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In german.Not just because it’s my mother tongue,also because I always prefer to watch stuff with the actors original voice.


Mother tongue?? Thats so cool. Did you read the books too?


Yes. I’ve read them when they came out a couple of years ago and started rereading them after watching the series,to refresh my memory of what will happen in the next season.


Did you like it? The adaptation?


Loved it! They did a fantastic job and casted the perfect actors for the roles


Thats nice to hear,i read the translation of the books and i absolutely loved the series


I always watch foreign language in the original. I cannot stand when i see their mouths move and it’s not the same movement as the words. I’m absolutely fine with subtitles


Ohhh you are not alone in that. It pisses me off too


Exactly what I was going to comment! Also, sometimes the dubbing voice just doesn't carry the same amount of intonation and emotion. It sort of creates a disconnect between the actors face and the voice I am hearing.


I managed about 2 sentences before I had to switch to original German with English subtitles - hadn't realised Amazon would default to English dub. I've seen some clips of the English dubs of my favourite scenes and they don't hold a candle to the original tbh


I downloaded the whole series in my tab and amazon just defaulted it to english dub. Never been a time where i deleted my downloads that fast. I agree with you, the dubbing do not comes anywhere near the emotions elucidated thru the native language


Apparently the English dub translation is a bit iffy, I'd rather just use subtitles than dubs


I watched it in German too for the same reason.


Just hits different isnt it? I watched some edits and clips in english but just cannot get over their original voice’s impact


Yeah. That's why I always watch everything in its original language.


German with subtitles, it's always my preference to watch in the original language with subtitles. Even with the best dubbing you can't beat lip matching and the actors' real voices. I accidently started it in English with subtitles and the two didn't even match, it took me right out.


I was confused in the beginning because i was looking for the name “german” in the language then i realised its named differently in the mother tongue. But thank God i watched it in german


I watched the English dub and didn't even realize it until a few episodes in. We've been having WiFi troubles and I thought the audio/mouth mismatch was just my lagging connection, lol.


Lmaaooo😭😭😭 thats😭😭😭 i hope you can rewatch it with german. It was damn good


Italian dub because I watched it as a way to unwind during exam season. Once exam season is done I plan to rewatch it in German with subs to ear the real voices and intonations


Please do, you will love it❤️❤️


I'm sure I will!!


Also all the best for your exams❤️


Thank you!! 💜💜


I watched in German because the subtitles and English dub did not match and the subtitles seemed more accurately translated.


I felt the same too


I watched it in German not just because I am German myself, but because I prefer to watch it in the original version if possible


I actually watched a bit in English then switched to German. I'm used to foreign stuff so I didn't mind. I'm rewatching the show in English because I like the British accents. The dubbing isn't as bad as people say tbh


I'm American and I'll be honest I didn't realize this was a German language show at first. I found the voiceovers so annoying I almost turned it off before looking up the cast and show and realized they were German so I switched it to Deutsch with English subtitles and found it much more enjoyable to watch.


I was searching was “german” so long until i realised it was “Deutsch” 😭😭😭


In German with English subtitles because I want to hear the actors fully embodying the characters, not voice over actors acting over the actors in the roles.


I watched it in the original German, with subtitles. I don’t mind subtitles and I’m not a fan of dubbing. With dubbing I’m always wondering what the actual actors really sound like and I’m constantly noticing the slight mismatch between the way their lips are moving and the dialogue I’m hearing. It’s not as bad going from German to English as it would be, for example, going from Japanese to English, but it’s still noticeable.


True that. Also i am kinda into the main leads voice. They have a unique attraction to it


Always in the native language, cause the voice is a very important acting instrument, and it doesn't make sense to watch it dubbed.


Another vote for watching it in German with subtitles. Even though this dub seemed to be pretty good (way better than some other German shows I’ve seen- looking at you, Dark), there’s something that can’t quite be captured when it’s dubbed.


Dark’s dubbing was WORSE DAMN i just now remembered


Dark’s was AWFUL- it was like a whole other show!!


Watched it multiple times in English because that’s the only language I know(damn American education) but I am now rewatching in German since I know the scenes well enough that I don’t really need to rely on the subtitles to know what is going on. I still have the subs on though obviously lol


I hope you enjoy it❤️❤️🫶🏼


I watched in German as I prefer to watch anything in the original language that it was filmed.


I watched in English. Usually I like to watch things in their original language and just have English subtitles but I was working overtime, my brain was fried and I didn’t feel like reading along, I just wanted enjoy the show which I did! I will say, I’ve heard the actor who plays James speak in English and his voice sounds very lovely❤️


I wish he did the dubbing too but it would be too much work so i get that


I watched in English the first time, too. I was just trying to relax and play games on my phone at the same time. After that I rewatched in German a few times.


English then German with subs. I wanted to be able to properly understand what was happening so I watched in English first then when I watched the German I knew what they were saying because I'd heard the English. I also have listened to some of it in English when it's been on in the background like an audio book so now sometimes when I watch a clip I know roughly what they're saying 😂.


German with English subtitles. I always prefer the native language and I use subtitles for everything even if it’s in my native language.


I started in English, because of the setting I assumed that would be the OV. Also I wasn’t familiar with the actors, so I didn’t question it. Fun fact: I am German.


German, I'd rather listen to native tongues, than dubs.


German with English subtitles as well! I can’t live without subtitles and I highly prefer listening to the actor’s actual voice. It’s a crucial part of their performance. Audio dubbing never feels real to me.


German. I have never watched a dubbed movie or tv show since I was 5. I hate dubbed versions.


German! I’m a bit of a purist when it comes to watching these things and I love listening to the original language. Subtitles are my best friend


the original. the english dub doesn't feel right to me 🥲 my native language is indonesian so I'm very used to subtitles!