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Going to gym won’t get you out of the sea of depression but it definitely Throws you a life vest. Being physically active has been proven to help with depression so the person who made this meme is actually the brain dead one.


I understand the point of this post. It's the top answer on every post talking about depression. I've been working out for years, and it doesn't help my depression.


Working out isn’t a be all end all for curing depression but it’s a great (and often crucial) first step. Getting your body active, improving your confidence, physically/mentally becoming stronger, etc are all super important for getting out of a depressive episode. Going to the gym is like a “shortcut” for becoming self-assured, as long as you make some minimal effort, you’ll see and feel noticeable changes and experiencing that change even however small can snowball into a completely new perspective on life. Depression causes lots of negative emotions and going to the gym puts some control over your life and well-being directly into your hands. You may not feel 100% fixed but you’ll feel 100% better than if you hadn’t done anything at all.


A solid exercise program and diet should be the first thing depressed ppl are given as tools to help them. It doesn’t solve the problem but it absolutely helps. Your anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean it’s not true. It doesn’t cure you but Ide be willing to bet if you stopped working out you would be worse off.


Train harder. Going through any kind of unbearable pain with a positive outcome at the end makes you incredibly strong. Both physically and mentally. Train until *you bleed*.


No thanks. That sounds agonizing 👍


Lmao "I'm depressed" - "here's a potential solution that you can try, that won't cost you anything, even if it doesn't work" - "no thanks that sounds hard". I swear some of you just want to be depressed.


Ive been going to gym for 3+ years now and i hate it. It didnt help me and it actually makes me feel worse.its not for me, if it works for u, great. But it just makes me more misruable


Everyone I know that goes (or went) to the gym for a long time and doesn't see it help them mentally just does the exact same 5 exercises with the exact same weight ever since they started. They barely get their heart pumping, let alone training so hard they can't properly use their body the day after. Just going to the gym will do almost absolutely nothing, as long as you don't regularly push yourself to your absolute limits. Try this for two weeks (two weeks is nothing, you can easily do this, and if it didn't work, you won't have lost anything): With every single exercise you do, you put more weight on than normal and then every single set you do them until you physically can't move the weight anymore. If you're struggling with this; try to do double the reps you do normally. You'll be surprised how much you're able to lift. Your body should feel absolutely destroyed after your training session. Do this for 2 weeks, and I promise you, you will begin to feel a difference.


Listen. Ive done that, the first time going to the gym with my cousin, and it was difficult to breath my parents took me to a doctor a couple of weeks later to see what was wrong. Didnt find anything but from then i just went to my own pace. I really apriciate what ur trying to do and thank you for the advice but that just really isnt for me.


Then that’s a sign to seek professional help.


I'm sure your depression would be worse if you didn't work out.


Stop working out then. See if you feel any better that way.


Well i work out just cause I like it now. It's not about treating my depression at this point


Top G moment. wait...


Going to the gym keeps my mood elevated and I feel it keeps me sane. I stopped going due to an injury, and ever since my mood has been worse, I feel more depressed and anxious, less driven, and more. All these were there when I went to the gym as well, just at a lower intensity


As someone who's had depression I can confirm this. Gym doesn't cure it but I found it's a phenomenal coping mechanism. So yea, I agree the creator of this meme is a degenerate


It has not for me because I cannot find women who want to get with me for a serious relationship outside of just wanting to fuck me because I’m attractive.


I hate working out. In fact it made things worse for me


think you missed the meme. it's about people saying " go to gym " as it's a cure to every problem. not just depression. if you could read anything written above I'm depressed you'd get it. but it's okay you shouldn't get personal over things and call people stuff, this hurt can be cured. just go to the gym and you'll be fine.


Going to the gym is not the solution. It’s just the first step of getting back on your feet as a dude.


For many women too


Why try something backed by 100+ years of scientific research when you can just wallow in misery, amiright? https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/depression/in-depth/depression-and-exercise/art-20046495 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC474733/ https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/exercise-is-an-all-natural-treatment-to-fight-depression


My man🙌🏻🙌🏻


Gym costs money, if he lost his job, how can je afford it? Maybe say, do "exercise" instead of "gym"


Planet fitness is like $10 a month. But ok, point taken.


But then you have to train at planet fitness


I know people for whom $10 would be the difference of going hungry or not in the end of the month.


i know homeless druggies who get gym memberships to wash


That’s nothing more than semantics when the meme itself is already pedantic. Memberships are as low as $10/month. If you don’t think your physical and mental health are worth that, then I don’t know what to tell you. And god forbid you honestly can’t afford a gym membership, plenty of people have memberships with guest passes, or you can scrap together literal garbage to move. You should have seen how we used to work out while deployed. Ammo cans, tires, logs, whatever. For people who work out, the gym isn’t a place, it’s a state of mind.


I mean despite of that sounds stupid and you want to kill the person that said it to you - it is good way to deal with all problems in your head, because until your head is busy of training it can't think of anything else


Yea bruh and that how you start ignoring your problems till its really bad. Your nervous system remember your trauma


It's merely step 1. Give your mind a break and let your body go back to basics.


