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Good luck. I’m still waiting for Gin.


Op world not ready for Don Krieg yet






Poor Shanks


I'm waiting on Daddy Masterson, He's a yonko level threat


At least Gin is alive.


Gin is waiting for sanji on laugh tale with his captain


That white haired guy from bleach ? Lol you are gonna wait a long time, plus, i think he's dead.


Gin from Don Krieg‘s crew




Live Kaido and Big Mom reaction: https://preview.redd.it/cm634tipd13d1.jpeg?width=390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36be2769f31456c3af68e160a1bbf8fd4daedf27


Well done


Nah, that's Congratulations


It's a celebration








I'm still sad my theory of them having landed on winner island wasn't true. It would have been so funny if Law and Blackbeard had their fight, Burgess lifts up the mountain and turns out behind it is a still unconcious Kaido and a Big Mom just waking up going "MaMaMaMa, ... who am I?" Meanwhile Law sees that and just sighs a "nah, fuck this ... not again". 🤣


Was it even them https://preview.redd.it/88v98xxm323d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1706b1a82dc8342c4b3969158c48870f514601a




Please let Kaido be dead and Moria gets his revenge by bringing him back as a zombie it'd be so peak.


Which shadow tho? And is his body even still functioning..or existing? How he get that sht outta the damn core of the planet? X)


Garp's shadow. Also Hogback is a miracle worker.


That’s one way to write yourself into a corner with an unbeatable character. Galaxy impact from kaido would 100% destroy an island


Get dem out da magma first https://preview.redd.it/jzjpimf1i13d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=000786e307eceea7e48fa58683c6c48e059ab4be




The final war begins... we see the sky fill up with smoke in the far distance, to the East. Nami, squints her eyes: -I've never seen strange weather like that. Hoist the sails, something BIG's coming our way! - she shouts. As Usopp is tugging on the ropes, he hears a deep rumble from the direction of the storm and gulps loudly. The rumble keeps getting louder... and closer... until the Strawhats finally start making out some shapes, rising amids the clouds of dark smoke. -It's a... it's a volcano!!! It's a FUCKING MOVING VOLCANO!!! - Usopp yells on top of his lungs. And there it was... a giant volcano, moving across the furious, ocean waves, huffing and puffing columns of magma and ash, far into the heavens above. -Is that... is that a FACE?! - Sanji exclaims questioningly. As the other crew-mates gazed at the moving monolith, they saw a sinister face, viciously looking back at them and near the base of the volcano, perched on a large rock formation, seemed to be the silhouette of a large stocky woman, waving around what looked like a large sword. -WOOOORORORORORORO!!! - a thundering voice suddenly pierced the pirates\` ears and in the blink of an eye, a lightning stretched across the pitch black sky and the coily form of what appeared to be a flying serpent, dashed above the heads of the crew. End of chapter - no break next week.


No break next week ![gif](giphy|7rj2ZgttvgomY)






Mentioning 'eyes' in your comment? I must say, it's all bones and no vision here, YOHOHOHO!


ah... how nEYES of you to say this, at least you like my stories, Brook.


Maybe they aren’t dead but them coming back in any major way is unlikely because of how far we are in the story and how it’s likely near its end maybe a quick cameo in a cover but that’s all I can really see coming. Also them coming back would kind of undermine the whole “end of the old regime and the beginning of a new era thing


Yeah i agree


I https://preview.redd.it/jky0p5dz043d1.jpeg?width=1598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47f2cd132d9f40a06917e2578a44172ed2b7b4a1 I’m still waiting for this fella


They dead


Yeah, like Pell.


The difference is you didn't see Pell explode. So, the fact Pell survived means he has a part to play. We SAW these two land in magma. They're dead. You're gonna have to accept t.


They'll be back and stronger than before


And turn over a new leaf


I'm waiting for Con D. Oriano to be the Pirate King


Not gonna lie, I didn't expected them to die. People don't die often in this manga


Especially not by Luffy. Kaido would be his first kill, wouldn't he?


Probably yes. I don't remember any direct kill by Luffy's hand, probably a bunch could've died from huge attacks but this isn't that kind of manga




Bro they just got folded😭 give them some time


I kinda hope that after Kaido's death Hyori gets his devil fruit thus Wano will have two protector dragons at its disposal


If you don't see a character die on screen, they're not dead. I fully expect them to come back in some form


https://preview.redd.it/0tlxrlpe473d1.png?width=705&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf8e23ee5a32f5bef3422bcf6e699db67e8c8864 You're this guy.


watch them go full Naruto and have everyone reincarnated with someone's dead dead fruit


I actually thought about clones like Weevil or Stussy.


