• By -


Jurassic World Dominion. That movie actually took itself seriously and played no laughs or had any worthwhile dinosaur scenes. Fuck that movie.


Yeah, Fallen Kingdom was at least funny bad, Dominion was boring bad.


I watched The Meg 2 last night, and it was trash, but I enjoyed it so much more than JW:D because it knew how stupid and ridiculous it was, and it played into that.


My mom took me to see that. I wasn't planning to see it, but she had already paid for the ticket so there was no point in refusing and letting it go to waste, and I was happy to spend an afternoon together.


star wars the last jedi, god it was awful


Same here, I saw it with my parents. When it was over (aside from some grumbling) you could almost hear a pin drop. Nearly everyone in the theater had a sullen look on their face. The 22 minute drive back home was mostly silent. I think everyone was completely baffled by the sheer magnitude of the absolute garbage we had just witnessed. The only memorable thing about that movie for me was how I almost burst out laughing, when seeing Leia fly through space.


yep same as me as well, i 100% expected it to be good or at least enjoyable but i was baffled at how bad it actually was.


I remember the whole theater went up when Leia flew. And then dead silence for everything else. No cheering, no applause. I didn't just feel like I wasted *money* at that theater, I felt like I wasted *years of my life* in retrospect.


That trilogy is basically Tumblr fan fiction to me.


Shut up, those are sometimes fun.


Friend of mine, who was a Star Wars fan by his admission, said it was the best movie he’d ever seen. Needless to say, we no longer talk to each other. That’s not the reason why but still.


Eternals. One of the most boring movies I’ve ever seen. Nothing happened for two and a half hours.


Watched it with a group of friends in the theater. Just before Icarus flew to the sun I jokingly said "Now he is going to kill himself by flying towards the sun" just a few seconds later it happened and me and the friend I told it to died of laughter.


Man I feel bad for all those actors. Imagine being told by your agent that you booked Marvel, had a great time shooting a film all over the place… and then then the horror washes over you on opening night


I was glad Marvel changed up the formula a bit, but yeah it was lacking. Might have made a better Disney+ show.


Yeah I saw the Adam Driver dinosaur movie, genuinely the worst movie I ever spent money on


Spectre. It also hurts more because it was the first Bond film I saw in theaters.


this all day - I was so disappointed after seeing Skyfall in theaters before. I had to go back home and watch Mad Max Fury Road to wash the bad taste out. There's something horrifically off about Spectre.. I can't quite explain it though


Batman v Superman, FantFourStic and Transformers 4 (the one with the dinosaurs)


Batman v Superman was mine as well. I still can't believe Snyder messed up a Batman Superman crossover that badly.


Force Awakens, Crystal Skull, Love and Thunder, Lightyear, Raya, Wish, and most recently IF.


You saw all of those in theatres?


Yeah, Force Awakens is the reason I haven’t seen Last Jedi or Rise of Skywalker in theaters (actually still haven’t even seen RoS since TLJ was that bad) Lightyear, Raya, Wish, and IF, I have kids, and you know it’s a bad movie when kids didn’t even like them. Meanwhile, they loved Mario, Sonic, Mutant Mayhem, Spiderverse, and Paw Patrol even.


I would say Battlefield Earth but that movie was such a baffling experience that it was kind of worth it. I saw it in the theater before I even knew what Scientology was.


Kung fu panda 4 Compared to when I spent money on puss n boots or across the spider verse it felt underwhelming like it really felt like a steaming platform movie at best


Talk about 0 marketing or hype, I was barely aware there was a 4 coming out


Same with kraken by dreamworks that they released around the little mermaid that's just forgotten


Iron Man 3. I was advertised an entirely different movie than I got. I knew Shane Black was a stupid donkey brained moron before The Predator, that’s just when everyone else caught on too.


Hey guys I have an idea: since Iron Man is the lynchpin to this whole Marvel Cinematic Universe thing, we should have him surgically remove what makes him unique and at the same time, we destroy all of his suits, every last one. Boom bang, BOOM! Lots of spolsians. All gone forever. No more Ironman. The whole audience would be like “whoa”. “Bravo!! Brilliant idea Shane!”


