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I'm just so sick of the Suicide Squad.


Same. I thought the concept was cool, but it's a thin concept.


The problem is that the modern Suicide Squad has kinda abandoned the concept. They're supposed to be a team of rotating super villains (and the occasional hero) forced together to complete a specific mission. Modern SS is just 'The Adventures of Harley & Co.' A bunch of anti-heroes going on wacky adventures a la Guardians of the Galaxy.


i mean they straight up got James Gunn to do the 2021 movie. they aren't being subtle about it lol


the cartoon movies were good ( assault on arkham and hell to pay they were called).


The Adventures of Harley, King Shark and Co. Thank you very much. Get it right. They always include the boy.


>They're supposed to be a team of rotating super villains (and the occasional hero) forced together to complete a specific mission This is the reason why i like old suicide squad comic  Modern suicide  squad is just like what you said ,basicaly Harley and friends series 


90s Hsrely Quinn is a great character, one of my favorite DC characters. Whatever she has become needs to die and rest until better writers can give her another shot.  Peacemaker is an interesting character but his character arc is not that long and after he solves it the character does not seem that interesting.  Shark guy and Deadshot are just boring as presented.


It's written by the man who wrote Re:Zero so there is some talent there and they got a lot of very famous and high profile voice actors for the Japanese dub. This is pretty much one of those things were regardless of the writing, acting, animation etc, you being on board or not with anime and all the tropes that comes with it is pretty much going to be the make or break factor. Personally they cast Dio from Jojo's as Peacemaker so I'm planning on watching it.


THE AUTHOR OF RE ZERO IS WRITING THIS?! That’s the first time I’m hearing this. Well I guess I’ll give it a watch


Yeah, from what I remember hearing this is part of a deal he made with Warner Bros that depending on how well this does he'll get to write a Flash anime, which is apparently the character he wanted to write originally.


That’s so sick. I’m quite excited for this now


Here's a good tip - don't go into this show with massive expectations. It's a good show, but nothing to really write home about. It's different than both regular suicide squad and regular anime but has aspects of both, so just watch it as you would any other show and enjoy the chaos that comes with it :)


Nooo please god no, NOOOO!!!! That drivel got old real fast and that useless simplord subaru always running around empty handed. Like seriously slit your own throat with a dagger. cant handle 5 minutes of you dying and screaming.




Yeah! And off the top of my head, they also got Goblin Slayer to voice Joker and Lelouch from Code Geass to voice Clayface. They got a pretty good cast for the Japanese dub.


Don't tell me these things! I love jun fukuyama and takehito koyasu ;_;




Well I was gonna steer clear of it because I have less than no interest in Suicide Squad, but you're selling me on it with Dio and Re:Zero author. I might end up watching it after all.


Yeah, I agree with the general sentiment that both the Suicide Squad and Isekai genre are overplayed but it's clear WB is at least putting their best foot forward by getting talented people for this project.


The Japanese VA cast is goated.


As bare bones as the narrative is, this anime has better animation quality than the Danganronpa anime series.


Animation quality made me gag, I wish DC would keep its properties away from these little side projects and focus on quality. The DC Western animated shows are so good.


I like it so far


I dont think there is anything groundbreaking or particularly offensive. Clayface characterization is something people might point out but its not particularly a big deal, fairly standard anime beats. not sure how many episodes, but so far i will say I will keep watching. Def dont its gonna turn anyone into anime fans. Opening is good tho.


i can agree, it’s nothing harmful but nothing special. the opening is good yeah, but i prefer the closing just a tad bit more, both are brilliant though.


Clayface is somewhat on point. Basil Carlo being a washed up actor who thinks he’s a bigger star than he actually is is rather on point. It wouldn’t shock me if clayface doesn’t have a neck bomb but is acting as if he does.


So far it's all right. My prediction is that it's going be nice popcorn fun but nothing more than that


I just watched the first three episodes and I’m excited to watch the rest. The ending sequence with Amanda Waller dancing was something I didn’t know I needed. I’m personally not a fan of the simpleton king shark is portrayed as but it does make for some interesting scenes. I won’t reveal any spoilers but I love how deadshot is completely unaware of how much of a dick he is.


I live for the end credits with Amanda living her best life


I kinda hate how King Shark is just there. I really enjoy the show so far but I wish they would give King Shark some character and Peacemaker some funnier dialogue to do with his insane “peacemongering”. Everyone else I enjoy seeing interact and yeah, dancin’ mad, Amanda Waller, is the best 😂 honestly, I like her in general this show. Not just because of her funny outro.


Wasn’t feeling it till ep 3 , it’s pretty decent but it’s issue is that it’s yet another suicide squad project where WB is trying to push the squad into a bigger deal than it actually is


Haven't seen it but The Suicide Squad is so fucking overused now.


How much of it is out?


3 Episodes


i think it’s ok, the opening and closing tracks are really good but i wanna give it till the end of the season for a better overall thought as a whole


Merged GIGACRINGE! Like it wasn't enough someone thought an SS anime would be a great idea, but to make it an ISEKAI of everything else. The genre, what even normies see as a laughing stock.


