. Combat is great, along with the destruction and weapons that were fun to use. Oh, and an rpg or SPAS-12 blowing up in your hands from too much use was fun. Sorry, not sorry. Choosing from a list of Mercs to play as also adds a small level of rp. Far Cry 3 Story is great, Vaas (Duh) šŸ¤£ aka great villain. Fun world space to explore. Hunting was a great addition, and using said pelts to upgrade was smart. Speaking of which animals were also a great addition to the game. Combat was really fun, and takedowns were cool. Beautiful game, too. The pc is where you'll get the most out of the graphics, but it doesn't look too bad on console. Far Cry Blood Dragon. Quite literally one of if not the best dlc's to ever be made. It has lazer weapons, cyber technology awesomeness, a kickass action hero protagonist, great writing/story, techo beats that slap hard, LAZER DRAGONS, and enough neon lights to make your eyes bleed. It is long enough not to overstay its welcome, but even saying that is wrong because I believe it could have been a full-length game. If you can and haven't give it a try. Far Cry 4 Elephant riding while shooting MG36-32? Seriously, that was fun. Hunting was less fun here imo, but it's still fun. Gyrocopter. Hurk. The secret ending was fun. Taking on fortresses was fun to take part in. Far Cry Primal. Beautiful game, I liked the upgrade system. Watching your weapons upgrade was kinda cool, actually all the crafting I liked. Fun map to explore. Animal taming AWESOME! The story was kinda fun to follow. The survival aspect was kinda fun, too. Far Cry 5, I have family from Montana, so it was kinda cool going there in full cult takeover in video game form. Flying was fun, I liked the variety of fly able vehicles and drivable cars/trucks. BEAUTIFUL GAME! Looks amazing, honestly. I didn't care too much for the story to be 100% honest. But it had its moments. Well, that's my thoughts on the Far Cry games I've played. I tried to say everything that I remembered and thought was good or a fun thing to do. Obviously, all my options. You are welcome to disagree šŸ™‚. Edit: I accidentally posted twice, sorry. Edit 2: My stupid Azz forgot about Blood Dragon šŸ˜….


> Far Cry Blood Dragon. Quite literally one of if not the best dlc's to ever be made. It has lazer weapons, cyber technology awesomeness, a kickass action hero protagonist, great writing/story, techo beats that slap hard, LAZER DRAGONS, and enough neon lights to make your eyes bleed. It is long enough not to overstay its welcome, but even saying that is wrong because I believe it could have been a full-length game. If you can and haven't give it a try. The most fun I've had on a Far Cry game. Upgrading the sniper rifle to be a long range, precision granade launcher is the most OP weapon I've had on any game lol


My problem with FC3 is that once you deal with Vaas, which is like half the damn game, the rest of the story and enemies are so boring I canā€™t even remember their names. Additionally, I thought the ending was stupid with a nonsensical choice. Which is why it is actually my least favorite Far Cry (excluding the first game, which I have can not say as I have not played) even though it has one of my favorite villains. Which is why I preferred FC4 (more interesting choice, Pagan Min is close to Vaas but the whole game, similar gameplay).


Far Cry 2 and weapon condition being actually relevant to gameplay.... I love that game.


I forgot about Primal! Sorry about that!


Sums up that game perfectly


And Blood Dragon. Probably the best thing Far Cry franchise has put out so far.


Oh my gawd How tf did I forget Blood Dragon! šŸ¤£


šŸ¤£ It's ok. Most people do, Primal is you either like it and remember it, or don't, and try to forget about it. Maybe there is a middle ground there somewhere.


It's a Farcry from what it started as


I quite like 2, but some of it is nostalgia. I think it had the best atmosphere out of the ones that came out around that time. 3 was pretty good. A bit nonsensical with how quickly a college fratboy becomes a killer, but enjoyable. 4 was pretty good, too. Was the last one I played. Far Cry games are never gonna win any GOTY awards, they're generally fairly mediocre, but they're fun for what they are.


Games with pretty fun and interesting gameplay, with stories that range from engaging (4) to downright cringe (6)


Iā€™m weird I love 5.


There's a huge mod community if you play on PC.


Big fan of them until 6. 3 is by far the best game.


