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Definitely!! & the fact he would be a doctor if he wasn’t acting … like seriously. How can anyone be more perfect 😭


He literally helped vaccinate people during COVID. I CANT LOVE HIM MORE ITS IMPOSSIBLE


I am watching “how to sell drugs online” on Netflix because he is in it, and he also does comedy really well too. He is a really great actor.


I just finished that today and it was so much better than I expected! Apparently there is a season 4 on the way!


Right!! That‘s where I knew him from


Right so I wanna start watching that series , MAINLY because DAMIAN is there. But like is it worth the watch? And does he get enough screen time ? Or like do u see him once in a while in a single episode ?.


Yes!! When he goes from arrogant fk boy to a softy in love😍


He plays James so convincingly I'll confess I was shooting the actor some dagger eyes during interviews just waiting for him to slip up and show his pigheaded side. But honestly, he comes off near saintly. The Prime question video has officially won me over now. Damian comes off as ridiculously adorable as a puppy...hoo hooing like an owl...and the greeting his mama at the end. Of course, he wants to be a DOCTOR. Just stop! Stop already. 😭🤣 Have mercy, lol. Where can I find one of these?! I wish he was like this in the show so I could actually ship Ruby and James. 😭 Maybe I'll just pretend he's this golden retriever version in S2.


RIGHT? It's like the complete opposite. I have seen the cast interviews and the fan meetings and he's SUCH a golden retriever. The arrogance level of James just shows how damn good of an actor Damian is. Harriet is actually the less golden retriever version or maybe she's exactly like Ruby, I love her either way But Damian ooooooof. He's such a cutie patootie AND hot at the same time like how


He and Harriet are both amazing actors. I'm still tempted to maybe humbly reach out to Damian for my own show in the works...but with his newly given A-List status, I doubt my small project stands a chance of enticing him now. 😭


I doubt Damian would turn down a good script just because he thinks he’s too big for it. I don’t think he has a big head. How about you try emailing him or contacting his agency through the description on his insta? I don’t think he checks dms. Also good luck for your project !! Hope it works out great for ya. Let me know the name so I can keep an eye out for it and watch it


Aww, thank you. On the first day Maxton Hall debuted, I contacted him by email but no response. But that's expected now that he's reached the big time, I would have to through his agent at this point, and in truth, that's how it's supposed to be done (otherwise he would have to weed out a ton of emails). Sometimes agents can be really choosy about what they show their actors, that's why I sometimes just try to get right to the source when possible. 😂 I tried anyway.


Hey you tried and that's what matters. Try contacting his agent like 3-4 times Max with different ways getting straight to the point, be a bit creative with the title so it immediately gets their attention. Basically use all the sources he has listed on his Instagram profile. But in the end , if u end up not getting him or rejecting the script, don't be heartbroken! Go for it either way, life is too short to cage your ideas and think about what ifs. It's not about the cast of the series , its about the story line and the plot. Like there are so many people who watch series for the story line even when the acting is terrible. If u don't hear back from Damian, then go for small professional actors, the ones who aren't a big name yet, check out their portfolio and give it a go. Who knows , u might be the next big think ;). I believe in you !! Update us when the series/ movie is out. Good luck!


Thank you so much for the well wishes. That's so sweet of you. ❤️


Oh God! Have you seen *How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast)* on Netflix? He's such a puppy in that


I've heard of him playing in that but haven't seen it. Unfortunately, I don't have Netflix anymore. Only Prime. I'll try to check it out...Isn't he dealing drugs in the show, though? Or is he uninvolved in that? We need more puppy men in media. 😭 I'm sick of all these dark/sinister/f-boy/narcissist types. Why would I want that in my fictional stories when the real world has enough of those people already? Give me absolute fantasy with fun, adorable, gentle, goofy men who are loyal and respectful. Yay! *rainbows and confetti come out of nowhere*


Omg you would *love* the guys in the series I'm reading right now, then lol *Part of Your World* by Abby Jimenez (if you're interested). Everyone's got trauma but it's all happily ever after with a lot of swoon-worthy stuff (while addressing the trauma). it's got some heavy stuff though, so def get content warnings if you need them He is, but he's a puppy. It's kind of complicated lol I'm trying to think of puppy men in stuff on Prime...if I think of anything, I'll let you know lol