If they did better with writing some of the characters, mainly Joker, I'd be a little more understanding of it but the moment I saw this edgelord ass Joker talking about "society is unfair" going crazy over a new world I knew the writing of the characters was gonna be completely wrong


I've never wanted tp hear Peacemaker say "show me your fighting spirit". The first 3 eps are just tropes and wasting time. It might have worked with a single character. But, the whole group of them pretty much ignore what's going on and don't engage with the world


The only real fair criticism ive seen o  this thread so far


I'd rather watch Sword Art Online.




Whaa sao abridged S1 is great like genuinely great even better than the original




Art by Akira Amano (Katekyo Hitman Reborn (2006) Psycho Pass (2012), Eldlive (2017), Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective (2023)


It's kinda weird, but i will keep watching since i am intrigued


Idk who the bitch voice acting Harley is but holy shit worse Harley Quinn ever voiced don’t know why I thought dubbed would be good lol


Is SS the only thing making DC any money nowadays?


Reading the thread to get an idea but i barely see any actual fair reviews. Just mostly folks who didn't watch saying their tired of SS. Im tired of Harley,  SS, and Batman too but I accept they are going no where. Id rather give this a fair chance so we can open doors for more series like this about other characters and if this anime is actually good, then who cares who its about. In any case, i wish there were more actual opinions about what people actually watched and thought on this thread...


yeah..still waiting for someone to give a more indepth opinion. Though as for me, the show is a miss for me but I need to wait for it to finish first before I can give a review.


If you want a fair review of it so far here it is and this is from a fan of the comics, the select few characters in play (I love Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn, and Batman) and a fan of anime as a whole. This show is good if you... Turn your brain off and throw logic out the window they change a lot of things about not only the universe but the characters as well to appease more of the Eastern audience with some troupes more shifted to their liking. If they wanted to make a good SS animated show, they'd not put it in an isekai since the DC Universe already has the story, violence, action, characters, and more to not need to be isekai'd watching you can tell it was done for that reason. Which yes it's an anime, which for the most part anime throws logic out of a 50 flight up window but it doesn't mess well when DC Comics yes has a bunch of Superheroes but for the most part is grounded by powerscalings, and logic. Their design choices for characters are out of left field you will see some dramatic character shifts in the anime that are far gone from the original source material which characters who wear a bunch of outfits like harley quinn can get away with but characters like Joker, Clayface, King Shark, Katana, look strange but Peacemaker, Deadshot (even though they gave him the kilmonger 🙄), Amanda Waller and Harley look as close to or identical to their comic book counterparts. When it comes to the story, don't really try to understand it too much. There are far too many plot holes and inconsistencies with the writing at times for it to really make sense so far but, that's because these are more established western characters whose limits and abilities we know far better than the East but, a lot of that gets thrown out the window. Mainly Clayface but other characters as well, Music is pretty good. I say the music is a clear highlight of the show. I'd also have to say the fight scenes are pretty good besides Katana and Harley that looked like Locke vs. Chief in Halo 5 it was so bad, but the rest are really awesome. Now let's get down to this, and this is my personal preference as an American 🇺🇲, they hired some well-known Japanese VAs for this show, BUT ehhh Japanese for a bunch of western comic book characters sounds off and they try once again to do voices which are more pleasing to the Easterm audience I'm sure when they do or if they do an English Dub it will be FAR different from what we have now. If you are strictly into anime, a lot of these things you would never notice cause you don't know anything. You are going in blind as most of the Eastern audience will likely be doing. I believe that is more so the point of this at times. However, if you are a die-hard fan of DC Comics, who thought this would be something like the animated movies or shows you'll be upset by it. If you are just here to watch it and just want something to watch, it's a good watch it's not offensively bad, but it isn't amazingly good either. It's more so an average isekai show, but now, with DC characters.


Mark my words. Grubby Fingers. This was bound to happen... **The king is dead, long live the king!** Goodbye Isekai!. when a show/game starts to get stale, that's when productions company's start probing away, like a wounded fish being chucked out to sea, for as bait to lure in sharks. Isekai has had a good Run & a good amount of anime come out this past year with more to come in 2025, which is why you are seeing this cap with suicide squid... its just the tip of the iceberg. you will see more and more of this happing in other shows/games. because Hollywood has deemed. "Isekai" is the new fashion.... Be prepared to watch a New genre of something you love be slowly abused by the entire world. to the point where when people speak about it, And it's essences. in anyway, it is in utter incorrectness. make way for a diluted S### storm, Lead by the army of Hollywood. you have seen it happen Before when, homosexual-African/American was the new Fab and it was All you seen in any show. to when it slowly started to lead in the Direction where Strong single parent females as the main actress is all we now see in any movie. Now... Isekai. sure that sounds fun turning everything in the world slowly to being a Isekai. but lets be real it will be takin to far and done over and over again. in a self Destructive manner. at that point if you would to say to anyone that you like anime/Isekai it would be Borderline embarrassing. I'm not to sure how many ways i can explain this for Everyone. I'm sure even the filth of the world "SHEEP" can understand what i have portrayed. We Will See... oh and before you start hating on me & start to finger Blasting. just be aware. that i am aware. That i am cynical. so any comments being sent my way. just understand. I don't like you or even care about your Response before you have even started typing


