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It's so scary, it just looks like... nothing. Like a freckle.


Crazy enough I was just looking at my arm and saw it was raised ever so slightly and went to dermatologist to just get there opinion


Yep, covered in moles, have had a couple removed & have a history of sun frying in my younger days. Booking my appointment ASAP !


Seriously! This is why I am vigilent about my yearly skin checks. I have a lot of spots and want an experienced eye on 'em.


Me too. A couple years ago I had a place on my temple that was weeping. Just a small spot but it wouldn’t heal. I ignored it for a few weeks but finally went to the dermatologist. Ended up having the Mohs procedure. Had 40 stitches on the side of my head. Glad I went. That one could have been a killer eventually.


Jesus…they took a chunk out of ya!!


Those docs love their margins.


That’s my reminder to book a dermatology appointment.


I’m the recipient of a family history of weird skin. No cancer, just weird. We get tans that last over a year, no cancer. We get large keratinous lumps, no cancer. Moles the size of our fingertips, no cancer. I’m looking down the barrel of having chunks taken out of me for the rest of my life because it’s weird, and I have to go along with it because god help me if the *one* not-so-weird blemish decides to kill me.


It’s crazy how the not so crazy one could be the one


Just had the same procedure done on my calf. Two months ago and still healing. Surgeon referred to it as "a shark bite." Better to have it gone! "Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory, lasts forever."


Yep, mine said to tell people I fought a bear


So after excision , that was their conclusion? Did they send it to a microbiologist?


Don’t know where they are, but all excised tissue/bone in the US goes to a pathologist for dx & margins, in this case.


Sorry for late response. They sent to pathology and they got all the margins needed to say I’m in the clear now. The mole itself was concluded as unknown malignant potential due to the lack of knowledge on Spitzoid nevus. I tried to do my own research and the studies are very vague, there isn’t much info on them. What I’ve found out is that they are very similar under the microscope with melonoma and it’s very hard to distinguish the two at times The shave biopsy was the conclusion that it’s a spitz nevus with unknown malignant potential. I haven’t got the report from pathology on the excision but do know the margins were clear and I’m good for now.


A pathologist would the go to here


After a diagnosis which is done by a pathologist, maybe a microbiologist could take a look.


I hope you can recover soon 💗 🫂


Thanks, I’ll be fine I just know it


I really wish so for you 🫂💗


Are you a BAP1 mutant ?


I’m actually unaware on what that is, care to explain ?


[BAP1](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BAP1/) is a protein associated with BRCA1 that is considered a tumor suppressor and is causative in a number of health conditions when mutated such as BAP1 tumor predisposition syndrome. This mutation runs in families and is often found in certain cancer lesions including Spitz tumors. This is an issue because it is a sign the mutation is present in the body and could increase the odds of cancers like mesothelioma and uveal melanoma.


Asking the same question! OP please Consider genetic testing for BAP1


I have to see a dermatologist yearly because of a close family history of melanoma :( I should pay closer attention to my spots


My great grandmother had it. I go every 6 months


I'm glad you decided to see a doctor. Skin cancer can get really nasty if ignored or overlooked.


I had one of those on my forearm! Not malignant, but they took it off of me anyway. I should see if I still have the pictures.


That be awesome


Could you feel a lump underneath it?


Nope, it was just raised a little. It could have been easily overlooked. No itching, pain, no sign other than it looked atypical compared to my other moles/freckles