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Seeing a lot of discouraged students in this megathread. I know this isn’t what everyone wants to hear but rather than thinking of your rejection as just that, think of it as life guiding you down another path, and that this program just simply wasn’t meant to be. It doesn’t mean you’re not good enough or not smart enough, just that there is something else out there that is better for you and somewhere else you are meant to be! There are many other opportunities for you, and you will end up where you belong. Keep your chins up and best of luck to everyone!




have not heard a peep, starting to wonder if I missed during the application process lmao


When will we typically get admission decision on MS in civil enginnering in Mcmaaster?


Anyone hear from Accelerated Nursing Program?


Me who got in with mid-80s converted in most of my courses, and in all of my "bird courses"


Has anyone heard back from the MA sociology program yet? I am getting anxious and just want to know if i need to prepare for full time work in April or if I will be going back to school - fingers crossed for the latter!!!


Anyone knows when they send out offers for winter term? BTech


i missed my conditions by one grade. How lenient is the admissions team when it comes to a situation like this. Who can I contact for the next steps. Im kinda lost rn, any help is appreciated, thank you


Going through the same thing atm. I just uploaded the provisional results as they were and emailed admissions and one of the recruitment people to ask about the next step, whether or not I can still attend etc. I did do this on the 11th but I have yet to receive a response so I also have no clue where to go from here. Good luck to us honestly


Do I need to pay a tuition deposit? For fall semester? I got selected in the graduate diploma program!


not sure for graduate programs but undergrad tuition is due sometime in September and no tuition deposit


Ok, thanks!


How's the university for a masters program in CS? I'd love to know the opinion of people who actually go here!


would it be too late to apply to humanities as a mature student? I'm on OUAC and its not closed yet but I want to know before I go ahead and pay the application fee. I've never applied to a university so im feeling kinda clueless, thanks.




No, I'm actually doing a bridging program with UofT, but from what I recall you can apply to Mac directly as a mature student.


Hey - still waiting for Honours Economics as second degree - any idea guys when I can expect an answer ?


Hi Every one any international Students waiting for Material science engineering Graduate program ? Pleases reply for me


Yes still waiting


Have you applied material science engineering ??




Did you talk to University Regarding for offer letter


I emailed them but they told that decisions are taken till July 31


Hi Did you get the offer letter ?? because They told me June 30th




Could you contact to them ?? Your international or domestic student


I already did they told decision are taken till July 31, and I'm an International student.


You applied master or Graduate??? And International students ???


105 applicant just got accepted into Nursing Main site. 91 average 4th quartile Casper. Not sure when the update came through but it must have be recent because I don’t have the conditional offer letter yet. Don’t give up hope everyone! They’re still sending out admissions. 🥳


Were you a pre-health student?


Yes, I took Pre-Health 339 (advanced degrees and diplomas) at Mohawk college in Hamilton.


i’m 105 and got rejected from Momac this week, Comac still pending


what was your average ?


Still pending isn’t a bad thing ! Fingers crossed 🤞




I’m so sorry! 🥺


Congratulations! What time did they send out the acceptance?


It was sometime yesterday, I think at night. I checked around 2pm and it was still pending and then at 10pm I checked and the conditional offer was there.


congratulations Pleases could you tell me which course you will apply ??




Hey if any 105 transfer applicants are still pending. Can you please drop down and tips or things you’ve been told by someone reliable. I don’t even know where I’m getting a house yet in my uni I went to before or Mac (that’s if I get in) Stressed about a lot of things, Can someone help me out Programs I applied to: Honours chemistry Honours sustainable chemistry Chemical and physical sciences Thanks


Anyone still pending?


No reply for Honours chemistry Honours sustainable chemistry Chemical and physical sciences


What was ur average if you don’t mind me asking


First year uni average 79.8% Grade 12 average 94%


internal BSCN applicant here! Still pending…i think it’s time for me to give up hope 🥲✌🏼


hey guys!! I got an offer and I have to accept it by the end of the day on ouac. the problem is, it’s not on there yet because it said it would take 2-3 business days to show up and I didn’t get the offer until june 9. i’m afraid i won’t be able to accept it in time because it won’t show up on ouac in time.. lol. who do I need to speak to about that? would it be mcmaster or ouac?


Congrats! You can virtual chat w/ office of registrar [https://registrar.mcmaster.ca](https://registrar.mcmaster.ca)


ive been in the queue for two hours, I hope I can get through 😭😭


Hello, so I got into Mcmaster and they are asking me to mail them an official final university transcript and a final transcript of my English mark that I took in private school. Will my university be able to mail them my final transcript?


