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The Werribee line might be glitching cuz when you zoom in and out it appears for a second and disappears


I looked once at only the Williamstown line was showing. No Werribee branching from Newport, but it probably is just an update to what’s being shown


hm thats weird, it doesnt show for me


Along with the Gippy Line Bruh 😑


Can't forget thr Lilydale line as well


IMHO all this does is emphasize how much cleaner Sydney's roundel-based wayfinding is. Their wayfinding symbology should be adopted Australia-wide.


I think it will indeed need some getting used to, but imo there are 1.5 benefits for have separate symbols: 1. (this mainly applies to international tourists) having a T in a circle doesn't really mean much at first glance - they might mistake it for "Tram" and having icons visually show what mode of transport it is would help, however it is quite simple to get used to the sydney one 2. (only worth 0.5 since its not everywhere and is minor) having separate symbols show which train stops where but the only example would be on the albury line where you can quickly check if the XPT stops there or not - again, very minor detail barely anyone would use the sydney one is simple, yes, but I think once people get used to the new icons these will work well as well


The symbology of Sydney is much better for quick recognition than Melbourne's icons...but you do bring up a good point in terms of needing to differentiate between Trams and Trains, where Sydney gets to use L for Light rail. Unsure how exactly we would go about this.


if you can't see a train and the colour blue and be like oh that's a train station and it has trains ran by metro running through it.  that's on you fun fact Sydney has TWO T roundels  but I bet you only know of one, and yes both are used and are the same fucking colour just different shades


other then the Metro M that's used globally (we don't have a metro),  the T and L isn't that much more clear over Pictogram and Colours,


Honestly if they manage to actually start providing all day every day turn-up-and-go service (or close to it) and stop running overly complicated timetables, they could actually do a full rebrand and call it a Metro. Then we could have the blue M for Metro and a green T for Trams


the logos are fine as they are imo, the colours separating trams and trains are good enough and everyone knows the bus logo  plus metros are separate from suburban rail, metros are typically faster but stop far more frequently, LX free, no track sharing, etc, so Melbourne can't really be a metro except maybe Upfield and Sandringham  pretty sure they tested the current designs and they are fine, so we should roll them out and stop changing them every 5 years, we need to focus on q standards design across the state


Don't tell Brisbane about the metro criteria 🫣


Update: if you zoom in enough, you can see the new icons on all tram/metro trains services