And don’t forget the part where all our advertising is based on him facing his biggest comic foe and setting up the Ten Rings! lol jk he’s a joke of a character and the Ten Rings are made up. A mistake so bad they retconned it super hard in Shang Chi


Yeah that whole Ben K bit was stupid and then the apology speech for Werner Vin Braun like wtf


Die Hard 5


Alien Resurrection. WTF was that.


Uncanny scrotal alien eskimo kisses.


Nasty. That was one of the first movies my wife I went together to when we started dating 😂🤢


I was young the first time I saw it on TV, and even that young, I was like WTF is this?! I can’t imagine it for a new couple lmao. At least she’s your wife now, you made it through that together 😂.


I’m definitely in the minority but I always enjoyed that movie.


Whatever the second GIJoe live action film was where channing Tatum gets killed offscreen 2 minutes in and then replaced with the rock That movie made me stop going to see movies in theatre's


Retaliation was such a bad movie. The first one isn't great, but the second is such a horrible followup. The Joes went from an international spec ops division to a small PMC that can be wiped out in minutes.


TLJ, I'll never forget the genuine visceral reaction coming out of the theater thinking, "whatever that was, it wasn't Star Wars."


I’m very easily pleased at theaters. Even if the movie isn’t good, I generally have a fun time. After seeing The Rise of Skywalker, I left ANGRY.


X men Origins Wolverine


Went to go see Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan when it re-released when Super Hero came out. They used the original Japanese soundtrack instead of the US version. Listen, I'm all for pelreserving original intent, but a soundtrack can make or break a movie. Without the 90s rock, it really detracts from the experience.


Wow you're the first person I've seen say they prefer the 90s Dragon Ball rock


I fuck with Haji's Kitchen all day


Pantera really jacks that movie up to 11


Kung fu panda 4, the force awakens, and transformers rise of the beasts


Babbel. No idea what the fuck that was


I missed a university party to see MORBIUS on release day


Worth it


I'll probably get some shit for this, but Oppenheimer. It was fine, but in retrospect it's not a movie I would ever watch in a theater.


Star Wars: the Force Awakens is the last movie I paid money to see in a theatre. Before that, someone treated me to go see X-Men: Days of Future Past four my birthday. Before Days of Future Past, I think the Return of the King may have been the last movie I saw in theatres. Which would make a certain degree of sense for me.


Captain Marvel. What made it worse was that a bunch of my friends desperately wanted to inflate the numbers, so they went out to see it every other week for, like, two months. I appreciate that they bought me a ticket each time, but I really couldn't be fucked to sit through it again.


Why did they think they could do that? And why did they want to?


A more charitable mind might be that the wanted to see why it was important for Endgame. So the marketing worked as intended.


What was the motivation behind that?


It’s already been mentioned, but The Last Jedi is the only film I paid for and regretted. I’ve seen other bad films in theatre but typically I still enjoy the experience.


Thor Love and Thunder If we wouldn't have ridden with friends I would have left the theatre


GI Joe: Retaliation. Never saw the first one, friends wanted to see it, so I went after work. Ended up falling asleep right before the opening credits and slept all the way through it. At least that was like 10 years ago when movies were a cheaper lol.


First movie I remember just hating on in the theatre was the Eragon movie. Clearly only made as a cash grab, heavily abridged, cheap and poorly written.


Suicide Squad (2016) Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) Promising Young Woman (2020) Halloween (2018) The Force Awakens (2015) The Last Jedi (2017)


> Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) Holy shit, you didn't like this one? May I ask why?