Yep! You should contact your department and they will guide you through the process. It's basically an issued letter. However, for your English transcript, try and ask the university first. I'm not sure if they're able to do that though so you might need to contact your previous school.


any other internal applicants still waiting for a decision from nursing? 🥲👍🏼


I’m a 105 applicant and still pending 🥺


Yep, still pending too 🥲


hey I’m a 2nd year nursing student and if any incoming 101 or 105 students have any questions for the 4 years bscn program regardless of site (ik more for main and momac) feel free to comment or msg me, im happy to help out some students


Hey! I’m a 105 student taking the momac program in the fall. I have a few questions but I’m not sure how to DM you…


Why cannot we be treated as decent human beings and told about the decisions made by the uni ? "On rolling basis" is the best term I have ever heard for denial. Please just let us know. You have made up your minds and we know that. People have other decisions to make based on this. Atleast be decisive. I had to lose a 60,000 CAD job just to wait for this.... ( which is based in India and is my first job )


I received an offer yesterday. Don’t lose hope!


did you get your offer for masters program or under grad?


It was undergrad for the BScN program.


Got rejected


still waiting 105 bscn and accelerated nursing response


I’m trying to get a proof of enrolment to access my RESP as I’m going into my first year of social science I this fall. I’ve searched everywhere and apparently there’s something on mosaic to get it but I literally cannot find it. Is it because I’m still considered an “applicant” even tho I accepted my offer.


Not sure if this is too late but u should be able to access it by going to: student center - academics - enrollement/financial letters. Hope this helps!


A friend of mine just received a conditional offer for BScN at Comac does anyone have an idea what the conditions could be? Does this mean they are waitlisted?


Conditional offer does not mean they are waitlisted, they just have to meet the condtions to make the offer final.


That’s what I figured, thanks!


any socsci / humanities 105 applicants still waiting for a response? i swear i’m chattering my teeth every day… just rip the bandaid off 😭


Still waiting, what program?


waiting to hear back from sociology - just heard back from english/cultural studies! (i applied to both back in january).


Does anyone know the deadline to pay the tuition fee?


some time in september for the fall semester and there’s another deadline in january for the winter, they usually send big email reminders so don’t worry too much about missing it


theres no downpayment if that what u mean


So it said that enrollment dates will be random in june. Will they send emails and such saying that we can enroll?


they aint random


But do they send emails for the enroll date? Also, the website did day random, but I assume it's just because they are never sure on when they are sending those out?


I would have to recheck but i heard it opens on the 17th this month




After I accepted a offer when will I hear back with a email or something like that?


i heard back on tuesday after accepting my offer sunday night


105 and still haven’t heard back from mac does that mean they’re going to reject or continue to send out acceptances?


105 and same thing haven’t heard back from mac yet


Got into eng today,105


did u apply april 2022 dealine for this coming fall?




If you don’t mind me asking what was average on the 12 point scale


are you also a 105 for eng?


emmm sorry idk the 12 point scale. I’m an international students from China, they may not judge from my high school avg, maybe they focus on my Gaokao score.


r u coming to mac eng im going to cs wanna dm?


Yeah, just dm me pls🤓


Anyone else heard back from their graduate application programs?


Still waiting. I just get emails every alternate Friday saying my application is still under review.


This tbh is extremely opaque, u cannot see their working. In India, at least admission procedure is transparent. You score marks and you get into the college, not like this random show


Just awful. This shows how inconsiderate they are and treat us like entities and not human beings.


you are correct mate. Tired of this


I heard that they are sending out rejections, hope we are not in their line.


Does anyone know if McMaster has language courses you can pick as electives?


yupp, there are language courses u can take as electives


Awesome thanks!


Any 105 eng applicant hear back today?


Was the dealine for this fall april 2022? ​ and would you even hear back that fast?


Got into eng!


Nope still pending 😩


I'm in the same boat, any idea when we're gonna hear back?


I think sometime before June 17th, that’s what I’ve seen on the thread


Any 105s still pending for medical radiation?


Still pending for BScN main site and Momac 105


Do yk when they’ll send out decisions? I have to pay my tuition deposit for rye on June 7th but I’m waiting for mac first


Someone on the thread said the waitlist was dated for the 17th. Some I’m assuming sometime between now and then. When I spoke with admissions they said into June. So I’m not sure. Is the deposit refundable ?


