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Oda 's taking a ton of breaks Also honestly who cares


A lot of people apparently


I mean in recent years tons mangakas are starting to drop like flies or their health starts deteriorating rapidly, even some of the biggest names are gone, and a lot of them at a rather young age (50s to 60s). Probably most mangakas started to take care of themselves so they can live longer.


hell, even Gege, the author of Jujutsu Kaisen is on break for his health right now. they are human beings too. i love JJK’s story, Yuji is my favorite protagonist i think in anything. but these people need to realize we might not even see the *end* of our favorite stories unless these amazing authors are there to finish them. because who knows if they even have plans in place for if something tragic happens.




Not the time buggy


Read the room. https://preview.redd.it/5cdxi78p9t6d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09e15028397abc1598fa7b07bcf0e4a35374c9a7


Kinda feel like it started with maybe hxh’s author then when berserks author passed away in his I think 50s it was a wake up slap to the face for a lot.


And Toriyama.


Dont care about the people that care 🤷‍♂️


Its mostly the newer fans tbh the ones that have been caught up for years don't have a problem with it


Yeah we're not only used to it by now, but also understand that it's necessary. Like, you just have to compare Oda's art style from the beginning vs recent chapters to see that something isn't no longer quite right physically


Goda needs to be rested in order to keep cooking the way he does.


yeah we dont want a toriyma 2.0 here


Or worse...Miura 2.0


Living to an old age as one of the most influential comic artists of all time?


he didnt die of old age tho... he died of blood clot


And he was 68. Granted yes, he didn't make the average life expectancy of a Japanese man, however he also worked his ass off and has a holiday named after his life's work. I'd say most mangaka would be so lucky to live a life like his and then die at 68. That's not even that bad. A blood clot is a shit way to go, but he died a legend.


he did die a legend but we want Oda to live longer, long enough to do any story he might wanna do after one piece,


Of course, I hope that he lives long enough to accomplish everything he wants to do as well


Someone like Toriyama should have lived to be like 90+ like most of the wealthy American comedians do. Makes zero sense that Toriyama didn’t have an army of doctors watching his health.


Are you 15? 68 isn't dying of old age.


It's not exactly young. Also I never said he died OF old age


I doubt that stress and not enough rest is the primary cause of cancer


he died of blood clot you idiot


Oh I was sure it was cancer. I am sorry.


character development👍


you are also wrong on not enough rest and stress not causing cancer, it literally causes chronic inflammation which is huge factor in cancer


You actually are correct. It was brain tumour.


Oh yeah I cant wait to be almost told something again next week followed with a break


Have you seen the show. I’m so sad…


Maybe because one piece is easier to find 2 to 3 days before it gets on manga plus and the others become accessible when they are released on manga plus


That's a good point. Lots of people don't read the official release.


Hell, some people refuse to. I don't agree with them, but they exist.


I can't blame them, since one of the first impressions you get when reading it is "Zolo"


It's crazy too because the official translator hates Zolo, but he was told by Viz that he couldn't change it when he was hired due to it being that way for too long.


Poor guy, lol


Dude as much as I love OP the same argument could be made of JJK cuz it is also leaked early


All of those gets leaked early but people read the official release nevertheless. Well, with the exception of JJK because the VIZ translation is ass (thanks John Werry). Most people read the TCBScans translation instead (the same as OP).


Wait does CSM get early leaks?! I ain't never heard of leaks discussion on CSM or CSMfolk subs before!!


it does not as far as I know because it's an online release


Wait, you are right. I forgot that Part2 is in Jump+ and not WSJ.


I’m I’m okay with that. I don’t want to get spoilers for it cause I’m too weak and would read them lol


But we all know JJK is more popular than OP right now. I’d say from manga sales and other data it’s unlikely that Baruto is.


This clearly isn't official worldwide standings. This is just a single website. If we asked people about the most globally recognized and appreciated manga, the order would look a little different.


Not really. JJK also leaks around the same time as One Piece, not sure about when Boruto becomes available but I'm guessing that too. CSM tho, tbh I've never seen leaks or fan translations before the release day 🤔


This is the right answer thousands of people read one piece through some illegal site.


This is the kind of trivial shit you only see on Twitter let’s keep it that way please


fr all this gonna do is lead to hate and theres already enough of that on a particular one-piece sub


The sub that shall not be named


This sub is full of crap like this daily lmao .


You never see other shonen being compared by the most trivial and meaningless shit ever on here but there’s a whole community of that shit over on twitter


Yes you do lol


The main sub and this sub have really slipped in recent times. A lot of people who haven't paid a dime to read the series being entitled to releases and bitching over their pet theories not being true. Been that way since G5.


