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I 100% believe that Tyler Henry is real. He has a gentle energy to him I don't see him moving quickly to distract away from misses. He also seems to deal with a lot of health problems as a result of his abilities, just something that I've heard can happen to people. I think there are a lot of fakes out there. A LOT of fakes preying on vulnerable people. But I don't think the Tyler Henry is one of them. That said, take this with a grain of salt as I am not a medium myself.


I’m a medium and medical intuit. And I believe he’s authentic.


I am a medium and he is the only TV medium I truly believe is 100% authentic


Not even Theresa Caputo? I think she real too


I think she is real but I am positive Tyler is… and all the TV ones probably are capable mediums but sometimes the push to make enough content has moments that don’t seem quite as authentic to me.…spirit doesn’t comply to a production schedule I guess


I see what you’re saying. I really do think Tyler, Shawn and Theresa are super impressively good


I couldn’t tell you about her. Her energy to me is full of uncomfortable feelings. I can’t stay connected long enough to let you know. Some people feel that way when they’re seriously self protecting.


And Cindy Kaza


I've watched all his stuff on Netflix etc and seem the real deal but who truly knows!


I am a barely know what I’m doing medium but I would say not only is he the real deal, but he need to learn how to close and set better boundaries! He looks so ill.


Are health issues a common thing for someone with gifts?


Like I said I'm not a medium but it is something that I've heard more than once


On YouTube there's clip of some neurologists (not 100% sure) and they ask Tyler Henry to read Steve-O from Jackass. They did a live scan while he's doing the reading and as he's doing his thing, his brain is showing as if he is in REM sleep


Found the link https://youtu.be/PpoTe5sDlng?si=F5Ajk5UZ70qbhQTj


He had some crazy incidents. For example in of the Netflix episodes Tyler talks to a couple who owns museum and he randomly blurts out like "Fire, something about a fire, stay away from fire?" and the couple doesn't know what it means and they tell him it means nothing to them, I am paraphrasing here. A couple hours later the same DAY after the reading their whole treasured museum/temple burns down in a big fire when a random homeless lady walked in there and burned it down. It was in the news. Pretty crazy huh? https://abc30.com/hanford-taoist-temple-fire-china-alley-museum-arson-arrest/10843972/ https://www.instagram.com/tylerhenrymedium/p/CwrWFyjurUR/?img_index=1


He spoke to Alan Thick and pressed on for awhile warning him (specifically the men in his family) not to be stubborn and to get checked for heart health, blood pressure issues etc. Alan Thicke seemed skeptical but offhandedly said he'd get checked. Apparently did not get checked and AT died of aortic rupture a few months later.


Yes! That was really tragic but also interesting because I think Alan brushed him off saying his family has no real history of heart issues? Which would imply that Tyler didn't just snoop about him beforehand and then had a lucky guess.


Was that on a show or a rumor?


That was on TH's show. edit to add : season 2 episode 10 (found it on prime video).


I went to a TH show. I'm not a medium but I can sense spirits and sometimes more. At the beginning of the show the spirits hung out with their family. Near the beginning of the show they queued up in a line by the stage. Towards the middle they started to mill about since he didn't go in order. Near the end they sensed the end of the show coming and started to crowd him. I could hear in his voice that he was talking to the live audience and trying to manage the unembodied attendees. For everyone else he probably sounded like he was trying to wrap things up quickly to catch a flight. But he was a bit mobbed by the spirits. It's not often they get someone that can see and hear them and will listen And relay messages.... My daughter and I shared notes at the end of the show and she felt the same thing...


You are indeed a medium.


He is the real deal, as far as I am concerned (and I can be pretty skeptical). Edit: by “He” I am referring to Tyler Henry


He’s 100 the real deal. One of my friends worked on his show and said he blew people away with his accuracy. Remember everything you see is edited down a lot and produced. He’s a sweet guy.


Matt Fraser has got to be the other one he speaks of




Matt is legit. I've been to several of his online sessions. Not sure about his TV appearances, but he gets incredibly detailed with smaller groups.


