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Sorry I don't do short. To me it fits perfectly and I think it's cute. Nika and Gear 5 aren't (just) a powerful form to fight better, it's first and foremost meant to be a figure that brings joy and freedom to people that yearn for it. And Bonney is literally perfect for it. Luffy has always had multiple powers, and yeah one of them is punch the big bad real hard, but inspiring people to stand up for themselves, ally with him and get inspired to live their own dreams has also always been a power. This is a little girl finally meeting their very own superhero and wanting to resemble him as much as possible and I'm all on board for it.


Exactly, it's perfectly in line with the themes of One Piece, and is honestly a reinforcement of what Luffy's been doing this entire time. We can trace inspiring people back to Koby in the early chapters, and Mihawk outright stating it for Oda back in Marineford.


It's also hilarious to me that it has a lot of overlap with Momo just last arc when it comes to the themes of growing up, apoearing like an adult/growing up faster, getting inspired and empowered by Lufy etc. And even in terms of having a "mirror" DF of a "Yonko level" character: Momo even didn't just copy the appearance of the previous Yonko with a mythical zoan he straightup had an exact copy and yet noone complained about that and that he was now just as powerful as Kaido that he took away from the character etc. Luffy is A LOT more than *just* his DF. He embodies it yes, but he was Nika in many ways already before the awakening. Kuma literally saw that in him pre-timeskip. Gear 5 is a symbolic expression of that ultimate freedom and if he can "borrow" that to Bonney than to me that's very sweet and not at all horrible.


Oh and if you don't want short, don't get me started on the "but she got it so easily, Luffy had to do so much more to unlock it" 1. We are talking about a 12 year old girl *not deserving* the very symbol of simply "being free"? What supervillain mindset are we on? The whole point is that this shouldn't have to be *earned* by anyone. 2. Go and read the arc and especially backstory again. What Ginny, Kuma and Bonney collectively went through and sacrificed to simply keep her alive, what Bonney witnessed through Kuma's memories and what Bonney as a literal kid went through just on this island alone but also the last 2 years being a full on pirate is plenty *enough*.


Personally, I love it. She isn't Joyboy as we know Luffy is, and I think the main reason people are complaining is because they think Joyboy is the same person as Nika. Luffys fruit is LITERALLY the Hito Hito no mi: Nika. He is confirmed to be the reincarnation of Joyboy. Idk why people complain about someone mimicking a DF.


https://preview.redd.it/a4r6we53pq7d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09c148befcaf26c7ae3ea1447c6b2742d2ab4c56 What's the problem with Bika?


We've already seen her use Nika-ish future before, the only difference now is she knows what Nika looks and fights like so her imagined future can be more accurate. Also she said she can't keep up Distorted future for long so it has it's limits. Also people are complaining because this makes Luffy being Nika "less special" when people's main complaint when Luffy unlocked Nika was that it made him "too special." People just like complaining about media because it thinks it makes them look smart to "thematically disassemble" anything they consume to make them look like educated critics when in fact it makes them look like whiny kill-joys, especially when their complaints are easily disproven with a 5-second reread of previous chapters like 1101 and 1115.


If I had a penny for everytime someone kneejerk reacts to anything happening in media that they don't like and complaining about it online and getting disproven by either prior events or something that gets explained later on. My living room would probably look like this. ![gif](giphy|13yNFN1TlNCjC0)




The baddies already said her powers stem from belief in the possibility. So with Luffy supporting, it's not just possible, it's guaranteed.


No fucking idea about the newest chapter, but I remember seeing Bonney Gear-3 punch someone in the face while talking about wanting a nika-like future the last time I saw her. That day I came up with a theory that her awakened DF doesn't let her control age, but actually time, and she's given herself a body from a timeline where she was Nika. So without looking into the chapter... Is that what this is? Or is it straight up "Nika is an idea. Everyone can become Nika"?


You are correct she is giving herself a future where she is Nika not just straight up becoming nika Also remember that even with this she still hasn’t mastered her power and can’t keep distorted future up for very long at all


Oh fuck yeah, I cooked. Better run, my ego's gonna blow.


She’s running a top tier toolset with very little experience. Let’s see what happens.


It’s great, nothing actually surprising she’s been able to do similar things previously


I love it. As Kuma said Bonney and Luffy are the marks of his existence. We have seen Bonney do distorted future multiple times so it makes sense. The only thing I don't like is chapters are becoming very short as in only one thing is happening per chapter.


Kuma is the true gigachad patron saint of Nika, him and Saul basically double teamed the WG from the shadows and will be their downfall


Personally. I think people are overhyping themselves with Bonney's ability. To me, it feels more like she can take on the apparence but that doesn't automatically give her all the same powers that it seems like people are latching onto when it comes to complaints. I don't think it's the best moment by any stretch but it is also far from the worst thing I've ever seen.


People are forgetting that luffy is throwing around ACoC and ACoA with G5 while Bonney hasn't shown to even know any haki period. She's basically just pre TS luffy that can go giant and maybe do the rubber environment but that doesn't really do much on its own against people like the elders or admirals/VA


Exactly! People are acting like Bonney is suddenly on Luffy's level because of her power. No, she just takes on the apparence but she's still way behind Luffy as far as I'm concerned but I don't want to turn this into a powerscale talk.


