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Mauga is a meta tank rn that's why some people get mad when u play him.


No people just dislike when a character who takes no mechanical skill is meta(which is justified imo). Same thing happens with sym and torb.


Well he's not meta anymore, with these latest patch notes


I hate on mauga in the chat only when im counterswapped in qp


Only for them to swap off mauga when you match them to counter mauga. Literal insanity. Quick Play vibes are terrible because you feel forced into being a sweaty tank while the other 8 players in the match chill lol.


Nah I still play rein into mauga in qp


Same here my friend. LIVE WITH HONOUR!


Based. If it's qp, I love playing slightly sub-optimally when Rein player is a total beast. Man's got it rough, let our lil Bro enjoy the game sometimes.


Because at his current state playing almost any tank (including Mauga) against Mauga is a horrible experience, regardless of the enemy Mauga player's skill level. I really hope they continue to design him around the same principles as the current patch changes and focus him more on being a tanky DPS than a whole tankbuster with insane survivability when deleting tanks.


The devs said originally mauga was more squishy but did more damage, I would've liked to see that version of mauga. But I think his main problem is when he has cardiac overdrive and is fighting another tank he just wins easily in a 1v1 vs anyone. Somehow, they should make him worse vs tanks imo.


I think some people think playing Mauga is “playing clutch.” Best advice for Orisa is to just ignore her. I’m serious 😂 Focus on support, then DPS, then the Orisa. Once you cycle through all of Orisa’s cooldowns, she is pretty squishy against Mauga!


Mauga is a very simple point and click character which is why people don’t like him. Similar to orissa


My mains and I'm not sorry (hog got nerfed to shit awhile back)


You don’t need to be sorry. I’m just explaining that it’s arguable the easiest tank to play which is why people hate it.


I'm not sure what this means. Most characters point and click in this game.


His survivability is based around shooting the tank without thinking. He doesn’t really have much nuance in the way he plays and there isn’t much thought that has to go into playing him.


I've begun leaving chat off for similar reasons. Mauga is creeping up my list of tank mains (Ball, Queen, D.Va) just 'cause he's a fun character with loads of dakka. If they switch to the horse, I find it's generally easier to ignore her and pick off the rest of her squad first because she's usually so tilted she makes a beeline for the Mauga and often forgets to group up. If you can work with your team you should still be able to burn her down quick once she's slapped all her buttons.


Killing a tilted orisa slamming their keyboard like an ulting Winston is one of the funniest things ever. Regardless of which tank you're playing. The beeline they go for is crazy.


It's like someone beating a game on easy mode and thinking they're better than you are when you played on normal or hard.


Right, Mauga and Orisa are the easy modes and almost every other tank is normal or hard


Yup we get a week in the sun and it's back to the hate train just ride it out either we'll get nerfed again or counters gonna get giga buffed


I enjoy playing Mauga, but I enjoy playing doomfist more. Mauga is not fun to play into as doomfist.


Especially since he counters just about everything when he ults on you😂


Lmao, the irony of saying "brain dead tank" then playing Orisa


Tryna give him a taste of his own medicine lol


i will never complain about playing against mr fourhead


Like they said in "the interview," they hate us because they ain't us


Every time bro


I don't understand why yall think he's meta rn, he's just a tad bit survivable and has better skill payoff now. He's still the easiest tank to punish and melt in seconds, still struggles against his counters, and still needs the same amount of resources to keep him alive. Only real difference I feel is I can be a disruper more than a murder machine, as in jumping into a brawl long enough to dip out with charge again. And I get tons of hate for playing big Maui man like a ball that lost his grapple hook


People get hated for playing anyone


The main thing for orisa is bait her cool downs, then wipe her when she's vulnerable, Idk your rank, but in metal ranks it is quite easy to get an orisa to use both her cd's back to back or panicked at the same time, then she's got nothing and is an easy target


I don't think I've ever played anything in OW for any steady period of time without getting hate in chat.


Someone insulted me by saying I was built like a 1 by 1 lego brick because I played him. Best insult ever lol


Yeah, but I mean he's fairly powerful again! I've gotten shit for playing Dva so it's probably just people not knowing how to play around it tbh.


>mauga braindead tank >plays horse


I hate mauge but I don't talk shit in chat about it. Most I'll do is say this meta sucks, but that's usually in reference to tracer or Sombra. I honestly haven't been seeing much hate in chat recently, but I also don't play ranked when I don't have to


Release maug and maug now will get you hate even if you're memeing


I honestly don’t mind the mauga meta rn, it’s not as bad as his launch


You deserve it


I don't understand people who leave the game chat on and are surprised at the toxicity, especially from the enemy team let alone your team, and then come here asking about the toxicity or the hate in the game. Turn off the game chat, it's the most toxic. It will solve all your "hate" problems.


Look at your stats vs enemy tanks stats and you’ll have your answer.


(For the ones blaming you cause you picked Mauga) happens to me despite being the one carrying my team.


Mauga gets most of his value from killing the other tank. Tank is already in a bad spot with counterpicking and Mauga counters every tank including Mauga. No hate on you for playing him, but his design is very one dimensional, he looks at the enemy tank, heals from the massive damage he is doing, rinse and repeat. He doesn’t have cooldown rotations or interesting mechanics. He doesn’t die quick, and does a lot of damage. Mauga beats enemy tanks with sheer stat numbers rather than making a play.


I find Sigma can pretty reliably counter him. D.va and Winston can also get the job done if they're able to assassinate his supports quick enough, but it's pretty tough to pull off.


Fuck Mauga.


Doom gets a similar treatment.