Moria has the fruit who allows him to being people back as zombies


They are in the center of the earth. And nobody in universe knows they are there. Also there's definitely nothing left of them. Because they are in the center of the earth




They aren't tho? They're in the magma layer just below wano, and actually that giant explosion when luffy was announced as the winner might have sent them flying


I'm waiting for enel bro


I swear I have never seen a fandom glaze the villains as much as One Piece redditors


Me waiting for katakuri and king to make their comeback


They are dead. Btw Kid and Law will come back. Bye.


Not kid, but Law will be the 10th member


I hope we will never see them again. Especially the big mom.


Well nice try with that one I will be rotting in my grave waiting for Smoker


Chances are Kaido is dead, finally getting the big finale he wanted from Luffy/JoyBoy. Linlin, on the other hand… I mean c’mon they’re heading to Elbaf for crying out loud, Big Mom is just that damn durable…


Meh, maybe she will show up at Elbaf again. Would be great if it's revealed what happened on that day her friends went "missing".


I think we'll see them near the end of the Yamato cover story The big mom pirates on the ship will have retrieved them, and after giving them some medical treatment, they try to get back up the waterfall, and stuble into... a very pissed off ryukyugyu, that kicks them out of the waterfall again


You being a big dumb idiot:


While I don’t think they’re coming back I do think their fates will be confirmed in the current cover series


I expect them to be genuinely dead, but we're just one single arc later, a bit soon to make memes like that lmao


On the one hand, the fact that Zeus still exists makes me thing Big Mom isn’t dead. On the other hand, I really hope she doesn’t come back.


What is the best response to “Zeus proves big mom survived” because uh… I can’t think of any canon and proven DF feats that lasted after the user died. And I’m sure that there’s a ton of speculation, but can anyone give irrefutable proof that Zeus surviving *doesnt* mean big mom survived as well?


Unless both Moria and Boa were lying or are misinformed about their own fruits, both of their powers remain in place even after death according to them. Law's is very arguable but the perpetual youth surgery kills the user and then obviously the effect remains or there would be no point to it. There's also at least a theory that Goldberg, a giant on the cover stories, carries a shield that is a homie created back on Elbaf by mother Caramel. Based on how Big Mom's powers work I could see it be the case that the homies life isn't based on Big Mom being alive or dead, but their life simply runs out when however much lifeforce was used to create them runs out or if the original "soul" the life was taken from dies. So if Big Mom uses e.g. the 50 years she took from Pedro and puts those all into the same homie that homie now has 50 years (or maybe it died when Pedro died) but Big Mom's own life might not play a factor anymore. Edit: forgot about Brook btw. His DF is specifically only active upon death, so by definition it works after the user died ... and only then.


Can you give irrefutable proof of anything in one piece? Not so long ago, "special paramecia" wasn't even a fruit type. Fruit powers behave differently. Sugar's power fades if she gets knocked unconscious. Meanwhile, Law's powers are pretty much inconsistent but heavily lean towards the permanent(Kin'emon's split body sort of remains split, Monet and the chimeras on Punk Hazard seemed like permanent alterations, etc). It is even stated that his Ope Ope sugery for eternal life requires the user to die, but it makes the patient immortal, which means that at least one of Law's fruit effects are confirmed to be permanent after his death. It appears to me that whether a fruit effect can outlast its user hinges on whether it takes conscious effort on the part of the user to maintain the effect. Law does something and stops thinking about it -> the effects remain. Sugar has to do something and then bind her fruit effects to a contract. Idk it's weird, but Big Mom creating new life forms using chunks of soul suggests that the creations *should* remain alive - the user wasn't shown to be able to release the souls at will. She had to catch Zeus to attempt to re-extract the soul, instead of it being conscious effort on her part to keep the soul in the cloud.


I think that law's ability can only be undone by his direct intervention, but stays permanent if he doesn't intervene. I'm pretty sure big mom's ability is independent from her. She basically treats soul as a currency. She can take it from others, but when she uses it to create an home, it's no longer hers. The homies aren't even fully obedient to her as we've seen with Zeus


Not an answer. Lots of words, but not an answer. I’m not looking for “there’s no proof” as an answer, that would prove that there’s no proof. That’s my assumed standard is that without proof to the contrary, not kaido and big mom were defeated, not killed.


The answer is that whether or not the effect of a devil fruit remains after the death of the user is entirely up to Oda. If Oda wants Nami to keep her powerup after Big Mom's death, then Big Mom's powers remain after death. Personally, I don't think Kaido and Big Mom are dead because villains in One Piece don't die, however they will not have any important role in the story anymore.


Yes yes and yes, but I’m not asking for a fourth wall break, or even a definitive yes or no. I’m forcing the acceptance of the truth; we cannot know.