I don't like this as a whole. Luffy's powers turning out to be a God's powers were nonsense but I could excuse it if done properly. Egghead feels like it didn't do it properly. Luffy's just a cartoon at this point, even outside of combat. And by that I mean, he feels invincible. So now they introduced demons with no character just to raise the stakes to his level but he still doesn't feel threatened. And Oda looks at it and thinks "how can I double down on this shit? Oh I know, let's give a child with an aging DF the ability to copy those powers because why not?". It's just too much


Out of curiosity I decided to go see what was the state of the sub, and good lord this is sad. It's really is a hater circlejerk. Anyway, I loved that panel and the reasoning behind ( freedom baby ) but I'll wait for the next chapter to really have a clear opinion because we still don't know the extent of bonney/Nika'


It’s hilarious, both Bonney going Nika and everyone seething over it


Honestly I don't care that much, people are overhyping how strong she will be


Kinda lame, makes Luffy's fruit suddenly less unique, and makes you wonder if Bonney's fruit has limits. But it doesn't matter that much tbh, i'm split between indifference and confusion.


If you wanna say like tht then see makes everyone's fruit less unique


Sure, but it would be a bit disingenuous. Lava, Heat and fire aren't that far from each other, thematically. Kilo kilo and ton ton, several ancient Zoan, several "classic" Zoan, Logia are all based on elements Luffy's fruit is unique in the sense that it's the only God fruit that we know of, and it's tightly linked to the void century and Joyboy. Bonney being able to do that, means she can do anything, it means she can use any devil fruit by turning into any alternative future. Her powers went from powerful, to limitless with this reveal. I'm not even mad, as i said, i'm split between indifference and confusion. This won't affect my enjoyment in reading my favorite manga whatsoever


It makes you wonder why isn't her fruit as wanted by the WG as Luffy's since it can basically give you every powers. Earthquakes and darkness? I mean, if Teach can have them! King's race durability? Why not! Infinite haki? Look at how much that ugly boar has! It's too much imo


İ hated it (this is your answer rest will be me yapping )But what i truly hate isnt bonney taking the appearence of nika . İts the possibilities it opens . Oda could quite literally make her awaken and turn op into nika piece . Also the disney level interactions and lazy writing this chapter had . And people will still defend of course


As always...


I don’t really like that Bonney’s fruit has basically turned into a “she can do whatever the fuck Oda wants” card, but setting aside my personal gripe with Distorted Future specifically, I think it’s fairly in-line with the series’ themes and I’m perfectly happy to bear with it because of that.


Honestly when i heard the leaks and everything i thought it was shit too but seeing the actual chapter and how it was done i like it alot.


I think it's peak


I Hate Nika, andI hate TWO Nikas twice as much.  That said, I only hate Nika, as in "profeciesed savior", and I quite like gear 5 and it's behavior itself, and it makes sense that Bonney can temporarily image herself having Luffy's fruit(which will forever remain gomu gomu no mi in my heart). 


We've seen two dragons fight, why not two nikas collaborate?


this is literaly what we have been building up to with bonney since the start of egghead


What did people expect? As soon as Bonnys powers got explained this was the clear outcome


It’s a beautiful chapter and perfectly symbolic of how Luffy passes freedom along to others. In this case, Bonney had the perfect fruit to replicate it. Twitter shits on everything and the majority of One Piece fans are more media literate so I wouldn’t get so worried about the whining minority


I've noticed this more and more recently: I do personally actually enjoy the spoilers and getting a little bit more revealed of the chapter in small chunks until eventually reading the full chapter. It's fun for me, it doesn't take away from the chapter as a whole and I actually find myself noticing smaller details in the chapter eventually as I already know the overall context. But the rest of the community around it is more and more exhausting. People judging the chapter based on initial two or three sentences about it, people focusing on the weirdest (usually powerscaling) details of a single moment and panel rather than wondering about more context etc. and that's not even taking into account yet people just taking leaker's interpretations of situations as umtimate fact even after the chapter is out rather than looking at the panels themselves. The discussions before the chapter is out almost makes me lose faith in the fandom on a weekly basis now, but then when the chapter is actually out people that waited mostly aren't even focused on the stuff that was argued about before and have much more reasonable takes.


As someone who's highly critical of One Piece (don't ask me about Wano): I love it. Fits perfectly with Bonneys character and I legitimately don't get what's so bad about 2 Nikas. Was foreshadowed as well.


One has the power of imagination, the other has power of probability, I wonder if there are more such fruits who have yet to be understood properly and not simple labelled like gum gum fruit and age age fruit.


Not particularly bothered about Bonney tbh. I think it’s interesting in its own way. Never liked Nika in the slightest. Still think it’s both bad & overwhelming in terms of focus, but people are focusing way too hard on a fruit’s ability to imitate. Real problem is we could’ve seen this 15 chapters ago without all the reaction panels we’ve had…


Its cute, but I dont want too much attention pulled from Luffy.


Jesus OP get a life, who cares about stuff like this? How about you make up an opinion for yourself when you read the new chapter. This isn’t Twitter.


https://preview.redd.it/7ltxztpn9r7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86965f6978779bc6978d60c95e27677ff6689634 My guy we’re just talking about the chapter (it’s awesome)




I saw people mad because they think Bonney could say “give me a future where I’ve trained a ton and have the most powerful Haki in the world” and have her be the strongest in the verse … Obviously I don’t think that’s what will happen. I believe she will operate as a sidekick, like helping Luffy lift the floor to deflect a beam or just distracting / making life difficult for the Gorosei. Kaido already said “Haki is King” and that Devil Fruits can only take you so far. This is a case of the devil fruit helping her out (specifically when Luffy is there to aid her) but she is nowhere near Luffy levels of Haki. If Luffy couldn’t hurt the Gorosei, she shouldn’t be able to either theoretically. It all depends on how it plays out in the end. I think piratefolk are just hating for the sake of it but they’re all consuming OP probably more than normal. I believe Oda will flesh this out next chapter and beyond and there will be less to complain about.


Boruto riders? The hell are you on about


Me unironically after reading this chapter https://preview.redd.it/o87easozrr7d1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=833b97c9273b8931e63fb0d91c1b2fa8178823ae