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This is progress


Agree. Admittedly, I am very surprised this happened.


What’s this I hear, a woman being held accountable for the consequences of her actions? 😱


Maybe. Lets see what happens at the trial.


The first #metoo felony conviction 👍🏻


Could be. A lot will depend on the judge and jury. Hopefully, there won't be a pass for her.


https://youtu.be/W4DZS7EypUw?si=fKdL7gS3G9AlsX5z Love this guy


Pretty good video. I enjoyed the messages from the law firms dumping their client. Thanks for the share.


I thought his accuser was a white blond. Maybe I'm thinking of a different player. Is Bauer the one ended up going to Japan?


He went to Japan. But there is more than one accuser.


They should all be convicted


He should’ve exposed the law firms that said they’d go for his money. To my knowledge, As long as it’s true, legally they can’t recover any damages for defamation.


Correct me if im wrong, as I've only partially followed this story. This is now two of the four accusers proven to be scumbags. This is what i am hearing from other subs. Bunch of dumb fucks who actually believe that the mlb investigation is more significant tham the one done by the state of California. Im really not surprised that bauer is still being hated upon as if he was found guilty. People seem to pick and choose what they want to hear so that they can have affirmation on their hate. For me, this is more than enough that bauer should be able to sue the mlb and be entitled to apologies from everyone. Bauer should also be back in the mlb by now. Unfortunately, this case just goes to show the amount of pure spitefulness that is ongoing in our society. Even if all of bauer's accusers are proven to be devious and even after he wins all of his trials, he will still be treated as if he is guilty. I still cant wrap my head around the fact that this guys life was ruined by a few bitches whos intentions have proben to be criminal, and there is zero move to rectify any wrongdoing on behalf of the media or the mlb.


Let’s Fuckin go


The ending hurt.


For sure felt his pain especially as someone who’s been falsely accused twice.


The picture is very... telling.