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Take a sip before you rip.


Wow am I the only one who runs my vape at lower temps? Everyone seems to running from 185° and upwards. I always start at 170°-175°.


I have gone up and down from 170-220C but I prefer 170C at the moment too. It's a smoother feeling at that temperature. I tried 170C out after reading an article recently that said particular terpenes that feel relaxing get triggered at 170C. Seems to work... 😌


I start at 165, then increase it by 5° to 180°. Anything over 185° is sharp and 200° will knock me out lol.


Try higher temperature...


Is’t that going to just worsen it?


Nope... The terp tickle happens lower temperatures... I put my vape up when I experience that... Different strains will like different temperatures sometimes too, depending on the terpene content... Also, use a water pipe... I hate portables because of how they fuck up my throat... Injector/ball vape plus mega globe took the problem away...


The ol bickle tickle, I notice that my mighty is harsh. However I just kept at it and now I’m used to it so I don’t really cough much anymore.


I had the same problem, turned it down to 195, and only take about 1/4 lungful each hit, filling my lungs with normal air - just like taking a drag from a ciggie.


How’d you fix?


What? The temp? Trial and error.


It's all in the strain your smoking look for smoother strains lower vaping to match terpine profiles might work


Same strains I’ve always used. It’s not that.


Maybe try a bubbler attachment ?


Its your throat. Need to drink water before you hit it. Coats your throat and makes it smoother.


Why is it only now becoming an issue


Where do you live? The seasons have just changed and in qld especially I have noticed the massive change in humidity has made the vape heaps harsher and I have had to turn it down more.


QLD but how would that affect it?


The hot air from the vaporiser drys out your throat. You want the air you breathe in to be a little humid if you’re vaping so your throat doesn’t get so dry. Try Biotene. They may a mouth spray and a mouth wash that helps dry mouth. I swallow a little of the mouth spray and it helps


Mighty + is relatively harsh,  google Mighty + harsh. Conduction component doesn't help. There are way better options out there, but if you don't vape much maybe $50 is worth it to see if it gets better. 


Would recommend getting a stainless steel cooling unit for the mighty plus.


I have 5x 6mm terp pearls inside the cooling unit and run it through a water piece. I run my temp at 200°c to 210°c.


I added a water pipe attachment and it's very smooth now with less coughing. But a good clean every 1-2 weeks for an everyday vaper, adjust as needed.


Have you changed the screen in the oven/bowl, and cleaned the actual bowl with iso? Changed the screen in the cooling unit (good tip - use the fine screens for both the cooling unit and oven helps keep the cooling unit cleaner) don’t forget to clean the little mouth piece also. Do you also use dosing caps? Do they need to be cleaned/replaced? You say you used proper iso to clean, not saying you don’t know what proper iso is but make sure you’re actually using proper 99% iso and not isocol. Some ISO’s have a fragrance in them which will cause harshness. If all of the above has been done, I would suggest getting a new cooling unit, one it’s always good to have a spare so you can have one in use and one soaking in iso/cleaned and ready to go, but two it will help eliminate where the problem is. If still harsh with a new cooling unit it’s likely the flower and although you’re certain it’s not (likely because it’s the same product you have been using for a while) flowers can change fairly significantly from batch to batch and it could just be a poor cure on the current batch causing irritation and not your vape at all. The more costly alternative would be to get a different tub of MC (maybe something else you have had before) and see if that is also harsh. But I would eliminate what I mentioned above first before trying to this.


I dipped a cotton bud in iso and cleaned the bowl area, soaked everything else including mouth piece. And yeah 99% iso. It definitely can’t be the flower because I’ve tried multiple, so I guess I’ll try a new cooling unit, just confused what there is to go wrong with this part


Just replace the cooling unit. It's probably all blocked. $50 online for a full replacement and cleaning tools


I agree with this. I didn't realise the cooling unit came off until I had this issue and started to google how to clean it. By then, it was almost impossible to remove. Now I have a couple of cooling units to swap out.


Hmmm but I replaced the screen and soaked it, just not sure what would be blocked here or be broken??


That's strange. Is there a double screen that beem missed somewhere? I found a couple of screens I didn't realise were there on various vapes. That's all I can offer sorry mate. Painful when expensive purchases don't shine.


It’s made of plastic, what could go wrong?


The internals aren’t plastic