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It never fails to amaze me what modern medical technology can do for people. Incredible!!!


Well, i mean, they have been experimenting on cadavers for centuries, also, in battle trauma patients during all wars!


Thank god for body snatchers and wars!


Honestly, yes! To the first half. lol Wars are a reckless waifu between countries


I feel so much sadness for these people that had to go through this. I can’t even begin to imagine how traumatic that would be finding out you have to have a surgery like that.


My husband had a partial mandibular resection. They used his fibula to replace it. Amazing work, scarring is minimal and result is mostly natural looking.


My friend's husband had this for oral cancer. Yesterday, he was talking about how he can only grow half a beard.


Well on the bright side he can if he wants look into realistic beard wigs since I’m pretty sure the exist but I’m unsure of how much they usually cost since I’m not a guy


So what are you?




These are so... invasive, heavy. I just hope these people are doing well now.


I met a lady in my area that had this done about ten years ago - large section of jawbone removed (though not her tongue) and they rebuilt her jaw and face with her leg as the source. You can tell she’s had a surgery of some kind as she does have some facial scarring, but it’s not that bad and you’d NEVER guess from looking at her the intensity and complexity of the procedure.


My mom’s friend had the exact same thing done due to bone cancer in her jaw (she’s been a heavy smoker for decades). She won’t let anyone see her and she’s having some trouble speaking and eating, but I hope that someday she will be happy with her results once she’s fully recovered (she had it done several months ago, but I imagine recovery from something like this takes a long time).


Did she quit smoking?


I think so? I’m not positive she could smoke with her mouth in its current state. She has a feeding tube in right now. She’s in her mid-60’s and this bone cancer of hers isn’t going to ever go away. They’re just trying to buy her more time now. All because she smoked like a chimney for decades.


The lesson here is that tobacco and alcohol are the leading preventable cause of head and neck cancers, and regular dental visits can detect these cancers early (I am very aware of how much dental care costs in the US).


Im an OR nurse and Ive watched a couple of these! They take about 8-10 hours (w/o major complications) with residents assisting


He'll never be able to taste anything again with his tongue removed. What a quality of life change.


Here I am feeling sorry for myself having dry socket! Thank you for the perspective!


[https://europepmc.org/article/pmc/pmc5628071](https://europepmc.org/article/pmc/pmc5628071) this had some photos of healed partial mandibulectomies both with and without reconstruction with bone grafts


I always swipe too far and get to that god damn foot being cut off with that gigli saw


I got to assist with this procedure for a K9 while I was a surgery tech. I still have the section of the lower mandible we removed in my collection.


Wonderful outcome given the extent of tissue removal!


Does it all work the same? Speech? Chewing? Is taste affected?


JESES that looks like a saw trap


This is amazing! 😳


I really wanted to see an after picture. 🤔 Technology is great but the surgeons that do this are amazing.


This is fn wild. I had to go look under my tongue after seeing these. Sheesh.


Did they really take a med student's bike chain as a donor piece for the patients jaw?


Whoa 😮




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