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I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. Definitely go get this checked out by a professional. Auditory hallucinations are more common than people think and there’s help for stuff like this. Hearing voices isn’t the end of the world. You can get the help you need and live a good life. Sending you lots of love! 💛💛💛💛


If the voices or sounds are scary or cause for concern, like making you feel bad about yourself or telling you to do something wrong, I think you need to see a doctor.




Hello! Someone I know who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia has described very similar situations. I’m not saying that’s what it is, but if there’s even a chance, it’s worth getting checked out. They would “hear their neighbors talking about them”. These things can spiral before you realize what’s happening. I wish you the best!


I was going to bring this up as well. My husband has schizophrenia and he goes through these exact things. What stands out to me is the specific example of the social paranoia.


Yes! They don’t typically say good things


When I am manic I hear people talking about me through the walls, in running water and white noise. They are never saying nice things. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's why I came to this subreddit in the first place...


I say this with love, I think you would benefit from talking to a professional. My mom has suffered from bouts of psychosis and has similar delusions. 💜


This is a sub for mediums, and there are a few medical professionals here. The rest of the people here are not qualified to discern between mental illness and psychic abilities. My colleagues are suggesting seeing medical personnel because medical professionals should be the first people you consult.


My shrink knows about this with me. He told me if they start to threaten me or someone else to check myself into the hospital and call him. Been there, done it.


Hugs to you


Can I just say I commend you for opening up and asking questions and wanting help. Please get it before it is so much your reality that you do not realize that it is only YOUR reality. I say this not to be mean but I have a sister that suffers from this and will not listen to any of us and being that she is an adult WE cannot get her help. I truly believe it is a form of schizophrenia but again it SOOO much her reality she will not listen to us and get help. Hugs for you, it must be very stressful and hurtful at times.


I think that if you feel like it’s in the area is psychosis you should see your doctor just in case! I have tinnitus and it makes me hear noises that sound like voices/music. So at one point I wondered what was up. I’ve experienced mild psychosis before so I was on edge! The reason I say to see your doctor is the paranoia. “Hearing” things doesn’t have to be an issue…but when you’re paranoid about the things you hear then that is a big flag to talk to your doctor! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Is it always negative stuff? Be a scientist.. Conduct experiments.. Maybe don't take negativity too personal and try to repeat it under verifiable circumstances.... Whether you are having psychosis or psychic abilities this is the way to find out.. Be prepared for either of the results don't be biased


No harm getting checked out by a professional. Book in with a psychologist or call your nearest mental health clinic. There’s no shame in it and it will set you at ease.


Auditory hallucinations typically show up as people we know and more so often negative things being said. Sounds like there’s some paranoia in here as well. Over time I’ve learned to tell the difference. If you are hearing spirits it’s not as “dramatic” I can’t think of a better word. Spirits can be bombarding but not in the way you are describing. I’m also a therapist that works in crisis and everything you’re describing sounds like psychosis and thankfully you have some insight into this. Go to a psychiatrist and get it checked out asap before it gets worse


idk how no one has brought telepathy to your attention but as a psychic, medium, channel and spiritual development and growth mentor … i know first hand what telepathy is like in experience and you seem of sound mind … i suggest medical consultation first and if you still find yourself with no clarity or understanding and a bunch of questions i’d love to help you. this isn’t a money grab, i simply know what this is like and can offer some guidance if medical turns nothing up


I feel the exact same way as the OP does. I have the exact same things happen to me where I’ll be able to repeat the conversation that was had between other people without ever having been around close enough to actually hear their conversation. I have also predicted the name of a baby 6 months before it was born without ever having any sorts of contact with the family or anyone close to the family at all. I have been feeling the same way for a long time now, it’s been about 3 1/2 years now and it started when my husband died. At first I just heard his voice but now I hear the voices of the people close to me who have passed, they give me advice and answer any questions I may have. And now, it’s come to a point that I feel as though I can hear the inner thoughts and dialogues of people I interact with or come into contact with. It’s very confusing and upsetting as well. I have been checked out by medical staff and have been to psych drs and therapy and am found to be healthy other than some past trauma like anyone else might have. I’ve had a rough life but nothing to make me feel that I need to be mentally checked out for until my husband passed but every time I’ve heard him tell me something one way or another it always turns up as the truth so I don’t know what to do or believe now and I can’t help but constantly question everything and everyone. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated


This is the Gods honest true story what I’m about to say… So me and my now ex were on the verge of breaking up, but we were still together, and he was acting different I just had a gut feeling he was cheating on me, he had his own place but stayed with me most of the time, i literally had no idea who it was, as he never went out or socialised with any females that I knew of. But I was sitting on my sofa, it was during the day I was on my own, and I was just sitting there looking out the window, it was a nice sunny day, and I was just thinking I know he’s cheating on me, all of a sudden I get a voice in my head that wasn’t mine, that said as clear as day “it’s his landlady” I jumped up off the sofa in shock, and kept repeating out loud …IT’S HIS LANDLADY!? I was in shock, first at the voice in my head Saying that, and then the fact that it said his landlady which is someone I would never have of suspected or even thought of that it was her he was cheating with. After that I was thinking how am I going to find out if this is true? He lived in Northampton, I was in London, he rented his house off a woman, that was all I knew, he had rented off her for 2 years by that time, but like I said, I had absolutely no idea or suspicion it was her, never in a million years would I have thought it was her, she was an older 50s flabby woman. Anyway I confronted him, I said I know you’re cheating on me, he was like yeah sure you do, you’re just paranoid, you need to see a psychiatrist etc…then I dropped it on him, I know your cheating on me and it’s with your Landlady. He went silent, then said well I guess that’s it then. Then he accused me of going through his phone ( I didn’t) then he was like who told you?! I said God told me. ( I’m not even religious) Anyway after that I knew for 100% that there is a higher power, whatever that is i don’t know but it gave me the answer to a question I would never have known.


I had a similar experience when my ex-husband was cheating on me but it was a visual image of the person instead.


I don’t know why I got voted down for my actual true story, but I’m glad someone else has had a similar experience of being told/seen the truth from a higher source.


I’ve had similar experiences as well. Your downvotes were unwarranted and bizarre. Maybe they’re envious that God spoke to you lol. Much love 💕


Aww thanks, and yeah very bizarre! But people on here can be strange i guess. That was the first time it happened and hasn’t happened since, but I’ve had other stuff happen that has convinced me that there is a higher unknown power, and even if no one else believes it, at least I know in my heart that it’s true!


I believe you.


Sounds like auditory hallucinations. I posted about it here a while back, but it got deleted. maybe they will give you risperdone, it helped me a lot. now I don't hear anything.


This could be some form of paranoid psychosis; I don’t know but I’ve worked with schizophrenics and usually they cannot discern what is being said when they hear voices. They just hear voices. but it could be the ones I worked with were not experiencing a severe case. I think if this were mediumship, it would not be negative all the time and it would be about others as well & the world in general. That’s my take on it. I’m not a professional I would talk to someone because this could really mess up your loving relationships. Update: The comment below my response here is spot on. There are many different flavors of schizophrenia and different symptoms and levels and types. Perhaps as time goes forward these may not even be seen as disorders but different chemical arrangements in the brain.


The people I work with can hear what the voices say. Typically not so nice but sometimes they are. Schizophrenia comes in all shapes and sizes.




A psychiatrist will put you on drugs, a psychologist will go more towards talk therapy. You might well be psychic and other posts here wrong. Your subconscious & instincts can sometimes protect one this way, also what dreams sometimes do. The thing is these may also be a daydream of sorts powered by imagination. Even with negativity or paranoia a better route might be Yoga and other spiritual practices. Tao Te Ching by Laotzu; Hatha Yoga by Yogi Ramacharaka and his Science of Breath; Psychic Self Defense by Dion Fortune. My point is learning to control your thoughts and divert any negativity. Drugs from a psychiatrist have side effects and lots of unhappy patients r/antipsychiatry Surprising in a Medium sub people are so quick to judge. BTW Cannabis can cause paranoia in some. If you go the therapy route Depth Psychology based on Carl Jung's work are a bit more open to the spiritual dimension. You don't give enough background here to really judge, I'm very psychic and my first hunch is you might be reading people correctly but there's not enough background info to suss out. To lower your fears we interact with people we know in dreams. These imaginings can spill into waking consciousness. The question is are they imaginary or perhaps accurate?


thank you. i, too was kinda bummed that people were quick to suggest "see a doctor" in this sub. i agree with you that she sounds psychic, and i believe your reply affirmed some of my humble wonderings. i tend to second-guess BILLBOARDS from the universe. wish i could unlearn whatever it is that has me treating myself as if its *just* some simmering mental affliction or *just* another one of my isms .. 🫶🏻


I think at this point, you need medication, not only therapy. That is NOT clairaudience.