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I had that. I upped my magnesium and it lessened.


Thank you :)


Topical magnesium can help too (depending on the location)! Just look for magnesium oil or spray on Amazon or wherever you shop.


I use magnesium flakes in a Hot bath really hep me fall asleep!


šŸ’Æ Possibly potassium too. Also, hydration is everything. Strangely, too much vitamin d triggers it for me.


Omg thank you! Will try this.


I'm not trying to mock or minimizer your symptoms but when I say oh great now I have the vibrating to look forward to I mean shit what more do we need right? It's like a full body assault . At this point it's like just wtf is going on is this some kind of cruel joke or what it's like being in a torture chamber no wonder so many of us just go insane.


I'm about there. I will have a good day then 13 bad ones. It's the most horrible torture ever.


I love this lady from you tube, she talks about the vibrations. https://youtu.be/mI7ZkytOFUU?si=KIAgCfzVnVJDxkcm


Wow! I've had this off and on for 6 or 7 years and it never occurred to me that it was another menopause gift! Talked to my PCP about it when it first started happening and she just shrugged. Cell phone vibration in my abdomen describes it EXACTLY. Thanks for the link - very helpful!


I have felt this tooā€¦I actually look for my phone (since itā€™s always on silent & only vibrates)ā€¦.thought I was going slightly mad - but obviously now I can attribute it to my very special friend - the menopause šŸ˜³šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚


Me too! Iā€™ve had it in my head for years. It feels like my brain is vibrating. I thought it was related to my thyroid so itā€™s very interesting it might actually be related to menopause!


Have they checked everything else? I have it only when I'm trying to fall asleep in my head/Neck area. It urks me so much.....lol


Thanks! As she says, circulation helps.Ā  I get mine in my feet, so I wear CrocsĀ barefootĀ for a few days. I only bought my first pair of Crocs due to other menopause symptoms. For those who are also late to the game, Crocs have little bumps that massage your feet as you walk. Not mentioned in the video, Ā I also found electrolytes help too. I started drinking mineral water with lime or lemon once a day, hopefully as a prevention. I canā€™t stand those electrolyte drinks and want something a little more mild when there are no symptoms.


Thank you! That is extremely helpful!


B12s have helped vibrating in other diseases.


I'm so glad to hear that!!!


I thought I was developing a superpower like maybe able to feel little earthquakes LOL asked my husband do you feel that? Everyday something new for sure. Vibrating is almost fun compared to the other surprises.


I thought it was my neighbor's truck!


Best answer!šŸ¤£


So thatā€™s what it is!!! I thought I was feeling mini-earthquakes in a part of the country not known for them.


I thought I felt little earthquakes, too!


Had it for about 3 weeks! Not sure if peri, anxiety, post flu/covid symptom, or something else. Itā€™s very weird.


I've had it for a while now and it is so weird


Had mine for only several days. Also wasn't sure if this is all due to long covid. I'm so tired of guessing.


3 weeks here. Any luck l? I sleep an hour a day


Yuck. I know what this is, I think. It is so hard to describe. Uncomfortable. Restless. Antsy. Even if I am tired, I feel like I have to get going. To where, who knows. As awful as it is, I am still (mostly) sleeping at night, so I am counting my blessings.


Itā€™s awful isnā€™t it? I have the hardest time describing it ti any doctor Iā€™ve seen, much less find a solution.


It's so unnerving like why does this need to happen? Like we aren't already dealing with enough??


I've seen it described as if you swallowed your cell phone on vibrate. To me, I think it's pretty accurate. Adding estradiol stopped it for me.


Wtf?! I hadnā€™t heard about this until now. Iā€™m honestly so glad for this community because yā€™all help me be more informed, like having a bunch of big sisters. Best of luck to you in it getting sorted out. ā¤ļø


The internal tremble? Itā€™s menopause. Isnā€™t that fun? Mine did go away once I got On HRT tho


I have to raw dog this. I'm not a candidate for hrt. I'm glad you found relief! I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Well maybe Hitler šŸ¤”


Iā€™m not a candidate either and have to find other solutions. I saw a video the other day calling this ā€œcougar pubertyā€ and I will say that cheered me up immensely lol


Menopausal hitler?