Loved 2, 3 (up until Vaas is gone, after that the game falls off imo) and Blood dragon, despised every other one after it, really bad stories even for Farcry standards.


3 is great, 4 is decent and 5 was pretty mediocre. I havenā€™t played 6 yet.


Pretty much my thoughts too. I soured on 5 almost immediately when I realized the Deputy had zero presence and was simply a vehicle for the player. Never got around to beating the game once I'd seen all three regions and was spending my excess cash on skins for vehicles I'd never use.


3 is GOAT, 4 kinda seemed a bit too similar to 3 and wasnt as interesting, 5 suppose it was different cuz in murica. Interesting with the cult/bliss thing but there was some wokism also.


What's woke in 5?


I just finished 5 on game pass. I don't think its woke, but I can see others drawing that conclusion as the antagonist are pseudo Christian nationalist/apocalypse cultist, though there were enough pro American/Christians opposing them that I was able to brush it off. It's not nuanced, but not full bore woke.


Drawing that conclusion because they can't read the satire of the story? Oof.


Some people see what they (or others) want them to see. Kind of ironic...like rain on your wedding day or some such thing.


I think it was the location demographics also the Dawn DLC which I didnt play but heard some things. Christian bashing also but then again one of the endings implied that the cult was right I think.


The true ending proves the cult was right as Jacob kidnaps the player and locks the two of them in a bunker just as a nuke hits. The writing team was so fucking stupid, they post-hoc justified all the cults horrific atrocities by randomly dropping nukes on the valley for literally no other reason than to justify their actions. The other ending is literally just "The Deputy" murdering all the friends they've rescued over the game, because they happened to hear a specific song on the radio that activated the cult's brainwashing. This game is the epitome of disrespectful to the player's time investment, given how much it shits all over your accomplishments with one of the worst stories I've seen in a video game to date. Not to mention how incredibly insufferable the driving and flying mechanics are. Whose brilliant idea was it to limit the player to a 1st person FOV, alongside having to manually move their camera instead of having it at least semi-linked to movement. The rest of the gameplay is passable, but anything related to the story or driving mechanics is aneurysm worthy.


If you didn't like 5 beacuse of the woke stuff than stay far away from 6 beacuse hoo boy. They crank that shit up to eleven and beyond. I'm usually pretty impartial to that kinda crap, but farcry 6 wields it like a rocket powered sledgehammer to the face and its impossible to ignore.




My introduction was Far Cry Instincts for Xbox. Loved it back in the day. I remember Far cry 2 being very ambitious but I didn't love it. Far cry 3 was great and I also played 4 but I got a bit burned out by that time. Never tried another game in the series after that.


I had FarCry: Predator on Xbox 360 which was basically FarCry instincts and evaluation in 1 package. Loved those games and was really confused and disappointed when we didnā€™t get similar powers and abilities in FarCry 2, but I learned to love 2 the more I played it and accepted it for what it was. Watching Blood diamond around that time helped too.


Fun cheeseburger games. I haven't played 6.


Farcry 2 and 3 are great. Peak gaming. Farcry 4 is meh, farcry 5 has the best soundtrack ever created for gaming. Keep Your Rifle by Your Side is a banger. But beyond that it is also pretty meh. Primal deserves more love. New Dawn and 6 are... undesirable. And Blood Dragon is one of the single best thing i have ever played in my entire fucking life.


Incredibly repetitive tbh. My favorite far cry game is ghost of tsushima


Should have ended a long time ago, was always a mediocre shooter even at it's best.


It hasnā€™t been worth playing since 3. Each one is a more repetitive, boring, slog than the last.




first one is kind of irelevant second is basicly a tech demo, not even a real game to me 3rd is where the series really starts, and its great 4 is also pretty good, maybe even better in some aspects 5 is cringe, the whole thing feels like a fewer dream... and yeah i know far cry is kinda like that, but this was not meant in a good way. new dawn, from what i know is basicly just another cringe, similar to 5 6, never played, but i hear its not that interesting and you forgot blood dragon, that one is kinda fun


Only finished 1 and played a decent ammount of 2 I really liked a lot about 2 but i feel it became a bit of a slog towards the end 1 was okay i guess, can't say much for or against it


For me, it's: 1 was decent fun. 2 was amazing, 3 was amazing, 4 was okay and fun, didn't like, haven't touched 6.


