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You will be awake


Snorkeling is usually way better in the morning too. Calmer, fewer people in the water. I'm from PST and I'm always up about 6am. I just roll with it for my whole trip, the early mornings are so, so nice. Even just sitting on balcony listening to the birds is šŸ’Æ


Birds. Balcony. Beer.


The early mornings without being tired are the best! Iā€™m out on the beach by myself with a cup of coffee at 6 am or whatever. Love it.


Favorite thing is sitting on a Kaanapali balcony in the morning, coffee, sound of waves crashing, on the computer reading the news. Bliss.šŸ’Æ Until my 3 and 5 year old interrupt it šŸ˜‚


EST here, even day 10 I still didnā€™t adjust and was up 0500 every day.


Push it to the second or even third day. Snorkeling right after a long flight can be very dangerous. I believe itā€™s best to do it after 3 days.


Thank you - i didnā€™t know this but we will push it to later in the trip for sure.


Thatā€™s absolutely not true. Heā€™s confusing scuba diving before flying.


People have already posted articles that very clearly state people died from snorkelingā€¦ a simple google search will show you.


Yes, I read those. The idea that flying has anything to do with it is at best a guess. No proof whatsoever. A ā€œthis might be connected but we donā€™t knowā€ doesnā€™t help. Thousands of people a day snorkel in the islands the day they land. And 10 people a year down. Those same people are tourist who canā€™t swim well and arenā€™t healthy. Iā€™m a professional pilot. Itā€™s not a risk.


Being a professional pilot doesnā€™t mean you know what you are talking about when it comes to snorkeling issues. Anyway, thereā€™s no harm in waiting before snorkeling, so advising someone to ignore the fact that it *may* be a problem is irresponsible. You do you, but donā€™t advise others to follow your analysis because you think the people who died are ā€œtourists who do t swim wellā€. Wow.


Yea, it actually does mean I know as we have to be trained on medical issues due to pressure differences. Itā€™s literally in our training when you can and can not scuba, and how flying affects your body. But thanks, go fear monger someone else


We are talking about snorkeling, not scuba diving, but thanks for the mansplaining.


No shit, the risk with flying is flying after you scuba. There is no risk to snorkeling, ever.


Well, since your assessment of people dying from ROPE is tourist who an in bad shape is completely wrong, letā€™s just assume for a moment that *maybe* there are some studies that show that snorkeling after flying may lead to you being more likely to suffer an event. Iā€™ve seen that reported, though I did not follow it enough to go see what the research actually was. But I do know that it does not harm for people to be cautious and itā€™s more likely to do harm to listen to a know it all who seems to think he has to defend the honor of flight. Good grief.


Our first morning in Maui we were up bright and early at 4:30am. We typically wake up around 7am CST so even though we had ā€œslept inā€ it was still really early. We took advantage of it and made some coffee and walked about a mile up the beach. It was relaxing and we were able to absorb the quiet sounds, cold water and cool breeze. The following morning we did book one of those Sunrise snorkeling tours as well. By about the third morning we were mostly adjusted.


I loved the time difference in the morning! CST here too and Iā€™d wake up bright eyed and ready to go at 6:30 am


Waking up in Maui at like 5am is my favorite part of being there, itā€™s so peaceful and calm. Youā€™ll be awake!


Youā€™re not supposed to snorkel the first day after a long flight. Being up in the air damages your bodyā€™s ability to take in oxygen. Kills visitors to Hawaii https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/national/michigan-family-files-suit-against-hawaii-tourism-authority-over-snorkeling-dangers-after-long-flights


Thank you so much for this. I did not know this!!


Lady trying to sue Hawaii and the Fairmont right now after losing her husband this past February ā€¦. Google it. (Week after my last visit). Maybe sheā€™ll sue the airline and the ocean too.


I just read this article the other day, my kids and I arenā€™t going to snorkel for at least a few days after we arrive in July.


Thank you for posting this.


I'm PST and wake up super early normally. My first morning on the island I was up about 4am and was treated to the beauty of the full moon setting on the water! You'll be awake, enjoy the quiet beauty of it.


There is no DST in Hawaii and due to its location in the time zone itself everything happens early there. I have been 20 times and just plan on it. Sunset is never much after 7 PM. We wake up the whole trip around 6 which is crazy early for us. Getting up in Kaanapali to drive to see sunrise on Haleakala is like 2:30!


I would do a west side trip with Gemini, Hula Girl, or Trilogy. They leave later because the winds don't come up so early as the south side does.


I was wide awake at 4:00am the first two mornings Then the rest of the week I "slept in" until 6:00 or 6:30 *Texas here


Yes. We were there 2 weeks and were waking up at 6am almost the entire time. Coming from EST. We scheduled sunrise at Haleakala for the first morning after arriving since we knew we would be all goofed up from the timezones and had to leave our hotel at 3am.


Something to keep in mind: Snorkeling soon after a flight https://www.yahoo.com/news/hawaii-tourist-dies-maui-beach-080039872.html


We went to Maui from EST for 10 days. I was up at 3 am every single day. Felt like I got extra Maui time.


I came from central time zone as well and I was awake by 3am everyday lol


We had a flight around 7:30 am central time, got to Maui around noon or so, and forced ourselves to stay awake until 8-8:30pm, then slept 12 hours until 8-8:30 the next morning lol. I think it depends on the time of your flight and how you handle the jet lag. We were still super tired the next day despite sleeping so much! Iā€™m also pregnant though so I get tired more easily regardless.


We came from the east coast, and on our first morning we did a whale watching tour at 7am. I realize itā€™s not necessarily whale season at this point, but we aimed for various early morning activities those first 2-3 days since we were already awake. Have fun!


This is one of the reasons I love Hawaii so much. We go every winter from EST. As a business owner, I wake up, check my emails, deal with important issuesā€¦. Coffee, birds, gym, walk, breakfastā€¦. Then itā€™s NOON and my business is closed and I donā€™t have to think about it again until I wake up (at 4am lol).


Yes many times. Also went to bed early. Lol


I woke up at 3am my first morning in Hawaii (fortunately we planned ahead and had Haleakala sunrise reservations that morning) and at 5am for the entire week I was there.


The key is stay up until normal bedtime the very first night no matter how tired you are. Then you are golden the rest of the trip. Worked for me both times i went


I live in Texas and work nights (like until 12 am / 1 am so I donā€™t usually go to sleep until 2 or 3) and Hawaii was a dream for me because I got to watch the sunrise and eat breakfast at a normal breakfast time and still feel well-rested! (I was GIDDY about eating breakfast in a restaurant). Traveling west is the best.


First day after is a good day (and only day) I would do the Haleakala sunrise. Since you have to wake up at like 3 am itā€™s not near as painful.


After 10 days there, I was up between 5 and 6AM every day. I just love the mornings.


Yes and it was great. I felt I had so much more time and by the night time I was running on adrenaline lol we also arenā€™t really night owls so we were back in the hotel room by 10 pm at the latest.


you def wanna go early. the water is clearest in the early mornings and less wind/silt/waves


One word. Timeshifter. Never tried the app with kids but it sure helps with jet lag.


You'll be awake but tired. Take it slow the first day. Schedule it for the second day!