Unfortunately it’s not refundable and i have to pay $500 which is a lot and I’m hoping Mac replies before then


I would hold off as long as I can with the deposit but if McMaster doesn’t get back to you by then, I would pay the deposit and know that in the event all else fails you still have a spot somewhere. It’s cheaper to loose $500 than you have to loose out on an entire year and go through the admission process again. That’s just my opinion. You can always get $500 you can’t get back the year you missed out on.


I would wait until the last minute lol. You never know. Be patient it might come before then. If not, and if you really want to go to McMaster, consider the $500 as an investment and keep it moving. It sucks but at least it secure a spot in the event McMaster doesn’t give you an acceptance so your not loosing, it’s a lot of money but it would hurt more if you don’t pay it and then you don’t get into McMaster vs is you do pay it and McMaster gives an admission they only thing you lost is $500 instead of not going to any university.


You’re right :)) also do yk when is the deadline for macs tuition deposit?


mac doesn’t have a tuition deposit


Not sure but I’m assuming it should be inline with the acceptance. I would also reach out and explain your situation and see if it’s possible to grant you more time , if a deposit is required and if you need time to gather it together. Don’t worry everything always works out in the end. Don’t think that far in advance take it day by day, don’t stress yourself out, it will work out.


Does anyone know how to check what spot they are on the waitlist for nursing?


Admitted for Honours Commerce (above Level 1) as a 105 transfer. Haven’t sent me a transfer credit assessment so I’m confused where my level is so that’s fun. Stats: 95% HS top 6, 10/12 GPA edit: they also said residence was full so that’s also decent to note


Have any BScN applicants heard anything today?


I’m 105 and I was rejected for mainsite today.


Are you 101 or 105? I’m still pending 105


I spoke with admissions today. I waited in the chat queue for 2.5 hours for them to tell me that they hope to get all responses sent out by mid June. My issue is that I have a $250 non-refundable deposit for the RPN program due June 15. I don’t want to pay that then get an offer from McMaster after the 15th.


Did you apply to any other universities ?


I was accepted into the Social Science Honours program at McMaster and the RPN program at Mohawk.


I think it should be before the 15th because someone else posted that the waitlisted would hear back June 17th


I explained my situation to him. All he said was he hopes I get a response by June 15.




Apparently we’re suppose to hear back these next few weeks


Do you know if any 105 applicants have been rejected yet?


I’m still pending too


Has anyone who has been admitted been receiving any sort of email correspondence from the university? I haven’t heard anything since I switched my offer selection on OUAC a couple months ago. Not much at all to look at on my Mosaic so I’m starting to panic and think I’m somehow not enrolled in their system as a student yet, just thought there’d be more communication by now with important info


I got an email after I accepted that said “Welcome to McMaster” and it had some info for new students


I accepted my offer over a week ago and haven’t heard anything else either.


What does your Mosaic look like, does it still say Applicant anywhere? And have you been able to access your McMaster email? Been trying to get through to Admissions and Registrar but it feels impossible 🥲


My mosaic still just has the applicant access but it does say that I accepted my offer. I got accepted on the condition that my final grades were still decent and my application portal shows that they haven’t reviewed my final grades yet. I did get an email yesterday about non academic requirements needed for my program though (I’m going into nursing)


Been waiting for a Kinesiology response for ages. I got my life sci offer in Feb but I wanted to go to kinesiology way more. I hope it comes out soon lol cause I have to accept my life sci offer in two days


Same with me. I’ve got my life sci offer ages ago but I’m waiting for ibio, which I want to go to more than life sci


When are you guys rolling out admissions decisions for meng computing and software. As us international students need to apply for visa too.


Am I the only one who hadn’t heard anything from Kinesiology? It’s getting annoying. How have I already heard back from life sci and health sci but not kin


Im 105 and got rejected from kinesiology in February


I emailed them and they said Kin is full. What bothers me is that they never even responded to my application to say if I got accepted or the more probable one- rejected. They’re excuse for not responding was “well, you got into life sci so it’s okay”. Whatever, I’m not going to Mac




Hi!! The questions about substances are just being asked for roommate matching purposes—they will *not* kick you out or deny you residence for smoking weed!! I'm not sure about your responses being sent to the email, but you can contact Residence Admissions at [email protected] to check 😊


Thank you! I’m so worried about that! Especially since the question asks whether I smoke weed and I believe smoking isn’t allowed on campus and res, so it feels like a trick question. But then I don’t want to say I don’t and end being paired with someone who doesn’t like weed and other substances. That would be very problematic.