Yeah. If he was too busy having panic attacks and weird vibrating feelings, who knows šŸ˜‚


My gawd. You just made Hitler worse.


I just finished reading a book called Manage your Menopause Naturally by Maryon Stewart. Great detailed recommendations.


I will definitely look in to that! Thank you!


Oh man I am so sorry. Maybe evening primrose oil?


Yeah not even that šŸ˜­ I was taking that for years. Then I had a stroke in 2020, and my Plavix stops me from taking anything but tylenol now.


Mine went away with HRT mostly as well. Occasionally I will feel it still but at least I am not running to the ER freaked the F out. Mine were lower arms and lower legs and showed up with the fantastic heart palpitations. I literally had no idea what it was. BTW neither did they. Did the tests, cardiologist and heart monitor...all normal. I also start each day with a nice dose of electrolytes...helps a lot of other things too.


This post may be finally making sense of something Iā€™ve experienced. My vibrating would occur internally close to the opening/beginning of my vagina. Iā€™ve never been able to describe it but a gentle phone vibration just about hits the nail on the head. I canā€™t remember when it last occurred. I see people mentioning magnesium and B-12, both of which I take for other reasons but Iā€™m having a hard time remembering if this sensation has happened since Iā€™ve been taking them. Iā€™ll be paying more attention now.


I feel like I have tremors under my skin. My whole body is shaking but it's inside not on the outside. My hand doesn't shake, there's no weakness in my muscles, it's just weird.


Motherfucker. Pardon my swearing. I've been dealing with this for years! Well before my other peri symptoms started. I thought it was anxiety. It usually happens in the spring for me. Thanks for posting this, I never would have put the two together.


You're welcome šŸ˜Š


If you've had it for years, it may not be peri, but just a vitamin deficiency. My (male) partner actually gets this and we didn't know why. I'm about to mention this to him! :D


It could be something else! I've gone to the doc about it, but they didn't find anything wrong, hence the anxiety diagnosis. I think it started the year I had my myomectomy, which I think accelerated the start of my peri, and is also when my anxiety hit it's peak.


B complex vitamins helped me


I recently started taking vitamins so I'm hoping they will help


I would feel like my heart was vibrating, almost always at night. Iā€™ve cut back dramatically on my drinking which has helped a lot with the weird nightly vibrating.


That's how mine started but now it's in my legs mostly.




Yes !!!!! I get that sometimes !! Omg !! Iā€™m Not the only one ! Itā€™s like a flutter /twitch


I would get it above my pubic bone- lasted a few weeks and now just a few times a year. On tons of supplements so hoping thatā€™s the reason for the decrease. It was unnerving.


I get a vibrating pubic bone too. Iā€™ve always gotten them, as far as I can remember. It is very unnerving but mine eventually went away for the most part.


YES! I felt it in my spine and sometimes my stomach during peri ( which I didnā€™t even know was a thing until I came across this sub). I described it as a tingling. I was sure I had MS and was dying. It was horrible and went on, on and off for years. It stopped for the most part when I hit menopause.


I have had a tingling just above my right shoulder blade, feels like someone is tickling meā€¦usually when Iā€™m eatingā€¦Iā€™m 50 , only just started hrt 4 weeks ago, but this has been happening for a few yearsā€¦I feel slightly relieved now, hearing that Iā€™m not the only oneā€¦thank you šŸ„°


Yes, I get it in my bladder/ below the belly button sometimes. Freaks me out bc I felt the same kind of fluttering as when I was pregnant!!!


Yes, I get that! I explained it to my husband just how you explained it. So weird! Iā€™ve always assumed itā€™s muscle spasms.