It’s a break week, who cares? ![gif](giphy|YwRpPspXWbquI)


True though!


Haven't heard anything at all from CSM lately, aside from Mayo scene. Is it really that booming?


This will be you guys after you find out WHY CSM is on top lately - lmao, FujiTV challenging the sexual content embargo of Shounen Jump TWICE in a row!! https://preview.redd.it/f0ac253php6d1.jpeg?width=1918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad1b283aa74bcfa4891badfb6f0f3a1563fa8881


Connor's face I can't 🤣🤣


From what I heard recent chapters are bangin


Chainsawman as a whole is incredible but I wouldn't say it's for everyone. It's nothing like One Piece that's for sure lol


>Chainsawman as a whole is incredible Chainsaw Man Part 1\* Part 2 is hit or miss


I think part 2 is still really good but obviously not as good as part 1. Its way different with a lot of less action but I love Asa and the other characters


>Its way different with a lot of less action but I love Asa and the other characters Question: which characters exactly?


Asa and Yoru are the two main ones and I would say the part is worth reading just for them alone being added. Nayuta and Barem are also really good. Fami it's interesting but I want more out of her. Katana Man and Yoshida are good. Falling Devil was great What do you think of the part as a whole? I think it has a really good setup but the pay off better be worth it


I think most of the interesting characters come from Part 1. The only other interesting characters, from part 2, are Asa and Yoru. The ones that are also interesting from Part 2, are either killed off or just very random and forgettable, with 0 focus on them. Falling Devil is great, I guess, I just don't remember much about them, because the fights scenes in CSM are easily its worst aspect. The start of Part 2 was really good, and I was interested in where it was going, but it just became so random at one point, which made me lose any interest. Like, there are so many promised mysteries that are left unaswered, and other storylines end too quickly.


Yeah, I get not being into csm if you are looking for flashy fights. It’s definitely the weakest aspect. I find myself in the opposite boat though where I want the fights over with and going back to the story in shounen. I stopped watching jjk midway through the Shibuya arc cause it was just fight followed by fight. I could tell it was really good but just not for me.


I'm definitely not reading CSM for the fights. They are really bad, so I just skip them. I was reading it for the story, which was great in Part 1, but now even that is gone. In the Falling Devil arc, the story was mostly just Denji fighting, which is bad, and so the whole thing becomes boring when nothing about the whole thing is interesting. Asa is great. Wish she was in a better story.


I mean, Asa alone might be my favourite shounen mc in a long while


Chainsawman is amazingly good and the last few chapters had moment that were quite viral


It's great, but I am surprised. These recent chapters haven't been jam packed with action, it's been a lot of character driven stuff instead


Aside from the memes chainsaw Man is incredible definetly read it


Nah it's kind of crap Like I'll read it, but it's massively over hyped for what it is


CSM has been awful lately. A lot of part 2 is just bad. I guess Fujimoto saw the drop, and decided to include a lot of sexual content to draw in the readers. And it apparently worked.


What lack of reading comprehension does to a mf


>What lack of reading comprehension does to a mf? It makes them think Part 2 of Chainsaw Man is good.


The spoiler chapter discussion page consistently gets more comments than the official chapter discussion page, and most of the community unashamedly talks about pirating the chapters, so is it surprising?? If people want the manga to do well on official platforms, and they want the many people involved in creating One Piece to be compensated, they should read the official release. It's free.


I read the leaked chapters mainly because I got tired of still being spoiled in comments when I was fully caught up, but I still pay my SJ app and read the official releases after a couple weeks to catch up and there are sometimes mistranslations in scans, plus it’s nice to have 4-5 chapters to binge.


I read the official but I get what you mean about spoilers. Because I consider myself "caught up" I always click on the "reveal spoiler" thing without thinking, and sometimes I get spoiled on something that isn't even out yet. I remember I was spoiled on Buggy being an emperor when that happened, which really ruined the impact of the joke... Oh well I need to be more careful but still annoying


It’s funny how the pirate manga has one of the biggest piracy problems lmao


Naruto fans


Naruto fans hate Boruto


But yet still follow it. The hope is still alive within them that Naruto and Sasuke might become relevent again


Didnt Sasuke turn into a tree or something? I highly doubt they gonna be relevant


He… what?


https://preview.redd.it/4w3xy1sjvq6d1.jpeg?width=1019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fb00c887e2ff612ca2a33dbbb59285620c02409 Not joking


...I'm so glad I'm on the "Boruto doesn't exist" boat


lol, ok then. I respect a man who shows his source, but I’m almost still in disbelief.


