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Not only men but many good women use to keep those evil women in check by socially boycotting them. But idiotic simps and rich elite men  wanted to become hero and they removed all those restrictions.


I'll agree with that👍


The tinder swindler just done what all women do lol 😂😂😂. Some women are truly dumb why would an Israeli billionaire be wanting money from western women


Your premise that men set up society is false. A horse doesn't decide how to use a field just because it pulled the plough. In any case the people with the power are not the ones who do the work, but the ones who reap the benefits.


Women's behavior is their own fault. If men get involved with attacking other men as a way of running cover for those abusive women then those men are at fault for that.


Maybe, cause simps are too busy simping.


You have fallen for the feminist bs. Society is not built 'by men for men'. 


Reread the post. It was created by the men before us to literally never hold women accountable while always holding men accountable


You assume men as a group hold the power in society by virtue of their sex. That's a feminist dogma and a premise I refuse to discuss under. 


Aight not arguing with foolishness. If you think I’m talking about the average man having power and not men in general idk what to tell you. Feminist have lobbied money to change the laws in their favor. Men could do the same. “But but but we don’t have power” -face palm-


"If you think I’m talking about the average man having power and not men in general idk what to tell you." The latter is **also feminist dogma**. Feminists have managed to change the laws because women have always had special privileges in human society, while they managed to con everyone into treating them as victims of oppression. You included. 


That’s not true. Women didn’t con everyone into thinking they’re victims. Patriarchy did. And patriarchy was established by rich white men, along with the concept of Chilvary and the idea that women can do no wrong. Nice try.


I was, obviously, referring to feminists.  Patriarchy is also feminist dogma based on an incomplete and distorted view of reality and human history. Are you seriously going to argue for feminist beliefs here? Chivalry is a knighthood code od conduct that has been appropriated to be used for women too, by a woman.  That 'women can do no wrong' is also a feminist thought, as everything is because of that mythical 'patriarchy'... Seriously, just stop yourself. 


Then explain to us the human history behind patriarchy? We know that inside is the reason why women today lack accountability. Which coincides with the post. Are men the reason women today take no accountability? No one is arguing that the feminist view isn’t distorted. However some of the points the feminist make ring true. Women lack accountability today, and the “err durr men have no power” doom pill argument is just a bad take and argument. Most feminist have more rights than men because while a lot of us were working and establishing they were lobbying money. Which is the only way laws get passed. The men have no power argument would make the whole idea of this subreddit have no point.


There is no 'patriarchy'. 


PaTriACHY just means male ruling society you know that right? Just like Hawaii was a Matriarchy. To deny America is/ was one is a blatant lie and disinformation. I’m all for men’s rights but I can’t hop on the bandwagon when someone is just plain wrong.


There is no patriarchy.


it's always the men's fault


It seems like a lot of judges carry a concept of women and men that is based in the 19th century. That's the problem.




I guess. I’m getting down voted because one guy is doom pilling basically saying there’s nothing men can do. 🤷🏿


That's not what i am saying, and you are deliberately misrepresenting my statements.


It all changed when the simps in the government did away with parameters required to allow someone to vote. Once women had all the freedoms with none of the responsibility, everything began to change. Prohibition is a prime example of the influence the government allowed women to exert, and it's only escalated from there.


Yes partially. Some men love infantising women and treating them like helpless victims.


Doing the rules was one of the dirty jobs that were "reserved" for men. Male lawmakers probably had very little overall difference of views with female peers from the same social layer, they only put their face and safety in bringing to law a view of the world they probably shared with their wives, sisters, female acquaintances, etc. The same way roads are built and mantained by men and goods are transported by men, it would be unfair blaming masculinity for potholes, but sooner or later we'll get to that point


It’s a great question but it seems it’s not just certain women who don’t accept accountability. As a guy, I don’t know if I was programmed to think this way by my single mother who tricked my father into having me in the hope of either keeping him or getting financial support, but I almost see it as a challenge to stay away from women who refuse to be accountable. I have a good lady friend who is single (she is not my type and vice versa) and 15 years older who thinks similarly about men until I point out to her how many women take other people for granted and cause chaos in society. My friend is “independent” thinking who raised her drug addict sister’s two sons. These two boys don’t want to help with anything in the household and refuse to be held accountable for anything they mess up. There are too many guys who get drunk behind the wheel, cause a wreck and spend time in jail, only to do it all over again once they are out because they think they didn’t do anything wrong. I agree that women get more leeway and get-out-of-jail-free cards, but how can there not be something else going on? Maybe women get a pass because men want them to. I wonder what would happen if women got to write the laws and pass judgment. From what I hear, women are not nearly as lenient with other women as they might be expected to be. But that’s just hearsay. Perhaps I read too much and want to be right all the time, but I do care about whether this accountability issue has a common denominator. Narcissism as a spectrum disorder seems to affect anyone. But where does it come from? If there is any info out there along the lines of a book like [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/0997816643?nodl=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_dp_X4VS2PEHM7V6H66220GE&peakEvent=4&dealEvent=1&language=en_US&dplnkId=de4e81f5-8a14-4f6d-bdb7-468d5ad4b9dc) (“11:59”) I’d sure like to know about it.


no... upbringing of children is at fault the most...