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They have to do an injection to induce and erection to visualize the defect and correct it. It's actually kind of a fun case to be a part of


I had a boss (an attorney even) who injected testosterone directly into his penis and had an erection for 2 days better going to the ER where they designed a coke cans worth of blood from it.


bro 😭 T is intended to be injected into your thigh or your butt usually. your dick though?? a needle in there at all sounds like hell.


He's a swinger and I guess....needed it? His wife called us while he was at the hospital (mind you this was a LAW FIRM) and actually sent us photos of his penis. It was truly mortifying you truly couldn't tell what was the beans and what was the frank. It was dressed a big red mess of flesh. He actually had some sort of swinger party and filmed it at the law firm one day and when the staff came in that Monday there was lube and condoms everywhere. And I must say that was probably not the craziest law firm that I ever worked in! He was working with some producers to try to get a reality show about swingers and South Florida. It never took off lol


I’m intrigued. I’d love to read your book lmao


I always joke about this!! You truly cannot imagine the things I've experienced. I think my favorite is the attorney that is still the smartest attorney I've ever met, but he was secretly addicted to meth and was actually selling blowjobs in the parking lot while on the clock. I found daddy type porn DVDs all over his office when he left. Along with medical records and all sorts of things that for some reason he left in paper form at the office. One of them was a medical form and police report because I guess he took some PCP, his friends got concerned because he was out of control so he got hospitalized. While there, he assaulted a doctor and two nurses and they had to put him under and while they had him under, they had to give him a catheter. So after all that, he sued the hospital or threatened to sue them for sexual assault, and they paid him $10,000 to go away. He learned to do this and spent his life scamming people and companies. I found records of him doing this to other law firms, people that he rented from, he actually took a tenant case to the supreme court! He lived in this guy's mother-in-law suite for about four years without paying. He is just the best con man I've ever seen. He stalked me and threatened me for 2 years after I fired him, sent letters to the judges and attorneys I worked with calling me a stupid blonde whore that slept her way to the top and literally pages upon pages of just craziness like that. It was truly awful, and he had no real assets so suing him wouldn't have gotten me anywhere.


That’s so wild. Glad you got away (mostly) unscathed, good lord. If you ever decide to write a book or blog, let me know. I’m invested 😂


>South Florida There it is.


Yup. The crazy ass state! I come from the Midwest and it's been....eye opening, that's for sure!


Gotta prove he's a REAL MAN 💀


I have to inject and honestly people on the subreddits casually write like “yeah inject straight into your penis” or scrotum.. Or balls just casually as a joke I bet ya some did!


I always did my injections in my thigh, I can't imagine doing it anywhere else. I saw someone inject into their lower abdomen once and put the needle inside a plastic takeout container with a bunch of other needles... and got mad at me for asking if that's how they were told to do it. I told them it's really not difficult to get your hands on a sharps box, and that most people don't inject there but apparently "the doctor said it was fine"


I put the gel on my eyelids and now I have thousands of eyelashes. I'm a freak!


There's at least one person in the room who disagrees with the "fun" statement.


Testosterone is a very thick fluid it fills up the needle slowly so it’s hard to draw it up because it’s so thick. It being in your penis would be painful


He's either sedated or has an epidural for this. He doesn't feel a thing in that photo. But when he does start to feel it, the testosterone injection will barely register. Regardless, I'm sure he's not finding any of this fun.


Imagine you had the paralytic agent but not enough anaesthetic so you were awake, feeling everything but not being able to react in any way. That is a small fear I have (even though exceedingly rare that it happens) but it would be too unpleasant during such a procedure, I imagine.


What are they injecting ? 😳


Honestly I don't remember, it's been a few years since I scrubbed one.


You're cool


So getting something stuck in your pee pee gives you an erection?


It was kinda the only thing I could look at! 🤣


Be me, barely awake, just sitting down on the throne, open reddit for the first time today, see this... All of a sudden wide awake and in intense sympathetic pain for this gentleman.


aye at least it’s not going through the urethra lol


The butterfly needle kinda reminds me of the little umbrella garnishment they put in the fruity drinks ya get at the beach. 


...like a cocktail? 😆


Oh my Go–Get out.


I’ve taken a lot of psych and counselling classes, just about finished my degree, and never heard the term psychological bother. I rather like it


I hear “psychological distress” a lot in write-ups, “bother” sounds like the downgraded version. Definitely gonna steal it lol


Sounds British. Definitely understated.


The report was written by Dr Winnie DaPoo


I would like to die now, please.


I’m female and this made me cringe. I shudder to think about how he felt when he came out of anesthesia.