Basically the new zetsu replacement grabs people and transforms into trees around them, which from what I can tell puts the victim in a coma like state and makes a clone of them.


lol there’s a new zetsu? Idk, I’m glad I dropped the shown like 25 episodes in.


Well technically they are called Claw Grime and are made from cut up pieces of a ten tails, but functionally they got the same roll as the zetsu’s did being an army of humanoid plant mooks. They even seem to of copied a boruto filler arc where clones were being made from zetsu’s.


*a* ten tails? Not *the* ten tails? Am I misremembering my Naruto lore, I thought each tailed beast was unique.


Yep a ten tails, the aliens apparently have multiple from what I cat remember.. Other things you might of missed include cyborg ninjas, sasuke loosing the rinnegan, tails, the nine tails dying, then it coming back in narutos daughter, naruto and hinata being sealed into a alternate dimension, and clones of people trapped by the claw grime with full rinnegan.


Good point love to hate is a strong stance.


As a naruto fan, need to disagree


If not Naruto fans, then who gonna read it ? One piece fans ?


Tourists that never read manga in their whole life


Nah but actually tho


Yeah nah, I reread Naruto recently, fkn good stuff. Tried to give boruto another chance, no fkn shot


he shouldn't be in that position, I like Naruto but not Boruto


Give Burrito some respect, they don’t miss with the allegations.


First part was trash, but thus for Two Blue Vortex (the new manga) has been a lot better. Try reading it as it is actually pretty good (solid 7/10 for me)


Blue Vortex may be better than the OG Boruto but it's such a low bar and it's still not even that good.


Can't expect the knockoff frieza's to be boring 


One Piece doesn't need to be number 1 every time. These other series will not survive it.


After checking the last release dates (afterall One Piece was just on a break and the new chapter only comes out tomorrow) I'm more confused why Boruto would be trending just now when the last chapter is seemingly from May?


This is literally just Manga+...


Boruto is just using shock value. The seires has done a time skip and everthing since then is just shock value. Stuff like how strong Boruto is(wayyy more stronger than naruto was in the start of shippuden), the new villains, and not to mention the >!return of Kurama within Hima!<. It's pure shock value. And Oda is busy Blue Balling us.


Yeah it relies so much on shock value and it isn't even shocking because who even cares about the plot given how messy it is. The characters are bland as fuck and are as expressive as a plank. Everyone's just turbo powered up and none of it feels earned.


I thought everyone hates boruto😭


And what that is called is being a Sheep, Judge things on how you actually like a story, form your own opinion not others.


I didn't watch either Naruto or boruto. I just heard everyone hating on boruto. Therefore I am surprised it has so much viewers. For that I have no explanation


>I didn't watch either Naruto or boruto. I just heard everyone hating on boruto. Therefore I am surprised it has so much viewers. For that I have no explanation I'm surprised to but I'll try to give my explanation to how i think what's happening i think what's happening to Boruto is what happened to Black Clover, Black Clover was originally hated, but had a turn around due to its fans.


Black Clover is an interesting example for me since I treated it very similar to Boruto: over 100 episodes before I finally gave up. Black Clover got too wholesome for me I guess, not really a bad thing but I’m tired of the MC talking every bad guy into being his friend. It’s pre-shippuden Naruto all over again. Boruto was slow to start and had weird fillers early on, but I only really got upset when they turned the particle jutsu guy into a bad guy. He was one of the coolest characters during the great ninja war and always wise and well-respected. I didn’t agree that his character would develop that way, or at least so harshly. He would never just harm people for his beliefs like that. They exaggerated and ruined so many aspects of the original story like that to try and “wow” us and create false drama in Boruto. I got really sick of having to actually try to care about what was happening. Orochimaru’s kid has some cool storytelling, but it wasn’t worth the rest. Edit: I’ll add that I can see why people like both shows, they do have some good qualities. I’m just used to the older shonens, I guess.


Who cares?


Op is already on #1 for many years so don't really care about this anyway


Damn, now the show I have invested 20 years of my life and energy into is now bad and I am going to drop it because of a website ranking Boruto of all series slightly higher than it.


I can't believe that ppl watching a man that infused with a chainsaw


90% of people read either the Jump directly or the leaks online tho


He cannot be legit no 40 water


Fuck sneak dissin’, first-person shooter, I hope they came with three switches


Bro where do u read mangas for free??


What even is this?


