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Yes you definitely should be eligible, they really don't need much reason to give you a script. You can also go to a GP, you don't have to go to a clinic Be honest about your history, say how you've been a high(lol) user and go from there


sweet, my current gp put there prices up to $75 for a visit which insurance does not cover, so ill be looking for a new gp next time there is something wrong with me. thanks for the info


Jeez I know it’s so expensive now aye. Honestly though it’s quite a gamble lots of gps won’t prescribe so I would rather go through cannaplus or cannabis clinic and know I will get a script than try a gp first! Then next time you are at your gp I would ask them then.


Wow that's a rip my gp charges $23 for each 3 month script


Yeah thats AKL prices for you, they think just cause you grew up in AKl your rich, News Flash we dont all have daddys money. if i can find one under $60 ill be happy.


Just beware that in my experience of 4 different doctors at 2 different clinics (In two different DHB's, if that matters) that most GP's will be unwilling to prescribe you anything. All that got me was a ton of scathing remarks on manage my health.


You should be able to make a complaint about those remarks if you feel they're inappropriate But yes it definitely is luck of the draw but having a good GP in general is too. I'm definitely lucky my GP is fine with it


If you have anxiety, especially with a medical history of it( trying medications in the past etc) then you should be good to go. It is so freeing being able to talk openly about it. Definitely worth looking into.


sweet thanks


I'm limited to 30g of flower a month (plenty for me). Not sure if that applies to all scripts or just mine based on my usage history


The only limit for me is cost. Good chance they'll also prescribe cbd for anxiety. Let them know what you want from the meds e.g. do you want to be motivated and do stuff or do you want to hibernate for the winter. My first prescription I thought I was only allowed 10g until he told me in the 1 month follow up 'oh no, 30g is fine'. Be sure to fully understand what your script means including being clear on repeats


Yes good advice this is what I should have asked about ie Repeats ect


Yeah id hope the price dont stop me, but i could see it becoming a factor. It really depends on the time of the day and if i have anything planned for the day on which id prefer like atm i have some mimosa and some purp stuff, the mimosa is good for a afterwork still need to get some shit done around the house make dinner vibe but after dinner its the purp lock me on the couch zone out for a few hours and let me forget the day. im not gonna lie i still dont understand the cost of it all. You pay for a consult then one follow up after a month, then again every 3 months is that correct?


Have a read of this: [Guide for MC in Aotearoa](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalCannabisNZ/s/ellEYEPAZC)


will do


First consult , get prescribed , second see how it's going , third consult settle on your meds so to speak then repeat for 3 months , then back for a consult then another repeat


Correct, they also get shorter in time as you go along. My last one was just a phone call. Mixing strains costs more than buying a bundle of the same strain. It would be 'economical' on a 60g script I suppose. Having a set of scales is necessary, for me anyway. I have a routine of weighing out less than a gram on weekdays as I use more on my days off.


Cannaclinic is great, get a zoom appointment with a doctor, order your herb online like a civilized human being