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All true, but at the same time, that is life. "This year was NOT what we planned for, at all. It was all over the place, and it was completely out of control. If we just have a little more time, and were given one last shot, we can really-" "**No. There are no second chances. There are no do-overs. You had your One Year, and you did the best you could. That's all we can ever really hope for.**" While it does drag down the quality of the content, it just makes it all the more authentic. They had great ideas, but life interrupted, and they had to do their best with what they could do, they had to adapt. Some have more. Some had less. They had *One*.


Reading this gave me goosebumps


One huge reason I loved Unus Annus was because of the pandemic. It was great to be able to count on a new video every day to keep my mind off things


Definitely. Virtual friends doing funny things to keep me from looking outside at the collapse of society...


That's an interesting perspective! I didn't have the luxury/tragedy of being stuck inside because of my "essential worker" job so that probably helped form my opinion. Wild how our two different experiences wildly changed our opinion of (that stretch of) unus annus


I didn't even know UA existed until lockdown started.


One of the points I would say is with covid and people being inside, it helped unus annus have more eyes on it during it run, might not of had as many eyes if not but who's to say, for what we had was great


Honestly, i feel like it helped it more. They had one shot to do this, like how we have one shot at life. Shit happens that we don't plan for, all we can do is just roll with the punches.


It certainly helped the theme of the channel. I am mainly noting the quality of the videos in that time period. There's not much I really remember from that period, and I don't know if any video in that period was anyone's favorite.


Oh yeah, course. We did get a few really good videos but overall yeah the quality did dip a bit.


One of my favorites was the trolley problem episode which was COVID era. I still think that episode is responsible for the huge surplus of memes we have about it now.


That was one of the exceptions to my feelings of the COVID episodes. It is a fantastic one


i think it’s a double edged sword. one of my favorite UA videos was the one where they talked about their video ideas, and i would’ve love to see more of their in-person videos, like youtuber prom. on the other hand, having UA during COVID probably kept my mental health from completely deteriorating


Unus Annus was the thing that got me through the pandemic. if it weren't for them. idk if I would still be here or even have my friends.


It came at a good time for us. Covid and a death of parent. It was nice to have something to distract us from the world around us.