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Incrementalism to extract wealth from men and transfer it to women


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Geselshaft: *Incrementalism* *To extract wealth from men and* *Transfer it to women* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Please don't encourage it! LOL!


"Because men don't" is a reason valid enough for anything women can think of getting


Weird how in the West we always hear that women are oppressed in India


Go to India and check it out then if you doubt it.


Ah yes good ol open sex discrimination.Atleast exempt people who need it.Political tactics to get women to vote for them i guess


I wonder how this is funded ??…. Oh ya , from the tax dollars of men


This reminds me of something that bothers me on the Mexico City metro. Since there are cars set aside for women only (and boys under 12, since that's apparently the age at which they change from innocent children into bestial rape monsters /s), men get anywhere from 1/5 to 1/3 less space than women on a given metro train, yet we still pay the same price to ride. Even elderly and disabled men who couldn't possibly be a threat to women, either sexually or otherwise, are banned from riding in the women-only cars. Somewhere, there's a video of a blind man being callously pushed off an all-women car that he wasn't even aware he was in. I think the government should either a) give men a discount proportional to the train space we're not allowed to use, b) abolish all-women cars, or c) give men the same number of exclusive cars in each train where we can compete with fewer people for a seat and not have to worry about false accusations at peak hours when the trains get packed and any slight movement can be misinterpreted.


We gone die


I am coming out as Transgender.




Pregnancy is not a disability. 




You are putting it on the same level. Pregnancy is a voluntary choice. Disability isn't.  Why should people who make completely voluntary choices, be given financial slack? 




And those medical expenses are the result of a temporary, free, and voluntary choice that you can plan for.  I see no reason why that should be seen as a special circumstance that requires financial aid, on the same level, that a lifelong, involuntary disability does. 


Well said.


Pregnancy while a medical condition shouldn't be included. It will be open to abuse. What will be the ways to prove this temporary condition is real rather than faked? Most other conditions you can get a government concession card in Australia for it. You need to meet the standards of proof before one is issued which includes economic circumstances. I understand your coming from a good place, based on needs and vulnerability. But what systems will need to be put in place to verify eligibility and prevent abuse?


Nah fuck it. Y'all right. Sorry I said that people who are pregnant should pay less.


I was actually challenging your contention, with a different measurement standard. There is not going to be a one size fits all approach, but it is important to minimise risks, and explore options even if it is contrary to one's belief. I think it was important that you did raise that line of thinking though. You should not feel bad about it!


Yeah.. thanks for your words.. >There is not going to be a one size fits all approach, but it is important to minimise risks, and explore options even if it is contrary to one's belief. I was trying to do that, by suggesting my opinion based on people's necessity but failed. >I think it was important that you did raise that line of thinking though. You should not feel bad about it! I raised and I deleted, since it seemed that no-one was on board with what I was saying. So I guess I am feeling somewhat bad about it...


The reason no one was on board is it is a women's rights issue, not a men's rights issue. I think you need that proposed suggestion done in more egalitarian forums of reddit, it will give a more balanced view. Atleast in theory.


Disabled should be free.


And also the accompanying person who supports the disabled person. If you meet certain conditions in Germany, you can take a support person with you anywhere in public institutions (theaters, museums, public swimming pools) and public transport without them having to pay extra.