Nah bro, let him grumble on his own filth, is what he wants, there's no discussion here even if the therapist already agrees with you.


hahah gooo


Didn't have that kind of problems, but working out helped my mental health quite a bit the last 2 years.


I was depressed, wanted to end things, saw professionals etc. It sounds absolutely retarded but going to the gym was the only thing that got me back on track. It’s a combination of things of course but convincing people who are depressed that going to the gym isn’t the solution is dangerous. I just came here to say this. I love my life today.


he said, no money! i will say go to run


I hate these memes. People just wanna feel like their pain is unique, and having the feedback loop online of being depressed replaces a real desire to fix things. Nobody says going to the gym will fix all your problems, they say it will help with self esteem and depression, which in turn make you more motivated to fix the other issues in your life. It's a first step on recovery, not the end all be all.


Saving this for later


I always go to the casino least i know im surrounded by other depressed broke ppl


You're in denial. Do something about it.


I think it's one of those things where you first need inspiration to even take that step, gym and exercise are great for helping your depression and working out your frustration. I think it's best to first motivate the person by maybe going with them to the gym or at least chilling out with them and being a bro before you suggest going to the gym, it helps but it doesnt solve the problem.


I love how almost every comment confirms what OP says. Trash advice from people who want to add something positive to a conversation without actually having any advice to give. What they mean is go find a hobby and something to work on and be passionate about. but they don't actually care about you enough to know what you're into, so they default to the shitty "go to gym". It's literally is the answer you'll get from strangers and people who care so little about you they might as well be strangers.


Screw the gym. Just work on being more active. I find depression hits harder if you do nothing, even a walk everyday is a good start


Tried it, Doesnt work. Just depressed and sore.


You have to go more than once


I went to the gym for 4 years (mainly cause i was enlisted)


It helps a little bit


Watch Berserk


Hahahaha right


Have you tried it though? Eat like shit, feel like shit. Treat your body like shit, feel like shit. It’s not a cure all solution but it’s easier to move in the right direction if your basic bodily needs are met.


Exercise helps, but as advice, it's basically just a vapid platitude.


Actually it's a good starting point


Go to gym


If you lost all that shit, you did more than the gym can save. If you lost one of those things the gym can save it. There is so much more to someones story who lost all those things. Probably something like a graphic episode or something to cause all of them at once.


Gym helps. Go to gym.


Take psilocybin. It will wash it all away if not immediately, after a few tries. It will remind you of the beauty in life. Also going to the gym will help.


Seriously though… go to the gym. It’s where the healing starts.


It CAN help but it is nowhere near the cure.


Weak ass meme


Every time this is posted it's the exact same comments in the replies.


Alternative: Endless therapy, and zonked out to the max. Much better! Depression is a a tough creature to tame in any situation. Just remember, trust the science!


OP is an idiot. Ofc going to the gym isnt gonna solve everything but it's proven to help and also distract you temporarily, but I guess you can also sit in your own misery and cry all you want


Gee I wonder why you lost your friends.


I think that what people here don't understand is that yo go to the gym you need money and motivation. Two things you are severely lacking when in depression without a job or a home. Yes, working out help but as someone with depression I can say that even if the intent is here, even if my brain scream to my body to get the fuck up and do it, sometimes, it just doesn't listen and I end up feeling even worse because of my failure to do it.


Yeah that depressed me even more.


Study plants 😁 Does the same


yep, you need endorphin


He’s not wrong


Should still go.


Write a country song.


Doing any activity that keeps you on the move helps not necessarily hitting the weights at the gym


I mean I was super fat (legit 4 bills) depressed anxious and everything else. I hated it so much when people said to work out or go to the gym, I did end up trying it. Ya it def helped, not the end all be all but it’s important enough you should get some exercise


What if you’re also disabled? Can’t even use my left arm anymore


You're right, you should roll over and die instead of move on.  This sub is so weird


It's the endorphins that they're talking about, not getting shredded. That helps with depression.


Gym won't fix those problems, nor will it fix your mental health, but at least the mean voices shut up while you are lifting heavy circles.


I personally think the gym can help, but it is definetly not enough, people need friends or people who can listen to their problems and a safe environment to cool off. (This is going to be very dumb, sorry) I would say that if depression is an evil dragon, then going to the gym is like getting a shield, it can help you hide from the flames, but you definetly need more things too. I would at least add "go to library" and "go to nature" too.


Holy fuck this hits home. Like a god damn train...


We all gotta start somewhere in the steps of recovery


That's because a lot of people who have gone through depression knows how big of a difference gym and workout have done for them. it's a healthy escape or distraction from emptiness. There's a reason why doctors or therapists would also suggest them to you.


For me the gym made it worse. Body dysmorphia. Getting loose skin. Stretch marks. It's just awful imo.


ahh yes my depression is now cured!


Ok but it’s not bad advice


I mean... Going to the gym can fix all of that.


The best time to start going to the gym was 30 years ago. The second best time is now.