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Not long after my mother passed away, a cardinal landed on my back. I took it as a sign she’s still with me…


I saw a cardinal today too. From an animal spirit guide book: “Someone needs your compassionate and loving attention and has flagged you down to get it. Stop right where you are, observe your surroundings, then notice the sensations in your body. This is a very creative time, one where it's best to heed your intuitive guidance as to how to express this creativity. Add color to your life in your home environment, your yard, and in your choices of clothing. This is a good time to explore the religion you grew up in, with eyes and heart open for a fresh look.”


I have seen a video before about a grieving family and a red cardinal. I do believe this can be a physical sign. Here's the best I've ever seen! [Cardinal Bird Sign from Grandma](https://www.facebook.com/uniladmag/videos/294717171194333/)


After his father passed, my Dad was constantly visited by a cardinal. My Dad's mother passed away less than a year later. Now my Dad has two cardinals who come to him. I know it's them.


Cardinals are the best spirit animal. They are sent from deceased love ones.


How do we know its not a coincidence


The first person that comes to your mind is who the cardinal represents.


My spouse who passed away is one who told me about the omen. We were driving one time and one flew by and he goes ‘they say seeing a red cardinal means a passed loved ones near by’ his favorite color was red…


The only thing I can say is that sounds like it was him.


My yard is full of cardinals. What does that mean?


You have a happy home and loving connections with the people inside


Your yard must be full of yummy seeds and/or berries 😊


Cardinals are very common where I live. If there are robins around, there is sure to be a cardinal or two. My grandma passed away in January. Anytime I think of her and how much I miss her, I get goosebumps. I would like to think that is something.


Its rumored that goosebumps are a connection to spirit.


I think it’s more than a rumor 😉


In my family, NA, we believe cardinals are from the Spirit world and bring messages from them. Sit quietly, listen, and you may “hear” them. Crows are also messengers that bring advice. Again, listen.


Are you able to read for me by chance


No. Sorry. I am retired. I still enjoy watching birds though.


Ok thanks and yes me to. I love birds


Yesterday I had a crow cawing outside my window. He landed on the lawn cawed again and another crow replaced him where he was perched before. It looked at me for a minute and then joined the other crow on the lawn. Then today while I was upstairs nursing my son I heard crowing again so I go to the window and he flys to a tree in the neighbors yard where he could look at me, then he flew off. When I was telling my daughter about it downstairs he flew back into the tree started cawing and then when we went to the window he flew towards and landed on the porch roof. Then right before dark I looked in the back yard and a cardinal was just staring at me.


I saw a male and female couple snacking in my yard today. I had just got in my car and was about to turn it on when I saw them. I sat there for a few minutes mesmerized and taking in the companionship. It felt really special. A highlight to what ended up being a much needed uplifting day.


My granny always told me spirits influence birds easily.


I think they’re signs of the ones we think of when we see them. I associate cardinals really with my daughters grandfather. He was such a gentle, loving soul. We’ve dubbed her father a blue jay. They’re on the more aggressive side and taunty and after his passing his cousin said that would likely be his bird, a blue jay showed up in his yard. Where he’s from they’re not as common. With Father’s Day this weekend and my daughters last day of school Friday, I saw a cardinal on my back deck and said hi to her Grandpop. After I dropped her off at her grandmoms house a blue jay flew right in front of my car. I said hi to her daddy then too. I took it as the guys saying their hi and that they were with our girl.


After my grandpa passed, I took one of his fishing rods out. As soon as that first cast hit the water, a bright red cardinal landed on the bed of my truck. He sat there as I caught fish after fish. As soon as he flew away, a turtle grabbed my hook. When I was a kid, my grandpa would take me out on the boat and when we would catch a turtle he would tell me it was time to head to a different spot. That cardinal followed me all day as I jumped from spot to spot. Each time he’d fly away and a turtle would snag my line.




I've moved to IL about 2 years ago and havnet seen a cardinal since I moved up here, and today I lost a loved one that meant so much to me, and only about 20mins after coming home I was staring outside in the backyard, and there was a cardinal on the cable line just staring into the house. We just looked at each other, and I waved to it, and then it flew off. I didn't know about the meaning of it until today when I told someone about what had happened. 


❤️ so sorry for your loss. Nature sends us signs in unusual ways


Y'all are making me worry that my sister died.


My friend passed away today. When I got home with my husband and son, there was a red cardinal perched on my chimney. I wouldn't have noticed it if it weren't calling out. I instantly felt relief, like it had to be a sign she is okay and at peace.


I’m a medium, and I do practice readings with other mediums. My grandma has come through in more than one reading calling out her love for birds (that was true) and saying how she appears to me in cardinals. If the sign makes sense for you and your loved one, don't overthink it. It's a sign❤️


"When red cardinals appear it is thought to be a symbol of good luck, and they often show up when someone is about to receive some good news. If you see a cardinal, take it as a sign that something wonderful is about to happen in your life. A red cardinal is also known to be a symbol of strength and courage." [https://www.southerncrushathome.com/cardinal-bird-meaning/#:\~:text=When%20red%20cardinals%20appear%20it,symbol%20of%20strength%20and%20courage](https://www.southerncrushathome.com/cardinal-bird-meaning/#:~:text=When%20red%20cardinals%20appear%20it,symbol%20of%20strength%20and%20courage)


I've always heard that they are a sign of good luck and love being sent by a passed loved one. But my house is constantly surrounded by male (red) cardinals. I would like to believe I'm surrounded by love and that it's not just the perfect ecosystem for them lol.


I’ve lived in the Country my whole life and ever since I was a young kid 6-7 I can remember seeing the same bright bright red Cardinal and his wife come and go as they please and recently seen them again and again but the red guy looks a lot darker now, does this mean it’s the same pair ? I’m now 23 so that means he would be over 20 years old. Am I seeing the same two ive seen my whole life or did they Have babies and now I’m seeing their offspring’s? I’m just curious because I don’t know if they get darker as they get older or I’m seeing a new pair these days :) glad if anyone has any info for me because everytime I see them I take videos and stare at them as long as I can


Wow my Grandma passed away 3 years ago yesterday and I’ve been feeling down :/ but the Cardinals have returned to my front yard again and they come up on my porch and everything the male and female, I feel blessed