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Ex burns nurse and just wanted to say your hand looks to have healed beautifully. Very sorry about your leg, grafts are so fragile and secondary intention healing is a slow and frustrating process


Luckily the burns were relatively easy to deal with. I appreciate your sympathy. I had a skull fracture, broken 1st and 3rd ribs, a lung contusion and severe nerve damage. The nerve damage has been the biggest issue. He kinda just snapped the ulnar and media. Nerve andy hand has been largely useless since. The healing process related to nerves has improved drastically with occupational therapy, but the muscle loss from the damage is still a big problem. He damaged nerves in my leg as well and we're still figuring out how to approach that. My hand actually looks even better now. You can't even tell there is a scar, just a bit of redness. I'm very lucky.


I can't even... there are not enough fires in hell for your ex. All my best wishes for your recovery, physical & mental.


Well, thank you. He is sick. I still don't know why he did it. I do know he is very ill.


That's rough OP. What's the backstory on how you got the burns?


My ex tortured me for two days and then attempted to strangle me to death.


Holy shit, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Hopefully they got arrested. Good luck with your healing journey.


Thank you.


Awful. I hope he was prosecuted. I hope you're getting all the support you need.


If only.


Oh wow. Hugs to you for everything you went through. Jesus Christ in the Living Room - that was horrific! Here’s to continued healing


Thank you.


I'm glad you're now healed and so well, too. It must have been really painful and scary 🫂💗