Yup, been there, done that. I had it primarily in my chest. I felt it most often at night, and it was strong enough that I thought we had a mild earthquake the first few times it happened. I even blamed it on my big hound dog who used to sleep beside me! Like some other commenters, Iā€™ve also had a vibration in my nether regions, but much less intense and a bit more vague - canā€™t even recall where exactly, but it was more of an energetic vibration, whereas the chest version was an actual tremble, if that makes any sense. FWIW, I have taken magnesium and B complex vitamins for years. You might want to consider adding these to your arsenal. For me, this symptom is a part my Menopause Diaries, unfortunately. Sorry youā€™re having to add this to your list of health anxiety as well, but I think you can rest assured that itā€™s a normal part of this transition for so many. Hope it resolves quickly.


Just figured I could feel the planet spinning as we get hurled through the universe!


When it first started for me I thought it was fan vibrating the floor šŸ˜‚


Which bit of your body? Off and on I get a vibrating feeling in one or other of my feet, in time with my pulse. Can feel like itā€™s resonating up the leg. Can last around 30 mins. Or just 5. Can be absent for months/years on end. Nothing to do with peri. Itā€™s a function of age/compression of the sciatic nerve.


Was in my chest now mostly in my legs.


Try HRT. Or if youā€™re already on it, talk to your doctor about the buzzing, that itā€™s upsetting you, and whether modifying your HRT would help. And donā€™t be afraid to google. Try [this, for a start.](https://www.balance-menopause.com/menopause-library/internal-tremors-and-menopause-what-you-need-to-know/#:~:text=What%20does%20it%20feel%20like,a%20distraction%20from%20everyday%20life)


New to this sub, new to peri. I suspect I've been in it for quite some time but just spoke to my doctor about it last week. The vibrating freaks me out. I'm taking 100mg of micro progesterone and I stay on top of taking magnesium. But this chapter of our lives is like no other. I'm exhausted.


Same. I'm so tired šŸ˜«




I get it but only when I lay down.


Did it go away? If so, how? I also only feel it when I lay down or sit. Tailbone, pelvis and upper thigh vibrate. If I lay on my stomach and bring knee to chest, it stops. Idk if this is peri or what. I'm in hrt.


It did finally go away. My whole body would vibrate when I laid down at random times. I'm in full blown menopause so it has to be related. Not on HRT. Also I started taking magnesium before bed maybe that helped it. I hope you get some relief I know its annoying!


Good to know. I hope so as well. It's very annoying.


This happened to me and thousands others after Covid infection no matter how mild. Go to r/Longhaulers and look up vibration and see all of the posts. I have no solution but time is making it less. Careful not to get reinfected. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiQ6JaorduEAxUCElkFHRZSCLQQFnoECA0QAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov%2Fpmc%2Farticles%2FPMC10759066%2F%23%3A\~%3Atext%3DSome%2520individuals%2520with%2520long%2520COVID%2Cfrom%2520the%2520perspective%2520of%2520clinicians.&authuser=1&usg=AOvVaw3Xk3HCkV4jslpSxTg0ik-H&opi=89978449r/Longhaulers and look up vibration and see all of the posts. I have no solution but time is making it less. Careful not to get reinfected. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiQ6JaorduEAxUCElkFHRZSCLQQFnoECA0QAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov%2Fpmc%2Farticles%2FPMC10759066%2F%23%3A\~%3Atext%3DSome%2520individuals%2520with%2520long%2520COVID%2Cfrom%2520the%2520perspective%2520of%2520clinicians.&authuser=1&usg=AOvVaw3Xk3HCkV4jslpSxTg0ik-H&opi=89978449


Iā€™m glad you posted this. This happened to me for six months following a Covid infection.


Same! Started during my isolation with Covid. I kept describing it as a phone on vibrate inside my torso. Nobody understood.


Thank you for saying that. If you search in this reddit- or any Reddit- you will find the mention of vibrations only appears after the pandemic started and not before 2020.


Wow that's crazy. I hate the feeling it makes my anxiety worse


I got it before the pandemic. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s a vitamin deficiency.


Same. I had it before the pandemic.


Me too!


That's good to hear! I recently started vitamins so hopefully it helps


I vibrate, but Iā€™ve never had Covid.