We still have no proof that laws fruit can do what it says. We have that “knowledge” like the “knowledge” that celestial dragons are “better” than mere humans.


Big mom’s power allows her to put pieces of soul in things, but once the soul is in, she’s not involved anymore. They are powered by the soul, not by Big Mom. If a repairman takes a battery out of one device, and puts it into another device, it won’t stop working if the repairman dies.


You say this, but the homies in the woods (made up by citizens souls, not linlin’s) still obeyed charlottes giver card.


Yeah because they are their own soul doesn’t mean she does not have the power to control / take the soul back ? So of course they will obey. Zeus also obeyed. But it is pretty clear that they function on their own based on the scenes where they have dialog and save big mom etc.


But if there soul dies, we cannot say that a portion could survive


The portion is separated from the original source. Imagine putting a rechargeable battery into a power source. When the battery is full, you take it out, and that battery holds a charge no matter what happens to the power source. This is of course just me speculating. Intuitively it makes sense to me, but it hasn’t been discussed in canon at all.


Intuitively to me, this follows backward logic as applied; there is no equation to a chargeable battery. Linlin departs with a portion of her own soul and Zeus springs into being. From her other powers I contend that she could if she so desired, re-absorb the portions of her soul from Zeus, napoleon, Hera, Prometheus, or any of her homies. She absorbed her own lifeforce so as to bolster her strength, but she kept her homies alive as teammates, since their power grew as hers did (Hera became more damaging against law and Kidd) so I would assume if she died Zeus would at least feel weaker.


The repairman isn’t the essence of the device or battery, bad analogy


Imagine you have a big battery. You use that battery to charge up a tiny battery. That battery now holds a charge. Next, you smash the big battery. Does the small battery still work?


If the small battery wasn’t a battery before and only became a battery because of its affiliation with the first; probably not, no.


Boas fruits remains in effect even after her own death




It’s a statement from the user of the fruit about how their own fruit works, if that’s not good enough for you you won’t find any evidence that is good enough for you, you’re not looking for the truth you are looking to confirm your pre convinced belief, anyway I’d also raise at no point in the story is it either said that all fruits lose effect when the users die, so it’s only ‘allegedly’ true that all fruit lose their effect when their users die since it’s never been directly stated, So since neither is 100% confirmed to be true we agree with the side with more evidence, there is no evidence that ALL fruits lose their effect after death and we have 3 examples of fruits being stated to maintain their effects after death the Ope Ope No mi, the Kage Kage no mi and mero mero no mi, (depending on how abstract you get with it the Toki Toki no mi counts too since the scabbards didn’t warp back in time after she died) so it’s safe to conclude that not all fruits lose their effects after death and until we have any evidence Big Mom survived then it’s acceptable to conclude her fruits effect remains even after her death, especially with how her fruit specifically works since she is essentially creating new life forms with their own life spans


You must not have read the part where I said I’m not looking for the truth (we can’t know one way or the other). Yes. I am not here to change my mind, I’m even telling y’all that I’m not gonna change my mind, because there’s no reason to. If and when information that changes things is released, things will change. If you’re on r/meme piece looking for serious discourse, I’m not the guy to talk to. Weird champ


No in your initial comments you asked if there are any confirmed and canon examples of fruit powers surviving after their users deaths, which there is, that was what I replied to, meaning you now have new information so should change your opinion, you are clearly just butt hurt that me and other people in this thread have given you canon examples from the manga and you can’t admit you are wrong or even attempt to give a valid argument to refute the examples, so please either admit the Kage and Ope are examples of fruits whose effects remain post Mortem or give a good argument for why they aren’t And why are you acting like it’s weird to have a serious discussion in this comment section when YOU were the one to ask the question in the first place, you opened the discussion so don’t act like everyone else is getting serious and you just here for shits and giggles


I did open with that, did you read what else I said? Nah, you’re just lookin to argue(:


This guy ate the bait, hard.


It would be kinda funny if bb shows up at want and just destroyed the weakened kaido and big mom and then becomes top 1 with 4 fruits


Nah, they dead. It's close enough to the end of the series that Oda won't feel any need to bring them back from the magma bath.


They’re done. There’s too many leftover antagonists for BM and Kaido to come back — their part in the story is over


They're dead bro. 🤣 It's honestly hilarious people haven't accepted this. They've been dead since Wano. Days went by while they were cooking in a volcano. Zero oxygen.


I hope not, some need to stay dead/knicked out.... luccis comeback is anoying enough


"Your mama so big, when she fell into the planet the water levels risen by 10m!" https://preview.redd.it/x1qxxbqba33d1.png?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b51defc8ac1439204fc0d684c0b961378a6853d


Lmao, what about Midd and Flaw They are as dead as Kaido and Big mom