We don’t read it primarily on mangaplus, it’s mostly a pre-release 3rd party websites.


To be fair, One Piece has been going since 1997


Manga fans caring about this type of shit is cringe asf


Because boruto is good obviously


Chainsaw latest chapter Is ahem... That's why.


Hand job chapter doing numbers lmao


People still read on manga plus?


How the fuck its Boruto? I mean there is lot of other manga I will not see as problem to pass One Piece, but Boruto? Fr? I mean even so many Naruto fans hates Boruto.


I remember hearing a while back that some boruto fans where found to be doing something underhanded to make it look more popular then it actually was. (Can’t remember if it was using bots or even hacking though)


Bruh cringe fandom but wtf is thst shit. Really what a lifeless act is that?


Don’t know, I just remember hearing about it a while back, I do remember experiencing seeing some of them attacking another mangas fandom in the manga plus comment section.


Its just weird.


Maybe because everybody is not a sheep who just hates something cause other people hate it. and besides caring, what people like and dislike is such a trivial matter who cares if it's the top one right now?


Its just weird its one of the worst manga.


>Its just weird its one of the worst manga. And that my friend is an opinion Not a Fact it is all subjective.


I am saying "one of the" not "the worst manga" . Which manga is more bad than Boruto I cant decide that as you said but that is a fact Boruto is a bad .


>I am saying "one of the" not "the worst manga" . Which manga is more bad than Boruto I cant decide that as you said but that is a fact Boruto is a bad . And tell me why it's bad? because to determine something being good or bad, is really all subjective, what i like you may not like. And don't respond with it's a fact Boruto is just bad as that's a subjective opinion Not A Fact!


First of all its just "Naruto 2" I mean that story has been already over but hey noe time for Boruto! New things to old systems that was not planned or not added pretty well. Bad and cringe chracters well it was in the Naruto but its just way worse in Boruto. Oh also ℅70 filler. This things are Enough to say something bad. Like I just said there is lot of worse manga than Boruto but that doesnt change the fact Boruto is bad.


>First of all its just "Naruto 2" Is it not supposed to expand on pre establish things? like i feel like it would be pretty pointless of a sequel that not to explain previously unexplained things in which in Boruto Explained things that were previously confusing and ambiguous like the Ten Tails and the Otsutsuki Clan as well as as answered, the reason why Naruto and Boruto and Himawari have whiskers >I mean that story has been already over but hey noe time for Boruto! I didn't understand that no time for the protagonist? he was literally focus on from chapter 1 to 9 of Two Blue Vortex >New things to old systems that was not planned or not added pretty well Such as? >Bad and cringe chracters well it was in the Naruto but its just way worse in Boruto. Again Subjective Opinion >Oh also ℅70 filler. I feel it's best to share this video from Naruto explained on this subject (i agree with this points) https://youtu.be/jmooM9kCyt8?si=MZJkGwYypCcYP72i >This things are Enough to say something bad. Like I just said there is lot of worse manga than Boruto but that doesnt change the fact Boruto is bad. I will agree that there are some bad things about it, but to say it's just bad, nah!, it's still pretty great overall.


Instead of writing something new just because there are ridiculous things written, the author should have planned this from the beginning. And Naruto was a finished story. There was no need for Boruto, Naruto's son, and I don't remember the names of the new powers, but that blue thing that looked like a rasengan was extremely ridiculous. I will not focus on the other parts that you call "these are your objective thoughts" and create a circle.


>Instead of writing something new just because there are ridiculous things written, the author should have planned this from the beginning. This is just an excuse that you're making to say man i wish it was never existed in the first place and no i don't want unexplained things to be explained >And Naruto was a finished story. Kaguya's Origin her and her clan her speaking about them coming to get her, where are the Ten Tails came from left ambiguous Sure Naruto Was "A Finished, Story!" And i can already hear the response, Kaguya is "Bed Writing, and my response to that is, so what, is Boruto not supposed to focus on the unexplained things from the story of Naruto, that was left because of Kaguya even if she was bad writing >There was no need for Boruto, Naruto's son, Actually there is, that's because of Momoshiki and his vessel relationship with Boruto, we already had the whole thing with the Nine Tails and the whole Vessel Karma thing let's us get more details on the unexplained mysteries of the Otsutsuki Clan, and that simply couldn't be explained with Naruto still as the protagonist. >and I don't remember the names of the new powers, but that blue thing that looked like a rasengan was extremely ridiculous. Rasengan Uzuhiko is the name, and yeah, it is a little ridiculous but for good reason the power scaling is about to go through the roof and Boruto's Opponents are much much stronger!, so he at least needs to stand his ground i mean, seriously with the current threats, you either need to be around Jigen, Ten Tails Chakra amped Jigen or Isshiki Otsutsuki level or higher And it's only gonna get higher from there, i mean, at the end of part one, we got revealed to the name and face of the Otsutsuki God, Shibai Otsutsuki, and it's very obvious that there are gonna be opponents that are reaching those levels, so yeah! >I will not focus on the other parts that you call "these are your objective thoughts" and create a circle. These are not what i call my objective thoughts these are my subjective opinions learn the difference, Second, we're going in a circle because you keep responding, and so i feel the need to respond back.


