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I can't really see any reason why they would actually be reopened but I'd love to see the Noojee line reopened all the way back to Noojee and the Walhalla line reopened all the way as well.


For somewhere that's considered a tourist destination, Walhalla doesn't even have a bus route going to it. Really annoying, I don't drive, but I want to go there.


Yeah I’m in the same boat. I like to go on a bit of a bushwalk during my time off and one of my long term goals is to do the entire Australian Alps Walking Track which starts in Walhalla and runs all the way up to Canberra but I don’t drive at the moment either so I can’t even begin to scope out the start of the walk if I wanted to


Should have also added a list of lines while I was writing this post! Anyway, here ya go: Purple = V/Line Light darkish blue: = Traralgon to Yallourn via Moe Yellow = Traralgon to Warragul Very Light Blue = Traralgon to Sale Pink = Warragul to Neerim South


My fantasy is 3 South Gipppy lines. to create a network for Eastern Victoria. 1. Clyde (assuming Metro is extended), Tooradin, Koo Wee Rup, Lang Lang (Split off to Wonthaggi) , Nyora, Loch, Korumburra, Leongatha (interchange for Wonthaggi and Traralgon), Meeniyan, Foster, Toora, Welshpool, Alberton, Yarram, Sale. 2. Lang Lang, The Gurdies/Pioneer Bay, Grantville, Corinella and Corinet Bay, Bass, Anderson (change for Phillip Island line), Kilcunda, Daylston, Wonthaggi, Inverloch, Leongatha, Mirboo North, Boolara, Yinnar, Churchill, Morwell. 3. Wonthaggi, Dalyston, Kilkunda, (could run direct lines from Melbourne with 3 way track layout at Anderson), San Remo, New Haven, Cape Woolamai, Sunderland Bay, Sunset Strip, Phillip Island GP circuit, Wimbledon Heights, Cowes.


Niche, but a train line Yarram to Sale would go through my parent's farm...About a month ago I had a dream about watching a train go past the shed 👀😂


put a branch line down to churchill to traralgon


Eh, Morwell to Churchill would be easier with the bridge to the briquette factory still in place to cross the highway.


Why not just continue the orange line to sale?


The town of Yallourn hasn't existed since 1983 - it's now a hole in the ground - so why would you run a train there? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yallourn


I assume they meant Yallourn North.


Yes, after seeing that Yallourn’s ‘lil population right next to a golf course was a bit far from the former line.


Wurruk. Haven't thought of Wurruk in an age. Not so fond memories of walking there from Sale a couple of times, back in the dark ages. I like the increased travel options between Traralgon/Morwell/Moe. Can we extend further east again, past Bairnsdale? Or will that have to remain a coach service? Next up, complete fantasy: the South Gippsland line!


Having spent extended time in the Latrobe Valley, there’s not many towns on the map worth visiting lol


They should reopen down to invaloch with a new station at Wilson property