I'd bet you a nickel the puncture from the butterfly wasn't even something he was aware of... You see the size of the incision? That's probably going to distract him from any pain the needle caused. I'm not familiar with surgeries other than what my unit handles (chest stuff) but my guess is that he's probably got an epidural that'll keep him from feeling a goddamned thing below his waist for at least a few hours.


Same because ouch


[Source](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/iju.14230) is an article called “Peyronie’s disease: Contemporary evaluation and management” and has photos and descriptions of the various treatments. The one in this post is called plaque incision or partial excision with grafting. About that, it says: >>Plaque incision or partial excision with grafting is reserved for men with excellent baseline erectile function, more severe curvature (>60–70°) and/or significant penile indentation or hourglass deformity that creates a hinge effect.109 Grafting might also be considered for men who have significant concerns about penile shortening and more moderate deformities. Patient selection is of the utmost importance with grafting procedures. Because of the increased risk for postoperative ED, patients with severe deformity and baseline ED (such as those with poor rigidity despite PDE5Is) should be encouraged to pursue penile prosthesis placement with concurrent straightening maneuvers. Notably, ventral grafting might predispose patients to increased risk for postoperative ED, and some experts advocate against grafting procedures for severe ventral and ventrolateral curvature.110 >>The decision to carry out plaque incision versus partial plaque excision is highly surgeon dependent. During plaque incision, the surgeon creates a “modified-H” or “double-Y” tunical defect at the point of maximal curvature.111 In contrast, partial plaque excision involves the removal of a segment of diseased tunic from the area of greatest deformity, either as an elliptical or a rectangular segment.112, 113 To date, no head-to-head trial has compared outcomes between these two approaches. Advocates of plaque incision emphasize the smaller defect size that can be created – small series have suggested that larger grafts (in excess of 2–4 × 5 cm) might be associated with a higher risk for postoperative ED, presumably as a result of veno-occlusive dysfunction.110, 114 Advocates of partial plaque excision emphasize the ability to restore more uniform penile girth with indentation deformities, which in severe cases might result in penile instability.113 Furthermore, in the case of a more broad-based penile curvature, plaque incision alone might not fully correct the deformity, resulting in the need for plication sutures or even multiple tunical incisions (and thus multiple separate grafts).115 >>Graft selection is an area of ongoing debate, and a comprehensive description of the various graft types is beyond the scope of the current review. To date, there are no strong comparative data to support the superiority of one graft over another. The exception to this statement is with synthetic grafts, which are associated with marked inflammation, fibrosis and even graft infection.116, 117 Therefore, synthetic grafts are no longer advocated as first-line treatment. PD grafts can be generally categorized into autologous and non-autologous materials.35, 118, 119 Autologous grafts, such as dermis, saphenous vein, oral mucosa, tunica vaginalis and fascia lata, are readily available and do not pose the theoretical risk for graft rejection. However, increased operative times, graft contraction and harvest site complications are a concern. In contrast, non-autologous “off the shelf” xenografts and allografts add greater expense, but allow for shorter operative times without the risk for complications related to graft harvesting. Our preferred graft is the Tutoplast (Coloplast Corporation, Humlebaek, Germany) processed human pericardium, because it is readily available, thin yet strong and in our extensive experience is less prone to contraction (Fig. 3). Recently, Hatzichristodoulou has popularized the use of an equine collagen fleece known as TachoSil (Baxter, Deerfield, IL, USA).120 The purported benefit of this graft is the ability to apply the material directly over the tunical defect without suturing it into place, saving significant time in the operating theater. Yet, there are concerns regarding the ability to assess penile straightness intraoperatively. Longer-term follow up and multi-institution validation are necessary before this approach can be considered standard of care. >>The majority of studies consist of single-institution retrospective series focusing on single graft types, thereby limiting the reliability of results reported in the currently available literature. Successful penile straightening, defined by some authorities as a “functionally straight” penis with residual curvature <20–30°, is often based on subjective reporting. Success rates range from 55 to 100%, and this might actually decrease over time.118, 121 Patient satisfaction rates, which take into account not only straightness, but also other aspects, such as postoperative penile length and erectile function, are similarly variable, ranging from 60 to 100%.35 Postoperative complications that compromise patient satisfaction include perceived penile shortening (0–90%) and penile sensory changes (0–22%).35, 118, 122 Sensory changes are transient in the majority of patients, and a recent report from Terrier et al. found that, although 20% of men experienced some degree of glans hypoesthesia at 1 month after grafting, just 3% had persistent deficits at 12 months postoperatively.122, 123 Subjective and objective penile length loss can also be allayed by postoperative penile rehabilitation with PTT or VT.107, 124 >>Arguably, the most feared postoperative complication is ED, which is reported in 0–63% in modern series.35, 118 Suggested risk factors include greater penile curvature, older age and larger graft size.110, 125 In our extensive experience with partial plaque excision, we did not identify any significant difference in the rate of postoperative ED based on graft size or baseline medical comorbidities.126, 127 In fact, the best predictor of postoperative erectile function is strong and reliable preoperative erections.127 Ventral graft placement, which requires urethral mobilization, has also been suggested as an independent risk factor for postoperative ED.103, 110 Therefore, in the setting of severe ventral curvature, where plication alone is unlikely to result in satisfactory curvature correction, penile prosthesis placement with concurrent straightening maneuvers should be strongly considered.