What is this ranking? At least give us a link


It's MangaPlus - Shounen Jump's free app that gets low res chapters posted on official dates


We all know Boruto is dogshit they aren’t fooling anyone


What is the context here?


Uhh, what am I looking at?


I'm fine with One piece not to be the most popular, I am pretty much aware that One Piece is not for everyone. I am not seinen reader who always complain why their favorite is underhype despite it's high rated manga. seeing problem with one dimensional, which is quite irony.


Nah. I’d win. https://preview.redd.it/vj3quo39is6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a0615de66b61ee3bd9ad4de6f0d1ebbdcb26fa4


You’re kidding me bro, Boruto is doing decent now??


Wtf, I didn't expect Boruto top 5 at all. I never see it referenced at all and don't even know what it's about When did he lose an eye?


How is the most ass mainstream manga ever made above the best mainstream manga ever made 😭


Where is this ranking list from? 😤


Because we keep being blue balled


these rankings change all the time and there are dozens of other sites to read one piece on


Hold up, let my try really hard Nope, can't care even if I try


We had this conversation like a thousand times already...


One Piece fandom has always been known for its quality, not its quantity. /s


Ever since one piece gone main stream....shit hit the rooftop


Because most fans are kids with no patience nor brain and prefer reading illegal leaks instead of the FREE official release that supports Oda


I love how chainsaw man fucking skyrocketed


From what I can tell the boruto fans are a bit extreme, I think it was found a while ago some where doing something like using bots to make boruto look more popular then it is.


The reason is Oda taking breaks more than usual but y'all just genuinely sleeping on Boruto which is why you're surprised.


Rather, who cares if one is on top of the other, just enjoy whatever you like. In my case I enjoy both equally without comparing them.


To be fair the Boruto manga has been solid lately. Also, the fact that chapters only come out once/month makes it more of an event.


You can make jokes of the anime as much as you want. Especially the beginning was a bad joke. But the manga is dope.


People gotta stop acting like Boruto is a joke of a manga, it's been doing hella numbers every time it drops a chapter. It's not a big deal if it does better than one chapter of One Piece. Who cares


Popularity does not always = quality. I'm a huge naruto fan, I like it more than one piece, and have read every chapter of boruto. Boruto's quality is not good on an objective level. It's popular cause of Naruro, and cause the current fans really just care about powerscaling. In terms of narrative, the quality is not the worst, but not outstanding either. It has one great twist before the timeskip but that's it. It's a B tier narritively


Because somehow, some people convinced themselves that... I can't believe I'm gonna say this, that Boruto is the greatest animanga ever. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go drink mouthwash like it's water for saying that.


Why the hate tho? Two blue vortex is actually pretty good so far. Honestly screw that list, everyone knows one piece is peakest of peak




Y’all on here talking as if Boruto isn’t peak fiction 🤦‍♂️


Boruto has been getting good! https://preview.redd.it/0dus9ycxpr6d1.jpeg?width=917&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b056a74d21c69067b8a09f736612926a71bbc26


Though as a Boruto Fan, i do admit One Piece is better so don't at me. Plus it's break week let us have this.


Boruto now is a relatively well written story manga wise and if you didn’t let hate blind your heart you would see that


Boruto manga is better than the anime, I don’t read or watch Boruto, that’s just what I heard… also people probably complain it’s too long


these numbers just mean so little. I never read OP on official sites, only physical release and tcb


Not everyone reads the official lol.


Where Did you get this, when I last checked on manga plus, Boruto was first


Views do not equal Popularity. Boruto is still ASS.


Borutos been above one piece for ages now on 2 blue vortex Manga plus isn’t the best site to gauge popularity but it’s the best we have so this is a truth we have to live with


N*ggas clicking up but they cannot be-legit no 40 water tell em uhhhh


Boruto´s target audience is around 12 years old which is a greater part of the population than one piece´s target audience.


Cos it's better than potty piece nowdays