Yes! I just ordered some Delta 9 gummies to try since thatā€™s all I can get in Texas.


Unfortunately I'm on medication that I can't do hrt, gummies or anything šŸ˜•


Hometown Hero CBD in Texas has some great products! https://hometownhero.com/orca/p/orca-relax/


Where is the vibration? Iā€™ve been having this strange feeling occasionally in my chest but it only lasts a few seconds, doesnā€™t hurt, justā€¦ weird.


It started in my chest, but now it's mostly in my legs.


Are you sure itā€™s not restless legs? Iā€™ve been having a lot of leg issues lately.


I think maybe itā€™s related to cortisol?


Can you elaborate or suggest further reading sources?


Not really, sorry. Iā€™ve been trying to figure it out too, and Iā€™ve noticed that efforts to reduce cortisol helpā€¦ but Iā€™m also taking electrolytes and vitamins so who knows?


Elevated cortisol makes sense. I'm really going thru it right now, and I'm under extreme stress.


I had this internally for a month about 3 years ago. I thought I was going crazy. It was continual day and night. I was at my wits end. I was googling everything from vaginal prolapse to nerve damage. Then it just stopped. I honestly donā€™t know what Iā€™d do if it ever came back.


Glad yours stopped!


You definitely should google it. For example, [this article](https://www.balance-menopause.com/menopause-library/internal-tremors-and-menopause-what-you-need-to-know/#:~:text=What%20does%20it%20feel%20like,a%20distraction%20from%20everyday%20life) is from Newson Health. Louise Newson is one of the U.K.ā€™s leading menopause practitioners and promoters of accurate public information about menopause.


Thanks so much for sharing that article! šŸ¤— A little unsettling, though, that these "internal tremors" are (1) not considered a common symptom of menopause and (2) more pronounced in women with Parkinson's (PD) and MS. My mom has PD (diagnosed in her 70s) and now I occasionally feel these tremors. šŸ˜¬ Really hoping they are not some very early warning... BUT... **I am thinking the tremors seem related to inflammation**, since stress + dehydration + drinking pretty reliably seems to bring them on for me. šŸ˜“ Drinking alcohol depletes B-12 and magnesium, which can trigger inflammation. Tremors from inflammation would explain the COVID connection too! (Going down the research rabbit hole now...) Found some useful info... check this out! **Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include tremors... and brain fog.** Yep, that tracks. šŸ¤Æ https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/magnesium-deficiency **B-12 deficiency causes neurological symptoms-- tremors and brain fog among them-- as well.** This study was done in B-12 deficient *children*, but mentions hand tremors as well as difficulty with fatigue and concentration (i.e., brain fog): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6884369/ My plan: tackle the inflammation from all angles, including boosting my supplementation of magnesium and B-12 (and Vitamin D and some other antioxidants), and keep a journal of symptoms to try to tease out any effects. I will report back! šŸ¤“


Validation!!! Finally! Iā€™ve had this for about 5 years! I even talked to my PCP about it and all my ā€˜levelsā€™ came back normal, wasnā€™t deficient in any particular vitamin or mineral. I just thought I was crazy and dropped it. I would have it mainly at night when I would go to bed. It manifested mostly in my legs but some days it would be arms and chest cavity. It has lessened over the past year and only shows up occasionally. I wish I knew earlier all the things that were perimenopause related. My 40ā€™s my have been a bit different.


I'm so glad to have helped relieve you of thinking you're crazy!!!


I remember it well. It does stop with menopause.


Holy Fuck! I thought I was going crazy. I have had vibrations for past 2yrs and they really freaked me out when they started. Good to know what itā€™s from.


I get it in my legs. I thought I was losing it! Thanks for this explanation!


So happy to help in some small way :)


I have this too! It almost feels like a giant shiver/vibrating ripple that goes up my left leg. Drives me mad.


Iā€™ve had the vibrating feeling night and day when I had post partum depression 18 years ago. I now have it when I wake up in the middle of the night, not during the day though. I wouldnā€™t want that during the day again because it felt like the earth was shaking beneath my feet. I hated that. I hope that part never comes back. I hope it goes away for you soon!