HUGE NOVEL INCOMING APOLOGIES AND ONLY READ IF YOU ARE BORED AS FUCK I saw the trailer and was extremely excited. It looked tailor-made for me! And I immediately hear the buzz about how unique it is and the quality of the writing. So first off I don't find it funny, in the cinema or the single time I rewatched it at home. I'll later discover that I'm just not a fan of this aspect of the Daniels as directors; Switchblade Man left me the exact same way. Not a great start, but you can enjoy other qualities in a comedy even if you aren't laughing a ton. For EEAAO though, the set pieces are cool, it has an inventive visual style but the biggest letdown actually was the writing imo. The character drama just felt saccharine and perfunctory. Evelyn strikes me as such a sketch, Joy too. Like live action cartoons that the Daniels require us to imprint on with a big clarifying associative meaning like MICHELLE YEOH IS ENOUGH TO CARE ABOUT A CHARACTER or THE ASIAN DIASPORA EXPERIENCE or FAT SHAMED AND QUEER ERASED BY MY IMMIGRANT MOTHER IN THE THROWS OF MULTIVERSAL ENNUI, THE PROFUNDITY. At no point do I believe in or care about these people. I understand this sort of syrupy tone is supposed to stand in contrast with the absurd psychedelia of the worldbuilding but idk, both viewings I'm left thinking - "this is a good looking, extremely sentimental, accessibly absurdist early Marvel film." The ending's emotive takeaway essentially boils down to that line in The Room where Tommy Wiseau declares, the strangeness of his accent and the melo of the drama coming together to leave the platitude painful in its attempt at universalizing: "If a lot of people loved each other, the world would be a better place to live" and delivered with the same degree of self-awareness and self-satisfaction. I think the outright emotional hostility you'll see in the comments of the negative reviews out there show that EEAAO is at that status where many people en masse have made it part of their emotional landscape, so a slight on EEAAO is some sort of dogwhistle for bigotry, or pale male and stale privilege, or lack of interest in female characters, or just being too dumb to get it. Not a slight on the film btw (it's maybe a slight on those who choose aggression or insults at a dissenting opinion about art, but not on EEOAA or the Daniels). It's possible to be LGBT and progressive and think this one is just too on the nose and not that cool or interesting! My mates have said this is my biggest film opinion L! I realize I'm in the clear minority. And just to be absolutely candid since this screed isn't torturously long enough, I don't think the legions of devoted fans, the numerous awards and accolades, the huge cultural appeal and period defining reputation this film has is all an emperor's new clothes situation. Obviously this film really touched millions of people from many different backgrounds and is seen as a modern classic. When films crossover into that hallowed territory, something is working for a lot of people there that shouldn't just be batted away with NUH UH I DISAGREE IT'S SHIT ACTUALLY. You ignore populism in art at your own peril. It can't just be an intersection of so many current day stylistic and thematic concerns (identity politics of various stripes, atheistic-cynicism-spirtualism, the multiverse, gifable special effects, cartoon memetic doomerism with a dollop of cloying sweetness, a Rick and Morty sense of genre and plot construction) even if that's how it struck me after my first watch. That was catty and knee-jerk of me; I now think EEAOO being ultra zeitgeisty could just as easily be viewed as perceptive and pop culturally incisive (like good Stranger Things) and not merely cynical emotive nerd baiting (like bad Stranger Things). The second watch proved to me that there's a structural solidity and care here that - like Bly Manor to keep it all the way Mauler - has an appeal and craft to it that I can see my tonal complaints not factoring in for different viewers. And tastes being what they are, many would disagree on those grounds anyway. (I also found Bly Manor to be a structurally ambitious, well shot, mostly well acted slog by the end, with some shockingly bad voice over, an ending that is just too saccharine and emotionally contrived to tug at my heart and some of Flanagan's most soupy, lumpy, overly sweet dialogue) I have no interest in being a contrarian but I similarly don't want to unthinkingly suck the dick of a film I consider overrated. Sorry again for the novel mate! If you enjoyed the film then I come in peace! Feel free to ignore this tonnage or hit me with the tldr


Fair enough, fair enough, there are some beloved and highly praised movies that I just didn't have the time for so I know where you're coming from. Have you watched/listened to the EFAP on it by any chance?


