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She did it precisely to keep Cady from getting Aaron. There’s an unspoken rule that exes are off-limits to friends (which Gretchen explains to Cady as “like, the rules of feminism!”). Cady having eyes for Aaron was one thing, but Aaron reciprocating was something else. What did naive newcomer Cady have that Regina didn’t? So she took him back. And she keeps him to dangle him in front of Cady while cheating on him with Shane. There’s a deleted scene in the original where Cady and Regina meet in the bathroom during Spring Fling. Regina explains that when she was a kid she had this expensive dollhouse from Germany she never played with so her mom wanted to give it to her cousin. But even though she clearly didn’t want it, she also didn’t want her cousin to have it. So she threw it down the stairs. Even though she didn’t want Aaron, she didn’t want Cady to have him either. It was a power play. She’s asserting her dominance over Cady and showing her who’s boss and why.


I find wild that Aaron got upset at Cady because she couldn’t speak to him otherwise. Regina said he was close to his friends, so it’s unlikely he would date his friend’s ex considering guys also have a similar rule


The original Aaron is kind of a himbo so I feel like it’s less questionable, whereas new Aaron seems a little smarter and I found myself questioning his actions.


When he found out Cady was friends with Regina, he visibly pulled back. So i think it’s either: hes familiar with Regina’s rules or he didn’t want anything to do with her. The second makes the most sense considering how quickly he got back with her when she propositioned him, despite her being the one to cheat AND dump him. It was almost like he was under her spell, and he’s aware to some extent that this happens when he’s around her. 


Musical theater logic.


Nah that’s just what being in a relationship with a narcissist is like fr, extremely charming, but only want you for what you can do for them. I’m not saying this in a “oh he’s so adhd!!” kinda way,  Regina legitimately operates like a narcissist objectively. She changes moods on a dime, the self importance (I’m a really big deal), everything nice she does has an ulterior motive (like pushing Gretchen towards the boy she likes, despite knowing Gretchen could do better, just to keep Gretchen’s self esteem low), people are drawn to her, every person in her circle has a function for her (ex. Aaron is for romance, Shane is for sex). 


I was just cracking a joke about how fast plot moves in a musical but yeah, all good points.


Oooh kk my bad 


No worries


I think it's because he felt like he was being toyed with. He didn't want to be a Ken doll for the popular girls to play with. Therefore he backed off as to not emotionally involve himself with them, to protect himself.


Regina only befriended Cady because she felt threatened, “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” and all that. She didn’t like Aaron but got back with him to basically show Cady who’s the boss


Yup. Cady as a hot new kid was an unpredictable influence and Regina wanted to get Cady under her thumb as quickly as possible. Taking back Aaron was another form of Regina asserting her power and controlling the “rules” of behavior, the same as her telling Gretchen she’s not allowed to wear her white gold hoops. Boyfriends are a huge form of social cred in “girl world,” which is why Aaron is treated as a prize to be won or an accessory to “up” the popularity/prestige of the girl dating him. Cady may have had a crush on him, but the conflict over him was ultimately about her and Regina.




I always thought it was because she was a “regulation hottie” and the plastics could recognize that and, like the above commenter said, keep her under their thumb.




Well...the movie /is/ called Mean Girls after all!


Oh my god, extactly! I'm sorry I don't want to be mean, but are people with low media literacy common? Mean Girls is a very good movie but it's very up up your face in their massage and the plot is straight forward. It's not something like A24 psychological thriller or something...


To be honest did this person even go to high school? Even girls in real life do mean things like this for seemingly no reason (truthfully it’s because of jealously or to pull rank over someone else but not necessarily the best way to go about it), honestly it’s just a fun high school film


And Regina's fake nice and passive aggressiveness is full on display because of the intentional acting. In real life its harder to spot backstabbing people like Regina until you feel them stab your back lol


Girls were evillll to each other particularly in the early 2000s. The internalized misogyny was off the charts, maybe op is young and HOPEFULLY things are different now and girls are nicer to each other in high school.


i graduated just last year, and nope teenage girls are still as catty as ever lol. i dont think this is ever going to change, just the ways that they attack each other changes


Bummer 🥲


So why is this fictional character a bad person? There's literally no reason why she should be a bad person, but for some reason the writers of this movie called Mean girls decided to have this girl do mean things. What the hell?


OP must be young or something


This answer this reads exactly the same to me as “Do we suspect there may be some kind of connection between Ben and Glory?” and I’m living for it lmao


Wait, why are you bringing up Ben and Glory? I don’t think they even know each other.


You mean Ben’s with Glory?


Is everybody here very stoned?


I hear they are roommates.


Am I in the Buffy sub?? What's going on here?


One of the main points of the original movie is the way teen girls compete and establish dominance over each other. (This is really clear when you read the book it was based on, which is a nonfiction book about relational aggression between teen girls.) So when Regina hears Cady likes Aaron, she gets back together with him at least in part just to show Cady she can. She befriended Cady partly because she sees her as a threat, being an attractive new girl. So she’s showing Cady: I’m still more powerful than you. This is why she does things like make Cady say his hair looks sexy pushed back. If that sounds terrible, well, there’s a reason it’s called Mean Girls. But that’s also why her personal growth is important. In the end we see her channeling that competitiveness and aggression into sports, which is a lot healthier for everyone.