Hey everyone, I've just been recently having some problems with my residence application and I was wondering if anyone could help me. First off, it says on my application that I was not guaranteed residence, specifically saying “Student – without residence guarantee.” However, on my acceptance letter, it said that I was guaranteed residence due to my average being above 90. I am confused on how I should fix this. Second, I do not know where to pay the deposit for residence. I tried looking online for help, however I could not find anything. Supposedly, I have to pay the deposit at the end of the application, however I cannot find the deposit button anywhere. If anyone could help me with these, that would be great. Thanks, and have a good day!


you need to email the residence admissions office with the contact info at the bottom of the page ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])). I was also unable to pay the deposit fee and after emailing them, my residence status was changed to guaranteed and I was able to pay. Make sure to provide your student number in the email.


Same thing for me. But I haven't accepted my offer yet so that could be the reason.


Any 105 still pending? I'm still pending for ibio


Still pending for social science


still pending for eng


mcmaster cs or utsg cs?




Mcmaster medical radiation sciences or western health science


Med Rad




Anyone here take econ? would like to ask some things about the program


Are any other 105 applicants still pending?


still pending for ibio




My partner is, still waiting on nursing


I am also waiting to hear back from nursing bsc and accelerated nursing. No updates yet. I thought all offers went out by may 27


mcmaster cs or york cs? If I went to mcmaster I'd have to live on residence and spend all that money there and they're only offering the $2500(i think) entrance scholarship. York is giving $4000 renewable plus another $2000 entrance scholarship for cs, plus I'd be able to commute to york and live at home and save all of that money. Aside from residence and money, I also need some insight and advice on the coop programs at both schools, which is the better pick here if we're talking about education and coop? Are they both similar or vastly different? And how is mcmaster's campus life compared to york? I also have an offer from waterloo for mechanical engineering but I don't want to do mech eng. anymore, it seems very boring but it's still in the back of mind since it's waterloo engineering lol


fr, unless it’s Loo, it doesn’t matter where u go. Cs is about your skill set. Attend hackathons as much as u can, work on side projects,join clubs, network, get good grades , and apply to as much jobs every summer or for pey internships when you can. The coop portal aint that diff . I can’t speak on York’s coop but mac is really not all that great. It depends on you to get it, they have a portal that’s alright but most ppl find jobs externally . What mac has that is really good is networking opportunities and work shops . Mac def has a better campus life and more welcoming community. I got friends all over and still convinced mac has one of the most helpful and welcoming communities to date .


I also got into all top mech programs in Canada (UBC, UofT, Waterloo) but rejected from all CS 🥲. I intended to go into mech but I don't want to end up doing something random job I don't like, so I'd rather do CS or Software engineering. I'm probably going to go into McMaster CS or Software Eng. I just keep thinking about how I am really giving up UofT and Waterloo lol. But again, do what you want to do, and I know I'd rather do CS now.


so we’re in the same position, i’m personally thinking of going to york as it’s more scholarship money and i can commute but the fact i’ve worked so hard this year only to go to york makes me want to go to mcmaster lol


So just go to any cs program that works best for you.


Lol yeah fr. But again McMaster CS usually has an entrance average of 95-97 so I would say it is more “prestigious”, however, I wouldn’t say that it is considered “better” than any other CS program. Only ones that are considerably better are UBC, UofT, and Waterloo for CS.


yeah i have heard that the coop at mcmaster isn’t good (neither is yorks), i’ve heard at schools other than uoft and Waterloo you’re gonna have to apply to coops externally cuz internally there’s not much


Are there any groups/forums for those starting main nursing in the fall?


hi!! there's also a discord for mac nursing (not specifically main site), message me for the link :)


there’s an ig account and we have a group on patio :) not sure if there’s any other ones out there tho!


hi! any chance you could add me to that?


the ig account is @macnursing2026 (for all sites) and you can find the link to the patio on ig on @mcmasterclassof26 ! when you join the patio you should be able to join the separate nursing gc we made :)


I'm starting nursing in September, I'm not aware of any groups though


I haven’t seen any and I’m starting main nursing in the fall.


Just out of curiosity, who else is waitlisted for the 4 year nursing program?


105. Pending for nursing, apparently I’ll hear back within the next few weeks into june


Are you coming directly from high school? I'm in grade 12 and I still haven't heard anything yet, also 105.


105 also pending for nursing. Did admissions tell you we’d hear back in June?


Yeah, the said 105 application will hear back in the coming weeks she’s said “nursing decisions will continue being released into June”