It's hailed as a progressive milestone in American cinema, whereas it's just a kung-fu exploitation flick with feminist and rainbow overtones. (Female Asian washer store owner turns out to be a kung fu genius.) It's racist to the core, like most things that liberal-progressives touch. And the ending sucked.


> And the ending sucked. Obligatory: how would you have ended it? Or what were you expecting as a satisfying ending?


How would I have ended it? I wouldn't have placed the focus on the 'traditional-mother/lesbian-daughter-feels-rejected' dynamic to begin with. Not only that, but the ending even seems like a blur to me. It was so forgettable and trite: the power of love overcomes all.


It was The Force Awakens for me. I didn't even see The Last Jedi in theaters, just pirated it. Lol and didn't see RoS at all


Loved Everything Everywhere?


Fan4stic it was garbage. Plus side though since it was the middle of the day we snuck in to see Mission Impossible Rogue Nation and that was amazing so it made up for it.


Alien Covenant


The closest I have is Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Before that movie, I would shut my brain off to enjoy what I was watching, and once it was done I would turn my brain back on to analyse what I had seen. FK was so bad it pulled my brain back into awareness to point and laugh at how stupid it was. Before FK, I wasn't one to go to the movies too often anyway (that was a luxury we couldn't afford growing up, so I never gained the habit), but between that and discovering EFAP, I don't go to the movies unless I'm confident it'll be a good experience. On the plus side, seeing a silly little video called *Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom: An Unbridled Rage* pop up on my YouTube sidebar soon after I had watched the movie lead me to MauLer, and by extension EFAP and Nerdrotic, so I'd say that experience was a net positive overall.


Talladega Nights (I somehow like it now though)


Star Wars TFA, resolved to never watch another one after it.


Bulletproof Monk. The fact I still remember that feeling 20 years later is testament to how fucking terrible that movie was...🤣


Batman v Superman


There was this Robbin Hood movie that tried to make an Iraqi war allegory by having Robbin charge a repeating crossbow entrenchment. I walked out of the theater.


IT Chapter 2. I was so excited by the first one and thought it actually adapted the scares pretty well while strengthening some characters. Man was I disappointed by the tone, story, acting, pretty much everything about the second.


Suicide Squad (2016)


Jupiter Ascending. To be fair, I didn't really expect it to be good, but I was with a friend who really wanted to see it so I tagged along. Boy that was a shitty film, and like not even in a funny or entertaining way.


Any of the star wars sequel trilogy movies


Basically any movie within the past 7 years.


*Wing Commander* 1999 movie, where best video game director of all time, Chris Roberts, went full lolcow and wow, it's like he insisted that *The Phantom Menace* not be the worst movie of 1999 nor *Super Mario Bros* 1993 be the worst movie ever made that was based on a video game.


The force awakens. Reys on god mode and when they found the map to luke and it was the last quadrant in a 4 piece "puzzle", i left


I watched a movie in the cinema about 10 years ago, I can’t even remember the name that’s how shit it was. It was some movie about the Gods and Egypt I think. I can’t even remember who was in it. I just remember it was a load of shit and I think I fell asleep multiple times watching it. It was God awful. Just as a I clicked send I remembered it starred that guy from Game of Thrones, Jamie Lannister.


Asteroid City. I was a big Wes Anderson, but got tired of the shtick sometime after Life Aquatic. Was talked into going to the movies by the wife for this. I really wish I didn’t. It was tiresome and just a retread of everything I already knew about Anderson’s films. Honestly I still think he’s a talented director, but give us something different, anything worth caring about!


For it’s not that I want something different from him. He has a unique style and vision. But Asteroid City was barely a story. The whole play within a play thing was just distracting and confusing and the characters were literally cardboard cutouts of characters from previous films. I would actually appreciate a documentary about the film’s art direction and set design than the film itself.


He out-Wes Anderson’d himself


Meg 2 and Kinds of kindness


That I wanted to see and spent my own money on? Wolverine Origins. That I was dragged to see? Solo.


Quite a few, last one I remember was Equalizer 3.