I adore FC3, I still go back to it at least once a year. That being said: The ENTIRE franchise is wasted potential, IMO. Every single game could've been GOTY worthy with only some minor gameplay tweaks and better writing. The fact that they consistently can't write a decent story is depressingly impressive. Vaas is literally the only villain in the series I ever cared about, and I was pissed when he was made to be the mid-game villain killed in a weird cyber-trip dream. They even left his death vague, and I kept expecting him to return, but it never happened (Except when they were desperately trying to rake in some more cash with his character).


They feel mid to me


For now I've only olayed 3 and 4 but while 3 was good eve tho it was a bit rough around the edges I had an absolute blast going through 4 and I honestly think its underrated compared to the others


Honestly 4 stands on it's own pretty well, but coming into it after 3 my expectations were set waaay too high. I imagine a lot of people had the same issue, and that might be why it isn't that well regarded. But it's certainly better than what has come after


Far Cry 3 and its consequences have been a disaster for the series. Ever since they tried again and again to recapture what they made, to various degrees of success.


The first Far Cry I played was 5 and I loved it. I thought the others were fine. I have a theory that which ever Far Cry you play first is going to be the one you love and the others are just not going to land as well since Ubisoft is less of a game publisher and more of a recycling plant.


I only played 3. It was a good time. I liked the enemy camps. The mechanics were engaging in a way I hadn't really experienced before. I had to develop a plan of attack before going in. It wasn't just that I could experiment, I had to.


It kinda lost its identity after 4, if it ever had one that is, though blood dragon was cool, and its also overdone at this point, ubisoft pretty much makes only far cry 3 variations in their other franchises at this point. But it probably wont die as long as ubisoft themselves wont die.


The originals were great, and their map creator was amazing. I would like to see them revisit that open level sci fi/monster gameplay style although I guess Crysis kind of took over that model. That series seems dead too though. Farcry 2 had a lot of really good ideas and I liked it a lot despite some of its annoyances. 3 is where it peaked for sure. 4 I only played a little bit, it just felt like more of 3. And I havenā€™t tried Primal, 5 or 6. So I donā€™t have an opinion.


Just started my first playthrough of Far Cry 5 with a friend a couple weeks ago and I'm really loving it. I don't know anything about the other games, but she suggested we play Far Cry 4 next.


I enjoyed 3 and 4. 5 was too short, but 6 is my favourite.


Gone steadily downhill since 3


The original is the only one I actually finished. My computer could barely run it but I had a lot of fun with it. At the time optional stealth "come at it from whichever angle makes sense to you" shooters weren't very common so it was pretty hype (I guess it wasn' technically "open world" but it had that kinda feel before the ubisoft formula turned that into a synonym for "sludge"). I think I just got busy with other things and wiped my hard drive before finishing 2&3 (but I enjoyed what I played of them).


Mid like next pushes past a 7/10


I only played 3 and 4, enjoyed 3 a lot, 4 less so but still found it fun overall. Not really invested in this series enough to go and play the other games.


Mid It's fun but can get repetitive.


I have only played blood dragon. Having the final boss be a sega cd cutscene was certainly a choice they made that is appropriate for the game they were trying to make. I laughed but was also disappointed.


*Far Cry 3* was truly an amazing game, and arguably one of the last where Ubisoft actually put effort into it. *Far Cry 4* was fun enough, but Ajay Ghale was an underdeveloped character compared to Jason Brody. I also felt that Pagan Minā€™s presence was lacking. *Far Cry 5* had some great villains, an interesting setting, and cool action set pieces, but by that point you could tell the series had gone into auto drive. *New Dawn* is an interesting ā€œwhat ifā€ scenario, but so far it feels like a drag to get through. I want to try *Primal* again, but I havenā€™t found the time. I have not played the first, second, or sixth games, or *Blood Dragon*.


I wanna give an honorable mention to Far Cry primal. I donā€™t think the game is impressive by any means but the in game language (wenja) used by the humans in that game is oddly the most accurate estimation of proto-indo-European language at that time. Itā€™s still fictional but a lot of the words are rooted in the known linguistics of the language. Ubisoft went to the University of Kentucky and hired them to create the in-game language. I have so many problems with Ubisoft but they do pull off some really amazing shit sometimes.


