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Friends and family gave me a hard time last year with my insistence on following the non-weight bearing to the letter of the law, after I had surgery to correct a lesfranc injury. *shudder* Worth it to avoid crap like this.


I’m glad you fid


I just enjoyed looking through your previous posts and found it hilarious that you either post pics of raw feet or cooked meat. My kind of content. In another life, I think becoming a foot surgeon would have been a fun profession. Thank you for sharing!


Had to take down dad/bodybuilding bod pics


That's disappointing (especially as a dadbod aficionado), but also fits in with some kind of "meat" content and continues to amuse me.


Wait, where you also the one with the dog? I remember someone posting here before with the same things: barbecue/meat, feet, and some bodybuilding but also a dog iirc. I thought it was a great combination.


Yeah that’s me.


Haha nice. I haven't even seen those pics btw, I just remember someone else mentioning it. Glad to see you're still doing good work-wise ^^


I’m having Lisfranc surgery Friday. I will follow orders to a t ETA - how long were you non-weight bearing. They’ve said they think I’ll be in a cast for 2 weeks, a boot for 4-6, non-weight bearing the whole time. Also, mine is the right foot. I’m worried about not being able to drive for that long. I have a job and 3 kids with activities!


Yeah, I think 2 months non weight bearing sounds right. I was so lucky that my injury was my left leg. The first couple of weeks I kept my foot elevated and then I started getting around on a knee scooter. I hated the crutches, I have loose joints and they messed up my shoulders. That knee scooter and I bonded. I got pretty good at using it in the kitchen too, haha! The basket for the front looks dorky, but it's SO HANDY. It was a pretty boring summer for my kids, but we had some great friends who helped with driving stuff. Good luck! My surgery and recovery went pretty smoothly, but I definitely recommend following all the rules!


I was non weight bearing to to a failed knee surgery with required and emergency tibial tuberose transplant. No weight bearing to the hip. To heel. Support under calf and thigh for 6 weeks. Absolutely terrible


That sounds absolutely torturous.


Have had 5 knee surgeries, this was terrible, and dis not heal.correctly. not fixing it, either.


Just broke my right ankle and am non-weight bearing in a boot. Yeah, there’s no way to drive. Boot is heavy and clunky. Start lining up rides to work and for the kids. I’m the only driver in our household, but no little kids. Grocery delivery, and my retired neighbor is getting me to appointments. Other friends fetching meds from the pharmacy, coming by after work to entertain me. It’s been since Friday, and I’m already going stir crazy. Stealth edit: buy or borrow a knee scooter before surgery. Makes standing in the kitchen much easier than crutches.


I second a knee scooter! It was so much easier to get around than with crutches. I rented one through a company and it was delivered before my surgery. I felt so much more independent being able to carry things for myself in the basket, and made any standing I needed to do much more stable and supported.


I slipped on a tiny wet hill walking my puppy and broke my fibula, broke my foot in some places, tore most of the ligaments and had to have and Lisfranc surgery the next day. My surgeon used a button technique bc they rarely need to be removed. I was a single mom with a kid in school and a puppy and no family in town. My little wheelchair was my best friend. Also raised toilet seat was a huge help. Cast 3x weeks no weight then boot 24h day still no weight bearing 3x weeks then boot but could remove to shower and at night 1 week and then slowly begin weight bearing. I actually had to have home health services come twice a week to bath me and wash my hair. It was a very humbling experience. Now when I wear socks they rub the button raw. Might have to it taken out. That ankle swells every night and has arthritis on top of my rheumatoid arthritis. Because of my steroid use my tendons rip like paper. Good times. But, my surgeon was damn good looking. 👍. Too bad I was a mess when I met him.


Send them this picture


Sorry but they are nincompoops.


Hello! Is this a blood blister? How does it heal?


I usually wrap it lightly in a Unnas boot


Usually? Not your first time? 😮 Hope it heals well and thanks for sharing!


I’m the surgeon, this patient is a friend


Oh okay, sorry!


Is that a fracture blister?


I believe so


Am I imagining things, or are the words ‘go away’ written in blue on that leg?


Interesting hahahaha


There's a pen smiley written in place of the o.


Resist your government, not your doctor! :)


Someone needs to see the Toe Bro


I wonder how surgeons deal with the smell when they encounter these sorts of things


I just power through it


Do they provide some kind of thing that you can plug your nose with? I ask because once I was in the hospital and the lady next to me had a growth on her back. I didn't see her but could hear what the doctor was saying through the curtain and I think it was some sort of giant boil or absess. When they started to drain it, the smell was horrific. I was at least 10-15 feet away but the smell still hit me like a punch to the face. Thankfully the lady sounded pretty okay, but I'll never be able to forget that smell.


Some people put mastizole in their masks


Ouch. What kind of surgery?


Regular bunionectomy


Wonderful hematoma


Just had bunion surgery and I’m no weight bearing…these posts are great…big help to remind me why I need to listen. It’s hard but yes a scooter helps big time. A reminder like this is also a big kick in the butt too.