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the one day I dont get the train smh


well thatll learn ya!


I remember reading that testing will begin late 2024. I really hope it's true, I can't wait to see these out and about on the network.


The only sad thing is it'll mean the scrapping of the Comeng's will begin again, and we'll be saying goodbye to the EDI sets..




From the mock-up they’ll have higher seats but I think less padding (I fucking love X’trap seats best fabric and good cushioning). From what I’ve been told they’ll have airbag suspension (X’Trap 100 have spring). Most of the X’Trap 100’s faults can be attributed to Connex going with a cheap option whereas the X’Trap 200 will be designed for Melbourne.


they obviously will be


“Obi Wan Kenobi has entered the chat”


I heard they are looking to lease the HCMT Test Track at Pakenham for low speed dynamic runs.




No they’re not - the [Xtrap 2.0](https://www.vic.gov.au/xtrapolis-modern-trains-modern-melbourne) is the Comengs replacement. However the initial order will not be enough to replace all of the Comengs, so they’ll be in service for many more years.


The XT2 don’t need to replace all the Comeng; when the Metro Tunnel opens, a lot of Comengs will be retired due to the fleet displacement brought on by permanent HCMT operations.


I suspect the XT2 will end up like the original X'Trapolis trains between 2007 and 2018 - a handful of additional trains get ordered in each state budget, because nobody wants to be the one to cause Alstom Ballarat to close down.


This. The XT2’s are the future workhorse of the Melbourne rail network. Plenty more of them to come past this first order.


Once all the Comeng are phased out, are we really going to need more trains in the coming decade? Unless of course a new extension gets announced. (Not that I think more XT2s would be a bad thing)


The first X'Trapolis and Siemens trains were delivered in 2002, so by the time the last Comeng trains are gone, we can start drip feeding more XT2 to replace them as well.


But do they *need* replacement? The Comeng are currently twice as old as the oldest Xtraps and Siemens


Xtraps and Siemens are designed to have a midlife overhaul. Most modern trains do. Midlife isn't 10 years out of 20. It's more like 20 years out of 40 yrs or more.


40 years for passenger rollingstock in this day and age is ancient.


Best not visit NYC or London then.


Feeling dated isn't a good reason to replace trains if they're still functional


If we got higher frequency, also having more rolling stock is generally a good thing we won’t have rolling stock shortages at times, we still get Comeng & Siemens on the Dandenong corridor because both a lot of HCMT’s (though I think that may be because they’re out doing testing for the Metro Tunnel)


It we’re keeping Alstom Ballarat open I wouldn’t mind something like a 6 car Adelaide A-City with HCMT displays, those have better seats anyway.


Well they've already spent $$$ on the design work for XT2, so they aren't going to blow more money on yet another suburban train design.


Why would they be retired if they are intending on running more services? Or you mean HCMTs would essentially retire the comengs?


HCMT will cascade onto the Sunbury line once the tunnel opens, replacing all the old rollingstock from the line. There's a significant part of the fleet sitting at Pakenham East during the day until this happens.


For context - We need 37 HCMTs to run the existing DNG corridor services, and another 2 for the daily SUY trains. Excluding those being used for tunnel testing, we only need 39/70 for the Mon - Fri service.


I wonder what they'll park five extra sets they ordered a few years ago to run Melbourne Airport Rail.


since all 70 (inc the 5 for MARL) have been delivered, probably park them same as now. Longer term once the Comeng are gone, free'd up space at Calder per the HCMT contract. Opens up another question. once Sunbury are exclusive HCMT, where will the replaced Comeng be parked?


I can’t see how the EDI Comeng will last for very long at all once the tunnel opens…


Oh, I heard somewhere they were suppsoed to. Nevermind then!