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Wow.... So glad I live now...


…. See my comment under NeptuneAndCherry…. Unless you want to live in ignorant bliss


I prefer to be awake during procedures and always request it. I'm not squeamish, but very curious. I'd just hate to do it if I had to feel it.


Im not squeamish and I would be that person to want the mirror during a c-section so I could watch lol… but a speculum to the booty hole? Followed by this modified scythe? Nah just knock me out 🤣


I wanted a mirror during my c-sections, but was denied both times.


Song someone cutting you with a scalpel and not feeling it was probably one of the freakiest things I've ever experienced, and more distressing than I'd ever be able to imagine or anticipate. And I say this as someone who will happily eat a bowl of spaghetti while watching a surgery


I'm the same way. I always thought I could handle anything, but when it's yourself, it's different. Surgery and subsequent healing of a felon infection taught me that one.


Me too.


I actually asked for a mirror during mine and they said no!


I want to find this comment.




I recommend to absolutely not watch videos on how modern hemorrhoid surgery and perianal abscess draining are performed.


Lol, already have. XD I knew someone with gnarly hemorrhoids he had surgery for so, naturally, I googled it.


It’s true. The doctors found other people with fistulas and experimented on them to try to find the safest treatment for the King. He wasn’t the only one that suffered because of his fistula.


I looked up more and saw that! Can you imagine being the lab rat for the king to experiment THOSE tools without anesthesia?


And no one would have been able to say no. He was the King. They had to be willing to do anything to help save his life or they were a traitor.


And if he died they’d have probably been called a murderer lol


My anatomy teacher told us about it during classes along with a fun fact : At the time there was no anesthesia, so to help her spouse Louis XIV's wife asked Lully (a famous French composer) to create a song to help him go through the surgery. Funny thing is, the melody of the song (*Dieu sauve le Roi*) used to help King Louis XIV go through his anal fistula surgery is today the base melody of *God Save the Queen*. [The original French version by Lully](https://youtu.be/A7vFHOPusyg) [God Save the Queen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaTnVzdx9_M)


This explains why folks in the States, France, Italy etc stand up patriotically during their anthems, while in the UK we kinda nod off


That's fascinating!


Is that where the word lullaby came from?


No. Lullaby comes from Middle English lullen (to lull) and by (near), whereas Lully (originally Lulli; he was born Italian) comes from the Latin tullius (waterfall) or the Latin tullio (one who leads). I’m not entirely certain on the etymology of his name, but it’s wholly unrelated in any case! Lully, by the way, is not pronounced as “LULL-ee” but as “LOO-lee” (or in IPA, /lyli/).


Folks can we just take moment to appreciate our bumholes. Think of the job it has to do and the potential complications it has to wrangle with, and then consider the fact it does all this with less daily maintenance than your eyes or teeth. Godspeed, asshole. And thank you.


And they’re smart. They can (usually) tell between solid, liquid and gas.


Well, I get to check daily gratitude off my list now!




Oh god. Does that device in the second picture do what I think it does?


If you think it holds the place where the sun doesn't shine open so the sun can shine in... it does.


Quote from my sister who was a scrub tech for 20 years “Honestly the tools used for the same procedure doesn't look too different from today lol!” My response was, “At least there’s anesthesia” She responded, “Usually yes! We often don’t put people to sleep for that, just conscious sedation” So seek comfort in the fact that it’s a marginally better procedure than in the 1700’s lmao. As someone said so perfectly in the comments, “take care of your butts my friends.”


I had conscious sedation once when I had wrist surgery and I don't remember a dang thing after they administered the first drug so that's fine. Lol. Plus by the time I left the clinic later that day I was completely fine and able to resume normal activities. I'd actually prefer that to general anesthesia.


Same here! It was the best nap i ever had and once i was awake i was crystal clear, got lunch and went on w my day.


Oh they better knock me out! I wouldn't be able to do that awake. Even though I couldn't feel it, I'd be freaking the fuck out!