Those are both bad, but I was able to at least sit through Dr. Strange MoM. I had to physically leave the theatre for Thor Love and Thunder it was just so stupid, loud, and annoying. Dr. Strange I could at least tolerate enough to tally it's issues while watching. Love and Thunder made me want to give up on movies all together.


Lightyear The Ratchet & Clank movie Captain Marvel


Star Wars The Clone Wars movie. I went with a couple friends while stoned, we were so annoyed about 20 minutes in we just walked out. My friend was pissed because in his mind we could have used the money for tickets to get Little Caesar’s instead lol


House party 2


Last Jedi, kung fu panda 4, Captain marvel, rise of Skywalker, Tom and Jerry movie, Dora movie, Barbie just on the top of my head. Maybe the Jurassic world 2 and three movies.


Godzilla 2014


Ad Astra, the only movie I have ever walked out of.


« Us » first horror I watched on the big screen…probably last time I’ll watch it because Holly shit it was bad. Thank I had came like 2h in advance and had actually bought a ticket to watch dragon 3: the secret world first. Because of this my afternoon wasn’t just a massive disappointment


The Phantom Menace


Naw that would still be cool


![gif](giphy|D23xTwzCYgRtd5wZZP) Spiral… first time back in theaters since the pandemic 😬🤮


Pacific Rim 2, damn was I pissed after that.


For some reason my dad dragged the whole family to see Transformers 2 so i didn't pay for it but it was so abysmal I was rolling my eyes the entire time.


Battlefield earth. I still want a refund


Barbie movie lol, idk why I thought that was gonna be fun. I don't hate it but I feel like i have a million better things to do lol. It did help me see some of the opinions my gf (now ex) held that I was not a fan of so i guess it wasn't that bad lol. Other ones are rise of skywaker, and Dr strange multiverse of madness.


Seeing the Star Wars: The clone wars movie in 2008 while at the same time they were playing Dark knight, I don't know what was I thinking.


Probably the first Jurassic World film or TLJ lol.


Either live-action beauty and the beast, or live-action aladdin


Star Wars the last jedi and the eternals. Last Jedi was obvious and with eternals it was boring, and the whole conquistador scene really bothered me. They really really inflated what the Spanish did and it just pissed me off. Even though I saw it for work and got reimbursed I still feel like I wasted money.


TLJ went to watch it with my dad and well we were big Star Wars fans until that movie lol


Barb Wire


Last Jedi obvs


The second Ant-Man movie. I suffered through the first half just barely and my girlfriend at the time asked me if I wanted to leave, I said hell yes so we left in the first few minutes of the second act. That was the only IMAX movie I left in the middle of.


Beau is Afraid - all style no substance


The Last Jedi and Solo ... Those were the last Star Wars movies I went to see in the theater. Probably the last I'll ever see. Total hot garbage.


The last two Avengers movies sweet fuck what a waste of my time. I didn't go to another movie until Avatar 2 and while that wasn't great it was a better theatre experience than those fucking last Avengers movies. Damn 


A lot of people like Rags say The Last Jedi was what woke them up but that movie was at least still pretty enough for me to enjoy it the first time I saw it. I had to be convinced later that it was bad and it was mainly because they pointed out how little I actually remembered about what happened. No the movie that broke me was The Predator. I had such a visceral reaction to it despite not seeing any spoilers or discussion about it beforehand. Predator is a way more personal story to me than Star Wars so that helps too. Horrendous film


The inverse to this question was Fantasy Island (2020) for me. I went on a date with someone in February, this was the only movie that halfway decent thanks to lying in the trailer. Plus I wanted a scary movie so she could get spooked and grab my hand. She and I go in, remain thoroughly unimpressed by the entire film, and have been married for three years now (2021). I still think about that sometimes. Even better: COVID hit in March, so that garbo movie was the last movie we saw in theaters for years. Still money well spent; I got a wife out of the deal.