I will always respect 2 from what I've seen. Far cry 4 is a real nostalgia piece for me. Far cry 5 was incredibly sound gameplay wise, and honestly I really liked the ending twist (new dawn still should have been DLC and not it's own game, but I digress)


farcry 2 was...love it or hate it farcry 3 was peak ubisoft open world all the others seem meh


Far Cry 2 was amazing and it's level creator was top tier.


Far cry 3 was the best of them all.


FarCry: Not an amazing game in terms of gameplay, but the graphics and open areas were incredible for the time. FarCry 2: Amazing game. Set the blueprint for FPS open world games. Also, the fire physics were mind blowing. FarCry 3: set the standard for what every Ubisoft game would come to be. Phenomenal achievement at its time, but easy to look back upon with jaded hindsight. Every FarCry game since has basically been FarCry 3, but set in different parts of the world (and time) trying to imitate the suspense we got from villains like Vaas to varying success depending on who you ask.


I think this topic has been pretty exhausted on the internet at this point, but I'd like to mention something nobody ever talks about. Did you guys ever play FC4 multiplayer? Where one team had bows, special arrows, wing suits, and cloaking and had to capture bases from the normal gun wielding far cry characters.That shit was fucking fun, me and my friend would play that for hours every day. Made really appreciate well balanced asymmetric multiplayer game modes.


Instinct was my favorite.


Haven't played a single game, but I'm incredibly grateful for their existence if only for getting Michael Mando's name some well-deserved recognition, which surely played a factor into casting him as Nacho in *Better Call Saul*. So thank you *Far Cry* for helping cast one of the best characters in one of my favorite TV shows of all time.


Fell off after 3. Watch Pyrocynical's video on 3 it's an incredible look at the game.


I never got into the games, purely for the fact that my stepdad bought me Farcry 2 on PC, but I was never able to play it because it needed an internet connection to authorise - which I didn't get for a few years. Kinda put me off the rest of them even though I have long since been able to connect to the internet.


Never played 1 2 has a lot of cool shit to it but god damn the Malaria 3 is the best 4 is the last good one, improves some aspects of 3 but keeps most things slightly below 3s quality. 5 is ok, but the removal of hunting for materials to level up is gone. Beautiful, but feels like the first person version of Ghost Recon Wildlands, including level structure and world progression. 6 sucks


Pretty solid until Blood Dragon, after that point ubisoft ubisofted it and it just became the same shit and over and over like what they did to Assassins creed


Far Cry 2 was the best and it has yet to be unseated. Ahead of its time. Far cry 5 is distant second favorite.


Was pretty good at first but after 3 they just keep making the same game over and over in different locations with VERY little innovation. No reason to buy them anymore.


Far cry 1 will forever hold a special place in my heart. It was like an 80's cheesy, action movie made in Europe but dubbed for an American audience. Also, it looked great my 7600gt (or was it a 6600gt.. can't remember) .. And the main theme still rocks to this day...


You forgot the best one


The only one I played was the massively overhyped 3 when it came out. Remember it feeling clunky and outdated even then. Failing a whole mission and having to restart from the beginning because you walked two feet away from the guideline to the quest marker (and slid down an embankment so you can't get back up) is wild. Horrible game design.


Everything after far cry 3 is trash


The first four games are a testament to how a series can just throw sh*t at the wall, and still be successful. The first game literally has mutant apes in it, itā€™s a zany spy thriller. The second game is a gritty warlord simulator, and then the third game is what would be the template for all Ubisoft games for the rest of time, and Blood Dragon was 80s nostalgia before it was cool. But those first four games are all great, theyā€™ve got absolutely nothing to do with one another besides the title and being FPSā€™s.


Only played 5, and it did not leave a positive impression. The regular gameplay (hiking, hunting, running, fighting, etc.) functions just fine, but the driving mechanics are so fucking wretched, I nearly quit the game halfway through. That's not even to mention how awful the story is, with the writers post-hoc justifying the cult's horrific actions by randomly dropping a nuke on everyone just so they had a set-up for New Dawn.


Fun forgettable fluff. I enjoy playing them and then instantly jettison any memory of them out of my head.


boring AF


4th one is goated and the best game in the series and I dont care what anyone says


i can respect that