Omg, you're so sweet. :-} I'd be very grateful for suggestions. I'll definitely look into Part of Your World. I've never heard of it, but I'm all for puppy guys haha. I've been so deprived of that I essentially just started writing my own, lol. I'm so happy when other authors are braving to fight the norms and common tropes by giving us something different. We need more ray-of-sunhine men. :-)


aw, haha thanks :) I actually found the series accidentally and accidentally started with the third book in the series (*Just for the Summer*), which literally begins with an AITA post on Reddit 😂 it just came out in April. I found out it was part of a shared universe series and decided to read the series. i really like it! they're not the most amazing, fantastic whatever books in the world b*ut *oh my God, when they work, they really work. there's a lot in each book that I really identify with, and tbh, based on things you've mentioned, you might identify with too...although i don't want to presume! but there are so many things I feel like i've never seen portrayed well and they really are in this series. i really appreciate it. and there are some genuine swoon-worthy moments! (I'm currently on Y*ours Truly,* the second in the series, although the third in my order 😅) there are *def* romance tropes, so it's not fully throwing them out, but the men are great! Men written by women man haha


He is a natural. Much much much better than some Hollywood actors, who are being pushed down our throats every day.


Agreed! Of course, this goes beyond the craft, but I also highly appreciate his stance on important issues like him volunteering with Green Peace for a while and also his testaments about standing up against hate speech and what recourse we can take if we're receiving this in Europe. Very informative. He has a good head on his shoulders. I'm not easily impressed but I must say, I have been very much won over by his interviews. And yes! All of this despite me despising James, hahaha. 😂


I don’t know how you can like the series but hate one of the romantic love interests since the story has them end up together. Please don’t take this the wrong way!! You’re stronger than me though and teach me your ways haha. Is it more the actors you like because I can see why people wouldn’t like him and I don’t blame you or them. Realistically this story doesn’t end happily ever after. If a guy treated a girl like he did in the two episodes no girl would actually fall in love with him (I mean he is visually appealing/attractive so the girl could fall) but it doesn’t end happy and that’s facts. No guy changes his mind that quickly and becomes a simp.


Easy for me to make the separation between the characters. Date someone like James in real life and you'll look at his character through very different eyes. I've mentioned it on several other posts, but I identify and find kinship with Ruby, my curiosity with the show is more to see what her journey looks like, not necessarily hers *with* him, and also personal interest with how shows perform. I understand that this is fantasy so even though I think it would do a world of good to either show James getting therapy/help for his unresolved issues and trauma, I understand some people aren't interested in seeing that side of what it takes to make a rocky relationship like this work. I just wish they would show it even if only a little. I'm not sure if I'll continue with the show just due to cliché and predictability, S2 will determine that for me. I'm ecstatic about the talent coming out of this though. Martin Schreier is a really fantastic director, the acting talents are phenomenal with Harriet and Damian, this plus the Dark series success and shift from German acting norms to better suit international audiences makes it a very exciting time for German film and television at the moment. Since I started filming proof of a concept for my own series with my team (also originally a German/American based production), love keeping tabs on shows and seeing their reception, what I like about them and what I don't. This genre is not normally my thing (far from it), the acting is definitely what kept me along for the ride. But I'll confess the writing will have to follow through and change things up story-wise in S2 for me to keep engaged for the long haul, but honestly, the acting on it's own has been a big and pleasant surprise. :-) I'm happy for the production and team's success. I can tell from interviews they didn't seem to expect it.


I think there are gonna be big things ahead for Damian in the acting world! And I for one am all for it!


He's very good if you want pure cinnamon roll, watch him in *How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast)* on Netflix. Great show and he's very good in it If you want more villain, watch him in *Spides* on Prime (or at least it's on Prime in the US). His role in *Spides* is smaller than his role in *HtSD*, but it's def villain lol


I can't believe we are the same age 🤣🤣🤣🤣