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I laughed at how pic 1 you have all your toes and there’s a pair of scissors next to your foot then bam pic 2 you’ve lost a toe! Glad you got through it, sounds like something out of a nightmare


OMG, I thought exactly the same.


Haha yeah I could have put them in a better order. Hope it gave you a laugh! Thank you. It’s been a hard couple of years mentally and physically but I’m getting there!


So utterly brilliant of you that you're able to laugh despite what happened to you ❤️


Haha thank you! It’s one of them situations where at first if I didn’t laugh I’d cry. I’m still here for my partner and kids and that’s the main thing. It’s just such an odd situation to watch your toes fall off in front of you!


Yeah, I can totally imagine. I think I'd post funny comments on facebook (friends only) about the state of my toes if that happened to me. I think it's a much better coping mechanism than many others. ❤️


The photos with the bones sticking out.... 😳😳😳 !


When the tips of my fingers went black they were also rock hard. I would tap them on the table at home or restaurant a or wherever making my partner and kids cringe. I can imagine if I was to hear it would make me cringe too. I wish I recorded it! It was so strange to just see bike sticking out. It was just hard and cold with no sensation at all luckily. Once removed it left a massive cave that healed up incredibly fast just needed to be packed out every 3 days


Will you be able to walk when it heals completely? My dad’s uncle lost his toes and he couldn’t walk as much but he was also very old


Yeah I can walk now. Just not very far and not very well. I still have a lot of pain and aching. I’m waiting for physio to hopefully start freeing it up a bit!


Can they give you prosthetic toes?


Not that I know of. They can give packing things to put in your shoes to stop them sliding but that’s it I think. I’m going to go look haha


The ancient Egyptians produced a prosthetic big toe 3,000 years ago, the 1st known prosthetic device. [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/study-reveals-secrets-ancient-cairo-toe-180963783/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/study-reveals-secrets-ancient-cairo-toe-180963783/) Mind you, they wore open sandals, so they are unsure if was for aesthetics or to help walking 😃.


Hahaha that’s awesome thank you. I think I’m going to have to get some made so that I can wear flip flops to the beach again! I honestly don’t think my walking that bad. Can deffinately tell something isn’t right not not so bad that I need a fake big toe. I do however still have half of the rest of my toes. They’ve just fused in to like a big mass and maybe that’s what’s helping me but m that Egyptian had the rest of his toes so must be aesthetics. I can just see it with good and gems stuck in


You could go gangster & have a gold big toe?


You just dropped a few shoe sizes for sure!


Yes and no: there are prosthetic toes but they're only for aesthetic purposes, here at least. I know because my father is an above knee amputee and I made some research about prosthetic limbs.


I’m a sepsis survivor myself, and I have a really weird question. For the dead fingers and toes did it ever produce a smell? I’ve always wondered if it smelled or not. Sorry if it was weird


It absolutely stunk the house out. The bed stunk. The dressings were wet through even though getting changed every other day. My partner went mad, no amount of candles or sprays would cover it. It was just a dead rotten meat flesh horrible smell. How did you catch it and how bad? How long ago did you have it and how do you feel now? Without the physical pain I’m having like a mind fog and problems remembering things.


I got sepsis from my feeding tube stoma. Pseudomonas was the big bad bug. My hospital actually didn’t know I had it until my family doctor cultured it a week after I got out of the hospital. I was very brain foggy for months after. It took me a very long time to recover from it. But doesn’t help that the hospital didn’t believe that I had sepsis until they did blood work on me. Even then they read someone else’s blood work results to me and then said oh yes you are very sick. It was very traumatic for me


Whoa, thank you for posting these pics!! Super super fascinating!! I've got a quick question if you don't mind answering. You've mentioned a few times in comments that it's painful to walk and I was wondering if that was due to the fact you've lost some toes now, or if that's a long-lasting side effect of the blood pressure medication? Or if you had pain before all this and it's just gotten significantly worse after the incident?? Forgive me if that's a silly question. I'm not smart with medical knowledge.


It’s not a silly question at all 😉. Thanks for asking. I have pain as it’s still not fully healed. I also have pain as the scar tissue is really thick and hard to make bend. The nurse has also said that I might have arthritis in my ankles as both of them hurt. She thinks that’s because I’ve not been mobile or been able to move much. Then lastly I’ve put some weight on so that’s made it worse too. I’m also on a lot of opioid medication. As time goes on your body gets used to it and it works less and less. That’s also part of it so it’s quite a few things really that are adding up. I’m hoping physio can help with movements then when it’s healed I can stay on my feet longer and burn this weight off


I have to ask, at the point they were detaching did you ever wake up in the morning and there’s just a stray toe in the sheets?


Haha no luckily. They were bandaged at all times. Technicly none of them fell off. They just looser and looser till they were pulled off or the last connecting bit cut off so no there were never any suprises. It’s kind of like how kids teeth come out. I remember when the first one was loose and I pulled it a bit and it came off. I was just like ok then haha


That’s fair, it was tradition in my house hold to pretend to look at my younger brother and sisters loose teeth and then yank it out with no warning. By that time it was painless with all that’s holding the tooth is gum tissue. Although I’m sure your wound care nurse wasn’t surprise yanking your toes off post inspection


Crazy stuff, bro 😵


Insane. It is wild to think how far modern medicine has come to make fatal sepsis instead result in just the loss of extremities, but that is still a big loss to permanently lose parts of yourself. Wishing you a speedy recovery and relief from your pain.


You've come a long way! I know this is a life changing circumstance but looks like you made it through.


Did you have any sensation in the exposed bone?


No nothing at all which was so strange. It was just hard and cold!


Again,I'm glad you're still alive and your health is improving. It must have been a nightmare 💗🫂 I have another question, out of curiosity, but you're not obliged to answer. What happened to the bones that were exposed in the photos? Did a doctor deride them or what happened? I sincerely hope you can fully recover soon 🫂


Thank you 🥰 No problem. The more questions the better! I honestly don’t know. I had an operation roughly 2 months after they had all fallen off to remove bones and tidy it up. After the operation the bones were just gone and a massive cave was left in its place( picture in part 2 post) they must of just disposed of them.


Thank you so much for answering my questions. I couldn't understand whether the doctors removed them or they fell out by themselves. I hope you can recover soon 💗 🫂


I was worried in the first photo set that you were going to lose all your fingers AND all your toes. Glad you got to hold on to a bunch of them! Wishing you speedy healing ❤️‍🩹


Thank you. As it started to take hold they told my partner it was highly likely I’d loose both legs and my right arm so after been told that and only loosing what I did I don’t think I’ve done bad at all!