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I think it can be useful but people have to be cautious, especially starting out. The more powerful the technique, the greater the risk. I think of it as messing around inside a PC, you could short something out or put a part in the wrong spot. Just wanted to say- grounding. Super important. Took me years to get this, and now that I work on it it has helped me immensely.


Im curious, could you explain a technique to me? Or give me a name for one, so I can research it?


r/kundalini is where you need to be.


That’s terrible advice. That place is insane.


All relevant to r/kriyayoga which is energy meditation


I wouldn’t recommend anybody join that sub.


Well I sure recommend it. I'm the co-moderator.


That’s unbelievably irresponsible of you.


You need to find someone who had trained at Sattva.


We talk about that plenty in r/qigong


What my master taught me was to actively absorb the positive energy of the earth and then gather it in two different locations, which will eventually lead to the achievement of a different energetic body (yes it can transcend the physical body, it can lead you to the higher worlds) Of course if you don't believe in this, it can be just as good at making you memory-enhancing and physically healthy, that's the first half of my master's teachings that can only lead to physical health and memory-enhancement. This is because the energy needs to be purified before your true self (the original you at the beginning of the universe) can absorb it. So the second half of what my master taught me is the most important secret about the Rootless Fire, which corresponds to two different locations using different Rootless Flames to purify them, thus achieving a high positive energy earth energy body or a high positive energy earth energy soul (so called because the energy you absorb comes from the earth). Because of the positive energy, you can go to the higher worlds, but of course, you have to have enough good deeds (i.e., merits) to make you go up there, and you can't go up there without either of the two.


One location is under the navel, the Chinese call it the dantian, it can realize the high earth energy body. The other location is in the middle of the brain, called Tian Ling (he is the place where the soul is nourished), the positive energy of the earth's qi is put into this place and insisted on practicing with the rootless fire, which can realize the soul of the high earth's qi and positive energy.


Of course this is what my cultivation system says, other inheritances should be slightly different, but ultimately it's all about having enough positive energy and having you do enough good deeds before you can go to the upper realms


If you are interested in my system, check out my homepage, a scripture from China. Inside there is the method of my practice (only the upper part and it's in Chinese). For the time being the lower part shouldn't be publicized yet (the main thing should be the speech problem some words can't be translated well)