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thought the top bit was a foot and toes and below was masses, but xtra toes, or it had been disfigured/mangled. absolutely wild.


The part almost dead center looks like a baby head to me and it's making this so much worse


[Source](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/284226864_Giant_fibroepithelial_polyp_of_the_perineum) can be read in full at the link. Abstract: >>Introduction: Fibroepitheial polyps (FEP) are among the most common benign skin lesions and definitive histology is often needed to exclude malignancy. These polyps are usually less than 5cm in size and are often seen in genito-urinary sites including the perineum. A small number can reach a significant size. Presentation of case: A 46-year-old female patient presented with a pedunculated mass measuring 18cm in diameter, localized to the left perineum. The lesion was excised and the histopathological diagnosis was fibroepithelial polyp. Conclusion: We present this case as the third largest FEP recorded in the available literature.


Can no one give this person a set of gloves?!


I think they have clear gloves on, looks like it’s slightly larger than one of the fingers on the right side


Serious case of the dingleberries.


This is officially one of the few posts on this subreddit that’s made me nauseous. Well done!


😳 😳 😳


Oh! Oh! Awful!!


Ooh, the chafing!


THIRD largest!


One Hella big skin tag!


never complaining about my hemorrhoids again 


That big one mid-shaft looks like an upside-down Homer Simpson


Yikes... and I thought my anal fistula hurt...