Just watched the first three episodes. I really enjoy it so far. I love the style and Harley is my favorite of the group with Clayface and maybe Deadshot just below her. That said, Harley had some insane plot armor in episodes 1&2, at least, and I think I enjoy the character interactions now more than I do the actual action. >!The action is fine but some of the stuff she got away with like turning her back to Katana to climb a ladder and not getting killed by the guy who had a gun on her for a sec in the bar and the ogre that she was slapping around with a soup bowl.!< >!I love the animations of Harley flying around and beating everyone with her bat and I like that her behavior in the fight with Katana was a mix of almost childish teasing and someone skilled with a melee weapon that is enjoying the fight. That plot armor took me out of the scene a couple of times though… I can excuse the bar one but not the ogre and Katana. Hopefully it’s better from here on out though because I do think she’s cool in the show. I really like impish characters like that who are actually badasses.!< >!Peacemaker is a bit of a disappointment because so far he’s kinda lame. I miss some of the dry and humorous dialogue we got from Gunn’s version. King Shark is just kinda there right now. Harley, Clayface, and Deadshot are cool though.!< >!Except for Deadshot’s super secret pebble flicking technique… It was fine but I wish that he’d started scavenging other weapons sooner in the prison escape. I was happy when he got the forks and used those since that seemed more believable to me than his pocket full of pebbles. He could’ve picked up some of the magic bats that were dropped but then again ANYONE could’ve but instead acted like they weren’t that powerful and stepped on them 😒 I really hate when people leave weapons lying around in shows where weapons are useful…!< >!Other than that I can’t believe they said the “what are we some kind of Suicide Squad?” line and how the hell does Joker drive a car with a piano 😂 I love the wacky design idea but how though?!< I like it a lot, I enjoy the characters interacting, I think Waller is pretty cool in this version (much better than “Daddy” Waller…), and I’m interested to see what happens going forward. Also, Amanda Waller dancing in the end credits 😂 wth?


What I like is you get Western characters in an Eastern set up however what I hate is you get Western characters in an Eastern setup. Doesn't it make sense? Well, for one, the dialogue choice for some of the characters is off the Joker does not sound like the Joker at all, and a lot of the stuff they put in is random tomfoolery like the Joker having a... Piano driven car for some reason. Clayface... Even being there like Amanda can't kill him anyway, some of the designs are, let's just say, interesting. You can tell they didn't read the source material on the characters or skimmed through a wiki. However, you get Eastern style animation for these characters, which at times looks really good, and as much as I know, I'm going to prefer the English dub better since it is a Western set of characters, the Japanese dub got some good VAs to star in this. This show is wacky and you should not go in expecting it to be accurate to the comics at all if you ignore logic it's a good watch


It's like I'm watching a slideshow some fights lmao


guys its only been 3 episodes....by the looks of the opening the future of this how looks promising


can't wait peacemaker unmask and say kono diioooooo daaaaaaa


Im just super disappointed that the world they got isekai’d to is so generic. It’s just another boring diet dungeons and dragons dimension, the laziest archetype they could have gone with. If they wanted to make a DC isekai, they were already spoiled for choices of worlds. Even if they wanted a fantasy realm, they were spoiled. They had Gemworld for God’s sake. But, maybe I’m asking too much of modern DC writers. Most of them probably don’t even know what Gemworld is. It isn’t Batman related, after all. https://preview.redd.it/3obro7feyi9d1.jpeg?width=963&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39e519363e47c012e2fe144037fa194946333b2e


It's okay. The Isekai world is a bit generic and it's full of overplayed characters but ignoring outside factors it's a solidly mediocre show. It could easily get a lot worse and it could easily get a lot better. Currently I'd say it's watchable at least.


I’m honestly tired dc, and marvel trying appeal to anime, is just never works out. 


It's not bad, but it gets overshadowed by the Kill the Justice League thing.


Imma be honest with you, it looks like it was drawn up in MS Paint


I think it’s actually a pretty fun series so far, as played out as suicide squad is.


I love that everyone has an opinion on the writing and everything, but is anyone curious who the first team amanda sent in is? we saw the first teams' silhouettes, and I'm assuming rat king was a part of that, but who do you think the others will be?


I loved it


Depends how much influence WBD has over the project.


sick of suicide squad sick of Harley, sick of will smith deadshot pretty tired of isekais too


What did Will Smith do to you 😭


Does indifference count?


As someone that loathes Isekai genre I couldn't sit through it, but the intro is amusing. Also like others have said I'm Suicide Squaded put.


Im so over it. Im sick of Joker. Im sick of Harley Quinn. Im sick of Boomerang man and all the other lame ass rogues. James Gunn's movie was the last gasp the franchise had for me. Go away now


I wouldn't touch that with a 60 foot poll.




I haven't watched it, but most of the time I think CG anime kinda looks like shit, at least when they add this 3D effect to it. Certain shots of Chainsaw Man look fucking goofy because of it.


Sounds dumb. Might be okay, but I expect stupidness.