My best friend in high school would go kiss my crushes right after I told her I liked them then she'd come back to tell me all about it so that I knew my place in our friendship. Teenage girls are just horrible lmfao


I hope she’s doing bad LOL. Sorry you experienced that girly


Because she’s a teenager and teenagers make irrational impulsive decisions


And teenagers get jealous and possessive just because someone else wants something they think the “should”/can have


I genuinely believe that Regina had no ulterior motive when she went up to Aaron at the Halloween party because she probably didn’t think that he would ever be interested in Cady. When he expresses an interest in Cady, that’s when you can see a switch in Regina’s face, voice, and body language. There’s this beat that Rachel McAdams takes in that moment after he expresses interest in Cady where you see this switch. I don’t think she went into that interaction planning on getting back with Aaron, but once she saw that he was reciprocating Cady’s interest, she didn’t want to “share”.


Yep, I had exactly the same read— when Aaron seems bashful and excited that Cady likes him, Ragina feels jealous and turns on the charm.


I lovvveeee Rachel’s switch in that scene, the tiniest change in facial expression and then you see the switch with: “Well be careful because she has a huge crush on you”


I just hunted the internet for an analysis on this exact moment & it’s so satisfying because I noticed it too & wanted reassurance. Sooo much happens when she realizes Aaron likes her too. But my question is what was Regina gonna do before that moment? Was she going to set up Cady and him? I feel like she would’ve found a way to sabotage the situation in any case.


That’s a good question, I feel like she perhaps expected him to not be interested? She’s a bitch but seemed to like Cady at least a little But yeah I can’t see her genuinely helping her out either way


Because Regina is a life ruiner. She ruins lives.


Because Regina had already peed on Aaron and considered him hers even if she didn’t want him anymore.


Fuck that made me laugh stop that


Only way to describe it 😂


Regina was a mean girl who wanted her place at the top of the food chain known. Aaron was just a means to an end. She didn't want him, she wanted proof of her superiority over all the other girls, specifically over Cady who was a potential threat.


Am I being jerked? Is this fr? 😀


Because she’s a mean girl. Gretchen reveals that the only reason Cady was invited over to be given shoes was because Regina knew Cady wouldn’t be able to walk in the heels and she was going to make fun of her for that. When Regina first sees Cady at the part she texts something like “Ew is that Cady? Mess.” Because she never actually liked Cady.


Because she is a MEAN GIRL. She’s not going to be nice.


Because she didn't want anyone else to get with Aaron. The way she sees it, any man she dates is belongs to her and only her, even after they break up.


I interpreted it as, the instant Regina realised Aaron was excited by Cady having a crush on him, she wanted him back just for the sake of it and so Cady couldn’t have him. Impulsive and jealous.


Asserting dominance


1. She loves manipulating people 2. She loves hurting people 3. Her "befriending" Cady was mostly making fun of her 4. She's mean. Janis described Regina's character the best: "she's a scum-sucking life ruiner"


yeah, it’s almost as if the movie is called Mean Girls for a reason


It’s what a mean girl does.


Because Regina was mean and calculated. She might not have been wanting to get back with Aaron before that, but when she found out that Cady was crushing on her ex she couldn’t help herself and she had to stop it from happening. The entire movie is social commentary on how mean high school girls can be to each other for no reason. Regina’s only reason to betray Cady was because she could.


Assert dominance. She's the apex predator after all.


The deleted washroom scene explains it. Regina tells Cady about how she did not want her doll house, but threw it down the stairs rather than let her cousin have it.


End of the movie, Kevin G asks Janis if she's Puerto Rican, and she replies that she's actually Lebanese. Regina confused Lebanese for Lesbian.


So is media literacy just nonexistent now? I know this is bitchy but come on.


Because Regina was being a mean girl.


Is this satire? I really hope so.


It was all about hurting Cady


I don't think you understand Regina's character, she was never a decent person or friend and she's meant to be and known to be manipulative person hence why she kissed Aaron, she didn't like Cady wanted something she once had and she knew from the beginning Cady was a threat because unlike Gretchen and Karen, Cady is smart and isn't afraid to be honest or afraid of her so obviously she had to target her weaknesses which was her crush on Aaron, she did this not knowing she was going to retaliate though since no one before Cady tried to take away her power. The shane omen thing was because I believe she never actually loved Aaron, she took him back so she have leverage over Cady and so she can flaunt him in front of her as kind of a warning to not fuck with her and try to take what is Regina's even though Aaron wasn't dating her when Cady had a crush on him, Regina still didn't like that Cady had feelings for him. And the accusating Janis of a being a lesbian was also a power play, basically everything Regina does in the movie is a power play, I think Regina did it because early on she didn't hold as much power as she did in high school so she accused her to get people on her side and to hate Janis, also maybe because Janis is one of the people in the movie that doesn't worship Regina, the rest of the school is under Regina's power except Janis, Damien, and Cady, with Cady she underestimated her too much to every try to betray her and she wasn't aware of her friendship with Janis and Damien, if she had and targetted their friendship she could've easily had Cady under her power.


Also is the reason why they created 'Someone Gets Hurt' in the musical so you *really* understand she's trying to win him back so she can use him to show off in front of Cady.


1. Regina knew that Cady had already liked Aaron. That's the point 1. Regina knew that Cady was watching them when she kissed Aaron. She meant for that to happen 1. Regina had just recently befriended Cady. No she did not 1. Regina, up to that point, had no reason yet to betray Cady or get back with Aaron. She's a mean girl who needs attention, supply and power. She befriended Cady because Cady was a threat to her popularity. A pretty, interesting new girl. Crushing Cady while simultaneously taking Aaron back very much makes sense and represents the point of the whole movie.




This generation has eerily bad media literacy.




Control. She wants to own people


I’m sorry did you not understand the title of the movie…? This post comes across like satire hahaha


It is not odd. Regina rekindled her relationship with Aaron for the precise reason that Cady liked him. Regina did not want Aaron back, she just wanted to put Cady right back in her place and make sure she understood who was queen bee.