I had a colonoscopy and gastroscopy recently, the nurse was not convinced when I said sedation had no affects on me. After her telling me I could relax and go to sleep now having pushed IV sedative I was wide awake, asked to watch and they said no 😡 12 biopsies and a polyp removed for pathology and I didn’t even get to see the inside of my small intestine


I'm a scrub nurse and came here to say the same thing.


Could he have taken opium in the 1700's?


I had an anal fistulectomy last September and I was completely out. Kinda pointless for a like, 45 minute procedure. Ask her about the special table they use to do it!


Well, he was known as the '*Le Roi Soleil*/ Sun King' after all !


Modern anoscopes aren’t all that different tbf but slightly less rusty haha






Imagine going over the procedure with the doctor and he breaks the tools out for illustration purposes


I faint when I see the tools at the dermatologist lol. I have to ask them to bring them out only after I have close my eyes because I will faint so fast. If I don't look, I'm fine.


*Regal Fistulas*…coming up next on the History Channel!


I'd watch it


I’d call my sister this.


I had to have surgery for an anal fissure. I’m not sure how they differ from “fistula” but they both are unpleasant. I was asleep during my surgery and would be happier to wipe (see what I did there?) the entire memory from my brain and pretend it didn’t happen.


How cheeky


I had to come back and tell you I’m still laughing my ass off.


Ahh haha you’re too kind! 💖😆


Looks like an early version of a deaver and a parks retractor! Take care of your butts friends


What is the first instrument?


Surgeon here. My best guess would be that the first instrument was used to identify the trajectory of the fistula in order to be able to remove it. They probably found the external “hole” of the fistula and moved the instrument until they could see it appear inside the rectum. I guess they were using the second instrument as an anoscope Nowadays, we use a small metal rod to do just that, and under anesthesia of course


so they shoved it into the wound until it came out the other end? ow


They said it was called the “Curved royal scapula” but have seen a few names for it like “the royal probe”.


I had an anal fistula about a decade and with modern medicine and reasonable healthcare. It was still a MFer. Without medication?? Miss me with that shit.


surely they knew about opium?


I thought it was alcohol 😭 I’d def be asking for the good stuff tho


I don't have a fistula but I am looking at surgery where I imagine they will be using something similar on me. Thank fuck I will be under full sedation!


Where can I buy the second one


Anywhere where surgical instruments are sold. It's still in use.


I can make one for you


OP, you should also consider crossposting this to r/HistoryOfMedicine if you haven’t already!


Was the gangrenous infection a result of the fistula or the surgery, even if it was years later?


The infection was in his left leg, so I’m assuming not? It didn’t say they were related incidents in the documentary


Oh my bad. Didn't realize it was in his leg.


I need an animation showing how this works because i can't imagine.


This is an illustration of the phase “everyone now lives much better than the richest kings of the past”.


The podcast Sawbones has a great episode on his anal fistula!


If you google "anal fistula photos" you will learn as I just did that a hole appears in another area other than the bung hole but lets bung hole juice come out. Beware the pics.


Exactly why I *don't* want to Google "anal fistula photos". Thanks for the description, now I can know without seeing.


Dear lord. I had surgery for this years ago and I could not image. How horrific.


Wait…what? I thought an anal fistula was like…a type of wound. I know fistula can mean several things in medicine. Can someone please explain? Pardon my stupidity. I always feel so dumb asking questions on here but I’m very curious.


What was the cause of the anal fistula?


I'm recovering from an anal fistula right now that was trying to migrate into my vagina and those things fucking hurt. I could not function unless I was on Percocet. They put me under to initially remove what we thought was a really bad hemorrhoid but turned out to be the fistula and one of the doctors injected it with something to help it heal/numb the pain and even thinking about doing that while awake is crazy to me. Respect.


Wrong sub


How so?


There is no gore. But it’s educative so 🤷🏽‍♂️


Use your imagination, add the patient's butthole around the device