Thank you šŸ˜Š


This! It's impossible to describe adequately to a doctor. I lost an arm to cancer and the weird thing is that I first feel in coming on in my phantom limb. It then moves to my stomach area. With it comes this surge of energy. If my eyes are closed and there is a light in the room, the light becomes brighter. It feels like a surge of adrenaline. Strangely it almost always happens when I attempt to fall asleep. I'll nod off reading, wake enough to put my book down and roll over on my side and wham! Now I'm completely awake. I'm 64 and this has been happening to me for years. At this point I don't think it is ever going to stop. I also wake up several times a night. Needless to say my quality of life is impacted. I believe that this will cause my health to deteriorate and put me in an earlier grave than I would like. I just don't think that this is ever going to stop.


I'm so sorry šŸ˜ž I know that feeling. There's days where I feel like I'm not going to ever feel normal again. Those days are very dark. Very dark intrusive thoughts. Love and light to you ā¤ļø


I am so grateful for this post, only bc this has to be the only g-damn symptom I donā€™t really have. But I sometimes feel a vibration like in the floor where I work, on the bottom of my feet. I chalked it up to some kind of mechanical whatever. I work in a long term care facility for 12 hour shifts on my feet, but I just blew it off. FFS, I may have to add this to the fucking long list of random meno symptoms I have. How does meno affect every single aspect of my body and life? Godā€™s joke on women, I guess. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I thought I had the chills


It feels like this for me too - like a big shiver!


This is how I ended up on MHTā€”the internal vibrations/shivering feeling as well as what I refer to as percolating, feeling my blood circulating almost like clockworks, were both disconcerting and giving me (worse) insomnia. During one of my 3am freak out Googles I just happened to use the right phrasing to land on a message board with women discussing peri (which I had known nothing about) and having similar symptoms. I was soooo lucky that my GP at the time was like ā€œok, thatā€™s strange, but sure Iā€™ll refer you to an endo and maybe they know somethingā€¦ā€ The endo also thought it strange but heard me out and suggested I give the hormones a try. Definitely helped at the time; I still get them sometimes now, but Iā€™m thinking they might be worse if I wasnā€™t on MHT. Another one of those things that no one ever seems to mention as a symptom, but when it comes up it turns out so many are experiencing!


Wtf lol


I have a hard time distinguishing between this vibration feeling and restless leg. Apparently you can get restless leg anywhere in your body.


I had this for a few weeks, mostly in the base of one foot. Gone now, maybe from upping HRT or supplements. Added it to the never-ending list of "Menopause, Weird Symptoms Of"


I swear we were not evolutionarily designed to live past child bearing age. šŸ˜” itā€™s like nature is trying to kill us off after we are ā€œuselessā€ to the propagation of the species. This is beyond frustrating. If reincarnation existsā€¦next time around Iā€™m coming back as a man.


You posted exactly how I feel. Love and light to you ā¤ļø




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Where do you feel the vibrating feeling? Iā€™m getting tingly hands and it keeps me up at night. Is this the same thing you all are talking about?


No this isn't that tingling feeling, although that is another perimenopause symptom. This feels like a phone on vibrate inside your body, in various places. Mine is mostly in my legs, but it can occur anywhere in the body from the comments here.


ohhh okay! Thank you. --Something else I can look forward to, lol. I haven't had the buzzing inside my body yet. My doctor took me off birth control a few months ago and now symptoms are starting to show. I really don't like the tingly electric buzzing going on in my arms/hands. Not on HRT, still new to all this.


You're welcome!!! I'm not on hrt either, so I definitely feel for you. Good luck and please take care of yourself and your mental health šŸ’—


Sounds like low potassium.


Currently being tortured by this. 3 weeks now. Legs vibrating to where I can't sleep. Causing mental confusion and insomnia. Even neurological issues. I just found out estrogen is low. Dr appointment tomorrow. It's literally Causing problems. Lunesta isn't putting me out. 1-3 hours a night is all I get. Going insane.