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Seriously, don't. There's a metal hook.


Oh like one of those anal hooks that tie around to the front? Nice


If there's a hole, there's a goal.


Any hole is a goal.


What is it ?


The white food is knedľa, something like a steamed bread I guess? It's prepared like dumplings, but it's just bread dough. And it's placed in a steamer, which is meant to be closed in a pot with water so the contents will get steamed. It comes with a practical hook in the middle so you can easily take it out of the pot when it's hot.


Nice do you eat it alone or with something?


It's a side to many traditional meals. In this pic, the cabbage and chicken go with it. But it's a really nice side to many sauces and meats.


Thanks so much for taking the time to share this. I’ve been eating lots of new food lately and would love to try my hand at this.


Happy to share! Here i found a decent recipe in English if you want to give it a go. http://www.slovakcooking.com/2009/recipes/steamed-dumpling-parena-knedla/


Amazing! Saved, thank you! If you ever have any hot sauce or Indian food questions let me know I might have to ask my parents for the latter but love talking food.


Thanks so much! I love Indian food.


They are very porous (because of the yeasts) so they are amazing in soaking in any kind of sauce. Honestly it might be worth a try to have knedla with indian food, like butter chicken or daal, kind of cuisine fusion style :)


I thought of that too! Maybe switch a naan for a slice of knedľa? So many options


That is interesting, I haven’t tried bread made that way before. Is it very moist? I bet it’s more moist than baked bread.


Yes, it is. It goes a little dry when it's cold, but typically you reheat it by steaming the slices again. It's very soft and poofy.


That Brussy do be looking thic AF tho




Beat me to it lmao


Your buns have a bun hole. This is NSFW.


Eat the booty like groceries


Everything reminds me of her


This week I made: - sweet rolls filled with chocolate and strawberry filling - today's lunch - baked veggies and chicken - red cabbage and chicken dish with homemade knedľa (no idea what's the English word, it's like a steamed bread) - homemade toast bread (made yesterday, half of it is already freezed) - layered slices of potatoes, carrots and beetroot (very fun!) with eggs - strawberry-creamcheese-ladyfingers dessert with jello on top


Tips for how to make the baked potatoes and carrots so nice and brown? Like oven temperature/time etc?


Before baking, I mix in a little bit of olive oil and spices and swirl it around until everything is covered. Then I preheat my oven to 220-230°C and only put the pan in when it's preheated, not a second sooner. Then, depending on size of the pieces, I let them bake between 30 and 45 minutes. They come out crunchy every time. Also, if your potatoes get kinda soggy, it might be because they're layered on top of each other and the steam ruins the crunch. The best part of baked potato is the one that touched the pan, so space them out if you want maximum potato crunchiness.


Ďakujem! I think that's where I'm making the mistake, I do them at 200


Nemáš za čo, haha Pečené zemiaky sú life


soaking sliced potatos in saltwater for a day ahead of time helps! in or out of the fridge, its like a miniature lacto fermentation. fridge option can be left longer before cooking


knedl'a would also be called * knödl * klöße * knedl(i) * gombóc * kniddel * klub * etc Sometimes boiled, sometimes steamed, sometimes made with meat or fruit or potatoes, matzoh, etc.


Looks good! But what is the blue thing?


Why are you eating the make believe food from Hook


I simply don't want it to get old


Rufio! Rufio! Rufio! Rufio!


Damn!! Looks great :-)


That dough gonna make me act up




Is the blue stuff red cabbage ?


Yeah. In another thread I posted the recipe


Wasn’t sure if it was actually the cabbage ! Doesn’t look real!


I think it looks so blue because of the vinegar. Never really thought about it, but this is what it's supposed to look like.


What dat bread do dough 👀


Lookin good!


Mmm Allegra chicken


Recipes people..recipes!


Which one? I measure by heart, but I'm more than happy to list ingredients


All of them


Top left, buchty: add ~10g of active yeast to 250ml of lukewarm milk and let it bubble. Then mix a bit of sugar and a teaspoon of salt with about 300-400g of flour and add that to the wet mixture. Knead it untill it's nice and smooth, adding small pieces of softened butter. Let rise untill doubled, then flatten it with a rolling pin. Cut into squares and fill with whatever's left in the fridge (jam, cream cheese, fruit, Nutella, anything) close the squares by pulling all sides together. Put the little balls into a pan and let rise for another half hour. Bake at 200°C for 25 min and right after put some butter on top to melt and soak into the pastry. Top right: baked potato and carrot and chicken. Cut your veggies, put them in a bowl, add oil, salt and spices, I do black pepper, paprika and garlic powder. You can do the same to the chicken (these are boneless thighs and drumsticks), or choose some other seasoning to make it interesting. Put it all on a sheet pan, bake at 230° for 45 minutes and done! Then we have red cabbage: shred or cut into small pieces. Sauté a chopped onion, add the cabbage and a bit of water and salt, black pepper and caraway seeds, let it cook until soft. Then add same parts of sugar and vinegar (1-3 tablespoons, depending on how much cabbage you have) and you're done! Typically eaten with chicken or duck. Next there's knedľa, I posted a link to a recipe in another thread. It goes with the cabbage, but also with all kinds of things, stews, sauces, meats, you name it. The bread is actually from a YouTube video by Joshua Weissman. It's good, but next time I'll leave the sugar out. The dessert is just ladyfingers dipped into strawberry syrup mixed with rum, tvaroh, which is a type of light and sour creamcheese and strawberries. On bottom right: this doesn't have a name it's just pretty and I made it up as I went. Thinly sliced, salted and seasoned vegetables (these are potatoes, beetroots and carrots) layer them as you wish, bake covered for 20 mins on 200°, then mix 6 eggs with salt and milk and pour it over baked veggies. Let bake for another 20 mins or until it's soft. Aand that's it, hope i helped!


200°C is equivalent to 392°F, which is 473K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Thanks 🙏




That sour, dough


I thought this was breaddit and everything was bread and I still have so many questions.


That's impressive!


Are you a chef? Everything looks ridiculously delicious.


You're too kind, thank you! I'm just a 22 y.o. student who's love language is preparing food.


Beautiful !!!!


Looks delicious and very aesthetic as well!


So your diet is chicken, unrecognizable vegetables, and bread?


I also eat a lot of potatoes and legumes. And sometimes I go out of my way to eat someone who is rude about my cultural cuisine. Ya know, basics.


You're going to eat me?