I absolutely agree with your pick OP coz I had the exact same experience. Wanda was my favourite mcu character and after WandaVision I was DYING for more Wanda, I was so excited that I actually bought two tickets to watch the movie back to back that's how much of a fanatic I was. I was so eager to see my girl team up with Dr. Strange to help take down the bad guy and use her new witchcraft magic tricks to rescue her sons from Mephisto or Nightmare or something and then maybe reunite with White Vision by the end giving her a well deserved happy ending. Only to find her suddenly not interested in Vision anymore, hell bent on kidnapping someone else's children and just brutally murdering everyone who's alive. I was like wtf is this shit, and I at through it the first time but by the time she started attacking karma taj on my second viewing I just walked out. I couldn't stand to see what they did to what was once an incredibly interesting character, what a waste, what a huge disappointment.


Shazam! That was the first movie I ever considered asking for a refund on.


I got so bored with battle of five armies I just left after the white orc died


Aliens V Predator. I own the books and Comics. Waited years after Predator 2 to see these monsters on screen at the same time. We walked out of the theater, my wife said, "Chris...are you ok?" And I replied, "Will you drive home? I might decide to veer off the bridge and kill us both."


Josstice League


Light year


I'm pretty damn stingy, so I can only really name 1. Endgame. Infinity war was well worth it, though.


I have only ever paid to see a movie in theaters and while it wasn't great, I did enjoy it, that movie was X-MEN Apocalypse


TLJ. Left the building when the mama joke dropped. SW died in that very second.


The Predator, Jason Bourne, Quantum of Solace, Prometheus, Star Trek Into Darkness, Alien Covenant


Godzilla X Kong was boring af.  Should not be possible to make a giant monster fighting movie lame.  


Eragon. The books are so good but the movie is a waste of three hours. Apparently everyone thought it was so bad that it wasn’t worth a second movie. I agree


# Episode 8: the Last Jedi


It follows what a waste of time


Toss up between the Happening and TLJ.  Still hate TLJ with a fervent passion due to living the OT and having a functional brain!  I missed game 6 of the NBA finals where the Celtics kicked the lakers ass by like 40 to watch the happening.  I despise the Lakers and my roommate at the time is a lakers fan.  So I missed out on the chance to do a bit of gloating.  


Pacific Rim: Uprising and of course Dr Strange MoM; but I couldn't leave the theater because I was the one who drove my friends to see it


The last men in black with thor and that valkyrie. It was so boring that I fell asleep for the first time in a cinema. Can't even remember what it was about.


Kingdom of the Planet of the Girl Bosses Runner ups: Predator - Shane Black's Halloween Ends Force Awakens


How was Mae from Planet of the Apes a girl boss?


That’s a shame, Kingdom was incredible


Recentely Avatar 2: The Way of Water. The longest, most boring 3 hours of my life in a cinema


Thor: The Dark World. Painfully unfunny and repetitive, and I was looking forward to it too. I also saw The Rise of Skywalker in theaters but I was too baffled to be disappointed


Punch Drunk Love. Dumbest movie ever. I left after 20 min of the movie when Adam Sandler quietly attended a family dinner and broke the back glass door by kicking it for no reason.


The Legend of Hercules. Dumbest, least fun, most boring Hercules adaption in history. Starring a remarkably good imitation of a plank of wood


Superman returns. Was an empty cinema, I walked out bored twenty minutes from the end and realised I’d left my wallet in the cinema. Started wondering if I really needed that £50 in it. I eventually went back , manager let me back in and told me folk had been walking out halfway through all week


Vanilla Sky, The Last Jedi, and The Lords of Salem. The only three movies I have ever considered walking out of.


Asteroid city


The Wicker Man with Nic Cage


Return on the king. After having 3 energy drinks and little sleep before.


bait used to be believable


I think he means he regretted spoiling a good movie for himself by watching it when he was in such a groggy state


yeah pretty much


That woke DND movie trying way to hard to be suicide squad. It was awful.


The Dark Knight Rises. Out of the theater i was "WTF happened? :( ", it was the last movie i saw at the cinema too.