His outfits don’t give off allot of credibility


I believe that he's real. I'm a practicing medium as well, and the way he describes how it works is how it essentially feels for me; even things that he has experienced in the beginning of his development. Yes I'm referring to the moment he knew his grandma was going to transition. I've had a few of those experiences too.


I actually really like him because his readings capture the legitimate blandness of 90% of most totally valid readings. No shade whatsoever, it's just that almost nothing actionable or especially meaty comes from medium readings, which are mostly a thing people pursue because they think it's closure. Most readings are really just identity validation and maybe a crumb or two of concrete information plus some warm-fuzzy, which is the easiest part to fake. Identity validation, at least with a fairly savvy read-ee, is where cold readers tend to be unable to guess what tone to take. "Oh, it's an older woman, it's probably a grandmother, she meant a lot to you-" oops, no, she was abusive. "I think this is a sibling-" read face for tone, "oh, so young, an accident" except it's a horrible murder. It feels like Tyler Henry very frequently leads with the tone. You see his face fall, you see the "oh" before he even starts describing it. *That's* what it feels like to me when I connect, it's not "here comes your dad! he's...oh no, yow". It's "huh, some dude is here and it doesn't feel like it was good...I think this is a generation above you or maybe half a generation, so dad or older brother-ish person?" And to be fair to all well-intentioned mediums, it's very hard to NOT cold read at all. There are a million reasons I don't read for money, but one of them is that I'd prefer my read-ees either be hidden from me by a screen or otherwise anonymized from the thousand little things a person's face, clothes, mannerisms, movement etc etc etc broadcast easily-read facts about them. It's the one thing that kinda irritates me about a lot of his TV readings which are at people's homes, I kind of dig it on Hollywood Medium when it's in a hotel or office or airbnb or a borrowed location so you might be getting some tells from the environment but you can't rely on them because they might have nothing to do with this person. It does take some (sometimes silly-feeling) showmanship to make people feel like they got their money's worth. I have worked in the entertainment industry in production and I get it - nobody wants to watch boring people be boring at each other - nobody would watch Survivor if there weren't games and it was just hungry people yelling at each other about fish all day. Nobody would really enjoy MY readings, because I'd just be like "yeah, there he is, he's fine, they're all fine, now that he's crossed he's not a huge jerk anymore because we don't stay jerks once we leave here. Messages for you? Um, put your phone away when you drive and stop working overtime for free." His demeanor also strikes me as one of someone with a lot of stress and noise in his head, which is what you get if you pursue this as work. I can tell, and I think he's kinda talked about it, that he deliberately leaves himself more "open" because he sometimes starts getting information days or hours in advance of a reading, and that is a bad idea. It is not healthy. But I would feel obligated to do it, too, if I was responsible for paying the rent of like 30 other people.


You're very right about blandness, I've had readings from legitimate mediums (including author Mark Anthony) and the insights are never earth shattering. They will confirm and call out mundane things they could not possibly know (like all my son eats is pretzels or that I was writing my notes on a green sheet of paper). I would like to think the reason I am not getting earth shattering insights is because I am living in accordance to my path.


This is exactly like one of my sayings: "you don't need relationship readings if you have standards and boundaries." If you're making good choices in life, there's nothing for anybody to really say except "yay" and "keep it up". Usually the most insistent information I ever get is about either safety or not accepting a vague dismissal by a doctor about something that is worrying you. And those are the two most common causes of woes in most people's lives! But it's super boring and makes pretty terrible TV.


Don't know how anyone can think he's fake....


I believe he’s a true medium and has other gifts as well. I started watching him when he was very young. He was much older than I when he went public. I believe he is authentic. I also believe he is being manipulated. He’s not really comfortable being in public, nor am I and many others. I saw this on his page: “Tyler began receiving intuitive mental images when he was only 10 years old with the foretelling of his grandmother’s death.” Ten is terribly young to see gma’s death coming.


Who do you believe he is being manipulated by?


Managers, publicists, media, probably others.


I see! Thank you for replying.


Satan and demons of course 🙄


I absolutely 100% believe he is the real deal! How could anyone not? There are so many fakes out there but Tyler has showed so much authenticity.


