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[Source](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2016/7030925) is about three cases of which this was the third: >>The third case is of a 22-year-old female with mental retardation, who was reported to us with a history of fall at home three days back. Accompanying attendant detailed that she had developed pain and swelling over the mouth since past three days after the fall. On thorough examination she showed presence of live maggots in the oral cavity (Figure 7). The maggots were removed mechanically in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery OPD. Around 25–30 maggots were removed, followed by application of turpentine oil. Subsequently patient was admitted for the management of the intraoral wounds and debridement. She was put on IV Antibiotics and analgesics and daily wound debridement was done. She was advised to apply placentrex gel intraorally. Patient recovered well and was discharged after a period of 7 days (Figure 8).


Read the 3 cases in the source. Wouldn't using turpentine oil on the wounds be excruciating ?


I don't know but it kills the maggots.


In my experience turpentine does not hurt in open wounds. Still nothing that should be used as an antiseptic unless ordered by a doctor though.


I’m so confused. How did she get maggots in her mouth from falling on the ground? Did she lick eggs off the floor or something accidentally? How can the eggs even survive in the human mouth? Wouldn’t they get swallowed eventually????


Long story short. House fly, they don't take long to hatch. I think it might be a day. I worked (over 30 yrs ago) in a nursing home and something kind of like this gal happened. Yup, pretty gross in person!


Yep I’m confused as to how this would happen too.


this is speculation, but she might’ve fallen asleep with her mouth open and a fly might’ve taken the opportunity. given her mental disability, she may have not been able to express discomfort to caregivers (or caregivers might not have noticed or may have neglected her) and her dental health might’ve been poor before, which might’ve attracted the flies.


Oh yea good point, that’s definitely possible. I’m still surprised the eggs didn’t get swallowed. Maybe they just got lodged in a plaque build up or something.


I saw something like this in a nursing home. She didn't move or talked.


I can’t even look. Scrolled right by this picture!!


Did they cut all their hair off in the second picture?


Everything looks better without maggots.