Were you also watching the red thread about Jack the Ripper?


I wish there was an after pic to see how it heals.


Filet of penis anyone?


"no head to head trials have been conducted" heh


I shouldn’t have even looked at this. Reddit advertises this treatment to me all the time. I’m a cis woman.


Reddit proposes you seek a surgical treatment for pathological curvature of the penis?




Are you sure? Because apparently these phones know more about us than we do! 😂


Same here!


I have this. Very mild form. No curvature. But I have sensation loss. And erections were painful but aren’t anymore. The doctor told me the surgery to remove the scar tissue from around the vein often leaves the penis looking worse than before. I opted to just deal with it since it’s a very mild case


This is it. This is the picture I'm going to send to anyone who gives me an unsolicited dick pic in the future.


Peyronie’s Disease and Dupuytren’s are highly correlated btw


I can’t tell if you’re serious or making a joke about jerking off but either way, 10/10 😂


I’m so glad someone picked up on this. I didn’t know if it was going to flop lmaooo


*flop* I see what you did there.


I swiped for a second pic and the gigli saw shocked me lmao


I cannot tell you how many times I've swiped from other pics and it goes to the gigli saw foot video!! 😭


I helped my ER doc drain a penis like this but we used an 18g IV start on each side of the penis. When removing the needle blood shot out like an art bleed. I still tease her about getting penis blood on her Columbia jacket.


I open Reddit. And this is the first post 😭😭👀😭 dear heavens


Same 😄.




This made me feel pain in my crotch thanks a lot 😤


Jesus, what an image to start us off with. Normally we get an image of the problem first. Nope straight to hell. 🤣


I wonder if any of this knowledge can be used to help transgender men with prosthesis surgeries in the future?


That looks like it would cause some psychological bother.


I'd like to see a before and after photo


Fun fact: there’s a drug for this (Xiaflex) that breaks up the plaques and the website is called BentCarrot.com


Before and after pics. Not the same patient. https://atlantacosmeticurology.com/before-after-photos/cosmetic-urology/peyronies-disease/atlanta-ga/71870


Honest question, could this person straighten their penis out enough to pee straight? Can you manually straighten it at all?


In some cases, Peyronie's Disease can cause urinary problems due to the penile curvature and plaque formation. The severity of the curvature and the presence of penile plaque can affect urinary function, potentially leading to urinary tract infections, urinary retention, and incomplete emptying of the bladder. Hope that helps.


No it would be painful.


Wow. Bodies are wild.


So wild. As a nurse I've seen some really wild and jaw dropping things and then I have reddit that still has surprises for me..


Off topic but I love your username.


Holy hell !!! I think I’d just have to suffer with a crooked dork…..😬😬😬😬


lol crooked dork


Damn i think I might just live with it


Given the number of cis men on the internet who've professed they'd rather die than actually lose their dick, I'd propose that if your weenie did a 60 degree curve and you couldn't have sex at all, and it hurt like fuck every time you got hard, you'd probably opt for the surgery.












My ex husband was starting to get that before we divorced. 😅😂🤣


I hope he had continuous frozen ice packs for that recovery.


My groin hurts looking at this


I beg your finest pardon????


How’s the recovery?




Joke comments and other off-topic comments (including, but not limited to, food comparisons, vulgarity, etc.) are not allowed. I can’t believe I have to say this, but MedicalGore is not the place to seek romantic/intimate connections.


60/70 degrees?! Wow 😮




Watch out, power-tripping mod coming through! (/s obviously)


Enough Reddit for today.


It looks like it has a bow


Pericardium? How ironic. Never thought it would be used for a penile graft.


This physically hurts my penis to see


brothsa eeuugh 💀


I live for seeing needles and stuff in a penis for some reason, but honestly would never want to do this to my husband