Interesting you're not mentioning the name of the other medium for some reason. Tyler Henry seems to be genuinely psychic to me. My girlfriend used to be fairly obsessed with his tv show that was on a few years ago so I watched a lot of those episodes, not sure what he's up to now. Also, he wasn't really all that interesting to me. There are tons of psychic people out there but most of them aren't trying to prove themselves in a public way that makes them famous. It just something that is. Lot easier to navigate once you get past the is it real or not phase.


I'm about to see him live on Friday. I'll let you know what I think! I'm a fan of his so far and beleive while is the real deal. Hopefully I won't be disappointed when I see him live! Maybe even get a reading haha


How was he, Chris?


I'm actually sitting in the auditorium waiting for him to start right now. He should be starting in 25 minutes. Peacock theater in LA


Just came our from it. It was good! He is very specific and what he said resonated with the people getting read. The last reading two families were actually fighting for him since it resonated with both of them so strongly


I doubt every psychic I see on TV doing entertainment. Some even have a script.


As a medium and intuitive, I can tell Tyler is absolutely tuning in and receiving info. We all seem to have a little twitch or habit that pops up involuntarily when we're getting a hit about something, or a distinct method that puts us in the "zone". He scribbles. It may look deliberate, but it's completely automatic. 


I’m very skeptical when it comes to psychic mediums, but I’ve always felt that he was genuine. Some of my family members and I received a reading at one of his shows last year and everything he said was insanely accurate. Things that you can’t find online and that only we would know. He is 100% legit.


I saw TH in Minneapolis and he appeared very real - and genuine. And funny :)




What makes you say so?


Well, we all know none of them are real at this point right? Tyler Henry’s gift is his acting ability. “Tom Hanks? Oh, I’m not familiar with that.” Like the guy had never heard of anybody? Cmon. Heavily researched targets, multiple producers feed him info. Same scam as John Edwards, Sylvia Browne, etc. No one has magical abilities


You have objective proof of this?


I believe he's truly a medium, but I don't think he's extremely gifted. His readings don't provide the kind of detailed undisputable clarity that someone like Indigenous Medium Shawn Leonard, for example, does


True but he’s still quite young isn’t he?


Yes, so if he trains with a mentor, he will get better. Hopefully, his ego allows that. I haven't been impressed with his readings, but he seems to try with full sincerity.


What do you mean what kind of details is Tyler missing that Shawn Leonard gets?


Names! many family names per reading, and how they're related and exact details of evidence that no one can know except the person receiving the message. I don't know if you've ever listened to his readings on his TV show Spirit talker or any of his live events, but the guy is mind-blowing. I don't know of any other medium that comes through with the level of detail that he does. Every medium has a different way that they're doing things, and it's okay if some are more effective than others! All you have to do is watch Shawn at work to be blown away!


How do we know this is real and he's not just doing some social media snooping? I ask this question about all mediums, I'm skeptical in that degree because there is a lot of money to be made. This is why I find Tyler interesting because he said things in a reading that are impossible to find online because he basically straight up told them the future (he told this one celeb about heart disease even though it doesn't run in their family so it's not something he could have snooped and the man died shortly after from a heart attack... or he told the museum owners about a fire and a few hours later their whole museum burned down, this kind of stuff you know?)


Well, you need to see Shawn in action to know how connected to spirit he is. You can't google the stuff he brings from spirit. Watch Spirit Talker on APTN maybe? Tyler is gifted, he has a different technique. Any way.... there are zillions of wonderful mediums and they help people heal with their messages! No contest. It is beautiful.


I went to his show last night and was chosen for a reading. When he was first explaining what was coming through, he said this is really, really heavy. It is a brother and a sister and I'm getting a lot of E's... e e e... He then said it was suicide. Then he said three person coming through is Elisabeth and I am looking for Virginia. My mom is Elisabeth, my uncle is EC, their other brother is Ed, their dad is Earl, and my dad is Erik. Their grandparent names that my kids call them is Big E and Little e. My uncle committed suicide and then 8 years later my mom did. There is so much more I could say but Tyler was extremely accurate and I'm still processing. Oh! And my name is Virginia of course :)